1 1 1 Hi '3 t 1. DAILY EDITION A Timely Topic . . . Home-Front Heroes . . Saturday, Jantrafy 15, 1944 The suggestion of E. T. Kenney, M.L.A. for Skeena, as made to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at its annual meeting, tliat a steamsnip service be established from Prince Rupert to the United Kingdom and Europe is not a new one. There was never a more timely occasion than the present, however, to renew the suggestion. The counsel that preparations should be made now so as to Among today's unsung, undecorated heroes and heroines are those vho cjuietly but Intrepidly . are wiiging war against juvenile delinquency on the home front, savs Christian Science Monitor. They lack the manpower for a quick, decisive victory, They lack the ammunition for; an all-out offensive agaiiist the foe. Sometimes they even lack the co-operation of the communities in Which they serve. If i 1 . 1 T ! J?? 1 . . Sport Chat Canadian hockey representation in liritain reached its highest peak of the war with the revelation that twelve members ot the Air Force team htch won the Allan Cup In The season of 1941-12 are on active service there. Not all, however, have got around to the ice game again. "It would .. . .tj who S Bauer be jq Kraut lltvo line ti-hon when tien Raiior Bauer uauer fractur ca an arm w.nlli fnl tlia t mi A 'hOH U'dTOl TI'Mllt HI II l'l I III 1 1 1 f 1 lC I. i 1-.J.I Mike Miller and Sgt Buddy; Hellyer of Westmount. Que . who had a brief tour In pro-' fessional hockey before joining the R. C. A. F. "We would need a goaler to round as oat if and when," said Dumart. 'Young George Hainsworth, who is up ln Bccrber tJroup. would fill the bill. He's a chip off the old block, arid the old block was good." 1 e.L iiunuieus ux iiuc men aiu huiuch V.U111- wno snot tnree goals, lac batting this Wartime problem without thought of re-1 Arnold wood of Miami, Man. ward or nublic recosmition. Thev seek results only, i scored the others. The losers 1 C7 Through the persistent uphill efforts of these workers, hundreds of teen-age clubs have been organized all over the country to provide entertainment, music for dancing, and bars where soft drinks, ice cream, and candy are served. Law enforcement agencies, .churches, schools, and settlement houses are co-operating today in many enterprises to get the teen-agers off the street and out of trouble. Progress is attributable not only to the activities of the professional social worker but also to volunteer help. This is truly war work of the most urgent kind, and there are still opportunities for service in these ranks. DAILY NEWS ONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News is compiling a Roll 'of Honor which It Is hoped may contain the name of every man and woman of this city to serve with the armed farces at Sea; on land and ln the air. To make this list complete, It Is essential toy obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole ln submitting the names. ' It Is Impossible for- the bally News or any one person to compile the list comnJte so we are asking YOU to be responsible for the subr lsslon of the name of YOUR boy, YOUR girl or YOUR tr'Httd. The following is the information we would like you to fill ln and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR ' Daily News, Prince Rupert Name Service (Army, Navy, Air Force) TAHlC nrir'i r"n'-iiiniiiiiliriiii tttmm mm Next of Kin Relation Addrss Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge , If Casualty, Nature and Date - -, , ,., , - Remember, If YOU do not submit a certain person's name, no one else may, You are responsible. A team representing the combined Red Indian and Wolf Canadian FigHter squadrons dropped its first hockey game in three starts when a classy bunch from a Canadian Mosquito squadion stung them 5-3. Major factor in the victory was the performance of FO. Mac MrCormlck of Edmonton, Alta, tallies were scored by Sgt. Lloyd Bowles of St. Catherines, Ont, and FO, Bob Pentland of Calgary. Pentland, on the brink of a professional career with New Yo:k Rangers When the war came along, fired the neatest goal of the game. It was an ankle-high shot to the corner