r PAGE TWO supreme! GO Lakes District Pioneers Marry j BURNS LAKE, July 12 As a fitting climax to the Old Timers' Re-Union held at Burns Lake, two of the most papular EH I I RS tobacco FOR WOMEN ONLY An Interesting and Lively Series of Five Minute Programs CFPR Tonight - 6:05 And Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 10 a.m. to 10 pni. 2nd Avenue and 8th Street PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 72S Specialists on Bulltup Roofs Repairs, Re-blnillng Free Estimates MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion ACTIVITIES OF V.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. (By Dorothy Garbutt) "Just a few lines to say 'hello I to you all and the folks up In j Rupert and also to send you my new address for a little while ...... J U..ft MA. 1 .. J 4 . say. a sniper got my two lingers on my left hand, just the tips. I had an operation on thtm the other day. But so far the doctor has not told me how much he had to take oft. Well my company of the Scottish had the honor of being the first company tc make the assault on the beach. Evrything was fine until we blew the wire and then all hell -brcke loose. One of the boys laying at my heels got wounded when a mortar bomb exploded between us. I walked away without a scratch as we moved forward under a very heavy fire by Favored by Ideal reather boys from the Soo moved Into Camp Wakonda on McCarrers Lake last week for the senior THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY JULY . SOO-SUD NOTES fACTD A 1 1 4J jUriDMLL STANDINGS Mrs. Morln has received a let- -session of the popular camp. A Barrett, which has continued ter from Bob Terry who jised tQjunior session will follow the to pile up wins in the Area be with the Scotties here baek senior. ,ofthall was still on ton in m mi. He and Woody decorated Intensification of health and tno Prvivtrian nhnnh 'v..i,i . league a, wlUi uitn nine nine sUaioh SlIUlP,n member? Well Bob's been in the Ontario schools wins, and no loaves at the do., I uivasion and tells us all about nounced by the Hon. George A ot the week,s sthfdule' 806 Sud jit. He says: ' J Drew, minister of education! IP 018 "B" lague Iut The change will have particular siraigm wins, mr rw effect on Qrades XI and XII. WJ3.' stand at the top of the Of the four new Nordyn Norse- , women's league with five wins man seaplanes ordered for the and one loss. Yes, I got a blighty on the big .Ontario Air Service, with head- Following is a list of the quarters in the Soo, two have peek's league standings: already been delivered and the third will arrive soon. The plane "A" Softball Lcatue will be used as flvinsr ambu- Teams W L lances and will accommodate 1 Barrett 8 comfortably cases. four stretcher these days and, ox course. Jerry's planes are coming over all the time. But, as usual, nobody take any notice of them. Well I guess 111 close, hoping this finds you all in the best of spirits. Say hello to all my friends in Rupert for me and say I'm doing fine. write soon, ah the mall is hay thP enemv Another one rame u ui, w hiuK over not two feet away and got Z aU'ylb." ' the other fellow on my left and riSVSt Pte . once more i was mcxy. a lew?,,, -j... w hours later I shnotintr at I iiui. rirai .Hawaiian, i " was a . S 22 FJus ttS Canadbm 300X3 Regi' Lea?- Soo Suds 8 sniper axia just urea w wnen I l wm was ri den MUltary HosPlta1' .. .. , r..j,, Crmadlan uaVv Navy ft hit totwlnV sXr oif to the fi X hZArDy. England. All who knew Air Force side. side. h If If I I had had not not n ben ben holding boWtoj'C."'',;-. ,,,, . , "'"SJiMd tlting my rifle at the tune(hi, The ?le Service at the Manse, borne of the United Church Minister, the Rev Mr. Henderson. The contracting parties were John R. Walker, formerly of Chilliwack, and Mrs. Gertrude Frasier, both well-known throughout the Central Lakes District Department of the Secretary of State of Canada Office of the Custodian BOAT REPAIR SHOP AND FLOAT HOUSES FOR SALE The Secretary of State of Canada acting in his capacity as Custodian offers Jar sale by tender the following structures Vrituate on the foreshore at North Pacific Cannery, Skeena Sloughs, near Prince Rupert B.C. Parcel I One three room shingled float house. Parcel 2 Float house with shed attached, boat shed j and boat shop, ways and lean-to on plies. Parcel 3 One four room dwelling on logs and dam- aged net float. t Tenders for individual parcels should be addressed to the i undersigned,; marked Tender for: Float House." up to Noon i j " miu uiiub ue occumpamea oy a certified cheque payable to the Custodian for ten per cent J (10$) of the amount tendered. Arrangements to inspect will be made on application to Mr. H. W. Harris, co North Pacific Cannery, Skeena Slough Prince Rupert, B.C. These assets arc offered for sale without any warranty whatsoever on the part of the Custodian as to location, condition or state of repair, and all arrangements respecting . leases or right of access from the owners of the real property must be made by the purchasers. These assets are sold subject to existing leases, if any. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JulyDl944 at Vancouver' BrlUsn Columbia, this 12th day of THE CUSTODIAN, ' Royal Bank Building, 67 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. I would not be able to tell this ' Wives' Club will Drydock 5 Uth A a A. a - 5 tale today. They say It was a sur- l3dlei , ' loun8e 1"' at f Vh. tne v Y" S1uals u T 1 nrise prise but but Jerrv Jerry seemed rmi well well nr- pre r V pared for It He didn't know he , day but he was sure well fixed in there. I managed to keep going for the rest of the day. I took stretcher bearers out after I had my wounds dressed and believe me they have a Jcb because Jerry will shoot anybody even though he does carry a Red Cross flag. He's a tough guv while you're, a long way off but get close and his hands "o up and he starts to yell at the top iof his voice: "Kamerad." I got a lew souvenirs and, believe it or not. one of the Jerries I got had a British made watch cn his wrist and also Sweet Cap cigarettes in his cigarette case. I guess he got them from prison ers. But he won't need them anymore. Well I hope It won't be Ions now before it's all over I still hope to get another chance at him again as I .still have seme scores to settle with those over here has been pretty good ?uys personally Well, weather The best buy In Monuments and Markers in B.C. is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave., first door West of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Box 993. Prince Rupert We are specializing in the newest NESTLK'S COLD WAVE Especially suitable for finer hair ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE Fourth Street. Peggy Saunder TTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTWWT Old English SCRATCH COVER POLISH HittM NUk. er4 SttMuWl la tutnitwm Vm it tm vonJot n4 tmn omal tMirrwt I.Mjf uty . tkmuhn Cn tiuit 3 Cl U it.tM4 iv wlib mm J Sold at MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi,4t Barr & Anderson LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 6S7 f Port Edward 7 8th - 5 17th Coast 5 44th AA. 4 8th Coast - 4 R.C. ..- 1 Girls Softball Ua(ue Teams W L WD.'s 5 1 Allle 5 2 wJi.aN.'s 4 3 Alumnae 3 3 Hih 2 5 C.WAC.'S ... 1 6 "B" Softball League L 0 3 3 4 2 8 P IS 14 10 10 8 3 2 P 10 10 1 8 6 4 2 P IS 12 FIGHTING GASOLINE . . where it comes from ... and where it goes! Have a Coca-Cola Tcll us all about it ...or a friendly way to greet an ace pilot There's a thrill coonrctcd with hoing a trophy from Kill pUne. AnJ along with renew! of home lit coiut the fctiwl of n old cusiora. Hat 4 a "CkJt", i)S the proud fillur, arid I lie haul; reunion it complete oer froty Coc-CoU. From th ughiing front to the home firciiJr, Coc-CoU und for tU fuuu iLtt rejrtihtsihc )mbol I hit btlp bring folk clour together. NORTH ST,!l HOTTIJNtt WOUKS .lutuwlM-d llulllrr vl -W.(uU" I'HINf i: IUTIRT COLOUO O Mi 10 can, self-styled medium, lost her' Installation of magnetic drain schools are now ii J 1 n i . ..i-.i I i ..... M..kin.. V. . .... ik. i.i . ' I u appeal mkuii2l cuniituuii niiu inubs hi ai uuvuuun ibu ut- uic uwiiu s luuu l;j 1 r 1 I I I. It Ih .... ..ilfl.l.nl JU. n .. .1 aw. . ' iCiLrinr ui iiuir uiutiuia jait u-ivcu ill muiicuug uiikwiu uiiicudu ulcr, .Ki.- 1 4 under the Witchcraft Act of metal filings to eliminate much vatlng severa. uuujJ z 1733. motor wear. 01 unu. 'T'HERE are three basic reason w hy a real and critical shortage of gasoline exisu in Canada today; (1) The insatiable demands of modern war. (2) The inadequacy of existing supply for both mill', tary and civilian nml and the difficulty of di. covering and developing new source of supply in timt. (3) The grave hortage of oil tranjportation facilities. Petroleum needs of the forces in this war arc 80 time greater than in the last war. It is four or five time as difficult ami costly to find new oil reserves today as it wai in the pre war period. And supplies have to be shipped vast distances, in ocean tanker compelled to Irate! ilouly in convoy and bi J circuitout routes. Look at this map. It hows how the oil resource of this htmuphere muit be poured out across dangerous seas, to battle area 4,000, 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 miles away. It show liow oil less omm NO. 2 OF A SERIES OF ANNOUNCEMENTS ISSUED Br THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNITIONS AND SUPPLY, HONOURABLE C. D. HOWE, MINISTER field as far away as Colombia, I'cuador, and Peru arc lin pressed into service to satisfy dciiund. A much as 07 per cent of lite total tonnage of oversea shipping for war consists o? petroleum products "more than twite the tonnage of all she men, food, planes, guns, tanks, ammunition awl all sirIi nutenaT combined! Canada' gasoline nerds add but an t xira burden. Wr, in this country, produce only 15 -r cent, of our own u troleum supplies. The rest must I shipped here from abrcwd. It must be taken i from the common M f ,lc United Nations. More than GO per rent, of it must Ik delivered by ocean-going tanler. Ship and men-m,lj-d to urve the fitting arras -must U risked to provide our home front gasoline. entruste.1 to you to licln k- v;ul c:viian trant. .".VT t-T 7 .unJrr it thoughtlessly, needlessly, frivolously, is to rob our fit-htimr men Auswering YOUR QUESTIONS about the GASOLINE SHORTAGE Mow many miles a year are travelled by Ul,i bringing, petroleum to Canada? . . . Over 2.000.W0 miles. How much longer does it lake a Ul make each trip under today's war condition I)ouble the tline-lecausc of submarines anJ B,urt circuitous routes, ir7 do ue speak of tut lances? , . . Uecsusc a delivery of gasoline or oil to the Pacific war zone 7,000 miles awy quires a return trip of 7,000 miles for the load. How hug does it take to build a new UW . . ..Up to eight month, depending on