page rotm Expert OPTICAL SERVICE VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORB For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Barcare and Noveltiej MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER Discerning Taste Chooses PEOPLES STOKE every time It's Good Taste This Year BLOUSES AND SKIRTS New arrivals In Skirts and Blouses every week. Both dressy and sport styles. Direct from the Eastern markets for your approval. Sizes, from 12 through 44. Mail Orders Rupert UPERT P r EOPLES jTORE "In the Heart of Trince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 CASUALAIRES... THE WORLD'S MOST COMFORTABLE SHOE LIGHT AS A FEATHER FLEXIBLE AS A WHIP WEAR THEM EVERYWHERE Priced $3.95 Family Shoe "The Home of TERRACE When you think of Terrace, you think of a vacation as it is one of the beauty spots of the North, with its grand Lakelse Lake which needs no Introduction, for it is known far and wide for its hot springs, its scenic beauty and its friendliness. Just the spot you've been looking for for that fishing trip or a nice quiet rest! There arc boats to rent and a few cabins available and Mr. Brookes of the Skecna Motor Transport will be only too glad to assist you In any way to make your trip an enjoyable one. Special Week-end Rates for Groups of Fifteen and Over. $1.50 Each Return. Baggage Free Write for reservations and we will meet Saturday night's train and take you to the lake and return you In time for Sunday night's train. The Best in Transportation for Less Comfortable Roadmaster Bulck TaxL Twenty-one Passenger Bus. Trucking and Transfer of all kinds. SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT P.O. Box 104 Terrace, B.C. A. MacKENZIE A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A New Shipment of CHIFFONIERS have arrived In White Wood, with four and five drawers. Support the CARNIVAL. Phone 775 CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand EnrraTlnj DIAMOND MERCHANT Promptly Filled r Store Ltd. Good Shoes" FURNITURE LTD. It takes place next week. 327 3rd Avenue Classified Ads Advertising In this section is payable In advance at the office. Please do not ask as to deviate from this role WANTED FOR SALE WANTED Furnished room for FOR SALE Household furnlsh-working girL Will share. Phone lngs Including oil stove. 1551 Black 769. (163) Overlook Street. (163) WANTED TO RENT For young FOR QUICK SALE Piano and couple with 2 children, a four bicycle. Phone 478. (tf) or five room house. Cen- roR SALEBlcycle q.. 915 trally located. Apply Box J0th Avenue East. (165) 757 Daily News. (tf) FOR SALE Five-room house $25 REWARD for suitable fur- 1208 Beach Place, full plumb- room, rooms or house ing, cook stove, heater, garden Inlshed with kitchen. Notify Box 793 and basement. Price $2600 Dally News. (164) i cash. Phone Red 320. (165) WANTED TO RENT Two unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Responsible party. Box 750 Daily News. (162) WANTED Boys or girls for good delivery routes. Dally News. (tf) WANTED Piano Accordion. Will pay cash. Apply Hawkln-son's Laundry. (163) WANTED Enterprise pot type oil range and duotherm pot type heater; also electric refrigerator. Phone Red 878. (163) WANTED Room for quiet Army couple. Box 794 Daily News. (164) WANTED One or two housekeeping rooms furnished or unfurnished. Box 795 Dally News. (167) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING ESTHER STANYER Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver Phone Red 934 or call at 1467 Sixth Avenue East, Upstairs VAL SPIDEL Floor Sandlngtand Finishing Alterations and Repairing Phone Green 880 General Delivery SPEEDY RADIO SERVICE Green 397 Guaranteed 48 Hour Service on all makes of Radios By Factory Trained Experts SEPTIC TANKS And Filter Lines Cleaned and Repaired. Apply Box 749 Dally News. .i SEE , . . F. MURPHY FOR LUMBER STOCK FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES 225 1st Avenue East Phone Black 884 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mai Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture la all Us branches 206 4th Street ?bow 655 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin. Representative Box 520 1315 Plggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. THE FOR SALE 3-plcce chesterfield suite, spring filled cushions, chiffonier. 2 end tables, standard lamp, and one hassock, all in good condition. Phone Green 472 after 6 pm. (164) FOR SALE Canoe. 15 ft; excellent condition. Phone 161 or 60. (164) FOR SALE 10 h.p Johnson outboard engine and 14-foot boat; also 4 h.p. inboard engine. Apply 237 6th Avenue East from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 pjn. or Sub Post Office B, Box 1252. (167) FOR QUICK SALE 10 ROOM HOUSE with furniture. 5 bedrms and 2 rm suite, cement foundation and furnace. $4,000.00 with $2,000.00 cash and balance arranged. If sold this week $3,500.00 cash. 6th E. Immediate possession. 4 ROOM HOUSE and basement, shower bath, possession In two wks. $1,500.00 Includes stove, lino, beds, table, chairs, studio couch. 2 lots fenced. 7 th Ave. E. DUPLEX 2 suites with 2 bdrm each. $2,500.00 cash or $2,800.00 terms with $2,000.00 cash, bal, at $50.00 monthly, taxes $36.00 per year. 8th Ave. E. 400 bk. 3 RM and bath on Ambrose. $800.00. 3 lots. H. G. HELGERSON LTD. (167) FOR SALE Subject to present existing rental control regulations, sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of July 26, 1944, for the purchase of L.17, B.16. S.5 and cottage, and L.18, B.16, S3 and the two cottages erected thereon. Separate tenders must be filed In respect of each lot. All three cottages are at present rented and are situate on 7th Avenue West, near Fulton Street. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Cash. