tor Is Sent MSP tskimo Point iiiji i -i. 'ba July 12 f ;rrc by special Point tn the ' where It -s have died : frrtlon. rnival Oiieen Standings 82.000 77.000 77,000 ' AND CATHOLICS rill I. Ail . . iKiuun campaign in . loiuwcii. party : "'ru inc uainonc II f ...1,1.- ,.f,t. - "c wiin re- flrr it had made them ... i M. r uiner parties. riCIALS GET MOKE M II V K . .um i.iecuon " In Alberta will get r f on August 8 In ".the difficulty In ob- ""'v. nepuiy return- I'l rlerks $0. ' "'S I'NUELIVED tOLVER-:!! was clouds- nrouver yesterday but no r'e to relieve the dan- sltuatlnn i.n I Most fcfrlous fires art - n, nrniicuy lJIke Vi i. . 1 """ urcss, yV MEN DECOKA1TI1 lAVtA IJeut. Command-ubbs of Kaslo, who was -..u ui, has been awarded the " crv re Order. O. Douilas Alilmlt .,f r, l also decorated, Fifteen Persons Are Killed at Portland, Maine, When Plane Crashes SO ITI I POKTI.VND, Maine, July 12 (CD At least fifteen persons were killed in the crash of a plane tentatively Identified as a t nlted States Armv craft in the centre of a 160-trallrr camp near the Poriland municipal airport, live of the dead were children. The camp was i. government project and housed families of shipyard workers and other war workers In the greater Tortland area. HE GAULLE IN QUEBEC Q U i: It E C General Charles De Gaulle spent three hours in Quebec today and rrcclsfd an enthusiastic reception from thousands of riliirns. A civic half-holiday was declared. Bulletin A M.P. KISIGNS OTTAWA E. IaCrols, Bloc Populaire. has resigned his fed eral seat lor Iieauce in ine House of Commons, to run In the provincial election In Quebec PltESIDEST lit EE!) BOGOTA, Colombia President Lopcr, who had been seized by Insurrectionists, has been freed. ROBOT BOMBING LONDON There was a sudden and intensified robot bombing attack on southern England this morning but later a lull came. REVERSE IN NORMANDY , SHAEF The British and Canadians were pushed bark near Caen today and lost a village. ,i:XTEN SIVE R EI'ATR I ATI ON LONDON British Common-wealth citizens, who have been held as pilsoners in Nazi countries, may soon be able to return home under an extensive repatriation plan between Britain and Germany, Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden announced today. Merchant seamen will not be repatriated as they aie regarded as prisoners of war. .Opening taiA'--Ti JT x ' III I a in,.. way 4 efebt miles of Leghorn. 4 mQst baffling cases we've 4 tttal Italian eaport. while !fTer had was the case of a young 4 we unusn Bgntn Army in -r EngUsh lord, a good-looking. w upper "cr vauey ac- ; fair-halred chap of 22 or 23.' cupied Meonemorra ana Hwuir'c tnrv as related MuciRnano. ciearms vnc by u.-Cmdr. Walter Ollhooly Of 4 enemy from Mount Ctrl- 4) RCVJt.. told of the ef- Wlia tnrlx rnsri tn rilaffnnsr thi 111- T w ' ness of the young merchant sea 4 444444444444 4man who appeared to be heavllyl Sixty-Six Men In IMine Given Up As Being Dead BUDGET IS APPROVED OTTAWA Ju..v 12 O The House of Comrm iu defeated by a vote of 112 to 4 a Progresslvc-Consrrvative amendment to the government motion to go Into commitee on budget resolutions The Commons thereby approved Finance Ml.iUter IWey's budget In principle. Mr. llsiey said the government's financial policy was the only sound policy It could adopt in wartime. The I 'regressive -Conservatives would have raised the level of In come tax exemptions and ex empted all overtime pay from taxation. No Political Significance LONDON. July 12 Oi The defeat of the Churchill govern ment s education bill In the House of Lords has no political significance attached to it Only Limited Recognition WASHINGTON, D.C.. July 12 Oi - Althouah accepting the French National Committee headed by Oencral Charles dc Gaulle as authority for the civil administration of liberated France. President Franklin D. Roosevelt said there Is no change In American policy of not recognizing the French Com- imlttee as provisional govern ment. It would be for oenerai Dwlght Elsenhower to aeclde what liberated territory would come under de Gaulle's civil HALIBUT SALES Canadian Kyrlelle, 3,000. 