PAGE FOUR rL . ' mat- mv;.Vr v Us Y. 1 - roin.n he t E kiww Lnrw that he HE allark mounted Armstrongs Store Cow Bay We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables Tbbaccos and Confectionery - NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS SHOES for Fall Wear... Lovely sfyoes in open heel and open toe In cuban and spike are now being presented to you by rt'uttr-- S LET'S NOT! FORGET THE GIFT TO THE MAN IN THE SERVICE! Although it's not too late to send an overseas gift in time for Christmas, there's the man in the service right here in the country who would like a thoughtful gift, .tool Choose from a fine selection of appropriate ?llts here, all priced under $1,001 THE VARIETY STORE PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY P WW AFFORD TO JUMP? was a vital unit In Combine! Operation. He in fury tie would tie raHd-uHin to fight harder riL more. He aft civen a job toduand lie did it. All of ua are vital uniu in "t'omhitied uieratioiia tou. Canada niut have more money to maintain and intensify the attack. All of ut muht buy inure Vic-lory Itondt than before. Can we afford to? Could the paratrooper afford to jump? SICKS BREWERY LTD., VANCOUVER CUT RATE SHOE STORE Across From Ormes Drug Store NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS. wsmma lllli knew that at the Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scherk and family wish to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during their bereavement In the loss of their dear Mother. sit at home ! We eit at borne v here it's nice and safe while our young men face death hourly. They light with their Uood, tlwir lives, for every inch thay gain Sn occupied countries. Not very fair, is it? So how about squaring up the score a bit? How about doing without aod making do with what we have o back them with every last dollar. Let's turn our savings into Victory Bonds today; then buy an extra bond and pay for it by instalments every pay day. It's little enough to do as we sit at home t Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Fuel and Builders' Supplies Invest r..-.. .(wuiicuiuiiM prou dun... (houlii luppoi Canada's 7th Victor T k.. I ! Tl . I . the absolute limit. Only ia thii way can we help repay the sacrifice of our fighting lads and crown their heroic advances with final victory, THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY r. in Local News Items PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE I Mrs. Colin Carroll returned Jon last night's train from a Itrip to Toronto. J "The Reason for China's Defeats" Open Forum, LP. Club-j rooms, Z pm. tonight. Music, Films. fit) j Rainy weather caused the calling off of the visiting Canadian Women's Army Corps Pipe Band street parade which was to have been one of the Victory Loan campaign features yesterday afternoon. Miss Ruby Anderson, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. O. Anderson, 112 Eighth ave. E., left Friday night for Vancouver where she has been transferred by the Bank of Montreal. Mrs. Anderson will remain in the south about a month. I J. D. Kearns, organizer of a local mining syndicate In which a numoer oi ranee itupert business men have become interested, and S. H. Davis, mining engineer, left Saturday night for llauston to pay a visit to the Bob Creek mining property on which a diamond drilling pro gram is contemplated. They will be returning to the city ncx: Wednesday night. , Valid November Ration Coupons Following ration coupons be come, valid In November: Nov. 9 Butter, coupons 84 and 85. I Nov. 23 Butter, coupons 86 j 1 and 87. Nov. 23 Sugar, coupons 4G and 47 (ration book No. 5). Nov. 23 Preserves, coupons 33 and 34 (ration book No. 5). Butter coupons 82,. 83, 84 and 85 expire on Nov. 30. L.O.B.A. Tea and Sale is Success A very successful tea and sale 6 Jiome cookln.5 was held in the ucuiencws nan maay afternoon by the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association'. Guests were received by Mrs. William Richards, Worthy Mistress of the lodge. Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mrs. O. Waxdale poured and jerviteur in the tea room were Mrs. John 'johanson, Mrs. F. Ellison and Mrs. H. Smithy Jr., and Mrs. J. McEwen, while Mrs. G. Rudder-ham, Mrs. F. Chandler and Mrs. A. Guyan presided In the kitchen. The home cooking table wa conducted .Tjy Mrs. H.1 Paulson and Mrs. J. McLeod. i 'Mrs. J. Connery was cashier. The raffle of a lovely hand crocheted flower basket, donated by Mrs. Wilford, was won by Miss Patricia 'Guyan and the chicken raffle was won by Mrs. Cretney. The entire proceeds of this tea will be forwarded to the Protest ant Children's Home in New Westminster, "Build B.C. Payrolls" OLD FRIENDS ARE GOOD JVAMMTfJ. .1 "Many years ago now 1 tried Pacific Milk because of the way women talked of Its usefulness and natural flavor. "That must be at least 20 years back for my son In France was a baby then. "I've always, found It better than you ever claimed for it." A.G.W. Such letters bring gratitude to all of us who work to produce Pacific Milk. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed I VAN'S BAKERY PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Robert Seal, advertising manager of the Ketchikan Chronicle, was a week-end visitor In the city, having come over to attend the Acropolis Hill boxing show on Friday night. 