paqe ens. J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 J.L.CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chlropractlcl If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green S95 Delmore Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches. Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 The best buy In Monuments and Markers In B.C. is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave., first door Wet of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Box 998. rrince Rupert Income Tax Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 321 2nd Ave. Phone 88 i "i i , PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Houri 6:00 m. to 2:00 a.m. "Women Who Have Seeir Them Agree: This Fall It's the PEOPLES STORE For COATS WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean job Phone Black 735 0 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281, P.O. Box 198 KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Sue Chow Mein Hours 10 a.m. to 1 ajn. 2nd Avrnue and 8th Street Corner of 6th and Fulton HALF MOON SNACK (Manager, George Lum) Specializing in LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY From 11 aim', to 3 ajn. Opposite Sunrise Grocery XMAS CARDS Lovely Assortment Just Arrived Special Boxes for the Children Individual Cards . 5c to 25c Boxed "Cards , GOc to $2.50 Our,' cxcluslveuCoutts line of Xmas Cards is limited. Shop" early whil complete stock is still1 available. PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Builtup Roofs Repairs, Re-shingling Free Estimates SEE DAILY NEWS mm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTl FOR SALE FOR SALE Four roomed house with bath. Immediate possession. Ph. Red 900, or call 642 8th Ave. E. (258) FOR SALE Studebakcr Commander 1938 fordor sedan; serial No. 4093421; radio, spare tire, heater, $550. David R. McCracken, 709 6th Ave. W. Black 153. (It) FOR SALE Treadle sewing machine. Ph. Red 812, 246 5th Ave. E. (254) FOR SALE Electric and auxiliary stove, bed, dishes, etc. Blue 962. (154) FOR SALE Building with modern living quarters and fully equipped practical wood working machinery in prosperous B.C. town. Spledid opportunity for two good mechanics. Failing health. For details apply Box No. 873 Daily News. (257) "FOR SALE Third Ave Business, 2 storey building with 2 apartments above $8,000 Six-room house, fully modern. centrally located $3,000 Six-room house, fully modern. 4th Ave. W. $4,500 Going concern, restaurant with all equipment 6,000 Collart & McCaffery, Third Ave. W. Ph. 11. WORK WANTED WILL do part time work; available any time; drive truck, car. anything. Ph. Red 444, N. Hawrych. (258) HELP WANTED WANTED Woman for housework, room and board, top wages. Call 722 5th Ave. West. (tf) WANTED Two chambermaids for local hotel. $95 per month. Apply National Selective Service AF 150. (254) MEAT cutter wanted; good wages to right man. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 158. (It) ; U-M- WANTED Housekeeper for re spectable widowers home. 2 children school age. Box 885 Dally News. (255;) LOST LOST Lady's wristwatch. Finder please return to Daily News. Reward. LOST Indentificatlon disk;' B.C. Turn into Reward. $1. Dally F. MURPHY FOR LUMBER (259) STOCK FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES 225 1st Avenue East Phone Black 884 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE ' SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin, Representative Box 526 1315 Pleeot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. VAL SPIDEL Floor Sanding and Finishing Alterations and Repairing Phone Green 880 General Delivery SHOE REPAIR Work Guaranteed Quick Service 103 9th Avenue West GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta' Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 NURSERY SCHOOL NOW OPEN Community Club House 920 Hays Cove Avenue Hr., 10-12 dally except Saturday and Sunday. 