IRDAV. JANUARY 13. 16 CHURCH NOTICES first United Church bt SUth Avenue West ij, A. ini. M.A, sunnier , 8. Wlbwn, sr Vhoir Leader IW C Taylor, jr. onoir uir Swartnu Oiafsou, A.T.C.M. omaniu a, Knlpe, Superintendent of Sunday Bchool. Morning Service. .Evening Service. Come and worsrnp. the Manw at clow of . I . All InNH . rw Hi.. ilatly invited. Andrews Cathedral Very Rev, J. T. ulbMn J mizt tr.a wnoirmasier, P Lien Sa F J. Skinner a.jn. limy uommunion. 'am. Morning rraycr, nu Jyra -eunaay rciuxji. Evenhrft rrayer and wr v.j Mrs. r n. woa. First Uaplst Church fifth Are. ahd Young Stirrt SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 aJm. Ward Haley. 12:15 Sunday School and Class. V:30 p.m. 1 II. Llnzey. Male "Quartette will sing BIWe Subject: 'Excuses not Reasons.' Hour of Fellowship and Song t tlose ol rvtrtlng sefVlce. "The Prtendly Church" First Presbyterian Church Rev. A. P. MacSween, B.A., Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Choir Leader 1 :00 a-m. Morning Worship. I2:lJ phi. Church School Bote: J. A. Tens;. The annual meeting of the congregation will be held on nnual meeting oT the fMonday, January V7, at 8 p.m. In Oration will be held in the iUie cnurch nan. ; pained Ktral hail on Monaay, Jan. A ronjuu imiimion u exicnaea 8 pm. I to all. in oood is nome irom nw V-Ith the army spending vVMnt with h parent. Ondineiy Meaman James Taylor R C. N. V.-R,orrrmi this week from lUllfax to spend ienve vtsltlng with his plainer, James Taylor. Seal vote. Him.K FACTS CAMPAIGN 'he Baptism of the Holy Spirit WHO RKCKIVES IT? the Gift of Tongues VOlt WHAT PITUPOSK? . ' Bible Pacts will be presented In rcfercnee to "-If "Is by F T BALMER, representing the World's rrs'.: Protestant Mlurfotwiry Oivatwmon Tlie 8eventh- Ij ODDFKLLOWS' HALL J 8ong 8ervlce will preteae Ihe lecture. All welcome. NOTICE rue to government regulations and restric-ns, on and after Januiuy 15, 1011, we will orate on a Cash Ua?is. Watch this paper for vertisements and compare our prices. We solicit your business. iSAV-MOR GROCERY P.O. llox, Sub Station 11. Box 1J7C Wlnnr !2I COO :tli Ave- I'.a.t AAAAAAAJIAAAA4AAAA1AAAA.A.AAAA ELIO Has .lust Received a Shipment of SIMMONS BEDS rautyrest Spring Filled Mattresses, Deep Sleep, Slumber ling Mattrewes, Folding Steel 1 Cots with Mattress. r brvrrto Bed Lounges, Baby Cribs, Folding Carriages. For Your lied Requirements see Elio's Windows Third Avenue (Next l the Dally News) rTTmmVTTTTTTTmVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTV MR , , . vr feature . . , A full line of Swirt's Prcminm Meats nt nil times. A complete and Fresh stock of Fruit and Vcrrctnhlcs. Yon can get everything you want at this jommunity Shopping Centre Prices flight. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET . .1 Thrifty Housewives I LOCAL NEWS NOTES Gash for old gold, Bulger's. !a a Daice sponsored by the ! Labor-Progressive Club, to be Hugo Kraupner U leaving to- held at the feast End Hall, 8at- mgnt lor a business trip to Vancouver. i-.iv p,m. t.wning worsnip rtirrrf A 111 1 If : p.m. Young Pedples Club AWAY Bpeaker: Rev. Capt. W. D. ftowtamts. Death Removes Another of Prince Ituprtt's Honeer Oerfrge Brochu, another old timer of Prince Rupert, ha.- away. He died at 2 o'clock Yesterday mornlne In Vancouver where he has been residing for the past year with his on, Oeorge Brochu. He hiifl been In falling health for about a year. Mr. Brochu was a real pioneer of the north, having been In Dawson, where he was engaged In gold mining, before coming to Prince Rupert some 30 years ago. He had followed stevedoring here. Deceased, who would haw been W years oT age tomorrow, was bom In Quebec. Besides hit ton, Oeorge. there is a younger son. Earl Brochu. who U on service with the Canadian Army 'in Italy A married daughter. Lorraine, lives In Vancouver. The funeral will take plan n Vancouver on Monday afternoon. Many old friends w-Ml learn with regret of Mr. Brochu' pass ing. Announcement . All adTfrtlements In this rolamn will be charred .for a full inont'j at 25c a word. L.O.L.M. 2 Orange Dance Mon., Jan. 24, 9:30 sharp. Odd-tellowtt' Hall. Jean de Carlo's Orchestra. Burns' Tea at the home of Mrs. Oeorge Mitchell, January 56th. Ytttvttv yttv rr tttttttttv THE REX CAFE i Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 pm to 2 a.m. 4 2nd Avenue lAcrwn from I'rlnre Rupert Hotel) Thone 171 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water 1'rlnce Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19 For