THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAQINQ EDITOR . .. C f The first bicycle was made in Scotland in 1839. Most of the known as hawks do poultry or small birds. CIVIC CENTRE ASS'N SET-UP The Civic Centre Association of Prince RuDert was IncorDor- M EMBER OP THE CANADIAN PRESS MpH linrlpr thp Societies Aet on The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to userfor publicar 1 March 24, 1942. Its first objec tion of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated press in uus paper and aiso ine local news published therein. ' All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Saturday, July 8, 1944 Chinese Situation Improves . . . For sonie little time the situation in China has been one of tjie most disturbing factors jn the general war picture. It was, therefore, most gratifying to get the good news yesterday from that theatre that the siege of Hengyan 1, which had been made a' virtual Chinese Stalingrad, had been broken and that the Japanese forces which had by-passed that ijnpprtant Chinese transportation centre had been successfully thrown back, thereby preventing the enemy from gaining control of the Canton-Hankow railway line and cutting China in two. The situation in China had. been looking really serious of late but there has now been a real and definite turn in the. tide there and, in this war of surprises, it is not beyond thp realm pf possibility that the Chinese, with what aid the Allies may be able to givej may now go pn to further success in the campaign to. liberate the Jong and brave fighting nation from the Nipponese aggressor. Details of troop movements and war Industry can ba cleverly pieced together by the enemy and provide a mass of useful Information to him. Deny him this advantage. Remember tlve is to furnish facilities for the amusement, entertainment and instruction of the citizens of Prince Rupert. Any person may become a member upon payment of the $1 annual membership fee which entitles one 10 voie ana 10 noia unite iij the Association. A membership fee of 25c per year applies to students without the privilege of voting. The annual general meeting Is held on the third Thursday In January of each year. The constitution requires there be ten directors two each from the four local service clubs who formed the original Civic Centre Committee and two appointed' by the- citizens. The citizens' representative? must not be members of any of the other organizations represented All directors must be of the full age of 21. The present directors are as follows: Citizens' representatives Rob-ert Gordon, Mrs. N.' Arnold. Gyro Club Dr, R. Q. Large, William Stone. Rotary Club A, S. Nlckerson, D. C. Stevenson (treasurer). Junior Chamber of Commerce T. N. Youngs (president), C G. Ham (secretary). Sons of Norway Oscar Hay-eroy, Gunnar Selvig. TWO-TONE TREASURE uiu. wic iiuiicjr Ui (vvaiiif the North American Indians, not kill was ln two colors, park purple 'and white. IT IS A CUSTOM OF THE ,CpUJTRY,Mi Y In India a Hindu gentleman 4i drapes his own turban ujth 50 yards of finest muslin , . . .. . .. 4 Tliere is not another fashion quite so smoothly smart as the English Drape by Bond. It's secret, of course, is in tlie cul , Tlie jacket must be roomy enough to fit easily, ' V ' M M V. t A t . T . . 1 uui nut tu roomy as 10 uc exireine. 11 must nave an air of quiet nonchalance, but must never be out of place in any informal company. It must have style without being stylish, if you know what we mean and we think you do. Bond lias deyplqped the English Rrape to the very majimum of good taste and is stressing it for immediate wear. Husky tweeds, smooth worsteds, dresy serges patterned or striped in weights and colors for men and women, are ready at Bond, just waiting your selection, ready to be tailored to your measure in an English Drape or any otljer style you may fancy. 27.75 29 7 fKSW . TAILORED-TO-MEASURE EXCLUSIVELY BY . . . Rupert Men's and Boy's Store QE TWO THE DAILY NEWS BATimDAY JULY i Prince George Man Honored VANCOUVER, July 8 T. P. (Percy) Swift, special agent. In vestigation department, Canadian NaUonal RallAays, Prince George, was highly honored at a ceremony held at the C.N.R. station here Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Swift, police sergeant for the railway at Vancouver for 15 years until his promotion to Prince Qeorge last January. made hundreds of friends dur ing his service In this city. In the presence of a large company df fellow workers, many of whom had received first aid InstrucUon from him, Mr. Swift was presented with a commendery vote of thanks by the St. John Ambulance Asso ciauon. me parenmem, a beautiful piece of work and signed "Athlone, Knight Com mander," was from the Vener able Order of St. John of Jerusa Jem, commandery In Canada, and recorded the special thanks of HLs Excellency, the Knight Commander of the Commandery in "Canada, for valuable assistance in furthering the work of the order Few persons are singled out for such recognition J. 8. Scott, assistant director of investigation, C.N.R., West- ' Vancouver Girl Seaman's Bride A auiet but pretty wedding took place last evening in the Two Cedarvale Men Go Active ...ipn tmrlt rtrlver fnr thP Nnr- eru nt-Kiun, wuuiiptg, urcseniea - " Mr,! illCIII WUlUhlUVIiUii V.UlipllJ . Swift and paid tribute to the ! Herbert .Frederick Burke. 