18c and 16lic Royal. Flnella, 6,000, 18Vc and Wzc, Pacific. Bayview. 5.000. 18c and 16Vzc. Booth and Pacific. I doped, but medical examination i showed that he had no drugs' lift hCP-systrra' The man was) able to tell his name but was unable to say w here he had come from. I Finally he was taken under the care of a nerve specialist vm nrcurfa uic was uijc BELT AIRE Ohio. July 12 O ;0f amnesia. Hynotlzed by the Sixty-six men eniomDca since lat -Wednesday In the nearby Powhatan mine were today given up for dead. Local Tides cal Temperature Thursday, July It High 7:14 17.0 feet 59 19:54 19.1 feet for Low .. 1:00 6 J feet 51 13:08 6.0 feet J5-3 JM9 NOKTHEKN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER? -Tfff V 104 PRINCE 'RUPERT, B.C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS 4 ". ' mile north that A rurAn fleet : a assrn we 1 IXwi NeWf :tw :ak forrf j'.: Rola and fAUTO'CAMP 7 i ALE FRENCH CUFFS UB Ann; Raiser ml Uit) ihnw Ki!frv rmn iroil fin a a a feat which helped grea; in the hllfh IC 5 on the French coxst on D-Day A i.j the aide of the cliff enabling them to take ..pne. and wipe them out before they could bear. mted Mates rorces strike f i . ITi Y 1 1 T I ai irf A f rlirt Ichnn KncAC ! I IURBOR. July 12 (CPl New blows '-. forces at the Japanew? inner circle arc reported with indications that r 1 peps from newly conquered Saipan icir weight to the attack. United . r in 1.1 1 ii i it utCKtu rugan ihiauu in uw .udiwima -CATASTROPHE August 12 Is Now Tentatively Mentioned at Probable Inauguiation Date With August 12 now tentatively mentioned at a suitable date for the luaticuration, the city is about to orcaniie cere monies attendant upon the official opening of the new Skeena Hirer Highway which will connect Prince Itupert by road with the outside world. The special highway committee of the city council hat been called into session to nicht to make preliminary plan for the procram which will piobably include a number of special event.. Co-op- eration of Terrace, Smlthcrs, Prince George and other Interior points will be sought. 4-4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 long tn,.- UUI IU Nearing : Leghorn 4 4 4 4 4 1- 4 4 ROME, July 12 t?-Ele- 4 4 menu of the Filth Allied 4 4 Army today atood within 4 Facing Supreme Test t German Oil Production : Is Hard Hit 5 4 , 4 ALLIED SUPREME HEAD- 4 4 QUARTERS. July 12 O) '4 American air attacks on 4 1 4 suty-four Oerman oil In- 4 1 4 stallatlons have curtailed 4 1 4 the Nazi petroleum pro- 4 ducUon to a nolnt where ! 4' vhnrLace is havine an lm- 4 1 4 portant effect on the mo- 4 4 bllity of Nazi ground forces, '4 a senior American air force 14 officer said today. 4 !4 444444444444 4 ENGLISH LORD AMNESIA CASE I Canadian Nerve Specialist Aids Young Seaman of Merchant i Navy by Hypnotic Treatment A ST LAWRENCE RIVER PORT. July 12 O, The doctor for the Merchant Navy eased back In his office chair and lit a cigar. "You know." he said, "a doctor runs Into some Interesting fellows here and some odd cases. It's bound to be that way for the seamen passing in and out of the Pool come from the four corners of the carta, one o WAR NEWS TURKS TO JOIN ALLIES ANKARA Turkish participation in the war before the end of the tummer may develop from conversations here between representatives of Turkey, Russia and Great Britain. MUNICH BO.MIJEI) AGAIN LONDON One thousand American bombers attacked German communications and other objectives In the Munich area today in the second attack in two days on Germany's fourth larcest city and railway bottleneck for traffic into Italy and France. On the Noimandy front yesterday Allied fighter-bombers and rocket planes destroyed Uenty-eight tanks and damaged si i teen more. Weather continued bad Tuesday night when mosquitos attacked industrial targets in the Ruhr Valley without loss. ROBOTS STILL COMING LONDON For the second successive night no flying bombs fell on London Tuesday night but the Germans resumed their