JULY 12, 1M THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE ii . I. l!..-. Il., .... Illa . . I'll I - I i nl Ll il imiflr l.i ui I hv ymi w hw " -' ' H I'm JrJiyol. llfV drpctvJ uu tua tu Ukulmua. -jUy itptJ on ma fur M U Uauu "ltli 1; Jamil ooiclira I duu I cuu Jtumt , -, , i all4 tbrtg tu gt ini iirriHlwt( ute Jtul tiie uui. . . i.i 'ii. i:r. fjl to bT I a nawaut" inn iuc uuiuii ii - ......... . , . J(.ul, (ltd '7 t i'l iu ii wuaunrr nm it iuraaia mi Um lUm Mkl fur we taken I rcl," n; inirt i kiikIi , ,mJ kU. I it : uli ftJsijr. I . uipjf" 'fba yT, . trJ mill -., un i. ) ..: Muinl lit ., brdi'rlhafact ;. J In. cmllM' : c rul4 iLtir life ittwrtnea program ucliuiftl) in IV Mutual Life, w) ttfc )eu j 4"'B"Vrl; U f llit cm Cui-MM cwr (cm our tlf)lUri. IU XlulMJil lift lrlM4.Ulit ei4ut itiJ frtiurc if ibi Quututj . . . ami Ul kiiD Llj you mItiI mU7 4il(d U Jiw par. ikuUr cutuUAU4. JLA lliU Your Qui ii it liy llrrouilua, I'ulirjLuIJcf TMt MUTUAL 1IFE Ut.4 C)Xc W.UiUo. Oat. IIOIaCTIM. OVER IMjftoO CANADIAN milUEi - ';T1I anmvlhsauv vkak lirl.i. IFntirf. PfUfctal and lnfrinr .j c . K i. h n Mortlnifr Representative T, folbtt, lteprrentatlte Hrlntli, Representative Ktnnrr, MJ. A.. Representative Krnnrr KrprccntatWe DUUkl Agent Prince Rupert, IIC. Prince Rupert. II C. Ilaitltun. IIC. Tnrace. II C. Sinlthers, II C. Trlkwa, IIC. UY NOW AND SAVE! DRLTj tants. .r ut , finished. W Twer-da and A jxt. Prices 1 Kll iivu i j I m mm r tar 8i 30. WPT ta '1 ,vt fV.t. . . . .a .. a a SG.75 W..C.K UOOTB OTB VlaUX Wain t k r a 1 build. bund. All Alt 84.95 ' t . Wwii UWKATKJUJ. - I -hade? pulloveri. 1 K-J. S1.95 ; 8HIKTS, nil tMrtrd colors. 1.75 10 S2.45 njCUlTS. all wool. Good jv vj ii, vnai - u t r aaai n " fc." I K 'i i nuiiK RiiTnT niit "nifnt Wool and Cot- 1.10 10 .S2.9fi Men WORK TANTS. 1944 Good make All tSvx. t ular price. QO Cfl )&o3 MOO. Now Children' BllOra for Dress. Slrar and lace styles. All -"'irarticrr'sizcr'itr" tr7r' Clearing at S1.95 10 S2.95 Menic fine DIIKS3 OX- IX)HD8. Illack and Hrown. All iU.v QP S)lal. pair Men's IIAIN COATS. All sixes. JMwn and Green Tweed Tops. 2 S6.95 Uoys' LONG PANTS. Cotlun and Hlue Cherlot for as-sortment Special price. 1.95 M S2.75 Mens TIES. All kinds to chooiM? from. Very special. 50c to51.00 Men's DEDROOM SLIPPERS. All leather, well made Illack and Urown. All sizes. Special, g2,75 Men's Oabardlnc RAINCOATS. Made In England, Will stand lots of wear. All sizes. Q9A Special B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. Established 1930 OULSM'S LUNCH IS NOW OPKN 6th Ave. i:., lleslde P.O. Station It. ,v "Select Lunches and Select Service" Our Slorlf frnelt niwl cnninlnln nriroa rSirlit rOULSHN'S r.UOCKRY 'urirsy ami Service Free Delivery Red 441 '111 .! 1 III . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S M A nr nin Our Coffee Ii Tom! PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 0:00 a m. to 2:00 a m, LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Tune In to CFPR 6:15 pm Wednesday, C. C. P. broadcast LAC Archibald, Skeena Federal candidate. 1G2 Robert Gordon returned to the city on last night's train from a week-end visit at his rammer home at Lakclse Lake. A Entries (or Flower Show at Carnival may be placed tonight from 9 to 10 o'clock. (it) Mrs. Dido Gurvlch returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. aeorge Mitchell returned to Uie city on last night's train after spending a week at Lakel&e where Mrs. Mitchell and child are encamped for the summer. Norman Nelson, of Nelson Druthers FUherlea Ltd.. arrived I In the city this morning from Vancouver on business. Among those arriving In the city this morning from Vancouver were A. A. Heck, of Mon treal, and J. Cook, of Winnipeg, CNJl. First Aid officials, who will visit the dry dock and other railway departments. Addressed "Stationery store between Post Office and Liquor Store, on opposite side of street. Prince Rupert." a letter haa been delivered through the local Post Office to McRae Bros. Ltd. C a. Ham returned to