19. who has been working at Telk- aid. Others who spoke briefly Jive in Cedarvale. were Jack Cook, regional super-1 Vlsbr of first' aid.'CN.R., Winnipeg, now conducting classes in this district; O. J.Wheatley, Inspector of Investigation; J. KnlPht. special agent, and Sgt. D. Geddes, Vancouver. Alfred Ncbel mite in 1867. Invented dyna- for the IUt Dally rxrtpt Sunday From the Eat Dally rxcrpt Monday I or Trrraci- Sunday, Monday. Wednesday, Tnunaay ana tnaay rrom Trrrare Monday, Tueaday. Tbunday, Friday and Saturday 11 I. 8 pm. 10:44 pm ............. '.UjjjfUjV " 'eti'i"- 'S' " I ... ,. , K : m m 411 I I LV I ULULALU . ill . i your choice is an English Drape V 1 1 t i m m m 1 1 TOmi! K Mr' 1 II' m m m mm mi m m u . w&pm 1 1" Jja I m I A I 1 44K ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. (Uy porothy Garbutt) tinker In the Sinatra manner and two men who are effective in the prologue to the Egyptian number.' The whole Idea of the show which Is not built along the usual concert party lines with a I master of ceremonies and lndi- 4 pm. ,v dual acts, IS that of two sol- 'dlers who are on embarkation ! If-avp Wantlhtr La bass' the time pleasantly and as profitably a posswie iney consult a sp fortune teller who by meant ol her magic crystal wafts them to far eff lands. The first stop on the magic carpet circuit is back home when Private Red looks In on his wife who is trying to .ilre a private detective to flndfcQUt, Just how he has been behaving. Thl? I proves to be somewhat of a boomerang as, Incidentally, he discovers that his worried ? wife has been stepping out with a Pettv Officer. Latour by name Recovering from this shock they Jjnd themselves in an lunar srarden, complete with the modest statuary "peculiar to Italian eardens"and yardt of marble fenclrivt. Here lovely girls ln deli rate formal frocks dance and s'nff fnr iherri. Next station Oil this Ottawa to bmdurun route is bv way of a detour to Holly wood where a statuesoue mode' in abbreviated Mae west cos- ituirie'shm sonxv'pf the Mauvf I n . I .H.n .( Ceptral Interior Soldiery Wpynded . Two soldiers from towns Jn this district have been wound' I ed in fighting overseas, the lat est Canadian Army casualty Jlst reveals. ' Seriously wounded is Private Raymond Morgan, son of Mrs Martha Morgan, pf Kltwanga. i He has been serving with a nrit-Ush Columbia regiment. Private John Raymond he I Clair, son of Mrs. Joyce June IClalr of Tprrace, is listed as I slightly wounded. He too. has been serving with a Urltlsh Columbia regiment. "Chuck" Bmlth, son of Mr and Mrs. Peter Smith, was with the Canadian Bcottlsh battalion which landed ln Normandy on D Day, his mother was Inform ed Jn a letter recently. The New Hazelton baseball team took a 13-4 victory oyer the Terrace army team at Smlthers on July 1. Barr & Anderson LMIITF.D riumblnf and IJeatlng Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stoker Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th 8t. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 i CU1MNEV SWEEPINO OIL HUKNKHS CLEANED AND IIEPAIKEI) New equipment and help assure, you "of a clean Job fhone piark 734 f nOME SERVICE HANDYMAN 'the troupe's Sinatra comes on and even the sypsy loriune wri-ler goes Into a dead faint while the boys out front in the audl- tenre had masses of fun swoon- jlng. sighing and reacting In the Tt- tar mnrp fun tn see a established manner. Going air- and Jack Kelly and Private Margaret Cross of the CWjV C. s. They have continued dialogue and keep It up at a good pace throughout the show. Prom 1910 to 1942 Red was ln a troupe concert party called "JMUln' th Blitz." This was volunteer eve ning work while he filled In hl spare moments working for the army, driving trucks and little things like that during the day while Jack has done a lot of radio work over the CDC. The Idea of the .show was created by Capuin Romnev Brent he of the Iunion :Ute a. I'UIMJK KLTKKT ROOFING CO. Hoi 72S SrwrlalM on Hulltup KlMlft (Ir;iair. I(f hln(llti ftrr tallmalra and cinema and BBC the continuity n.