t! C T 1 T os in SfcSI w at meeting of t Labor Pro-week Mn. gave a import on the adian Bovlei y convention rcirenlly tn Tor- n wa a huge ds being unable . in account ot . .apaclty Every wa. represented at txthe:lng designed f ..TTiiy the bond of b! ween the two ic; ot Canada and ... functions of the tti? held tn the s. Hi : Mas&cy Hall x.itan Church of ,M tn Turonto's ' was draped dec- Rrd Flag of :: a'.ionaie " llai), Colonel Za-v d famous Red cijeed to the re and was given uj-a n, Attired t" uniform of w a very striking nl Roosevelt. 1 Ourchtl) were rcn at Masscy . ause was dcaf-V.rrn minutes. Dl a Russian a broken a r.iu ane without ' wr" also shown, it progress has . tiuvMa m Um last P' 8 urcs of small auit- the useful ' '.: i r the preaer fhv ojThards were amtei w... aript. a rorrenpond ngRuss,a:i c ' town etc. The 'MjArm b:rating hund-eljWiiV. . - ; a:.1 towns and FeTwlil L a vry urgent leidfjpr Wuti f i hing. food tfttSfd. -i uppllrs tor these pf wao have flth- fthe brufat terrific on- ! t.r. Nazi Horde. It U.J b taken Lmmed- y t'iic C ity of Prince McCarthy was warmly Secretary IT . I 1 Larly 1 Peace IINOTON D P Jan 15 t l.v di i if" nnvv r rniii r.Jnkltng to expect an 1 e in Oe;itiany will n it inn Ani ai t i a i v nui iss tfSic a tiA.iai i.sng and costly . waif V u 1 1 , a Kf A I. a vsvsva last nlcht announced ne bombs had been found rum itmnrin m urii.nm. three hundred cases vAiiuui'u, ine snip whs i t i :i ii on miT Tin mom rami's crew were Injured. Manchester Guardian iTir infill. inn.i. fun,. ii'iiin ijnirn m lhko a Inn nf rtftf nn .irlth Ktnln Ho&rawe Japancte i tempts to aula on N richtlnt, Warning. ,t Penln- ilrltaln Bitter ALLIED HEADQUARTERS U SOUTH PACIFIC. Jan. 15-Thc Japanese have failed In sever al attempU to recapture Arawe Peninsula on the southwest coast of New Britain and Amer ican troop still hold all main positions. Almost five hundred Japanese were killed In a fleht for a strategic; JiM In a two-day per- wa ending iuinujr. More than three thousand JapanKC have been killed In bitter fighting since American marines invarWl cape oiouces day. Disillusioned With C.C.F. So l h the strains1 Quits Movement QUEBEC. Jan 15 -4 O. Oag- i.on has resigned as secretary of the French Section of the Co - operative Commonwealth Federation because "things are not as I saw them on first con tact with the movement." Bomb Hits Dance Hall At Lt Seven Kllledln.E.nl.; LONDON, Jan. 15 - At least - Tfcrso were called t'rn prrsuna cic mu m. 31 lnlured last nlaht when a Tokyo claims that 150 Allied planes attacked Rabaul and that forty-seven were brought down. Donations To Navy League 'Not ln Treasure Chest Drawl Canadian Fish and Cold Stolon rn 140n Bellst Chapter. O.E.8. 40 t-i- nuler Ltd. ft Dr. Magulre 1 Watts and Nlckcrson 50 New Roval Hotel 50 II. S. Wallace Ltd. . 25 J. 11. Carson Co. 5 Dry Goods and Novelty Shop . 5 McRae Bros, Ltd. 10 Royal Fish Co. 25 Dr. L. W. Kcrgln . 10 Anonymous 25 Hyde Transfer. 5 Thompson Hardware Ltd. 5 Parkin Electric 5 Mitchell and Cu'rile.'' 25 nchnont Hotel 5 Savoy Hotel 25 Central Hotel 10 L. Amadlo. 5 ALL SOFIA Bulgarian Heported to Have Ordered All Civilians to Leave Capital. ISTANBUL, Jan. 15 It Is reported here that the Bulgarian government has ordered total evacuation of the capital city of Sofia on account of Allied bombing attacks. The centre of the city has been already virtually destroyed. Twelve Dead In Collision NOVICE. Texas. Jan. 15 0; A passenger train smashed Into the rear ot another at Santa ter Urv Hritnln area December Fe station here Thursday, klll- 26, headquarters announced to- Ing at least twelve persons and ! Injuring forty-five, several crit-. Ically. Local Boy Is Air Force Postmaster Voluntary ShlfU at Mht Speed Delivery of Airmen's Letters. Combining many of the more commendable qualities ot a mis sing persons bureau, a beagle and a friend from home, the Canadian section ot the British Base Army Post OIClco In i Al giers Is doing one of the biggest ot Uiose "they-serre-wtthout glory" Job, says "Wings Abroad, Canadian publication ot the Royal Canadian Air Force. Anyone trying not to get his . . - . t m a t, J bv Vr City of Tbronlo ana dancc lau "lgni. maing irom ri ai uayiw. Ilcin way ' this Idea c ciiuh ...