rtU& 1941 Jwkll 111 llll'IMlaOJl ,rF Nov. 29 (Special .to Daily News) ,. ie situation in itgrtiu iu uuii-cunscrip- liarcd in a state of deadlock with re- Hna nickciinc members of a Saskat- Ldment, the majority of whom, the sol- ... ,m uillincl : (Terrace ' The body . i j opinion idvi...b movement was 01 -unit w menders which fl aid had ammu- Uk disposition w .have ammunition fflfmber of a drait- I 1sf) we u'u ,,Uk-.r nnw it would ( start Diooasneu. atchevan tckhhvih. ,nd due to leave .rdav but was re vr threat of armed the striking H.D.'s vt now classed as U is understood, a interfering with n In the perform- i No official an has been made on A troop train Is but the ion a siding ,H at their camps, lilts and Ursula- Jin lif imnrison- mutiny were trad - In Terrare area r ... iltrrnoon. o in-kiTf as yet been srrcard to the hold- nilitary court here tuition. f In. .ll l1 I . A.'R. Roy, com itrherc was wrathy broadcast last night .TiiCU U1UW H W ttglment was being m (Pacific Com or uenerai it. .denied this broad . .... ii i ii ru not being sent : eremitic til vyaii but they refused to i double CI O Cft '.h Velnnr Rnrlnif strongly built. Spe-3- See them, viitmj Aii-snrinE Reduced price 8169.00 Sneclai 'VENUE V SMC. $5.00 $3.00 ITURE niack 321 'ii;h.,mcei 0, - -"uuciiei.' listen to him and broke into small groups, returning to their various camps. A Home Defence soldier said the men were demanding "total conscription" but did not elabor ate. The attitude of the men as they marched from camp to camp In yesterday's parade was one of apparent good nature; George Little, founder of and veteran timber and sawmill operator, is spending the winter at Yellowknlfe In the Northwest Territories. Mr. Little, according to word received here, is enjoying life In the northern frontier mining town. Mrs. Nigel Sherwood, who has been nursing at the Hazclton Hospital for the past two or. three months, Is returning to her home in Terrace at the end of this week. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN FROHATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMIN ISTRATION AUT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF RUSSELL JAMES BARR. ' DECEASED TAKE1 NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor, w. E. Fisher, made on the 8th day of November. AD. 1944. I was appointed Administrator (with will annexed) ot the Estate of Russell James Barr, deceased, and all parties having claims against the uiH tt are herebv required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 8th day of De cernber. AD. 1844, and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount or tneir maeoi-edness to me forthwith. DATED at Frlnce Rupert. B.C.. this 9th day of November, A D. 1944. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, BC. LATEST FROM TERRACE FRONT The situation in the "mill-tary" here was unchanged to-day. , Daily parades are being; continued but with no disorder. A troop train was still waiting this morning to move a regiment away. The liquor store and beer parlors have been closed by government order at the request of the military. Koyal Canadian Air Force personnel are confined to LONDON, 0 Shoe repairs now cost a little more In Bri tain. Repair shops have been permitted to Increase their prices by about one-ihalf cent In 25 cents. Timely Topics from Terrace TERRACE CITIZENS ARE IN MEETING ON ELECTRIC SUPPLY Citizens of the village of Terrace foregathered last night at the call of the board of village commissioners to consider the possibility of re-establishing a community electric light and power service. Gor don Kerr, who operated an electric light plant in Terrace before he enlisted1 has been discharged from the army and Is back In Terrace. He still has his plant and seeks a franchise to supply the village with electricity. What seems to be the general desire Is a twenty-four hour service which, if made available, would enable operators of several small generating plants to dis continue those plants and hook up with the community power supply. It Is four years since there has been a general town electric supply. There is also a street llgthlng system await ing only a supply of electricity to go Into function. Sergeant Fred Smith, former ly with the artillery and now transferred to the Infantry, left Friday night for the East after a two-day visit to his home here on leave. He has been In the Army since the very start of the war and came here from Vancouver. He Is the, brother of J. II. Smith and Harold Smith of Terrace. Another brother, Corp. Stanley Smith of Mon treal, is In Italy. Sergeant Smith's wife and family are In Terrace. . TERRACE TO HAVE LIGHT Cordon Keir Granted Permit To Open Power Plant TERRACE. Nov. 29 0 Terrace ratepayers, at a meeting last night, voted to grant a permit to Gordon Kerr to operate a light and power plant. E. Haug-, land, chairman of the board of village