-irf 1... It.. Tt-IM t-, "Ml uj mic iciu-ive..y f I uumvo wilt tiou:a c t Sorel of Toronto a: j , I the famous CDC II; , .1,,., umisi iwn in nn ihi'ntiv nnrth bv northwest they composed the mu , presence of a few friends pi ; the, h , orphand-you have tare surprisingly enough In Rus- li Unit Number Six u contracting parties at First, feUow ,eell wJLh tne cast,lla-a Russian of soul seared Shows, the other r, Presbyterian Church, when MJss 6y' lhUe itn lhelr troubles peasants and not a balalaika in m ir.EiiKiand a;,!' Sharon Ruth Thomas, daughter f, on xne are ughu to sight. The two wandering sad- unean a -en tin , of Mr- and Mrs. W. L. Thomas, i. D,n,iteH mnes to bo ud andlsnck are overcome by the In- w here in pnn t 974 West 21st Avenue. Vancou-, down'endiessi y and curtains to .tense Russian winter and to get little over year :, ver, became the bride of Able hooked on little rows iof hooks, some warmth Into their bones by the anplause : i: Seaman Stewart Nlsbet, Prfocp And cnalrs te m place. Uhe gypsy turns on the heat and more than enthu: Rupert. ,.ows oi them-all in a line and i out come all sorts of dancln celved. Commander C The bride was given in mar-' ,.i.- . .mm f rrvv. iiru until the nimosohere is.ed the troupe fur ' . rlage by D. W: Haywood and it- u Q one corner twq suxrocatln- but satisfying. North i efforts and gave tuc : . tended by Miss Hilary Orayes. Blrl, are pirouetting In practice Africa Is their final destination, of the Navys apprc The groomsman was PO. Hernard rni,inp another several are ; at El Alamein the night of the Forsyth, , and the ceremony was leadin letters, their first mall 'big push. Here desert dancing conauctea Dy Key. a. r.. xac- ,rom home ln days, officers are Sween. The groom's home is atii a huddle over some matter of New Westminster but the young importance we hope the couple plan to make their home 'drummer", ln this case Nicky nere.ior me preaeni ana wuj'Korn, and the clarinet are hav hnvp have thp the good pcioA wishes wishes of of the the !.. 'lam i session ,..t.n all i v... by Km me a them- communlty. selves and all seems confusion worst confounded. But It Is only la "seeming" for. when Uie curtain goes up on the evening's 'performance, everything is in I order and the Jigsaw puzzle of the afternoon has resolved Itself Two young Cedarvale men a nft and ordered pattern have "gone active" this week, of entertainment, rd re Wvins on Monday pliht There are twenty-seven mem-tor the Vancouver Army recep- ln Jhe Arniv Show now mnir. Th.v . p ! vmnnri 1 blavlnn here, fourteen of them liarvev McBride 18. who has , appearing on the stage. Eight - - ' tniar a I I a.Ua.UM and grace to the singing and dancing numbers a comedienne of ni MMn t n T mm t lorn lnmHlin4 eooaworKne rnnri work hp hart naa nprfnrrriprt perionnea fnf ior. ; Mrents Pa"n" 01 of Vth 00111 men t comic team well-matched to 16 In the interests ,Tn men,?0 of first years feed each pn.hAfhpr other .heir their lines, lines, a a C.N.R. Trains girls, whose costumes were vaguely reminiscent of "The Merry Wives of Windsor." dance with a full complement of exotic wriggles. Altogther an einbarkv tion leave to be envied! The three stars of the show The how "AbfAi 1044" continues at v.., Hall until Hie ,.vi week, living all .r . nel In the area uo of seeing It. Members of the eslra are as foiicri Girls-Uergcat li are the comic team of Rod Held lant jUge llhmiu. . , E. Bealty. T II Ui bell. J. E OmUom It. Z. Ilawley, M M I Teib6. M I- gcr M i Men Sftt W lir j Kelly. 8ft LAI manaert. Cd) F P C-Lea. Pte H;i d . i technical mcn Orchestra Icadrr r Towrrtey: ine N K r Barber. Ptc T F t J. Crlngan. O. DfC. lluvhts A L Vilic. I), Johnstor. Officer Comw:c: ii 8 Lifur Tommv Mi PROTECT AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME I with ACE. TEX INSULATING BRICK SIDING No inatlrr liuw much nn ulj hmix b minlrrniir,) and rflr-i,rlrl ul' rarr ami tliuuflit U r-iUl oh Ik rilrrlor. It Im,L lilr "an J . I,ous A:tKV IN!l,LUI.-4iliU-X Ml)(; nut unly ml rr I ami full ( aulalra )uur tiunir. Iiit il a V tlnrlltrljr tliarming ami diyiilfiril tttcfkrt, THt AHFtTFY LINE Acouttl Beard Lath Oaird Flbrt Beard Ha'rdboirdi Brick Siding Atphalt Shlrtl r I b r t n Wattrpreollng Roll Rooflnj Plat tl-Stil Building Paptn C r e o t e t CANADA ROOF PRODUCTS LTD. Re-opening of the i r r ' T('t W: CHOW MMN Hours 0 30 ajn to 1 C MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STO! "Where dollars have more cents" We hate a romjilfte varirly of available (Jroccrics, Frt-sli Fruits anil VcKCtnlilei Tolinrro.s and ('onf'Tlintu'ry PHKK DKl.IVWtY throughout the City three limes H iTucsdays, Thursdays and Buturdaysl Opposite Canadian LPKlnn SUP.rOHT TJIK PIONEERS' HO.MK PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTER Down through the years, almost since Prince Bj first existed, we have served the neonlo. The nrescrlpt laboratory wo have always tried to keep modern, skilled pharmacists, quality, drugs, the best of equlpn' Ormes Ltd Z?Jni Pioneer Druqftets THE REXALL BTOnE PHONES 81 A Open Dally from 0 a.m, till 0 pm. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-0 PR