robot attacks Wednesday. Forty thousand more women and children have left the city. NAZIS ARE SLOWING UP SUPREME ALLIED HEADQUARTERS Marshal Edwin Rommel's counter-attack against the Canadians and British at Caen appeared today to have spent its fury after heavy losses in some cases. The British are holding a solid line in the trans-Odon salient after a quiet night along the whole 'front. British field headouarteis officers said that about fiftr German of the Canadian Manning Poolj tanks were believed knocked out or destroyed In a two-day battle up to dusk Tuesday night and virtually one entire German panzer grenadier regiment was wiped out in bitter fighting that flamed around Hill 112, Maltot and Louvigney. A third of the regiment was captured alive. RUSSIANS PLUNGING FORWARD LONDON The Husslans plunged steadily toward East Prussia and the Baltic tonight continuing to bowl over all Nazi efforts to organize effective opposition while a German broad-. cast ctied "The enemy are at the gates of Germany." Daugav pils, rail centre in southern Latvia, is being rapidly outflanked from the south and advances of up to twenty miles have been registered by the Soviet force on some sections of the 250-mile front. RIG CARNIVAL SPORT EVENT John Collingwood Winner of Carnival Marathon; Runs Five-Mile Course in 31 Minutes Five miles in 31 minutes. hannened at Dunkeraue. The. The race beean at 7:08. young men about his father's! Second In the race was Bill Nafinnol Wine place criticized him for not being 'porayko. he of boxine fame.i Hall Ullal Ilillo In uniform so he slipped on j Both are members of the Boil-to Liverpool with a chum and I crmakers Athletic Club and oi Joined a ship as an ordinary; the Reserve Army. Floyd Gage. seaman. The ship landed at a United States Army man. Halifax and he bad come on 'running with the Resenc-Boil- to this port." .ermakers' team crossed the TOLD ABOUT 'finish line In third place. DUNKERQUE , , ! To be slricUy accurate, the Finally the specialist t decided course was 500 yards less than to find out what had deranged' nve miles as measured by Car-hlm and to cure htm. There , nivai officials. The route extend-wcre about 25 doctors and SO ed from the Carnival grounds on nurses In the operating theatre, Third Avenue to McBride Street, when he was put to sleep. south on McBride to Eleventh "The specialist carefully, quiet- Avenue, thpn pant nn RVvpnth ly and perslstenUy questioned ' Avenue to the new armories. The him as to what had happened return was made along the same to him on the beach at Dun- course. kerque." the doctor said. "The I n. . Aividf. ,. man moaned and groaned and, two leams onc ttam then we heard him say Ive;clalmtd Jomtly by Resme lost my gun; I cant get my t Regiment and the Boilermakers, gun i away! j which included Gage, of the US. Do you know he came out, 4 Army, and the other put in the of that sleep a different man 'neid by the Navy "Ung eHoJknU Na n Curt's ca face" Thenfeann 'was" sunUy I MSt. irtin!fii o. tt, c nf n n . ito cros the line among the first llsh earL He asked that his HASEHALLj scores International League Syracuse 3-1. Newark 5-9. Buffalo 4, Rochester 0. American Association Indianapolis 4, Columbus 14. Louisville 1, Toledo 2. Minneapolis 2, Milwaukee 9. (second game postponed). St. Paul at Kansas City, both games postponed. Coast League Sacramento 10, Los Angeles 4. San Francisco 4, Portland 10. San Diego 0, Oakland 5. six. Two of the Navy team drop IdenUty be kept secret and his E?1 ?" th,f"tu"LtrlP wishes had been respected. ,flfnmohii. I recommended to the Brit-1 lsh Ministry and the director of EXAMPIX OF merchant seamen that he be ; TEAM WORK given his discharge from the merchant service as unfit for sea duty," the doctor said. "Ills Illness could come back on him, and the chances were too great to take. "I hear from him occasionally. He's back now farming on his father's estate and is quite happy," Winner John Collingwood, who said that he had done considerable training in the past three weeks, told the Dally