ana it climaxed a rink-lbn solo dash in the final period. In that period, LAC. Carl Ken of Transcona, Man., losing centre, fell to the ice after a collision, and kaetured his Basketball Buzz De quue an event n we couiu ln thp firsl quarter of rouno up me oia ieam f" day night's Air Force vs. Navy piay a series oi games mterwrMce League basketball All-Star teams for war charit- p,ay pky lgame m wry ies. said PO. Porky Dumart, !poJng mtQ mmA quanpr erstwhile Boston Bruin star now ,lh a score ot 16 to l5 tn ftwr in his second winter over there. of lhe alrnwn ln tne thlnl quarter things picked up tor une oi ine larest to arrive ..... At. vn .rWh thr is TO. Johnny Acheson of Mon- rvervthlrig ,t nad tato tlw plav treal and Toronto. He was ser- nn 0fllnpd ,..-,. nt PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Rra Castings Elettrk- torrtl Acetytetie Weldine SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL arid MINING .MACHINERY AH Types of Gas Engines Repairrd and Overhauled SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 PAOH TWO TIIE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY, JANUARY J THE DAILY NEWS IMUKCE RUPF.RT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert bally News Limited, Third Avenue tj. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION HATES By City Carrier, per week Per month Per year .... .. By Mall, per month Per year . - .15 - .65 $7.00 . .40 .. $4.00 P.O. Box 514 FRASEK STREET PRINCE RUPERT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrrtTTTTTYTTTT Wood Fuel Please let us have your order for wood fuel at once. We have plenty of wood on hand. Phone your order for wood to your regular fuel dealer. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 baAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 0 J. TV ff Down ' through the years, almost since Prince Rupert first existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the best of equipment, As we start a new year, we are proud of our record, and grateful for the confidence you have shown In us. May we continue to serve you. Ormes Lid. Ci? Pioneer Druq&tets THE KICXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. RESERVES WIN OUT vlng as a pilot in the 1X73. Eastern ta nte CiTrying on into. to 23 "1TT-L i ;nn tne Iounn quarler ine &mnn Another In lhe series of ex I xtciv,Y iui nit nun. mix.ii - - season, 15 a piiuv in miuim. c"JlmDY.lnff Air Forte will be- freelv resumed under peace conditions and-t. Big Jerry Phiiwn of Montre-1 B tli nntnral nro( nets of Prince Kunei't and (HSU'lCl 1 ai ana vaHeyima. wue.. wno may be moved to the markets of the -world is wise. ThP idea, to be broucht into ultimate consumma tion, will require a lot of development in the way of thought, planning ana organization.-aume emeiji-s-ing interests, either local or othenvise, Tiiay see in it a good opportunity. Meanwhile it is one of the items 'of postwar re-establishment that the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce would do well to interest itself in and promote to the bestof its talents and energy. It has been often and rightly said that the destiny of this city and district can never be achieved until Prince Rupert has been established as world port Much has been done as a result of war necessity to develop and exploit the facilities here facilities ; which, it is to be hoped, will not be left idle after the exigencies of the war have passed. In a double header it TVrt Edward Thursday evening the Reserves defeated Ontario Regiment with a we of 70 to 38 Tfte star of thr Reserves was Shorty Santerbane. The Ontar-IvrtW leading man was Sgt. Hunl This game was a fast moving one with -only two fouls. In the second game Coast Battery defeated Portress with a score of 31 to -M. Re-fham aadc 10 points and Fredachuk S points of the 31 points. The fop scorers of Fortress were Mc- Korked 9. and . MeMunehie points. Women's Area Basketball Leag- e will be pVayrd at Four' Group gymn. The C.WJV.C. meets the High School and the V. S. works wfll Way ttCA F WD. The league standing to date: W. L Pts. Yanks Port Edward Reserves Air Force Navy High School 17th Com Fortress Ontasio 11th