I pi L raw X 1 PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Exeepr Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue' O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OP THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for oubllca tlon of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated 1 15 rress in uus paper ana auu uie luvai urna puuiuucu uicrau. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION A WORTHY SCHEME Friday, July 28, 1944 VISIT OF AMBASSADOR An event of importance to Prince Rupert and another recognition of the position of this port in the affairs of the country will be the official visit next month of the United States ambassador to Canada, Ray Atherton. It is well that Mr. Afherton should be fittingly received in token of the inter PHONE 678 B.C. MESSENGER Experienced Carriers to Intelligently fill your: BAGGAGE EXPRESvS and FREIGHT LIGHT HAULING REQUIREMENTS Stand 214 4th Street West End of Post Office Announcing . . . Rupert Tobacco Store and Newsstand Centrally located at Third Ave. and Fourth St, (former C.P.R. Office) A full line of magazines and newspapers, tobacco, novelties and stationery. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 am. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 I national post which he holds. Prince Rupert is one1 of the places where, under the arrangements of war prosecution, the people and interests of the United States and Canada have been closelv inter-associated. And, even after the war is - over and the normal pursuits of peace are resumed, that, association, may be expected to continue and, quite "possibly, be further developed. THE PIONEERS' HOME It is to be hoped that the project of the establishment of a new Pioneers' Home in Prince Rupert, no matter how the much-needed establishment is to be brought into being, will not be unduly deferred by any bickering over its location. Some exception has been taken to the Westview site but the city council has decided and reaffirmed the decision that it is the best available. So far no more acceptable site has been definitely suggested. South Africa Is Romantic Hospital Meetings End in Marriage for Many Canadian Military Nurses JOHANNESBURG, July 28 B About 300 Canadian military nurses have come to South Africa in batches since the end of 1941, and between 40 and 50 of them nearly one-sixth fliave married here, mostly South Africans. Nearly half of the 300 have clnce returned to Canada; 75 are at present -working in South African hospitals all over the country and recently 25 others left for the Mediterranean theatre as members of the South African military nursing service. Marriages between Canadian nurses and South Africans "are a small but very pleasant way of doing a lot to promote good feeling between the two dominions,' cald a Canadian nursing official. Most of the marriages started as hospital romances. Several French - Canadian girls who could hardly speak En?llrn When they arrived In the Union have married into Afrikaans families. They have learn ed to speak excellent English and a iair amount oi Airuaans. One Canadian nurse now Is the Wife of Col. Douglas Haigh Lost-us, DS.O., D.F.C., well known South African fighter pilot. Another has married a newspaper editor. Canadian nurses here for two years automatically receive the courtesy of Union nationality and also can claim a South African passport. If they marry South Africans they still retain Canadian citizenship, but this Is not the case If they marry men of foreign nationality. Income Tax Returns Prepared See It. E. MORTIMER 334 2nd Ave. Phone 88 Joe Wright, Jr., of Toronto, Diamond Sculls winner in 1923, I was defeated by two lengths at the' 47th annual Canadian Hen- ley regaua at tst. uainennes. years ago yesterday. His conqueror was Jack GAiest who won; the Diamond Sculls himself the next year. Joe Louis deienced his heavyweight boxing title in a four-round battle at Yankee Stadium in New York that left tubby Tony Galento, the Orange, N. J. barkeeper, bleeding and helpless. TV, un;nn. cl1QmA hnh tha mi'mctm nf fin. five years ago tonight. The bur- UU9tK v.. w.w ...... .