the city on last night's train from a brief business trip to Ter race. , The Prince RurV'dyro Club a.i in rcvular monthly business aftuUm at the weekly luncheon today. President Frank Skinner was In the chair over a good attendance of members. Dr. H. O Large and A. It NirlmU retunu-d to the city on last nlsht'a trail) from a fishing ulp to Uaulne Lake Tliey founa the (Oiling there not so good as usual allhouah Quite a number of char were taken. Mn David Whlttall. who wlih hrr babv. Lvnn. has spent the last few months with hcr'hu-) band, Lieut. David wnittail R.CNVJl.. here. U at present visiting with her parents Mr and Mm Allan S. Gentles, at Jieir summer home at Caul " field. West Vancouver "IrV Canadian Legion BliSi , No. 27. Regular meeting lonigm at 8 o'clock. Giilla Rover returned this morning from a trip to Van- icouver. Mrs. T. W. Boulter returned this morning from a trip to Vancouver. C. E. Saunders of the dry dock returned this morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Adele and Allan Stonehouse, children of Mr. and Mrs. Claude jStonehouse. led Tuesday after noon to spend a nonoay wun relatives in Vancouver- n p nawenn. dltcrict resident architect (or the federal department of public works, arrived in the city from victoria mis morning, being here on official duties. Victor Amadlo arrived today from Oakland where he has taken another year at the California CnHrse nf Arts and Crafts. AC- icording to his school reports he I has been making splendid progress. Some of his pictures he t ta. I 1 ...I V. V. iuu uroUfjiu uatjL vim uuii f.nNnoN The British des troyer H.M5. Shark has been handed over to the Royal Nor wefiian Navy and has been re named 1LN.M.8. Svenner. bdc will be manned entirely by Nor wegians. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY rnsT Laree key rlne. about K keys. Monday evening. Find er please return same to tne olflce, Central Hotel. 164 Announcements All altmlarinvQU to Ihl column rill ba cUar tid tor a full montb at 2Se a word. Norwegian News Reels, Oddfellows' Hall, July IS, 8:15 pm Admission 50c DANCE WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 Swlncmen's Orchestra ODDFELLOWS' HALL HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN W 1 I I 11 ST 1 U1 MV'JM Wfi Minora Blades! for reol (having comfort, you coot b.ot Minora ot its prica. It's tha qualify bhdt In its I'M. rying lice. Here are 8 Ways FARM GOODS ARE NEEDED Britain Likely to Remain Important Market for Dominion's Output LONDON, July 12 Despite the wartime increase in British !rm production Britain will remain an Important market for Canadian farm products after the war. This assurance comes from high officials of the Na- iona: Fanners' Union, the body which speaks for the farmers. British agriculture does not expert to be able to feed the people of Britain although It hope to do much better than it did before the war. It hopes also thai the British people will eat a lot more and a lot 'better and i so the assumption upon which planners are working Ii that Bri- " 1 " . tain will need to import more LONDON British invasion food after than before the war troops are wearing shirts iw wJfeU"P,roductJm?re' pregnated with Insecticide to j The chief trend in wartime protect them from typhus-car- production has been Increased This has been accompanied by increased milk production andi BIRMINGHAM Eleven-year-!decreated nogi beef and egg pro old Patrick Bharpe went fish ing (or tadpoles in a static water tank and siippea m ana drowned. Re-opening of the L.D. Cafe CHOP SUEY and CHOW MEIN Hours 6:30 am. to 1:00 ajn. duction. to help make your ELECTRIC WASHER Immediately after washing drain tub and rinse thoroughly. Remove agitator and also rinse. , Remove with soft cloth or sponge any soap curd or lint that may have remained. Hard water deposits may be removed with vinegar water on doth. , Tale particular care of rubber wringer rolls wipe dry and release pressure on rolls when not in use. Male sure no grease is left on rolls. . Leave