-1 - . .1.1. A V,l gte Canada.should "U1C ocv s. :. i.nhi .v.rvibeen no alert or gunnre. an Man C y towu. village and ;pncmy Penetrating to the subur ban area wunoui ociecuun oj the radio location system. The Oermans may be using a new type of silent bombing plane. The seven dead included six civilians and one British soldier. The bomb dropped squarely on the movie house. More than three thousand people were in the theatre. Allies Bombing Rabaul-Madang ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTH PACIHC. Jan. 15 -There have been new bombing attacks on Rabaul and Madang. Japanese strongholds. working staff. They work on the principle that mall Is important and should get to the boys immediately if not sooner. Their adherence to this principle Is bringing Uicm back at nights. "The boys come back ot meir own accord," said FL. Davles. "They say there isn't much for them to do in the evenings, A personally conducted tour of the establishment showed new bag racks being constructed for the rush of Christmas man. In one corner of the sorting room one ot the voluntary night shift workers was grabbing a tew hours sleen: Silently and smoothly a new batch of mall was being sorted and despatched, and on the other side the outgoing mall was being par General Announcement. OTTAWA. Jan. 15 CD .Naval facilities at Trlnce Ru-Pert'arc being improved, Minister of the .Vavy Angus Mac-donald announced' Friday. The reference to Piince Rupert wa nude In the course of a general announcement by the minister in which he said that two Royal Navy escort carriers will be manned by Canadian officers and men but will have British air crews and aircraft carriers. Canadian officers and seamen are In training for the taking over of two Rift British medium cruisers of the latest advanced type ADMITTING REFUGEES rrince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Hesitates to Endorse llesotulion. A proposal from the Cana dian Committee on Refugees seeking support for a move to admit anti Nazi refugees was onnH health from Europe to celled and fired Into bags by Canada by waiving severe re- innnt. mrn uith thrnainir arms strletlons of an order-in-coun- lndlcatlng potential Yankee ell of 1931 In connecUon with material u-hen the war la over, the admission of refugees was Throunh Davles' office, staffed received at Thursday night's by 25 men. goes all the mall tor meeting of the Prince Rupert men nf tin. nr!AP sprvinoT rhamhpr nf Commerce and re in North Africa, Gibraltar. Italy, ferred to a committee tor study Middle East. Iran, Iraq and and report. Tnere was a ici-ims rir.rrr lnrlln Til A en mn nfflrp !ha. Ihl was A matter Upon handles army mall but not In which considerable care should ; such great quantities. be exercised. SUPER l-'ILE I Under the proposal sanctu-1 MAINTAINED nO' Canada would be offered : ' There Is a flic with the name to refugees from political or re-, of every R.CA.F. man In the Hgious persecution without re-theatre. Ills address, which has gard to race, creed or financial ; hnrkPrl nnrt rowhArlcrrt COtiniUOn. .... necessary , cjikhs" - - - from- nil available information, i being ; is kent ud to date and all mall Act ... i Is checked against that fllct I FL. DavTcs pointed out mat this Is where R.CAF. mon can Evacuating Of help to get their mall without p , delay "if they would let us know i HOrWaY Oabl throueh the redirection cards, J so we can keep the file absolutely up to date." These changes . LONDON. Jan. " 15 The Gcr- amount to thousands each week. man radi0 says that four thous- Aftcr the mall has been check- ail(j pcrs01iS have been evacu- cd and the address okayed or nted from Tromsoe, Norway, In (continued on Pane Four) fcar of nn AmPcl invasion thrust altered, the letters are bundled. In tnat vicinity. Evacuation of and If there Is a letter for Narvik and other Norwegian Umpteenth Squadron ln Blank points is also said to be con-iContinued on page 4) , itemplated. Prince Rupert and the com- munlties of southeastern Alas ka- was stressea 10 a ouussion wttch took place, at Thursday ntghi' irntUng of tb PrlnceJ Rupert Chamber of Commerce when suggestions were made that a goodwill tour might b-wrll organized of local business men to such points as Ketchikan. Petersburg. Juneau and Skagway or that a conference ot representatives from those points might be held In Prince Rupert. The idea was brought up by i passenger car terry service i order to connect up with the tranaprovincial highway along the Skeena River. STATION ROADS AT TERRACE ARE NOT ADEQUATE TFRRACE, Jan. 15 Terrace and Dlstrltt Board of Trade held s annual niecuuK in icnt made to the Immigration Holel