-.w. .... ,y T exercised his frlgtUen- ance is presenting to Parliament at Ottawa ana which lmg portsirfe first in the third is already being submitted to the communities of the round, dropping the Brown Dominion, such as was done in Prince Rupert this oft week, should meet with widespread approval. Cef-i canvas. But from then on it tainly, there is no city in the country to which it was Louis- right would be more acceptable than Prmce Rupert where, generally speaking housing is none" too good to say nothing of its scarcity. Even before the war decent houses were few enough here and since, of course, the housing situation has been notoriously desperate. After the war, or even before it is over, as acute manpower and material shortages become relieved,' there will be many who will be anxious to grasp the opportunity of being able to build homes of their own under such generous terms as the government s new scheme offers. , There will, no doubt, be much activity in the way1 of home building as the war ends and if is gratifying to see' that the government is taking action toward a program which will be adaptable to a large proportion of tlie population. The ownership , of homes by the people at large would be one of the important means of ensuring happiness and prosperity. , THE DAILY NEWS Military Band Concert Sunday Prince Rupert Garrison Bard and Sault St. Marie and SuJ-bury Regimental Band, direct .'d by Bandmaster WO 1 Frank Delament will give an open air band concert Sunday at 3 p.m.j on the Court House green. i A oprnet solo. "The Holy City," by Adams, will be play d by Bandmaster Determent, and j Bandmaster Robert Wybrow's arrangement of "Begin the Be-guine" will be featured by the band. Other band numbers will be O Canada." "Steadfast and True," "Bohemian Girl," "Bells j of London Town," the populir (George Oershwin melody "Liza." Cossack Invocation and Dance, 1 "Moonlight Madonna." "Tales of Vienna Woods," "Desert Son?." Abide With Me." "The Washington Grays" and "The King." 0H ET5EJ EsreiTnTrrTi TC-4 B oUPPORT THE PIONEERS' HOME PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS Down trough the years, almost since Prince Rupert first exlstri, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality, drugs, the best of equipment. Ormesttd. "Jiui Pioneer Druqgats THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 arK 52 Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m, Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m, and 7-0 p.rt. LETTERBOX With the Forces PIONEERS HOME The Pioneers' Home Fund Committee has heard statements to the effect that other good alfce.s besides the one at present deter Thanking you in advance for publication. H. 5. EL FAURE. Tllf RIDLEY HOME 1 The oMest mstl union inter i ested In the welfare of the needy young, la this north country :, the Ridley Home. It was founde.l for the care of white children who were orphans or lacked pro per social or educational far ties. The home gave the childf : fdu-attonal-eultural and dorru tic training ln a sympathe ome atmosphere, and at a m-mum cost. While the home Is under the ; uurolcea of the Anglican Chur i s undenominational ln it s-ct ptance of children The cru.d art its needs ocme first, always i It is a non-profit making lnsti- j tut ion. It gets no e vemment ;d but Is assisted by the AnU- V. A a ln tims of a a kind public. Prior to the war an annus' "Tn-ery shower was held whicb . laranteed a fair supply of ta ffee. svar. Jam, etc Ratt-.nin has changed all that and the me at Dresent is considerably - the red. The reason for thi: deflri- i oartalry accounted for above bti mother factor is certain indif ferent or careless parents or guardians and a very ki.ndrv I was golnt; to say too kindly matron iOod bless hr! The former frequently failed to meet their ibllarions. The matron will turn no child out, nor allow one ts t'l-rlothed or to be physically neglected as to denta! or other medial care. (Hence the extra f.nanc'.al burden and the red. The humft needi tout help to iive the rhHdren a chance. Du'lror the nrerent Bjtin,: hurt Tenure 128 children h-tij ))Tti eared for. ' We are hoping for generous j dor.at.'ons j New Rotarians Talk of Selves Interetlnc aittr''1wfnh1rr ' tfll bv two memberv-A. F Field and Htv Hart W -ured the remlnr werklv luncheon of the Prinr Rupert notary Club "esferday. Mr. Field, accountant f"r rhe Llnd'iv Cartnge Co, infnTm1 the club that he va bnrn in London, England, and had h " first employment with the Great ! Eaf-tcm Railway for which h" worked ten years. Then hr came to Canada and wax en-(gaged In farming In Bakat chewan for fourteen month i after which he entered the em Iployment of Canadian National Railways temporarily. FoHw ing that he was associated