News that he had matched his winning time in the final stages of his training. He and Bill Porayko ran companion-ably in the lead until they reached the post office, then Collingwood put on an extra drive which sent him across the line a clear hundred yards ahead of Porayko. Collingwood received an Indi vidual prize of $25. as well as a portion of the $100 prize to be divided among members of the winning team. Following is the order in which the contestants crossed the finish line: John Collingwood, BUI Porayko, Floyd Oage. Harry Cut-trice (Navy), B. S. Roper (Reserve), Emll Porayko (Reserve), Ray Rann ('Navy, Fred Falkner I All-Star Game w Voluntary iCIearing 0ut Japs Enemy Being Dispersed Both in Northeastern India and Burma KANDV. July 12 0 BriUsh troops In pursuit of the Japanese pushed on from Ukhral today, reaching Onzshlm, nine relies to the southeast. The advance followed final dispersal o! enemy forces tnreatemng KjO-huna and Impahl Plain of northeast India. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 PITTSBURG. July 12 0 4 j 4 In an all start game here 4 ! 4 yesterday. National4' 4 Leaguers defeated the Am- 4 , 4 erlcan League seven to one. . r .;,. 4.. In Burma organized enemy resistance was cleared from the Kamaing-Mosaung road by Chl- nese forces. One force of Chinese moving down the road from Ka-malng contacted another moving up from Mogaung, seven miies from the latter city, and the Chinese moved to Pyindaw, eight miles west of Mogaung. More Tanks GERMANY ALARMED "Hour of Supreme Test With Enemy at Very Gates of Reich," Says Berlin REDS SMASH ON MOSCOW, July 12 f The Russians surged westward today from a point less than forty-nine miles east of the East Prussian border, at a pace which, if continued, would carry the fighting to German soil by the end of the week. LONDON, July 12 "The hour of supreme test has come. The enemy are at the gates of the Reich." Such was the doleful wording of Oerman official statements yesterday In reporting upon the progress of war on the eastern front as the Red Army advanced through Lithuania to within sixty miles of East Prussia, capturing 400 more towns. The Soviet forces are only 40 miles from Kaunas, capital of Lithuania. The army of no less than 25C.0C0 Nazis Is faced with entrapment in the Baltic States. Are Needed big fight Heavy Invasion Losses Put Emphasis On Tbem OTTAWA, July 12 Canada Is expected to participate In the urgent invasion demand for tanks. ! It is understood that Montreal Locomotive Canada's big 'tank arsenal has received a sub- istantlal initial order to modern Washington reports, to fill gaps by a loss ratio three times that which the strategists had anticipated. CHANGE QUICKER rpi x i.i i- . THAN EXPECTED Inat was the distance t w-hii. it was known that m- Washington advices, three major supply facts came back from the beachhead within a very short time after the Invasion was under way. These three were: 1. The heed for a greater flow of tanks. 2. The need for maintaining, at present high rates, the production of heavy artillery and heavy shells to accompany the artillery. 3. The pressing need for ad- 4 In view of this eame no 4 , , ,v. . 4 other Big League matches 4 1 ' Jha5 any im. 4 were scheduled for Tester- ' r 4 day. In thse all star games 4 4 eight victories have been 4 4 scored by the American 4 4 Leane to date and vester- 4 4 the National Leaguers. The 4 4 American League won three 4 4 straight in the years up to this. 4 4 4 44444444444444 PIONEERS' FUND NOW AT $4,! ada. This country does not manufacture heavy trucks. So far rard the new Pioneers' Horn anl?