Wedpesday evening when to facilitate their entry. imnoitant matters came Up for discission particularly regarding needed Improvements to roads leading to the railway station. Much has been done but part (if the way Is re-carded as too narrow to curry the Increased traffic that has come during the war. Olof Hanson M. P. attended the meeting and Joined ln some of the discussions. Hany King was unanimously re-elected president and Duncan Kerr was re-elected .secretary. Nigel Sherwood was elected to be treasur- I er. local Temperature Local Tides Sunday, Jan. 18 High 5:05 18.7 feet laxlmunt PtQV 18:59 17.2 feet 38 Low 11:11 8.4 feet finlmum LIBRARY 23:24 6.1 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH gOLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER an, no. 12 PRTnCERUPERT. RC"SATUItDiy ffiRVX&flM PRICE FIVE CENTS esserschmidt Plant Is Heavily H nM ON IV:a. W Cxlll IcUArilATIMR EVACUATING li rr- - ni 11 ,!.. )RTS MENTION llrrt McCarthy TrlU of id of Kuwla" Gather- Toronto. Still 7' SICILIAN CONVALESCENT CAMP FOIl ALLIES- Sea Villa shown rlghti once favored by Luftwaffe officers before the Allies arrived in Sicily, u now operated by the British Red Cross as a rest camp tor Canadian. American and British officers recovering from front line wounds There Is fishing in the sapphire wate s of the Mediterranean close by and even in Italian major-domo. Oulseppe (known as Joe) who. In the photo on the right, is taking charge ot the bags of a new arrival, Capt. Bill Wadds of Toronto. Capt. Wadds, being greeted at the door by Mrs. W. D. Chamber ot Montreal, supervisor of Sea Villa, arrived at Sea Villa for a 10-day rest. AT PRINCE RUPERT Improving Navy Here Knrmwni thud C.C.F. LEADER CHAMBER PLAN RL Tne desirability ol establish-1 Reference Made to This Fort by fcusjne relationship between! Ilim AU(U3 .llACUUIlstlU III riCW TUKn NEW YORK. Jan. 15-Speak Ine In New York at noon today. M. J. Coldwell. leader of the Co-operative Commonwealth of Canada, said that, alter the next general election, the C.CP. may be fn'powerirr Canada. The alter the war. Frank Skinner who felt It would . be well to promote a greater Hoot UlUUUHlt Mahhini? rm.mlt. lniPrMt bv Prince Rupeft not only with points in pL00 MnnrlaV central and. no.thern British naiUC lTlOnUdY Crlumtoia but also with south- eastern Alaska. u Tm. rA tv.o ine Dreummary nearms if t noaalhle to overcome William Samuel Cooper, charged the red tape which hampered with wounding in connection travel to Alaska these days, wiwi vac uuu.( Prince Ruiert business men Belle in the Knox Hotel lobby aught well make a trip to get on November i. is snniuKu .equathted for mutual benefit, to begin in police court before W. D. Vance on W. M. Watts believed that Magistrate muthoastern Alaska towns were Monday morning. - mlng to realise the value of , " expected that LeBelle. who Prince Rupert to them. Even, has been in hospital since the 'stabblnc occurred, will be in "W fjiauo nsic 4.v. w , . COnulllon vo or prcsrni. 111 iuuii. j Cooper's defence. Plane Manufacturing of Contempt Charge After Refusal To Testify in Trial VANCOUVER. Jan. 15 Victor Mnvrr brothcr-ln-law of the" dead man and himself charged with robbery with violence, re fused to give evidence yesterday at the preliminary hearing of Charles Hawkcn on a charge of murdering Frank A. Boland, former provincial policeman. Thereupon Polices Magistrate H. S Wood ordered a charge of contempt of cburt be laid. City of Brunswick Is buried In Bomb Debris Royal .lr Force Throwing Full Weight Into Pre-Invasion Assault Thirty-eight Planes missing. LONDON, Jan. 15 (CP) The Royal Air Force threw its full weight last night into the pre-invasion campaign to exterminate the German Air Force, burying the central German city of Brunswick, site nf tViP orroiif ATocteorclim?flt' nlnnf iinrlor o Vioow i load of explosives as an ;af terstroke to the American 'daylight attack on Tuesday, when heavy bombers, fought one, I of the greatest air battles of the war. The. heavy Royal Air Force bombers dropped two thousand tons of bombs on the plane manufacturing city in what the Air Ministry termed a "very heavy attack." Tills and other operations cost thirty-eight aircraft, seven of them being Canadian. Great fires were left burning and, while the mam force was over Brunswick, the Mosauitoes returned again to attack Ber lin swhlle other planes bombed Magdeburg, southwest or Ber lln, and targets in Northern