15c per day Red Cross GIVES HEART TO PRISONERS ' Millions of Pounds of Food Getting Through Allied war Captives OTTAWA, Oct. 28 it) More than 108,000,000 pounds of Canadian food have given heart to thousands of Canadian and Allied prisoners of war in .the hands of the enemy, authorities said yesterday. The Wartime Information Board said that, by arrangements with the British Red Cross, the Canadian Red Cross furnishes two-thirds of ah food parcels sent to Allied prls oners exclusive of Amier!,cpftis. The British Red Cross provides clothing and medical supplies. TREE SURGERY Tree surgery dates back to the 16th century. WANTED WANTED Electric mantel radio. H. Hendriksen, Port Edward 788. (254) WANTED Urgently, housekeeping room or suite of any kind. Apply Prince Rupert Hotel. (254) WANTED Room for respectable couple: Leading Cook Arthur Frayling, Central Hotel. (255) URGENTLY NEEDED Apartment or house for working couple, no children. Reward. Box 884 Daily News. (256) WANTED TO BUY Two oil burners. Ph. Red 599. (253) WANTED TO RENT Small furnished house for two single men. Box 869 Dally News (256) $25 REWARD given by respectable young couple for furnished apartment or house. Call Red 860. (255) WANTED Furnished sleeping room lor registered nurse for limited time. Box 882 Dally News or Ph. 98. (253) WANTED Furnished apartment, by young quiet couple; non-drinkerst . and smokers. Csm give" references. , Write Box 880 Dally News. (254) PERSONAL PAINTING and Paperhanging Ph. 46. H. Lund. BAYZAND & SEELEY. Painting. Decorating, Kalsomlnlng. All work guaranteed. Blue 378 "Satisfaction" our motto. name Jean Buchan, Smithers j PAINFUL CORNS quickly rc- News. f lieved wljh Lloyd's Corn Snlve. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (259) Business and Professional SMITH & ELKINS LTD, Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 HOTEL FRASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. H. HICKS, Proprietor . Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street LEO. OYER Paperhanging and Interior Decorating Scenic PaintlngrModerate Prices Telephone Red 395 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 LONDON SHOE REPAIR FINE REPAIR WORK DONE 733 2nd Ave. LEARN FRENCH Acquire a perfect and a thorough knowledge of French grammar by a French professor. For further particulars apply the Dally News. IDEAL CLEANERS "House ot Better Cleaning'' Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 BERT'S. TRANSFER and MESSENGER Phones Days, Blk. 884 Nights, Qrn. 860 Bert Bellamy Reg. Wilson We Aim to Please , "You Call :: We Haul" Lumber Baggage Freight, Express Household Effects 225 1st Ave. E. Prince Rupert, THB DAILY NEWS .MONDAY. Fine Weather in Bulkley Valley SMJTHERS, .Oct. 28 The Bulkley Valley is still basking in mild and sunny weather which can hardly be called seasonable here at this time of the year. A light fall of snow which came down with a mix ture of rain on Monday last has long since disappeared and even the snow that covered the mountains is again melting so there Is very little left on the slopes of the hills. The condition is giving much satisfaction to the farmers who arc Liking advantage of the oppor tunity to get done a lot of fall plowing, thereby giving them a start on next year's work. VICTORY LOAN PARADE HELD AT TERRACE TERRACE, Oct. 30 On Saturday the Village Corporation and the military authorities at the local camp worked .together to boost the war loan. There was a smart parade by a regiment of soldiers, headed by the ex cellent pipe band of the Canadian Women's Corps. The whole affair was well done. The pipe band marched as smartly as any kilter batalllon and their playing was perfect. They mar ched through the principal streets of Terrace and paraded to the Ball Park where a stand draped with the Union Jack and Stars and Stripes, had been erected for the convenience of the speakers. Brigadier A. R. Roy, O.B.E., after being introduced by chairman of commissioners E. Haugland, addressed the large crowd of civilians and soldiers who had followed the progress of the parade. E. T. Kenney, M.L.A., also spoke. The return to camp was made through the centre of the vil lage and at this point the sal ute was taken as the women's band and, the. troops marched smartly by. FOUR YEARS AGO IN THIS WAR By the Canadian Press Oct. 28, 1940 R. A. F. again raided Berlin and Skoda arma ment works at Pilsen, Czecho Slovakia; Luftwaffe attacked London. Japanese Army with drew from Nannlng, Kwangsl Province. China. Prime Minister Menzics reorganized Australian cabinet. . IN THS BUPREMI'. COURT OP BBHISH COLUMBIA IN PRO n ATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP CHARLES IIOLDEN, DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that by order or His Honour. W. E. Fisher, made on the 12th day ot October. AD. 1944. I was appointed Administrator ot the Estate ot Charles Holden. deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 15th day of November. AD. 1944, and all parties indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 12th day of October. A.D. 1944. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C I .Ml .ml vie Tom Lee & Sou House of Fine Foods DAVIS IS BRILLIANT Heads Cast of "Mr. Skeffinc-ton," Tragl-Comedy at Capitol Theatre Bette Davis portrays with her usual fine skill the role of a vain and fascinating queen of the days immediately preceding the First World War in tragl-comcdy "Mr. Skefflngton," plcturlzatlon of the best-selling novel of the same name which comes to the Capitol Theatre here as the feature offering for Mpnday, Tuesday and Wednes day of this week. It is a poignant, extraordinarily moving drama of the life and times of Fanny Trellis, later Fanny Skefflng ton, the period being from Just before World War I until Just before World War II. Claude Rains has the title role of the long-suffering hus band. Richard Waring, a newcomer, is Fanny's heartless, Irresponsible brother. Marjorle Riordan is the charming much-neglected daughter of the sel fish mother. Walter Abel takes the part of Fanny's insoucient, likeable, well-meaning cousin. John Alexander, Paul Whitney and Jerome Cowan arc 3ultor? of the lrresprcsslble Fanny and Robert Shayne is a good time Charley of the colorful speuk-easy era. TERUACE T. A. McMartln of Smithers. j stoppea off here on Friday rom-H blnlng business with the pleas ure oi renewing om irienasnips. A threatened shortage - of water in the local supply Is now removed by the copious rains which have fellcn during the week Just past. Weather is very mild, and snow which had appeared on some of the mountains has vanished. Advertise in the Dally News. BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 4 w 3 DAYS 3 STARTING TODAY Feature at n.Z0, ' 2:47. .... 'A WOMJ is luurirui ONtr WMH tut is loveo WARNER SENSATIONI Coloird Cartoon "CHI) Goose" I TTtDAV,AlAW "i i -IIS eOKr... RlMw- TV... CLAUDE RAINS r'wjyra "A U'llAI r nr. n .mv "TWO C.IKLS AND A Change of Ownership.. 'Commcnci o - - 4. oiuie h i. t !t..i p i , i ll,' iiimii :i i iiriniic ir imnmH ..uuvki, iui uibi ij numwi as don's Grocery, will be under new manaz Jirwl will l.n lMu'n rio fVirt CI;am n ...... ..... wW wvvaa J UnHUtl UlUtu Your continued patronage will be dated. WILLIAM WASK, Just returned from Montreal with Rio Ql-VNL rt C a w All irood values, which advantage wil v , 0 - W. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" Demand For Lumber l Increasi W m T .. . . . . .. , m. ivw iiyii mm imiii ..cum Diui 1 1131 ? ill UUIlall Ulliuu i" '" Demand will Reach an All-Time High. GET IN ON THIS BOOM WITH A REAL MONEYMAKER THE "LITTLE GIANT" PORTABLE SAWMILL EASY TO SET UP Write us if you want further information, or see a mill at our ware- house. 1 I .... tn (IF NO I'KIOKITIES KEQUIItKI) SPECIFICATIONS: Husk Heavy Duty, made of good fir, 4" x 10". and 84" long by 42" wide, a ; UnA.1 1 1 U n I l . . . . . ...14 15! UU"' nidi I'll i. uiii'ih ifiriv irnnr rt - ri nir t'n fit itia iipii r sensitive, responding instantly to pressure on the operating lever Tnw v ii-ijuiii-a a uummum ui upKecp, ana gives an exceptionally & are the best material obtainable. . TUandrel is a 2 716" POlrt rnllort mmmlnH I l,no,r Viloh-snprrt. adlUSWO". ., ----- - , v iuuiji . .r' - - UK ay Inwo nnrl fhp nrlvn Pnlloir nnl. nii, i.. irij on" rtlametcr '"'";. The Saw Guide is an nnnrnvoH ?vn ! ooclltr oHiitto'hln. A Snlitter Wit" 81 . lever and drive for H teste, i - . . - .. i.V . . . . .. nf 7 carnage, oo x m long in z sccnons, o ana 12' and mounted oa a " .,,rW With WitH suostanuaiiy cross -braced and bolted, with the bossed hubs on m- 0f i in in :t it n rii'irn nn n rr rvi rint n irtn v- ..iaa rn i an nr mil t,o. - -it H ...v.vv uiij nv taiuuKv - j ik a' tlon removed, it makes a tie mill size carriage. Has 42'' log knees, u , . ratchet- 1' Set Works equipped with quick hand rcccder, .and six pawls on fc ,B. means built, and the design permits, both tne setting and receding motion rltlnla Iaiiah Track Ways consist of a set or 4" x 6" cross-braced and reinforced wl Quickly easily set together, on which the Vce track and fjat track is mounu up and 16 Is longest section wlich makes the outfit easy to move ping weight about 4,000 pounds. PRICED TO SELL IN TWO SIZES. . ,.,, I'..., iti.ii I'l-l-ll )Cll UIIU t UIICT IICdUT IWI ".. - rt.nil ffl.l'' n .r . ... 7hU.U - o neaa uiock carrlage20 feet long, In 2 sections 2 Head B OCk Carrliiiri.-JIrt fpnt limv n 1 srvUrm ,,n f.O.U' " MACHINERY DEPOT LlM(T 1020 TUVTII VU Iiii.'ct rw Telephone W2992