A. A. SERVICES TO Vancouver, U'aypolnts, Victoria Stewart North and e 8 ; 4 3 3 3 1 0 in tiii: u ritoir. roi iit 01 IIIIITMI lil t Mill IV I'KOIIUI is ihk Mmi:R oi- tin: .tnMIMTKTHl AIT" .WHIN Till: MITTf R OK Tin: t.TT OI flMUKit: WI I IM llWIx iinvwn TAKE NOTICE that by rtter of !.. Hot lor, W E Plalxr. mxti mi ', fcih My at Hitmty. A t. TS4. I n nppointd Admtlllkt nanr . m ith WH1 Mitpxn U th EMtaft acxf WMtMm tvtft, ttmxt. an-! nil f3rtleii hv.r claim trtirxt vh miM tw r hfrry rr)ii!mi t , ; fnrnWi mme. prflnWy rrrHvil, to me on or tti nwi uy nt i Frtmuuy X, D. fSH. ami .ifl p-'H r : r.n-Tnl fo thf EKbx- tf fy)iW'(J I ui py ih nmxint I Uiw iiMHit-plri to m forthwith txwy) tvikn? tttxr-t. to r an IWli ay OS Jnry A D 1V44. NORMAN A WATT OfTvtaj Admtnu'r.itor Prfnr Riipn" B C i:iiTBj-.BTxitTiaTli,j:il m 1 1 tsu iinvai utiii ami k Pasteurized Alll.K I VALENTIN DAIRY ! twr .:, xm-mrmTm rr.m turn 1 1 1 IWf and atid Qtrren Charlotte Islanflj Full InK.matlon, Tickets and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 368 GOLD SEAL rfe Fancy Red flassSs Salmon Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on actl,' service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. Ping Pong Series On The First in a series of ping pong matches took place at the Empress hall when Ontario Regtmwt defeated the Artillery. The winnersifot the Ontarlons with two points each w?re. Pruchuk, Benrrrtl. Sherman, Shofman. For the Artillery Mlotek and McFarland ach got two jwlnts. -V Hockey Standings W D Canadlens 20 4 8 Toronto IS 1 Boston 12 In games at Seal Cove Port; Detroit 9 Edward defeated High School Chicago 11 72 to 38. In the other game Uie Rangfrs 4 Yanks who .Vttll hold tlw no i L F 3 127 A PU 61 44 11 131 104 10 128 127 87 m 13 99 114 21 83 152 23 23 22 Ba..,x-i.. uun.nu ixxn.-.x.J , M,tvrr cCfCCXIl-VV ! nisTntcT NOTICE Is heiby Riven that I Aau. .f n.i .tw -.1 i fJS X wre st,U golng slrom and wiiWtten basketball Rarm will1 a Court of Revision ar and S. the Navy bwIM lime by scorlmti take pl4ce iamiary 28. at Vhc ! VJ".' wovUloiu the p R. r C. A a p F. s place on Acl ;anothe M ts. Tire Navy : ?w ani Drill Hall fractur- ... . . ..... ,,"J nan. The t in. entire nnire pro- viv - ment nicius thrpof iiiriroi. , and unu nnri 9 -it STii aooeal. of the atnend- 'Public ruum iraciur-i--v.i hint nard in to irot ixnntivJ K,1 ? J ... , . . . late in the 1942 fougnt. B7 .cretts will be ttonatrd to the 1 Schools Act", respecting the As xiilt ntuntr, !was outmanoeuvred by the fast- prtS(m,rs 0f ,'ar Fund. Com- sesment Rolls for the Print Prince The Navy line-up was almost plaj-ed defence. A flying officer, similar to that of the previous he captains a bomber in a Can- ipame. having Martin, Kelly, adian squadron. Wallace, Carlisle. Humbtr. Other Allan Cup members overseas ate PO. Milt Schmidt who was the top scorer of trre National league as a member of Boston Bruins; his former teammate, Bauer, now engaged in radio work as a leading atr-crartrnan; Sgt. Pickles Mrttich-oll of St. Andrews N. B.. who played much hock?y in Eastern ' Canada: WO. Ted Miller. .LAC. prennce ana Hcwoa. Air Force team consisted of Pa to. Zok Smlthers, Blore. Oerrtsmorf. Baumer and Morrison. Al Force had nine fouls and gained three points out ot these while Navy had eight fouls and converted only one. nwhder C.te oi the R. C. 'N. "P AV5fTn' . SiVL".. roi the vear 1944. will be held a iv. ( hi. has again granted his co-oper- v. tne ,,ouse Prlnce Rupert avion tn this event IB. C . on ThursUat. February Tuesday evelng ought to I 1 17th. 1944, at 2 owtfk in Mr? & very Interesting one in basket- afte noon , Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C x,n Ts. ti , ,v.a ball. The first game - m the tar.,,, 11m ion WALTER D. VANCE I Judee of the Court of Revision and appeal. , in For JOIN THE I NAVY LEAGUE! Mt nihership entitles you to participate til $15,000.00 TREASURE CHEST CONTEST The Variety Store W 1 TnCtP.T nd For Comfortable Cats Exchange Blocl and j or Vsotk Taxi Service Promptness,1 Courtesy, Safety and Longr Experience For General Contracting of all Kinds Call 32 Seal Cove Truck & Transportation JOHN GURVICH Sixth Street J