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Matthew Murray, deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert. HELP WANTED WANTED Ward maids for Oen erai Hospital. Apply at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. (166) HELP WANTED Woman to help with housework once or twice weekly. Phone 648. (164) WANTED Woodcock, B.C., requires teacher for small school. Grades 1 to 9. Batch or board. Salary $1125. Apply Secretary School Board, Woodcock, B.C. PERSONAL BAYAND & SEELEY, Painting. Decorating, Kalsomlnlng. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. LOST LOST Registration card, American $1 bill autographed. Carnival tickets, in black folder. Reward. Delia May Springfield. Finder please leave at Dally News office. (163) FOUND FOUND Vanity bag. Owner may have same by calling' at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. FOUND Post office key. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. NOT CONFINED TO HUNTERS Bears are known to suffer from arthritis. GEO. JJJAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 146 4th Ave. E. RED 127 DAILY NEWS Jstreet Car Girls ' jKeep Up Service Women Drivers and Conductors Do Efficient Job in Toronto TORONTO, July 12 O) For almost a year now some 47 women have been driving Toronto's street cars and the public, officials of the Toronto Transportation Commission and even male motormen still on the Job have to admit the girls are doing all right. The public has paid the "motorwomen' the compliment of taking them for granted a sure sign that they are handling their lobs efficiently. Officials say the way feminine workers nancue in many casea uie uuues of both motormen and conductors and the way they keep the cars rolling with Toronto's rush-hour crowds leaves little to be desired. That the T.T.C. Is pleased Is shown by the fact the women arp nald as much as their men counterparts. "They earn it they do the same work and Just as good a Job as the men was the official comment. Besides the 47 women drivers now handling Toronto cars, there are 12 more In training, also employed are 53 women conductors and 50 bus drivers. The company's garage department employs 28 women as bus clean ers, 16 others as laborers and four "handywomen" who take care of maintenance and repair of buses. Other recent feminine additions to the T.T.C. staff are 26 women guides who sell tickets rain or shine at Tor onto's busy Intersections. Ther work has been a big help in re lieving congestion on" street carr A total of 581 of the pre-war. male staff of the T.T.C has en I listed but company officials say employment of women has en", abled them to maintain an ef flclent service in Canada's see l ond largest city, I Let's be willing to sacrifice I some part of our proverbial 100 per cent of free speech to assure our future 100 per cent of freedom. Remember Security! REALISTIC, FANTASTIC Spencer Tracy and Irene Dunne Featured in "A Guy Named Joe" Spencer Tracy and Irene Dunne, two of the screen's matt popular and talented stars, head the cast of "A Quy Named Joe. picture combining realism and fantasy, wnicn is tne leaiurc lor Thursday. Friday and Saturday of this week at the Capitol Theatre. It Is an Air Force picture in which both Tracy and Miss Dunne appear as pilots- Tracy a foolhardy daredevil and hlla Dunne an adorable Fvrry com mand nier wno lovM hlnii sh begs him to return to the United States with her as an i Instructor and ho accedes buf in a last reckless fling he u killed bombing an enemy car rier. Then he finds himself In "pilot's heaven" and it is here tnat tne Iantasy ' begins. Lionel In i- . .u Oenerai" from whom he learn: that fliers never lie. The story takes a strange turn with a romance between Van Johnson, a young filer for whom Tracy L. the unseen mentor, and Miss Dunne. A thrilling climax brings the picture' to a happy' ending. KEEP THEM CLEAN Dusty bulbs and lampshades waste electricity givii-g from 20 to 50 percent less hght ' "S GO" Farming calls all STUDENTS FaKM labour is definitely scarce ...Students can fill the gaps made hy war in the ranks of those needed on the land. ...Boys 15 and up and girls 16 and up arc urgently needed for farms this summer. ...This is the chance for hoys and girls to answer a real patriotic appeal. ....Don't say "no" I Her; is how you go nlioul it: act imr: Consult your Local Karm Placement Officer, or any local Committee established for placlurr farm workers In your district, or a district ARiiculturist; or Write to the Director, Domlnion-Provlncial Kmcnrency Farm labour Service, 81 1 West HastliiKs St., Vancouver, IJ.C; or Communicate with the nearest Employment, and Selective Service Office. Tins AnvETtnsrMKNT is issum nr tub nowmm ' LADOUU. AS VAST OF TUB UOUZKiON.VKOVINCIAt, TKtl WEDNESDAY. JULY 3 DAYS STARTING TOMORROW 3 !).. Note: First howlng of this splendid feature from lj j,. complete snows uv - . - - o; jg . -1 .n A1. J Hfl t,nn - "What a picture! Never a dull moment! This Is the picture we've been waiting for!" v. -HEDDA HOPPER, fmou Hoitywood Column Complete Shows 7 00 9 00 "Lady Let's Dance -at 7 30 9 30) CAPITOL Income Tax Return Prepared Sec R. E. MORTIMER 331 2nd Mr. Phone 88 it tirrxr.TMrvT n UBOV nESuu! Irv . tt5 Offentirrt On i Against the Li 7.!. . THE REX U Now Open I t tJss CHOP XiTT CHOW MELN Openlr -: I! rt 3 p r- f 2r 2nd Avenue Aji Prince R'JTet & Thcne n KWONG 8A.VC BLVJ nor ra CHOP SUE1 HOUSE 6i: 7th ave. vrtrl tNcxt 10 KL4 K All your pair -rait nil Open 5 p.m. to U V-OuUlde Orir-jfrcal; to 12 P-n. Thone Red tf' BURN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabw-:: ' rJ Dry Ja. kp.r 0 HYDE TKANSFl f hone ill WEST END CA (Chop Sucy Mm nr:ori:NS HAS UKOl'KNfl Completely R"'l': 828 3rd Ave. Wcst-fl" 1 British Columbia' Finest Sain"