- h r""f7n hf?I? fund have reached $4,000. E. Faure, secretary of the fund raising drive, revealed to the committee In charge at a meet ing last night In the city council chamber. However, since only part of the city has been canvassed, the campaign will remain open until the $5,000 figure has been reached. This Is well In sight, the committee feels" certain. The campaign was due to close on July 8. Even after the fund campaign is closed, the committee will remain active, functioning In an advisory capacity on plans, the committee decided. There was a full attendance of. committee members at the meet Ing. (Reserve), Harry Coppln (Navy), and Don Mason, (Navy). The gates to the carnival grounds were kept closed until the race had finished and hundreds of people watched the runners cross the line. Norton Youngs and BUI Lamble were In charge of the race. cerned, Canada Is already en gaged In a country-wide speed up program to supply a neavy order which came through some months ago. It Is possible that further orders for artillery and guns may be placed after there has been further chance to see how the offensive develops. LANDING CRAFT LOSSES LIGHT At the same time that news came back of new demands for irUCK.5, It WOS lUUUU uiai, tua.Ti.-a of landing craft were light enough to lift the pressure on their manufacture to some extent. It was also found that ball bearings were In stronger Dosltlon than previously. Thus PROCEEDING SHAEF. July 12 There Is ex ceptionally heavy fighting south- vest of Caen between British and Canadians on the one side and the Nazis on the other. The batUe is between the Odon and tsiA Dioore JrvT Vi tt'Otf of tTi ize and rehabilitate a large num-1 wtt, hattl(, Is n th ber of U.S. tanks In order to Brltlsh hag opened a new speed the flow of this type of armament to Europe. One of the most dramatic production changes in the entire war program has been the sudden Imperative call from the in vasion beachhead for more tanks. These arc neededr acoordlngol attack. The Germans have also massed In strength on Cherbourg Peninsula and are engazed In a heavy tank batUe with the Americans. Mosquito Lost In Berlin Raid " LONDON, July 12 Vh One Vfncntiitfi hnmhpr va Irvrt In nf fVii ft1 f"jnWk PnHnMfnl'c sn4 ! srs-s i o f l- -t .4 am Avruriana ji4 It Volt? n - t-i t J at t 4Um frtlrt ril " ' w ' " -aj mviivu a mvv vmaav - VAA a vu a-v - , , . ,, rl timnn story bit by bit . . , mat was me ume inai it iook young jonn zoning- .TTS w-aT 3 7 . irtiVitine.V .nTZt'lW0? l?.e .w'n"er- 10 cover Jt . Ia5?t night He trotted expected that the changes would American bombers attacked an artillery officer, and aftr-,t th f h j t th Th , Avpnnp mip ne thn'come so auickly. According tolMunich. k. m kas eiiMsnirRttn ina mw w w - , - doctor said. -He returned home Carnival grounds at 7:39, and had felt well enough but runners. He was running strong coudnt remember what had when he hit the finish line. 14 444444444444 TO KEEP FIT MEN Minister of National Defence Still Expresses Confidence .In Voluntary Recruiting OTTAWA, July 12 - Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence, made it clear to Parliament that there was no intension of releasing fit men from the army while great battles were In prospect. He also affirmed confidence In the system of voluntary recruiting for overseas service. The minister quoted figures to show recent speed-up In recruiting and the disposition troops who were not "sitting around doing nothing" but were engaged In essential tasks. The minister said there were enough voluntary reinforcements on hand to meet require -v ments of overseas forces to the end of the calendar year. Allied Bombing Is Far and Wide ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NEW GUINEA, July 12 W It is reported today that heavy Allied bombers struck at Sarong on the tip of Netherlands New tanks have now been given high- Guinea In addition to ranging est priority, with both landing far to the orth to hit important craft and ball bearings moved Japanese Island bases at Patau down on the list. and Yap. CARNIVAL HIGHLIGHTS TONIGHT 7:00 pm. Orand Parade leaves Court House Ground. All exhibitors In Pet Show .please be at the Court House Grounds before 7:00 o'clock to take part In parade. 7:30 pm. Judging of Pet Show, Carnival Grounds. 11:00 pjn. Variety Stage Show. THURSDAY 7:30 Presentation of Flower Show Prizes on stage Carnival. 11:00 Bathing Beauty Contest 2nd preliminary. 11:30 Dancing. at