with accounting departments of mining companies at Artyox, ln the Cariboo and at Copper Mountain, coming to Prince Rupert only last fall. Mr. Hergert rold his life story In a breezy and entertaining manner. He wis born in Uv ton of Canadian parentage and, as a small boy, went to WlnnK I peg in 1902. In 1917 he joln.d the United 8tates Navy and soon transfered to the transport service as a fireman, mak-iiiiR trips to the West Indies and across the Atlantic. His .ships had Included the greit German ship Imperator which :was seized by the Allies. t:ic adventures experienced on t: t first voyage on the Impend " ' which functioned none too wi i and nearly met with di a; : on at least a couple of or caslons, were described In a ra-manner. Mr. Hergert Joined tic Canadian National Express C I ln 1917 and became manager at Portage la Prairie in 1938 i being ln Chllllwack before coming here. Member were reminded of the forthcoming local regional I meeting of Rotary to be held :n j Ketchikan September 7, 8 and! 9, It being planned to have a good attendance of officers and members. T. N. Youngs expressed appreciation of omittance given by Rotary members at the recent Civic Centre Carnival. Birthday congratulations were extended to C. A. Bind- and A. D. Ritchie. Announcement was made of the resignation from member ship of J. W. NIchoUs. President R. C St Clair was In the chair and Rotanan Nell Me KeJvle of Trlnce George was a jVlsitbr. News of the Men and Women on Active Service (Contributions Welcome) V -- ,,: i . i rm M I.., mined upon are available. As our !r-- w.'s committee is anxious to see the U,u fe at the new home built on the best pas- j vert Bof Alberla ,n Edmonton slble location I have been to-'u now ln unlfom. ne win go structed to ask any one knowing a,iv, uith thr Roval sistMg of at least ftre lota, to communicate with the secretary, before August 5. giving full par tlculars. The committee will earefuWv investigate all such proposals and wttl make recommendations tr the City Council accordingly. To avoid all delay, 'Interested persons are asked to addrew themselves to the Secretary, Bo 81, Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian Medical Corps when be rues completed hte medical .studies. FOUR YEARS AGO IN THIS WAR Jury 28. 1940 Admrrahv an nounced kwa of destroyer Wre;; ; R.A.F. bombed north and west Oermwiy, Holland, oceuolef France and Betgium: four Italian planes destroyed by British force in repubiini? attack on Val-Mt.i naval base RAJ raid ed Iialia::) AUitur- pt'- r- mo: Wth Minora Blades I for real ihoving comfort, you can"! beat Minora at itt prk. It rh quory Uodo In ill field. i- ! The bet buy ln Monuments and Markers in BC is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave, first door West of Baton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Do 9J8. I'rlnte Rupert J. M. S. Loubser DC . OA CHIROPRACTOR Wllac Block Phone 640 Fresh Iocaf Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY NIONK 6S7 FURNITURE ! STORE Third Avenue Prince Rujiert KVYONO SAMi HIM ' HOP KKK CHOP SUEY HOUSE 611 7lh AVli1 WEST 'Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 3 p ra, to 12 pm. Outside Orders from 2 p.m to 12 p m Phone Itrd 217 'tuiI Ot Intu iiiiirnrni uht voliiiilcr for mrrM-ii tu-rtlir, AVar Hi O.S. l,e. IhmIji llmt till Morlj tlir tliut ou are rrJy 1 fight for U foryf S. E. PAKKER, LTD. TORI) DEAEEIt n WINTER IS COMING He's & lovable Iyoiiv coa.1 in vntir cellar ! 19 it LS a . . 5 U Stock up now with sufficient C to last you all winter FOOTHILLS COAL IN LUMpJ EGG, OR NUT BULKLEY VALLEY LUMP PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. Ill ril()Ni:S C51 and C3I PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinype Dishea Chop Stiey Chow Meirr Hours 0 00 am to l oo am. rKINt'E itt ROOFING! KmIi Krptln, Mr- Every Thud 7 p.m. at the Auction Jl ' J. MA1R, Auctioi TfllKD ATCSI't (Vnt door to C'ommo4rM IS NOW OI'KN Ctt Ar. F, KrsiAr P.O. Rtstlon It "Select Lunches and Select Cer.. f' Our stock fresh and complete, prices fil I'OIM.SHNVS OKOCKKY Courlrty and Servlre t ree neUtery - RUPERT BRAB SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold SW ""I'l-i. ivm i.ni ill I. III. cil (Of Dibb Printing CompaH OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY II I It T (I I) A Y AND BVBKYI'Af fJ WATK It MAN'S F d U N' T A f N rJ Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street prion' Tln.n A.I .' mi. r!l.. Mnu'S I'l