Si' is m PAGE SIX y0Ur sM?r Fall Outfit... Now On Display A combination of chic and re-fincU good taste. A selection of both crepes and wools in ail sizes both large and small. PLEASINGLY PRICED HOTEL FRASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. H. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Frascr Street HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In ull its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 SMITH .& ELKIN.S LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phono 174 P.O. Box 274 SHOE REPAIR Work Guaranteed Quick Service 103 0th Avenue West GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tac Returns Compiled Bcsner Block Phone 387 d Profi essional -iff J RUPERT PEOPLES STORE J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., D A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 Dclmorc Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches. Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 Armstrongs Store 4 Cow Bay We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables' Tobaccos and Confectionery NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS A. MacKENZIE' FURNITURE LTD. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Gift Suggestions Simmons and Restmore Spring Filled Mattress, all sizes Bed Spring, all sizes Bedroom Suites, In 4 pieces Chesterfield Suites, in 3 pieces 250 Pictus most beautiful. Come and see them. Just came for Christmas Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order .before x12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meatfresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. . TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 usiness an THIRD AVE. W. IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized . "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty . PHONE 853 Mall Orders Box 90 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER . Phones ' Days, Blk. 884 Nights, Blk. 152 Bert Bellamy Reg. Wilson We Aim to Plcaso "You Call :: We Haul" Lumber Baggage Freight, Express Household Effects 225 1st Ave. E. Prince Rupert, MESSENGER AND TAXI PHONE 65 DAILY NEWS mm IOU SALE FOR SALE Beatty electric ironcr. Phone Blue 604, after 6 p.m. (281) FOR SALE Baby buggy, Al condition, $15. 518 7th Ave. East. (279) FOR SALE Baby crib and baby carriage, almost new. 895 Bor don St., mornings-. (279) FOR SALE Four-piCjCe bedroom suite, bed complete. Apply Janitor's suite, Leeds Apartments. (280) FOR SALE 4 -room cabin, running water and electric light, 100 yards from Dry Dpck. Immediate possession. $400.00 cash. Phone 14 daytime. (279) FOR SALE C.C.M. double-barred, low-geared bicycle. Generator light, and ' carrier. 732 8th Ave. East. (280) FOR SALE 1934 Dodge sedan, fair mechanical condition, good tires. $250. Serial No. 9402240. P. Welter, phone Green 186 after 6. (280) FOR SALE Practically new cloth coat, fur trimmed. Size 16. Phone Red 605. (279) FOR SALE Household furniture including electric washing machine; also preserved fruit. 1321 Overlook Street. (279) FOR SALE Five-room modern house, close to school and dry dock. Call after 8 p.m., 633 Eighth Avenue East. (tf) FOR SALE 2-room cabin, semi-furnished. No. 6 Wantage Road. (279) FOR SALE Piano, in good condition. Phone Black 800. or call at 420 4th Ave. West. (282) FOR SALE 15-foot boat, with cabin; 6 horse power. Phone 358, weekdays. (281) FOR SALE 303 Savage rifle. Fred Robertson, C.N.R. Yard office. (280) FOR SALE Small farm, Queen Charlotte Islands; 8 head or cattle, hay, tractor, farm equipment, 150 hens, good buildings, 5-room house on highway. $3,000. Apply S. deBucy, Skidegate, B.C. (280) ACE ENGINEERING WORKS Arbor Presses, 20 tons and up, for sale. Immediate delivery. We repair all makes of hydraulic equipment. For prices and further information write 371 Kingway, Vancouver, B. C. (283) FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Used construction equipment; car battery, sledge hammers, 12-ton hydraulic jacks, peevies, cross cut saws, assorted augers, clan bars, chairs, wooden and steel blocks, picks, falling wedge, pipe vise, etc. Far-ris & Nash, Government Elevator Wharf. Phone 840. (280) WANTEU WANTED Furnished housekeeping ' room or furnished room for couple. Savoy Hotel, Room 7. (280) URGENT Furnished room, service couple, no children. Blue 155 or Box 903 Daly News. (283) WANTED TO RENT Space to park trailer house. Room 96, Prince Rupert Hotel, after 6:30 p.m. (280) WANTED Carrier for route on 6th and 4th Avenues East. Phone Green 186. (279) ROOM URGENTLY needed in downtown area, by gentleman working steady In the city. Apartment block preferred. Apply Box 901 Dally News. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished suite, lor working couple. No children. Apply Box 902 Daily News. (280 1 WANTED 80 to 100 H.P. Detsel engine. Apply to Hazelton Lumber Company, Hazelton, B.C. (294) WANTED Two or three rooms; furnished or unfurnished. Apply Box 890 Daily News. (280). HELP WANTED HOUSEWORK WANTED 60c an hour. Phone Red 486. (281) WANTED Housekeeper, sleep in. Phone Blue 699, or call at 722 5th Ave. W. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper for apartment. Sleep in. Phone Red 878. , (tf) PERSONAL BAYZAND & SEELEY, Painting, Decorating, Kalsominlng. All work guaranteed .Blue! 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. LLOYD'S CORN SALVE makes you Torget your corns. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (283) LONELY Ofit nr.minlntpri Par ticulars free. Western Social ciuo, Sub. 23, Edmonton Alberta. XMAS SUBSCRIPTIONS should be in now. We handle subscriptions for all magazines obtainable. Northern Distributors, opp. Post Office, on 4th St. Basketball Buzz The first meeting of the season between two Prince Rupert teams from "A" section of the Area Basketball League Thursday night will see City playing Co-ops at Port Edward. In another "A" section clash at the posit; the .Officers meet the undefeated Mud Flats quintet. At Seal Cove, the W.D.'s and Allies of the Women's League collide and Air Force and Soo Suds of "B" section also arc pitted against each other. Sport Chat The Canadian game of soft-ball was introduced to a Belgian town for the first time when two teams from a Canadian Army bridge company staged a sports meet under a warm fall suri before moving "up the line." The winning team the score was 4-1 received a great ovation from hundreds of Belgian spectators not because the townspeople understood what it was all about but because th,e winners wore the borrowed sweaters of the town soccer club and called themselves the "Belgium team. Included in the "Belgium" lineup were Ptc. N. Jones of Hamilton, Ont., who pitched, Sgts. F. Speck of Kirkland Lake, Ont.. and J. H. Atherton of Toronto, and Ptes. J. W. Crowe, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and D. P. Armstrong of Sinclair, Man. Among the losing team were Sgt. W. D. Hannah, Toronto, Cpl. Ken'Reardon, Winnipeg, Ptes. J. M. Freve, Mat-tawa, Ont., and Spr. I. Napolsky of Halifax. Pte. J. E. Stone of Cranbrook won the 100-yard dash with Reardon. former professional hockey player, second, while the pick-a-back race went to LC N. Swirla of Weston, Ont.. teamed with Pte. R. J. McCon-nell of Pembroke, Ont. Swirla also won the biscuit race. The heavies fro mthe work shops, including Sgt. H. Sparrow of Winnipeg, Cpl. C. W. O. O'Brien of Moncton, N.B., and Ptes. G. R. Clark, Provost, Alta:, and A. I. Boyce, Blenheim, Ont., won the tug-of-war competition. Highlighted(by a hard-smash ing singles match, the Canadian Army (England) team tennis championship was won by a Canadian Ordnance and Mechanical Engineers Reinforcement Unit which defeated Canadian Ordnance Depot five matches to three. The tournament followed Davis Cup rules with two singles and two doubles matches In a round-robin contest. Outstanding was a battle In which Pte. Yolland of Penticton, member of the losing team, beat Capt. II. P. Penwarden of Winnipeg 7-5, 6-3. Yolland went on to defeat PFe. E. E. Wall of Ottawa, 6-4, C-l, while Penwarden defeated Lieut. fJ. A. Cook of Montreal, 6-3, 6-4. Among the doubles matches, Capt. A. MacLarcn of Ottawa and Pte. E.,Harblnson of Victoria, COMERU members, walloped Ptes. W. Bodden of Winnipeg and F. Taggart of Kel-owna, 6-0, 6-1. THE DAILY NEW8 When Ron Northey, leading hitter of -the Phllllos, belts a homer, it usually means something, says Bill Brandt, veteran National League publicity director. Bill has clippings to prove his point. In 1943 Northey was the first southpaw to homer against St. Louis Cardinals. During last season his 15th Inning Homer beat the Boston Braves 1-0, the same day Jim Tobin hurled his second no-hit, no- run game in the five inning nightcap of a twin bill. Later In LOST AND FOUND LOST 2 weeks ago, brown fluffy-haired dog, 3 months old; answers to Tojo. Please phone Blue 245. (281) FOUND One key, outside Dally News office. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this LOST Return ticket to Edmonton on Tuesday night's train, Including single berth one way. Finder please notify Fishermen's Co-op,, Fish Oil Department. Urgent. (280) LOST License plate CT-324 and tall light. Reward. Return to Valentine Dairy. (279) LOST Will the person who took large bundle of keys from Post Office box by mistake, kindly return same to Dally News. Important. (tf LOST Lady's gold watch, Wednesday evening. Reward. Phone S. Chlsholm, Green 471. (281) LOST Brindle Scottie, with harness, 7 months old. Phone .Blue 980. Reward. (279) HISTORY OF FIRST TORCH SINGER TOLD The hlEttory of Nora Hayes one of America's best-remcmbcr-ed singers whose life is the basis for the picture "Shine on Harvest Moon," is coming to the Capitol this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Starring Ann Sheridan as Nora Bayes, and I Dennis Morgan as Jack Nor- worth, her husband, the film depicts the rise of the first of the I torch singers from her early days in a Milwaukee honky-tonk, to j the success which eventually befell her as one of the biggest . of Zicgfeld stars. ' I A mixture of nostalgic story ! and song against a background ! of the early 19O0's, including gaslight and old time tunes "Shine On Harvest Moon," "When It's Apple Time in Normandy," and Take Me Out to the Ball Game" being just a few of them, "Shine On Harvest Moon," tells the tribulations which befell the young the season he homered off Tobin with the bases loaded. Northey hit 22 homers last season and batted in 104 runs. Chinese Remanded On Gaming Charges When twenty -two Chinese appeared before Magistrate W. D. Vance Monday on gaming charges, they were remanded until Wednesday. Bruce Brown Is cpunsel for the Chinese. Violet Russell, Frances Hcavcn-or and two girls, of juvenile age were remanded on charges of intoxication under the Indian Act. Four men, charged with Intoxication under the Indian Act received fines. They were: Roy Victor Harris, fined $30 or one month. Thomas Wlget, fined $25 or seven days. Arthur John Stewart, fined $25 or seven days. Edwin Harry Benson, fined $30 or one month. Charged with intoxication under the B. C. Liquor Act, Hans Johanscn was fined $35 or 14 days, and Jack D. Duffy was fined $35 or one month. lovers before they finally "ar rived." A fine cast includes Irene Manning, remembered for her outstanding performance as the singing lead in "Desert Song," Jack Carson and Marie Wilson who contribute comedy, and S. Z. Sakall and Robert Shayne. Buy Christmas Gifts at Savings REAL VALUES in MEN'S & BOY'S WEAR line silk scarfs, billfolds, silk ties, handkerchiefs, leather belts, young men's sport jackets, fine dress gloves, suspenders . . . Conic in and be convinced. J$SSM MEN'S LEATHER arWkTX JACKETS PjjJJ" I V All .sizes, special ' . i $12 to $16 "X ill ff- V fv V iWMl . 1 4Pr Mcu'8 All-Wool vVifcUi tp CoaU- fetisf WlIPa Up to $22.00. to clear now r" ... Men's Dress Rubbers Size 6, Regular $L"50. Now OUc Misses' Low-Heel Rubbers-size 3 and 4. Now .50c to 75c Misses' Overshoes With snaps, 2'z to 42. Special $1.25 All kinds of men's Silk Tics 't&PJldii Big Selection k&iWf 50c to $1.50 'W Sl All leather, zippers, regular $2.95. Now $1.95 SjTpj Cigarette Cases Men's Silk Scarves All leather, a real Beautiful colors gift. Special 1.00 $1 to $1.50 Men's Handkerchiefs Big selection . 15c Men's Gabardine Coats Fully lined. Special .'. $14.00 Boys' Black Denim Longs Heavy weight.'- Special, pair $1.65 Boys' Blue Cheviot Long Pants-Good sizes', pair ' $2.75 Boys' Long Hard-Finish Pants All sizes, good make and fit i$2.25 Boys' White Pullover Sweaters Special, each 65c Boys' All-Wool Overcoats Fully lined. Up to $20. To clear, each $12 WKimm m. mmmm m wmi j nfOL,v v t rKm 7,1 ""-.J iiaiuuibunblil Good weight, all sizes. All n.lni $9 7P ooys Kaincoats .6 fliH -vjr JLIUUIO iftMIH Sizes 11 to 1312, and 1 to 5V2. Men's Dress lcather $3,50 lo $4'25 Gloves By8' Oxfords . Kid leather, also lined. Special Heavy panco soles, Sizes 1-5V2 $1.95 to $2.95 well made. Special . $3.25 B. C. CLOTHIERS LIMITED THIRD AVENUE BLACK 321 Capital WEDNESDAY, NQyg TIIK PRACTICAL X.MAS OUT Dooks of Theatre Tickets in Gift Envelopes. Can also be sent anywhere in Canada where Famous Players Theatres operate. For Cnildren, 'Students, Addlts, and Armed Services . . . Priced $1.00 to $2.25. Now selling! STARTS THURSDAY 3 DAYS Complete Shows at 1:00 3:02 - 5:04 - 7-05 . 0 fS Tti GA YtiTe Uty Af IIO WriC-l . riiTxi 11 nil! r 11 ON THI SAME PROGRAM .Mmy Melodic: "HltOTIICR BRAT" TODAY ONLY Complete Shows! Tonight 7:00 t (line Crosby "THE STAIl MAKII (at 7:37 :37l I 1015 DIARIES... LOVELY LASTING GIFTS 5-year Diary, with key . $2.00 Pocket-size Diaries ...... .15 to $2.25 Canada Date Hook $2.00 Appointment Uook . . , $2.50 Daily Journals $1.10 to $1.75 CALENDAR PADS AND STANDS Small size .75 Large size ., ; $1.25 Holders for above $1.00 to $1.00 Don't leave it too Closo to Christmas-Try Our New Ncstlc's Cold Wave . You will be Pleased PEGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) Four Ui Street (across from Post Office) I'lionr Blue 9l' Christmas Cards From our wide selection of fine quality cards, distinctive designs and many messages you'll have no difficulty at nil in choosing your way of saying MERRY CHRISTMAS to yoUr friends. Duy Nowl Dibb Printing Company ntroMi rr THIRD AVENI TRAPPERS AND BUYERS... Get your square deal from Goldbloc i has proven himself for over 30 years. J" u turned from Montreal, New York, anu centres. I am positive I can pay mic anyone else. W. GOLDBLOOM