commlsslocrs, presided over a meeting attended by forty persons, In the Oddfellows' Hall. FINE DANCE AT BARRETT. POINT Local soldiers and their lady friends travelled toy commando barge one evening at the end of the week to Barrett Point where a dance was held in the sergeant's quarters. It was a de lightful evening with community singing supplementing the dancing to make jollity for the occasion, Before return home was made on the barge, delicious refreshments were served. Does Not Know of Military Court TERRACE, Nov. 29 (Special to Daily News) Brigadier A. R. Roy said last night that he knew nothing of a court of inquiry being set up here In con nection with the recent conduct of H.D. troops In allegedly hold ing up troops In their duties. A radio broadcast over the CBC last night said there were to be such courts held at points of II.D. concentration in British Columbia. BUNYAN'S HOUSE DAMAGED ELSTOW, Eng Iff) One of England's historic buildings- John Bunyan's cottage In this Bedfordshire town where the author of Pilgrim's Progress liv ed after hts marriage in 1610 was partly demolished by a 10 ton truck. BEA GROSVENOR SHOWER HONOREE 'Another 'Event In Honor of Terrace Bride-elect TERRACE, Noc. 29 A surprise miscellaneous shower for bride- elect Bea Grosvenor was given by Mrs. F. Clifford, Mrs. F. Bailey and Mrs; F. Han at the home of Mrs. Clifford on Friday evening. The room In whioh the shower was held had been beautifully decorated In pink and white by Mrs. Margaret SchuLtz. The table at the centre had on It a very pretty cake made by Mrs. Jul-scth and decorated by Mrs. Bailey. The gifts were arranged In a prettily decorated wagon which was drawn Into the room by Lucille Bailey, the bride-elect's niece, and Teddy Clifford. These two small children were dressed as bride and groom. Following a social evening, re freshments were served. Those present were Bea Grosvenor, Mrs. Grosvenor. Mrs. Clifford Mrs. Ballsy, Mrs. Hall, Miss Fre da Hall, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Mist Meryl West, Cecilia Neuhauser Dorothy Cole, Mrs. Jones, Mrs, ! Schultz, Mrs. Stokely, Mrs. Gug Ins, Mrs. Ayres, Mrs. Brookes Jr Mrs. Clara Turner, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Luella Thomas, Mrs Adeline Llewellyn, Mrs. Julseth Mrs. Willie, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs, Mlchiel, Mrs. Spitzel. ARCHBISHOPS "GREMLINS YORK,.. Eng.; Drl G. F. Garbett, Archbishop of York, In his diocesan leaflet: "I wondc what Gremlin puts nails 01 hooks at the entrance of pulpits apparently for the sole purpose of catching and tearing episcopal sleeves?" ARE WE HAPPY IN THE SERVICE? 9 Yes, folks we're happy in your service And we'll give you good service, too, if you keep us happy will! the regular attention wc need. Motots must be oiled Vacuum bags emptied Wires and plugs kept in good repair Rubber rollers loosened and washer emptied and dried after use. Wc like to work for you when you keep us "happy in your service". Buy War Savings Stamps. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE Is hereby given that, the Reserve established under authority of Order-In-Councll No. 1653.. approved December 9th. 1943. notice of which was published in the British Columbia Gazette of December 16th. 1943. Is cancelled In so far as It relates to the North-east Quarter of Lot 233, Queen Charlotte Island District, containing 121.27 acres. II. CATHCART, Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department. Victoria. BC. July 8th. 1944. . I THE DAILY KEWfi ALLISON HAINES S LAID AT REST The funeral of the late Allison Haines took place Monday after noon from the Orenvllle Court Funeral Chapel, Rev. J. A. Don-' nell officiating. Mrs. Gllker presided at the organ for the hymns which were "Sun of my Soul" and "Abide With Me." The pall bearers were William Brett, Mayor Harry Daggett, J. L. Mcintosh, E. Nickerson, R. B, Mor gan and Axel Peterson. For Results try a Classified. I,- CHIANGS ARE BROKEN UP LONDON, Nov. 29 0) The Dally Mail said today that President and Mrs. Chiang Kal Shek have separated and she may make her home In Florida The Mail reported In Calcutta dispatches it has been common knowledge In Chungking for some time that the Chiangs were unhappy and a break was finally made after open disa greement at a Chungking tea party. BUS BUSINESS BEFORE COUNCIL The city council will be In special session tonight for the consideration of a report from the transportation committee in regard to the city going Into the bus business. In the same connection, there Is also a $40,-C00 money bylaw which will be presented to the ratepayers for approval at the forthcoming civic election. The city has been negotiating for the taking over of the Arrow Bus Lines. Buy War Savings Stamps. SANK OF MONTREAL Founded in 1817 tA presentation, in easily understandable form, of the Bank's ANNUAL STATEMENT . 