4iss Odeon Tamblyn R. X., lady superintendent of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, told the -hospital board at Its meeting at the week-end that the staff at the hospital was now complete and steady. The institution continues quite busy. Birth Notice Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes Jr. at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, on October 28,1 a son. Announcements All ndYrrtlse menu 11 this column ' will be charpwl for un month at 25c a word. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall. De Carlo's orchestra. 9-12. Hallowe'en Dance, Oddfellows' IU11, October 31. L.P.P. Halloween Jamboree, Oct 31. Eagles' Hall. Tickets at B. Lamb, Tailor, 50c. Oddfellows'! W.O.T.M. Dance, Hall, Nov. 1, 9:30-1:30. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 9. C.W.L. Bridge, Whist and Crib-, bage. K. C. Hut, Nov. 9. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall ' Bazaar, 3 p.m., Nov. 16. , Eastern Star Dance, Nov. 17. J St. Peter's Fall Ltazaar, Nov-i ember 23. I Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E,i Fall Tea, Nov. 23, home of Mrs.l George Rorle, 4th Ave. W. United Church fall sale, Thursday, December 7. How to start your own bujinesi Second in a series of helpful, specific articles by i "small business" expert. This week, How to select your line of business. For servicemen, their families, war workers, rehabilita-tion groups, with useful information for those already in business. The truth about Goose Bay , Loopholes in our deal on Newfoundland airport. The real issues. of next election A group of Canadians etate what they consider the vital questions are. Britain's poverty Canada's problem Case history study giving bitter truths about our export hopes. The utilities prepare for peace A Post report on plans of electric, gas, transit and ' transport service companies. Buy Mat BtuuU 7Uoh Befola SINGLE COPIES lOei YEARLY $S.OO POST 481 University Ave., Torpnto Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized 1V1ILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Myrtle Cowie is Shower Honoree A dellgthful miscellaneous shower was held on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Sinclair Pierce on Graham ave. for Miss Myrtle Cowie, whose marriage to Alex (Sandy) Storrie 1 to take place shortly. Games were played during the evening including bingo, winners being Mrs. G. S. Oowie and Mary Skog. A prettily decorated box full of gifts for the bride-to-be was later brought In. Delicious refreshments were served at midnight. Those attending were: Mesdames N. llel-lls, O. S. Cowie, G. A. Cowie; Eric Faure, G. Ginanders, Corbln King, A. Storrie and the Misses Myrtle Cowie, Jean Cowie, Sheila Cowie, Arline Fitzgerald, Jennie; Murray, Bea Rudderham, Eileen Shrubsall, 'Eleanor Storseth, Mary Skog, Pat Timmermeister, and Violet Wick. "CHRISTOPHER ROBIN" HURT LONDON O) Lieut. Chrlsto- pher Robin Milne, son of A. A. I Milne, the author, has been 1 wounded In Italy. Lieut. Milne, 25, is known to thousands of children as the "Christopher Robin" of his father's nursery classic "When We Were Very Young." :. 6 M IF HEAD COLDS t i 1 aaj mi HANG ON.. 00 THIS I To relieve discomforts, one of the best things you can do la put a good spoonful of home-tested Vlcks VapoRub In a bowl of boiling water. Then feel welcome relief come as you breathe tn the steaming medicated vapors that penetrate to the cold-congested upper breathing Dassagesl See how this soothes Irritation, quiets coughing, and helps clear the head-bringing grand comfort. . ro aotomnr. . . rub throat, chest and back with VapoRub at bedtime. Vlcks VapoRub works for hours-2 waya at nc-to bring relief from distress.. ...'a Vlcks WICKS VapoRub you want. VvoRwa THERE MAY BE A COAL SHORTAGE THIS WINTER Put a cord of Wood In your basement now as reserve HYDE TRANSFER . PHONE 580 THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 KWONO SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tai) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. PHONE RED 247 The Seal of Quality BRITISH , COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON famous Names . . . STANFIELD' Known in Canada as makers of fin mal times this firm supplies a tyDe nf Now, with civilian production curii ... .u, ma .iwvn..j, uutaiiicu a quantity in pure , Gold Label Shirts and Drawers, per garment Red Label Shirts and Drawers, per garment Combinations, per suit Illue Label Shirts and Drawers per garment Combinations, per suit hi III m a & . III III v ar-Tn rt w . DUI YIUUKI bU Julia Arthur DRESS PUMI In British Tan and Golden Tobacco Coloj Dress Cuban and Iow Cuban HeelJ Perfect fitting Elasticized linel MJIack Kid Tango Pumps u Just arrived Family Shoe Store Ltd "The Home oi Good Shoes" Meet Mc at . . -JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) SAVi HOll Carl ZarelliJ I Phone J7 Pa FRASER STfl prince Ml! Ruying Bonds to the utmost is not to what our men are doing overseas for Back them up and assure that t want for nothing in the fight for freed BULKLEY MARKET MOTT ELECTRIC Vm COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL & Electrical supplies iioiue Offices In Vancouver and New Phone lllack 3G7 IrnctOfS ELECTRICIANS Wf5t!nSlJf 326 fl 1