Mutual Benefit iealth nd Accident See JOHN U WRIC.HT Phone 741 j ut uaj , vKiiuoij iti( kLwint a wit .Good music- 50c each. Alex Alexeef of the dry dock' The executive council of the stores department returned to Prince Rupert Chamber of Com-the city thl week after spend- metre, as elected at the annual ing a holiday at his Iwme In ; meeting Thursday night, con-Edmonton. ; sLsta of W. R. McAfee, Arnold 'Flaten, W. M. Walts. S. E. Par- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ker. O. R. 8. Blackaby, J. E. The Skeena Orient Timber Boddie, H. A. Breen, Theo Col-Co. Ltd. has changed its name'lart' W- - Fulton, Peter Lakle, to Oearge Little It Son Ltd. i J- 3 utt,c' D- c- McRae. C. O. There has. howevtr. been no i Minns. J. W . Nlcholls and O. W. change In ownership or man-(Nlfkeraon. atwnent ,12) , Tonlch. "tralnTdue from the 'GEO. BROCHU i Pioneer Rooms No. 6 X KWONO SANfl niNn HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. .12 p.m. Phone Red 27 THE DAILY NEWS rstJt THREft (east at 10:45, was reported this j afternoon to be on time NOW-RELIEVE SOKE THROAT FROM AtOlD fl ALMOST INSTANTLY 1 m (. fo-octKg New Officers Of Brotherhood KTIWANOA, Jan. 1 A letter from Alfred Adams, president of the Native Brotherhood of British OolumWa, -which extended New Year ' gttetlngs and urged steadfastness of alms, was read at a recent meeting of the local branch or the Native Brotherhood. The letter said that. In order to achieve Its dbjetfives. the Brotherhood must have the wholehearted support of Its members and that sa:y. The meeting, the purpose of which was tire election of officers of the coming year, en-Joyed a full membership attendance. Following the reading of the letter by W. B. Morgan, district vice president, Harold Sinclair, president, spoke briefly In confirmation of Mr. Adam's sentiments. Following Is a list of those elected to executive positions: President: Harold Sinclair 1 :eturwed Vive-President: Thomas Weg- et Second Vice-President: Silas Innes. Treasurer: ChieT Mathias Bright Secretary: Edward H. Benson. Recording Secxetray: Joseph R Daniels. Try a Results. Want-Ad lor Quick Final Drive In Treasure Chest Campaign Is On witn another monm to to before the close and the local objective of $20,000 aboat half achieved, a Ilnal spurt Is to be put on in the Navy League of Canada Treasure Chest membership drive. A meeting or the campaign committee was held last night to perfect arrange- they must be -prepared to make'ments for the culminating ef- whatever sacrifices are neces- fort. Already a considerable num ber of substantial subscriptions have been made. General Interest Is also being taken In the drawing for substantial prizes. mm G0LDBL00M Is back Buying Furs. Win pay 303 more than anyone else. Don't be foolish and sell your furs at the water-front. Bring them up to the Old Reliable. Ladies, before taking stock, we are giving a big discount off. so don't lose the opportunity. W. Goldbloom CLASSIFIED ADS Classifird Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office telephone orders Rate 2c per word per insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE One kitchen set. double bed, davenport. 409 6th Ave. East. FOR SALE One complete bed and drMser. Like new. 1445 8th Ave. East. FOR SALE piece dlnnette suite, practically new. red leather uphoksiery. Victor Radio. Phone Blue 395. FOR SALE Remington portable typewriter, latest model. Apply Staff House No. 2. 1?) FOR SALE Small saw mill, new buildings, new camps in stand of approximately 2,000,000 feet of cedar, sltka spruce, hemlock and balsam fir. B.C. Timber sale, one-half mile from New IRghway, mile from spur oh the C.N R.. 78 miles east of Prince Rupert. Health reasons. W. A. lirifflth, Box 121. Terrace. 'B.C. FOR RENT FOR RENT Room lor single Ri.-l Phone Red 600. 13) WANTED WANTED Trunk in good condition. Phone Black 339. child want 2. 3 Or 4 iooms, furnished or partly furnished. Box 662 Dally News. WANTED To rent 4 or 5 roomed house by quiet couple. Box 601 Dally News. (13) WANTED Teacher. Young lady Is anxious to take violin lessons. Apply Box 653 Dally News. (tf WANTED Clean -furnished apartment or small house Tor responsible marine officer anA wife. Prince Rupert Hotel, room 53. (12 WANTED Sleeping room for , small family or three with I or without board. Write or Phone John Schermger, Mar-, lne repair shop A. T. S. (14) 1 WANTED Drop-side cot. Suite 3, Rand Block, (12) YAI.CA. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Oarbutt PERSONAL RESPONSIBLE Canadian girl will mind children, evening and half-day Saturday. Apply Box.657 tally News. (12) Olrl wants work by hour. Apply Box o59 ally News. STENOS. TYriSTs! POSTAL CLERKS for Government war work. You .can train at home. Free Information, M.C.C. Civil Service Schools Ltd, YOU CAN RUN A HOME KIN dergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M, C C Schools, Winnipeg, Man, HELP- WANTED TEACHER WANTED For Division I Skidgate Inlet United Superior school, Orades 7 to 10. 12 pupils. Salary (1500 per annum. Apply Immediately stating age. experience and enclosing copies oX recent Inspectors reports to Dr. D. Rupert. B. C. 114) STEN'OORAPHER Tor accountant's office. Neat and accurate copy . typing essential. Shorthand not 60 important. Applicants with knowledge ol comme.ttal book-keeping, or those wMmg to iearn, will have preference Written applications only. State experience, H any. Apply 0. I. C. AM 96. tf) LOST I LOST By young boy, billfold ! containing small sum of mon ey. Finder please phore Red !85. 13) LOST Girl's sterUng Identification bracelet with Navy crest Finder please leave at Dally News Office. tl) WANTED Couple with one LOST One brown leather glove between Post ornce and Dauy News. Finder would oblige by phoning 86 or Slack 291. LOST Small black dog at Met-lakalla on Dec. 30, Answers to name "Dinks". Tag No. 30. Notiry W. J. Robinson, Met-lakatla. Reward. (ID LOST-rLadles Phone 841 brown FOUND raincoat. (12) FOUND Some good leather glows, odd hands, have been heft at the Dally News ofllce. Owners may have, same by paying ror this advertisement. FOUND Upper set ot false teeth, owner may have same by calling at the Dally News otflce and paymg Tor this advertisement, (to POUND Pair of glasses. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News office and paying for this advertisement. UD FOUND Black leather wallet on 3rd Ave., belonging to a sailor. Contains pictures, Identification card and small change. Owner may have same by tailing at the Dally News office and paying for this ad. (tf) For Income Tar RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 8 121 2nd Ave. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE fnbiie Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS House or Better Cleaning-Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes I)res?es Without Guesses Waterproofing a Speclaltt We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 59 R. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' & Men Mafle-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black :1 National Monuments You can now mark the grave or your loved ones by buying a monument rrom National Monuments at the most reasonable prices. Box 1125 Postal Station B Workshop 662 5th Ave. East, Prince Rupert "Made in Prince Rupert" HELEN'S BEAUTY SnOP Permanent Waving Beauty Cultiu- m an it branches 206 4th SI. rtione (55 SMITn & ELK1NS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 171 inn P.O. Box 271 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin, Representative Box 526 1315 rirrot Ave. Prince Rupert, bc. TVTVTVVYYYYVVVVVVVVVtYVT SHRIMP Fresh EYfrv I)av Wat W.S.L." First Float West or Imperial Oil Co. Daily after 4 p.m. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH maa Help The Men In The Merchant Marine AND THE LOCAL CORPS OF SEA CADETS . . . Buy a Membership in the Xavy League Today $1.00 Membership entitles participation in a $20,000 Prize Draw Watts & Nickerson MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHIERS 532 Third Ave. Phone 345 PRINCE RtPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Built up Roofs Repairs, K-hing1mg Free Estimates BTBXKrK:i3 cat 1 Attention You are cordially Invited to attend a SOCIAL EVENING Saturday, Jan 15, at 8 p.m. No. 1 Dining Hall Usual Admission. Everyone Welcome Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 NOTICE!! Fraser & Payne wishes to announce that their store will be closed from January 17th, till Monday, 31st January, for Stocktaking and general adjustment Fraser & Payne ' .-K..SK MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more tents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectioner' FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) 1 Opposite Canadian Legton Planned Victory! A day by day account in Words and pictures of the most historic gathering in Canada in 1TM3. THE QUEBEC CONFERENCE, 1913 Published by The National Film Board Price 50c For Sale at . oMijcidom.JM