31st October, 1944 RESOURCES . Cash In jts Vaults and Money on Deposit with" Bank of Canada . . . , Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks . , P,hli in mib on prtitntalion. . Money on Deposit with Other Banks " i Available on dtmani Of 01 iborl notice. Government and Other Bonds and Debentures Not exceeding market value. The greater portion consists of Dominion Government and high-grade Provincial and Municipal securities which mature at early dates. Stocks Industrial and other stocks, Sot exceeding market value. Call Loans . In Canada ..... J 6,632,049.80 Elsewhere 44,533,800.89 Payable on demand and secured by bonds, stocks and other negotiable collateral of greater value than the loans. TOTAL OF QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES . (equal to Wi.KFc of all Liabilities to the Public) Loans to Provincial and Municipal Governments including School Districts t Commercial and Other Loans In Canada $194,487,531.12 Elsewhere ... . . 8,616,484.00 To manufacturers, farmers, merchants and others, on conditions consistent uith sound banking. Bank Premises Two properties only are carried in the names of holding companies; the stock and bonds of these companies are entirely .owned by the Bank and appear on its books at $1.00 in each case. All other of the Bank's premises, the value of, which large!, exceeds $12300,000.00 are included under this heading. Real Estate and Mortgages' on Real Estate Sold' by thexBahk ....'. . . v t Acauhed in the course of the. Bank's business and in process of being realized upon. - . Customers' Liability under Acceptances and Letters of Credit Represents liabilities of customers on account of Letters of Credit issued and Drafts accepted bj the Bank for their account. Other Assets not included in the Foregoing (but including refundable portion of Dominion Government taxes $975,703.73) Making Total Resources) of LIABILITIES Due to the Public Deposits . In Canada Elsewhere i $1,244,528,982.86 176,282,154.01' Payable on demand or after notice. Notes of the Bank in Circulation i Payable on demand Acceptances and Letters of Credit Outstanding . Financial responsibilities undertaken on behalf o) customers (see offsetting amount in "Resources'"). Other Liabilities i Items not includad under the foregoing headings. Total Liabilities to the Public . . . i To meet ufricb the Bank has resources as indicated above amounting to Leaving an excess of Resources over Liabilities, which represents the Shareholder's interest over uhicb Liabilities to the Public take precedence. Capital Reserve Fund, Profit & Loss Account and Reserves for Dividends . GEORGE W. SPINNEY, President $36,000,000.00 $184,473,969.24 56,397,561.85 31,264,469.84 955,538,246.28 382,539.67 51,165,850.69 $1,279,222,637.57 11,576,134.02 203,104,015.12 12,900,000.00 327,291.46 16,604,876.48 2,999,296.88 $1,526,734,251.53 $1,420,811,136.87 8,568,045.00 16,604,876.48 2,784,728.47 $1,448,768,786.82 $1,526,734,251.53 41,965,464.71 $ 77,965,464.71 PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT , Profits forthe yer ended J 1st October, 1944, after making pproprii-. tions to-Continpent Reserve Fund, out of which Fund full provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts has been made, and after making provision for estimated Income and Excess Profits Taxes amounting to $J,725O00 (of which $540,000 will be refundable under the provision, of the Excess Profits Tax Act) Dividends paid or payable to Shareholders . , . $2,160,000.00 Written off Bank Premises 300,000.00 Bilance of Profit and Loss Account, 30th October, 194J . . . Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward $5,194,300.19 2,660,000 00 ,$ 534,300.19 $1,879,521.13 $2,413,821.32 NOTE REGARDING SPECIAL ADJUSTMENT OF TAXES IN RESPECT OF THE YEAR ENDED 30th OCTOBER, 1943 The Minister of Finance has expressed the opinion that the transfers made in 1943 to Contingent Reserve Fund from the earnings of this Bank were in excess of the reasonable requirements of the Bank. . . The management and the auditors of the Bank do not agree with the Minister in this matter but having been advised of the Minister's views and of his purpose to act in accordance therewith, we have estimated that approximately $2,200,000 6f such transfers must be added to income of that year for tax purposes. As a result the Bank will be called upon to pay additional taxes for the year 1943 of a like amount under the Income & Excess Profits Tax Acts. Provision has been made frum Contingent Reserve Fund for this tax liability, of which twenty refundable under the of tie Excess per cent, or $440,000, will be provisions Profits Tax Act. B. C GARDNER, General Manag0 strength of a batik is determined by its history,. Us policy, ITbe its management and the extent oj its rewurces. For 127 years the Y Bank of Montreal has been in the forefront of Canadian finance. Ji