France. MAN'S BODY IDENTIFIED Russians Drive On Plunging Deep Into. Pripet Marshes Pinsk. Heart of Towards MOSCOW. Jan. 15 O) The Red Army surged deep into the heart of the frozen Pripet Marshes today toward the in dustrial city of Pinsk. ninety-five miles to the west, following the capture of the neighboring cities of Mozyr and Kallnko- vichl. Soviet forces already have plunged to Skrigakrr, twenty miles beyond Mozyr on the south bank of the Pripet River. I Trie fall of Mozyr was an-.nounced yesterday. Th nnIan haw not rrn- ' firmed a Berlin report that Red Thp KnH v nf th man rpnnrtpd . in.,n.,wi a nM. f. - j t luiues iiac tauuviicu n. w- yesterdar'moTnlngi as havin? nstv -noHK of Lake Ilimenr nartv was maklne olans to meet; been found dead in a cabin about 170 miles south of Lenln- the challenge. across the harbor was identified gra(i on the long dormant nor- Mr. Coldwell said that the late yesterday afternoon as thern front . . . . . i . i . . . V. n.MluM C.C.r. was gaining in sirengui ui wuim ruumrij. . tit- u. r n I Tho finrfv vac HrnilffHt in thp i Willi wic lui Lra uTCiKOA. r j " o - The Socialist leader expressed city yesterday afternoon .b the opinion that the Canadian British Columbia police of the Pacific Railway should be marine patrol. j brought under public ownership Knowledge of Pollberg's death was originally obtained by Valentine Fabro and Sam Passatel, who share a cabin near that in which Poiiberg ., r,n,r ; fwrv-nrh Uved. They became apprenen-;t staylng 0 flye Germarj sive about him when they be- counter.attacks f ln fierce fight- came conscious that they nad lne on the right . M wine Q. of seen no signs of life about his cabin for several days. Hnoiier ha. already appeared the window back in the frame, for Drelimlnary hearing in the , Fabro and Passatel left the cab- stahhinc of Paddv Keoeh and elected enwu u in County " Court to take - in without entering It. They v..... communicated with - the - - Bert Morgan. offered the idea .f a conference In' Prince Ru- 'speedy trial. The date set for provincial police, who found It .rrt with delegates f:om Alaska (the trial is January a. necessary md Northern British Columbia. 1 Both men were alleged to in to obtain the body. Poiiberg have been stabbed oy cooper in nad Deen aeaa Mai uaj. !a fracas ln the Knox Hotel Death was thought to have lobby. been due to pneumonia. Hearing of the charge against The deceased, who was born Cooper of wounding LaBelle in Esthonla, was 71 years old. has been delayed while La- He came to Canada .In 1907. and Belle - recovered from his had lived ln British Coloumbia 1 wounds. since 1909. He was a natuarllired I W. O. Fulton Is acting In Canadian and had been a flsh- erman. He had been married, but had no children. Peter Czyz Dies Here The death, occurred in the Piince Rupert General Hospital this morning of Peter Czyz following a lengthy Illness. He had been ln hospital since December 23. The deceased, who was a Ukrainian by birth, was 75 years old He was a fisherman, and had lived ln the community tor a number of years, FRENCH MOVE FORWARD IN ITALY FIGHT the Fifth Army front ln Italy, have GoinK to Pollberg's cabin on tnwnrri rn!nn. it was announ- Thursday night they found itced todav. caDturing the village f rrt rrt thp lnlrfp, ThPV nf AniiQfnnr!ata onrt thr lm- shone a flashlight through the portant heights ln Its vicinity. single smau wmoow oi me cau- Acquaionaaia is aooui acych in and saw what Appeared to be mUes northeast of Cassino. the body of a; man on the bed. British and New Zealand To make certain, !the two men troops of the Eighth Army have took the window 6ut of its made some advances at the casing and turned the light on Adriatic end of the front. the bed again. They then saw , Pollberg's body plainly. Putting , POLAND Asks Britain and United States To Sponsor Border Negotiations With Russia. LONDON. Jan. 15 ff The Po lish government in London after four successive days of study of Russia's proposal that Poland accept the Curzon Line as its. eastern boundary announced ln conciliatory statement Friday that it was asking Great Britain and the United States to bring Poland and Russia together to discuss all outstand ing Russian-Polish problems through mediation. An early settlement Is the general expectation ln London. Large Attack On Yugoslavia ALGIERS, Jan. 15 Allied planes based In Italy made a full scale bombing attack on air fields in Yugoslavia yester- 'jday.