The Daily News . . . Daily Edition: Wednesday, November 29, 1944 Published every afternoon except Sun-iy Dy Prince Rupert Dally News LtnUted, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. MEMBER ' British Columbia. ABC. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. (SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y. City Carrier, per week e Mtonth Il -Per Tr 7.00 3y Mill, per month Per Year 14 00 I The Western Front . . . It is a military axiom that the point of an Allied front where the armies of two nations join is frequently the weakest, due to lack of integration of their organizations. It is characteristic of General Eisenhower that he has arranged for the point where the British and American Armies join to he one- of the strongest on the front, ar least as far as organization is concerned. The point is the Geilenkirchen sector. There the Germans can find no gap between the. British and American forces, but instead both forces fighting together as one. For Geilenkirchen was taken by the well co-ordinated action of British tanks and American infantry fighting as one unit and under the command of General t)empsey. What General Eisenhower has created is a strongly welded joint. General Eisenhower has declared himself to be optimistic, but with a warning against assuming that victory is in the bag. One may be sure that the warning is for the home front, for men at the fighting front can have no illusions about the tough fighting they are up against, both1 from the enemy and from tfie weather. The good news from Geilenkirchen, Metz, Belfort and Strasbourg, does not mean that the German Army is cracking and that a decision will be reached before spring. Now that the Germans are fighting in their own country an Allied advance may not mean that a break-through is imminent, such as happened in France and Belgium preceding the abandonment of those countries by the Germans. The Germans appear to have given up the folly of 'Stalingradism' and their retreats for some time to come may well be orderly and strategic. Every time ihey make one and tatfe up new positions nearer to. their bases, it means I i Hi mm tm . Wm. K M 9 "CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION" POULSEK'S LUNCH 6th AVE. E., BESIDE P.O. STATION "B" As Good as the Best Better than the Rest POULSEN'S GROCERY Our stock fresh and complete, prices right Courtesy and Service Free Delivery Red 441 HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood. per cord .... $10 Dry Poplar, per cord ..$12.50 Sawdust, per sack 15c PHONE 580 ?AGE TWO that the Allies must bring their bases forward and reorganize their supply! system, just as happened to General Montgomery when he was fighting against Rommel's retreating forces in I the desert. Ihus, each successful German retreat makes the job in some respects more difficult. Of course, as lias been said before, much may depend on the state, of affairs on the Nazi home front. ' What Is To Be Uaineci ... The current debate in the House of Commons is intensely dramatic but in fact is a mere superfluity. The important thing was done last Week when the order-in-council was put .through by the government adopting the policy of conscription. That policy will now stand. The great political battle now proceeding in Parliament can be of no benefit and might be productive of a great deal of harm. The sooner it is over and done with. the better and we can only hope that it will not serve . . , . i .1? i i i i uj iiruvuKti more msuniiv wmcn it an-1 pears well on the way to doing. Prolonging of a Parliamentary debate actuated merely for the purpose of jockeying for political position seems most untimely at this time when much more' serious events are in climatic phase. What Is II. D. Character? A grave situation' . has "arisen in .the . m;i;, military camps 111 the blXtll 0. Division in British Columbia where Home De- ience troops have challenged the oritv Of their officers bv 7 qtairinrr rvir- nW.nV IIS- S1,g,ng Pa?: ades and demonstrations. However, it IS hoped that sound, reason and judge- ment mem Will win prevail prevail to io overcome overcome the the heat heat1 ' move and u tujiucr urtner calls taus or all an of sentiment and possibly unjustified ome ,?u fe?c! ,trooi?s .t0 50 ac"vic' irwliminf; n1-, A rv zi 1 1 Vi itlve whout delay. It is my in- init it jmiigiiaiiuii. 1 ne 11. u. s may leel thnt;tention to make su:h . i "J "lunc au.ll an .ill appeal d.,JCill luy lay Ui ley have grievances. There may be in Some of them Whn jiiv , sIiipavo iii fliu . this w V- 411 I, J I belief that they should 'not be sent overseas. But it is to be reasonably and believed that thev are nuite as i-piL to. blooded as even the most enthusiastic I and patriotic of the volunteers and that they would not in a showdown let thp'ir !?er nnnnf ,lmn m.: 1 i Yr lu i A i- , -'icai ume. we I uu hul uenevu tiiuy are at .heart SabOr tuers or sppilqrs,ot their own country . wljich cqntinued pyrauit of their'pres-eilt course of defiance would make them. 1 1 Girls! Take My Tip . . . Drop in and see the large Christmas Gift assortment at Bill Stone's . . . YOU'LL -FIND 'SOMETHING JUST RIGHT if. FOR HIMl' i m YOU ARE CORDIALLY one INVITED TO INSPECT OUR STORE : ,M I GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment I1C 4th Ave. E. RED 127 J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR Kmlth Block Green 995 If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Income Tax Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 THE DAILY NEWS j THIS AND THAT in jl Hemr dOLWOFf TV CMa yichw AtUaS "I had a lot of candies, I jstuck 'em all in your the front. I think To Appeal I my party on indicated tills Itliat not one single ttie Labor - At Terrace 'from coast to found lit the the feeling or question is sufficiently By the fact member ot Progressive party, coast, is to b ranks of the .Home , I Defence troops, "The government's m M In The al Issue conscripting 16,00 Home Defence i crisls Whelher .troops for .active service ove- I'fCJit this nation Iran o n.Vt m &--. fc n(lL... T :--L . U a il a. a actti iwiuwa uiak iiejwier rrani- . itie extern, msr. ;ney can unns Minister Kln nor General Mb- about the downfall or the war Naughton is prepared to let one government and so pave the way aie Ior want (f reir for a return to depression condi foramenls," Bruce Mickleburgh. tions such as prevailed under Labor-Progressive candidate for Premier Bennett, or whtfher the Skeena riding, stated last night. , Canadian people .can build a "My party fully endorses thU measure of unity round the King ssverrment which victoriously through de:;sive tage of iuuiiuuwuiu Uil' a, Terrace ata putfic meeting.- vspewe. ' cotrilns week-end. "It U mv henrt.fp.if hi thn government will be in the Ottawa House frustration will come J "Because I have backed King I'he King McNaughton throughout the sustained present crisis- and will continue and that do so, certain irresponsible io tne plans oi the elements .have been attempting: ! actlonarv minority ila,,!inear me with tne same slan" wnlcn is unscrupulously piayins wllh ,whlch they are tryin? on the deep PatrlotLcm f Cana- "F iv,r- nameiy, :aai aian men ana women ror tlieli am prepared to deny reinforce- own narrow partisan .1- ll feliHBiaBBB ! BOILERMAKERS' ATHLETIC CLUB Sixty-eight men and boys are now enrolled in the Boilermakers' Athletic Club classes In Danish exercises, calisthenics, tumbling, trapeze work and boxing which are being held regularly every Monday and Thursday at Seal Cove School under the tutelage of competent instructors. It is planned to have girls classes soon. Equipment already obtained and in use Includes boxing ring, -.winping rings and tumbling mats while ProFtec In Vancouver Is forwarding further equipment Jerry Matheson of PrcRec In Vancouver ha?, to put It in the word of one of the executive ol the club, "gone out of his way" to be of assistance. Hun. II. O. Perry, minister of education, has advised the club that .the Physical Education bianch of the Department of Srnin, lac Education will make a grant of r$25 per monUi to the club for the birthday cake.' months of November and Dec-err)er. Johnny ColHngwood, George Ferguson, William WhUe and Lloyd Shier are acting as Instructors of the club. A boxing shew is to be staged by the club on Boxing Day. this to be one ut a series of boxing cianpeUUi;n.i leading up to the at stuke in th!S Golden Gloves tournament In Vancouver the Tories fin wide-open to will carry uk the pres- VJith Minora Blades! the war and Greater comfort, plus economy that' i the lowdown on Minora, tt'i the quolity blade In the low-price field. UTS YOUR DOlBif.fDCf RAZOR reckless re- in Canada I SAILINGS Will Re Resumed Early in December Full details from any C.N. Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL '" tobacco that put a smoker's pocket. meats nerts to to our our fighting fighting boys boys at at cage." tage." The wMSh PlPe tSJ?SS?WV,s MSW U M M I mm a j0f4l0f'' MUYLUDLK IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR GIFT-MAS LIST OFF YOUR CHEST EARLY See our stork ot Cards and Gifts THE VARIETY STORE !i 1 PUINCK HUPRItT Ilenalrff. He-shlnellnir w-III 1 ' o I I ' ' 'V I I TWICE-WEEKLY H WEDNESDAY . WE'RE READY FOR WlNT Fnc Suiu for Every F,J Our new and v:i m ; lection Includr- t jr , figure tail, h :r V j iue assor'.nip t ,.f ,,1 wool- fabric, pi . ; trful tailori," ynu',; trouble beinrt oiifdV No Charge for Alttrj MORGAN'S N a Rnvc wi - UUIJ III 3ul Ave. (Nxt t0 ()J MOTT ELECTRIC LIMP Electrical Contractors COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL & MA ELECTRICIANS Electrical SuppliesHome Wiring and I! Offices in Vancouver and New We t ' riwinr Mark 3(i? : MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY JI( WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENT We have a complete variety of avi. Groceries, Fresh Fruits and vegetal Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throuahout thc'cUy three ' (Tuesdays. Thursdays and fafjrt Opposite Canadian Legion Just Arrived WOMEN'S AND CHII.DEN'S Paris Maid Slippers MEN'S Footguard i i n Mouse ono FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD "Hie Home of Good Shoes" Perfumes & Toilet Artie (By Molinard) . i e TMsel Skylark 4UI Dorothy Scanty Grstf '-?.3i Elizabeth Ai . , SeaforthMens Tags and Seals' and Gift Wrapping ZrfiA Pioneer UruW" THE REXALL STORE Onen Dallv from 9 a.m till 9 P;1"1 g t r - a n n m 1Y1 flllU n 1.... - 1 TTll.lnun fvnTYl 1 V-. A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL