ii 1 t PAGE FOUR mm f. COUGHS, HEAD and CHEST COLDS Daily News Classified Adsbring quick results. Atlas Hoilcr Works Kleetrtc, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Ulacksmtth, General Repair. Phone Ited 884 Lumber We now have a stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. KEEPING Conseroalion Hints - - RINGER In most households there are drawers and cupboards that hold many odds and ends that one day might be useful goodness knows when, but you never know. I Look at that collection in the ' HhrVim H rn u.-pr nnu; what, nn earth are you going to do with all those old rubber jar rings they're well past their canning days. Well here's what you're probably going to do. Sew them along the sides arid corners of your scatter rugs for anchorage. An Immobile rug at the bottom or top of the stairs is not a subject to be slipped over lightly. .Don't Skiji the Skim Skim milk is a nutrition winner pays on protein, calcium, and riboflavin. Use it anywhere you would use whole miiK ana make a point of it too ifyou're cutting calorie corners. Heat ly the Ton And make every ton heat! To day's briefing includes both pri mary, and secondary targets if you can get through to it here's the, main objective. Check to see that the furnace is in good condition. Badly fit ting doors and cracks allow air to enter where it is not wanted and either makes fuel burn too fast or cools off the heating sur face. Refit the doors, clearouts and dampers and Oil cracks with furnace cement. If you don't make this target today, remember, you'll have to eventually. Meanwhile circle this for a kill. Don't stand at an open door gossiping. If your guests insist on a half-hour chat after they've said thank you and goodbye for the third time, be firm. Either shut the front door tight or open It wide so that one more step and they're out. Oilcloth iSavers . What a blight when the kitch en oilcloth gives out. Treat the next piece with more kindness and it won't go so quickly. For the table top arrange several "Oh! for a gift of time.'' And what more precious gift could any woman ask for in these busy days when innumerable claims demand our every wak ing moment. It's not in the "Venereal Disease A CHALLENGE TO LEADERSHIP eradication of V.D. is a challenge THE to leadership. Those who, yesterday, accepted. that challenge left legacies of knowledge, hope and courage. Through their keen, searchingcyes the sinister, squirming syphilis germ was first exposed. From their countless experiments came'606". . . and the blood test. From determined lips came words which helped tear away the shroud of prudery. Today, others have taken up the challenge. Science has made priceless discoveries which rob Venereal Disease of much of its terror. Health ' Departments arc waging aggressive war on syphilis and gonorrhoea. Physicians and nurse's are alert. Leadership is strong on the HEALTH Sector. It must bc equally strong on the other three . , . WELFARE . . . LEGAL . . . MORAL. To welfare leaden, squalor, neglect and insecurity arc challenges to be met ... to be overcome, if the roots of Venereal Disease arc to bc destroyed. On the leytl teeter, aggressive leadership bv law enforcement officials, the legal profession afld civic authorities can turn the tide of battle against a vicious enemy of mankind. By permanently closing houses of prostitution and cleaning up undesirable places which facilitate the meeting of 3J m healthy and infected young people, Venereal Disease will bc sharply reduced. The continuing threat of Venereal Disease is a tremendous challenge to church and home. The moral sector can reduce V.D. ... IF the moral fibre of the nation is strengthened ... IF individual character is fortified ... IF the sanctity of marriage is upheld . ; . IF, above all, the moral wisdom of the ages is applied in the practical, daily-issues of personal, community and national life in Canada. Whctlicr your leadership is in a family group, a club or a community, you have an opportunity to serve. Learn the facts about Venereal Disease and its control. Inform others. Sec that conditions in your community arc the kind (hat will give your son and daughter, and y our -neighbour s, the chance to grow up in an atmosphere of decency, wholc-someness and good health. THIS IS YOUR CHALLENGE! t't a mar vjd on the w sector front For til th facts bout VD writ rof Provincial Dft,rtitnt of Httllk fur tin m, frtt booklet ' 'VICiaiV UYI iMttAM!2. 1 t ' V WIMAM HIA11H fV' V 1IOA1 V MOtAl felFAITUINT Or Nl IUNAL UKAITH ANU WU rAII luurlhtt CuntWifiikl llliMl YD. THE DAILY NEWS HOUSE IN WARTIME Time-saving Blueprints For Baking In The Busy Days least likely that our fairy godmother will present any of us with a beautiful empty stretch of time to call our very own but we can make time and a few minutes saved here and there do add up. Fewer dinner dishes to wash, time saved in watching and stirring while liKe every day. mis .time-saver is a money-saver too, which is not to be sneezed at, for it takes less fuel to maintain oven heat for 'three hours than It does to heat it up for one hour three times. Dishes requiring approximate ly the same temperature should be chosen as oven companions. If you want to cook pastry or cookies, requiring a higher tem perature for a short time, bake layers of newspaper so that there- are no heavy- ridges and tack the new piece, firmly In place. Wax it for dirt resistance and keep It lightly shining. Keep this in mind too. If the knife slips and the wound is bad, un-tack the oilcloth and mend on the underside with a piece of ordinary adhesive tape. Using Your Dome Maybe you da this anyway but it's worth a mention. When replacing what grandmother used to call dome fasteners sew all the snaps on first, rub chalk on them and then press against the side where the eyelet ,?oes. It's a breeze from there to get a good match. them first then, reduce the heat for other baking. Be sure that dishes planned to be cooked together will fit the oven space without overcrowding. For even baking air must be able to circulate freely around each pan. Apple sauce, the morning cereal and the soup bone can all be oven cooked and, when baking Is finished the stored up heat will dry stale bread for melba toast or crumbs, parsley, celery tops or bits of left-over onion for later use as seasonings and will put the "crisp" 'back in crackers or prepared cereals. The Consumer Section of the food cooks; food ready prepared Dominion" Department c-f Agri-when the mending just can't culture suggests two blueprints wait These self-given gifts of ifor bakin.s. In each nlan a corn- extra minutes make hectic daysjpide dinner, is oven-cooked and less wearing. In these ways' Gn extra dessert made. and others your oven can save time for you if you plan for Its capacity use less frenquently The first plan centres around the baking of a fruit cake; the second provides for cookies and rather than using it haphazard- gets tomorrow's cereal ready for reheating, giving you an extra few moments in bed. PLAN .NO. 1 Oven Temperature 300 Degrees F Dark Fruit Cake, 22 lbs., T'xl" 3 hours Cereal Pudding 1 hour. Apple Sauce 1 hour Spicy Pot Roast with Vegetables 2 hours. Melba Toast 1 hour Put fruit cake on top shelf, cereal pudding and apple sauce on lower shelf. At the end of 1 hour remove the pudding and sauce and replace with the pot roast. One hour later add the vegetables to the pot roast. When cake and pot roast are cooked turn off the heat and put thinly sliced bread in oven for melba toast. It will crisp and brown as the oven cools. VIAS NO. 2 Oven Temperature 375 Degrees F. Vegetable Meat Balls 1 hour Baked Apples 50 minutes Baked Potatoes 1 hour Drop Cookies 15-20 minutes Fruit Crumble 40-50 minutes Oatmeal Porridge 1 hour Place vegetable meat balls, baked apples and potatoes on uuper shelf, when cooked replace t ! VN hi Of General Interest Liicite Ornaments This year's Christmas tree may be trimmed with some luc-ite ornaments. Made from the shavings from airplane windows, these plastic trinkets In clear white and amber are fashioned into icicles and stars that whirl and rotate when suspended. JNore About Used '(ImkIs C6nsumers are reminded that prices of used household equipment are controlled, whether sales take ,place privately or through a dealer or auctioneer. When sold by dealer, special price schedules govern the price of used sewing machines, electric washing machines. Irons, toasters, stoves, vacuum clean ers, typewriters, radios, cameras, refrigerators, metal . beds and springs, bicycles. Private sellers may not charge more than the article cost wlien new. lltmiUurjj, Maybe! Wives who fancy their husbands In j. hoirfturg hat will be ' glad to hear that some of this type may be found in the men's , shops shortly after Christmas. Production, of course, will depend on manpower and available material. ' Price Tags -Required ' All clothing and foodstuffs must carry a price tag when displayed in retail stores. This regulation, however, does not I apply to clothes or food when' used in special window displays. cookies with fruit crumble. Start porridge on top cf stove and cook 5 minutes. Cover and place In oven to rook on stored heat after oven is turned off. It will depend on the insulation of the oven whether the porridge will I be cooked completely before the , oven cools off. Cooking can be finished in the morning if ne.c essary. .Vejretable ,Mrat ittalls 2 medium onnlons, chopped 3 tablespoons dripping I lb. ground meat, preferably beef l'a cups finely diced, cooker! vegetables . teaspoon salt I Vi Veaspoo'n pepper 1 egg, beaten !uur 22 cups canned tomatoes 3 tablespoons chopped parsley ' Cook onion In part of the fat then skim out and mix onion with the meat. Add vegetables, salt, pepper and egg. Form into 12 balls. Rool In flour and brown on all sides In remaining fat Place In a casserole. Add toma toes, sprinkle with parsley and cook I hour In a moderately hot, , 375 degrees F., oven. Six servings. ( Spicy Pot Jloast m ,lleef 3 lbs. round roast cu'p water V2 cup vinegar 4 cloves Small bay leaf 1 small onion, cut fine teaspoon salt Flour 0 medium potatoes C medium carrots 1 medium turnlp, diced Place meat In a bowl, combine water, vinegar and seasonings and pour over the meat. Let stand at least 3 hours, turning the meat several times. Remove meat from liquid, dredge well in flour and brown on all sides in a little hot fat In a heavy pot or Dutch oven. Place a rack un der the meat, add strained spiced liquid. Cover closely and cook In a slow oven, 300 degrees F., I until meat Is tender, about 2 1 hours. Turn meat several times during cooking. Add vegetables at end of 1 hour. Use the drippings In the pan as a base for gravy. SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and ' North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 508 FAREWELL PARTY AT DODGE COVE I ! Mr. and Mrs. II. Lund Honored I Before Leaving for Vancouver. People of the Digby Island community of Dodge Cove gath ered In the schooi house in a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. H. Lund who are leaving for Vancouver this week to take up future residence. Dancing with mi m 3 ! V' ' RES Mr. Lund. Delicious refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrc T.tinH Mr nnil TLtrc Tf Mf.l.i son, Mr. and Mrs. Simelson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hadland, Mr. and j Mrs. E Eldsvlk, Ivor Wick. Mr. j and Mrs. N. Peters, Mr, and Mri Sandal." Mr. and Mrs. Melvln, j Jens Peterson, Air. Knutsen, ' Henry Wahl, E. Wahl, H. John-1 son and Roy -Johnson. music by Wahl's Orchestra was j enjoyed throuxhoui the evening j Local RatllO Station and a feature of the proceedings j Goes Off Air Ttoday was the presentation to the parting guests of a chenille bed-soread -and blanket, sentiments Radio station CFPR went off the atr at 10:30 this morning for the purpose of Installing new suitable to the occasion belnc iransmuung equipment inciua- UK antannae. The station may .... r. Alvie ai and .,.i Mrs. fH, ' voiced by Mrs. R. on aflemoon U. Benson in making the presen- j u may bc days tations. A toast proposed by J. j Peterson wu re ponu u 1 1 by Advertise in the Dally News. TWISTS WEDNESDAY NovJ A ITCH' Mr. and Mrs. E. Chrlstensen, Mr. 1 "Mm.,'-?''. ana ira. mvie,. jvir. ana Mrs. - u. d. riitic,. ' Tlnrt Totie Mr anH Mrs A na ""Intel, r "lpna BAM ANDEI LiMnj J Plumbing an Automatic T,p;j Coal Corner 2nd at Phone lied 32a 1 ay ' ' ao Km ( "I "W for II. perfection l beauty. V I W 4K Low In prleo but SSE5SS"- BHKfSSW ' Wjl & lk0 WATCHES lor Men Elco WATCHES I iim fWiJ MlQ Th.QcoSquIf.(a.Aown) JQC75 rVI 7- Prlc.dc, I j I M Jfffi BRACELETS V fSSTSfc Han.Uome .lyl loi both CJ25 b """'iflo', 18 1 Immiti sasijrsi ssr'-H WmM I?? . JOHN BULGER LTD. I Wa&J? !s?-sirs ikdavenub -rs,n 1 'I HnifrilW '" ... Uv AJ