lid off tub until thoroughly dry, then protect washer from dirt and dust with an overall covering. Mutual Benefit IleaHh and Accident Ass'n See JOHN L. WRIGHT Special Representative 11GA Hays Cove Circle Opposite Staff Dining Hall CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BUHNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean ob. I'hone Illack 735 last longer!" Says REDW KILOWATT Under government restriction!, your Electric washer has become extremely valuable property, demanding the best care available. Electric washers help to improve health and conserve strength, time and money. 8 Under Instructions from the Secretary of State of Canada acting In his capacity as Custodian under the Revised Regulations respecting Trading with the Enemy, 1943, the following will bo offered for SALE BY AUCTION AT PORT ESSINC.TON On Saturday, at 1 o'clock, July 15th, 1911 Siore equipment, Includtnr safes, scales, cash reilster, adding machine, show esses, typewriter, etc., house-hold goqds of all kinds, s engine, etc. s By J. H. MAIR, Auctioneer Never let connecting electric cord lie on floor. After using wipe dry, coil carefully on hooks provided. Tape any worn insulation temporarily until new cord is secured. Follow manufacturer's lubricating instructions to prevent wear. Avoid running washer longer than necessary 7 to 12 minutes is usually enough. , Do not overload washer. It increases Electric con-sumption, increases wear on clothes and decreases efficiency. , Informed quarters expect British wheat production to drop back to the point where wheat is grown on good wheat lands which can compete with the I Canadian prairies. They expect milk production to Increase further and bacon and beef production to return to about prewar levels. The conclusion to be drawn, they say. is that Canadian wheat will be wanted and probably many other farm products from Canada. Golden rule when talking about military matters where ymi may be overheard: "Think twice before you say anything, then keep your mouth shut." AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY AND FLOWER SHOW will be held In the foimer Post Office Building adjoining the Carnival Grounds on 2nd ATenue. Entries must be placed before 12 noon, Thursday. Prizes will be awarded the winners from the Carnival stage at 7:30 when the Show will be open to the public. Exhibitors must not remove their exhibits before 10 p.m. Friday. Vases and contalneis are optional to be provided by the entrant, Atlas Roilcr Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, BlacKsmlth, General Repair. Phone Red 884 J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Green 995 J. M. S. Loubser D.C B-A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 Fair Way FOOD MARKET HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES INSTANT SERVICE NO WAITING Location Next to Y.M.C.A. 3rd Ave. Open Evenings alas Nf W VICTOR RECORD HITS . rrP a, vin. - a, a au" Tttca. T"' Jim i m wU Eatf tZA Rot. Ettrj timtyou buj a mw rtcord, fry Sj bring " W rtctrd m with Jtu. 'am bid KingCoal. old soul, WJhaimabe Jtnotjrom pole to pole Now is the time for all good men to come to Philpott, Evitt & Co. and order their winter supply of Coal. Don't wait too long and be sorry for the rest of the winter. Order your Coal now. FOOTHILLS LUMP, EGG and NUT. BULKLEY VALLEY LUMP PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONE 651 PHONE S52 ELIO Furniture Store Third Avenue Prince Rupert JURY FOLDING CARRIAGES With springs. Price $27.50 REXFELT FLOOR COVERING Six feet wide. Per square yard 36c INLAID LINOLEUM Six feet wide. Per square yard $1.80 FORMAL OPENING OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OF W. LOCK Your Shopping Tour should in dude a visit to this near hn nutcher "1 Shop wnere you'll always find an abundant supply of the ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY HERE! choicest cuts ot Meat, Fresh Flult and Vegetables In season from our own farm arriving by each boat. Complete line of groceries.