nrrrODER 7, 1944 ,,. News Items TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS or old gold. Bulger's. iiubser has returned ity from a trip to Van- nd Victoria. Archie Tnompson is and will leave tor ova arly next week. i n r Q T 0v. neetlng Monday 8 pjn. Watts. C. H. Elkln. Mitchell and J. D fere leaving by this eve lain for a trip to Burru Id Smlthers. bnday, Thanksgiving i Post Office wickets will from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. by will of open iium i p.m. of Borden. Street School I'ptember gathered ove. Illcins' Nabob anJ Blu coupons as a result of e Junior Red Cross ben- L) the extent of WO in bigs stamps and certify pricing Saturday, Oct. 21 ice garages win ciose Iturday at 1 pm. Corn- Monday, Oct. 23. oui prages win ciose aauy 1 12 noon and 1 p.m. ' ker Ltd. Rupert Motors Long Motors A. Shrubsall left Satiirdav night for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Rita Edgar left Thursday night for a trip to Vancouver. Lieut, Commander T. H. Leigh of H.MCjS. Chatham left on Thursday night for a trip to Van couver, for the Audit Bureau of Circulations. He arrived from Edmonton Thursday night and will proceed tonight to Vancouver. L. Lyall of Wlnnlpesr has been spending a couple of days In the city conducting the annual circulation audit of the Dally New Mr. and Mrs. aeorge Parsons returned to the city Thursday night from a vacation to Burnt. Lake. Capt. Melville Jack, well known coastwise master, regularly with Canadian Pacific Steamships, and Alex Morrow, chief engineer arrived In the city yesterday irom Vancouver to take over a vessel here. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Is In receipt of correspondence from the Railway Association of Canada urging support of a better shipping campaign In Canada. Care In packaging of goods for shipment will obviate delay In transport as well as extra work In the handling of shipments. LETTERBOX FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Editor, Dally News: Monday, October 9, opens a week devoted to fire Dreventlon an effort by all those organiz ations in the North American continent responsible for nubile safety to educate our people W an awareness of the fire damage which yearly takes a terrific toll in lives and property. Last year British Columbia alone suffered 29 deaths by fire 24 adults and five children. Property loss from 'the 4073 fires was Just over four million dollars. That is an all time high iu per capita loss. To date, this- denartment this year has received 81 calls. A few were false alarms. But none of mem couia oe attributed to "an act of God." All were due to hu man carelessness. Always there seems to be someone willing to take a chance with cleaning clothes with gasoline or some equally flammablt solvent to rekindle a fire with kerosene to' disregard tht warning given by blowing fuses in an overloaded electrical circuit. And all the while, fire losses attributable to smokers care sssness are on the incirerise. Our experience is that any form of fire in the hands of intoxicated people presents an extremely high fire hazard to any community. Yet many people of quite excellent standing have been very embarrassed by a fire E'S CHARACTER IN HANDS-AND IN TOBACCOSl You could tell u$t from'Ted Murphy's hands as 1 he fills d pipe that he's seen a lot of life and so values at its true worth the sterling character of Old Virginia. Its quality is far above its price: OLD VIRGINIA PIPE TOBACCO a real pipe smoker's tobacco SPECIAL! long, round, with W thread, 2" collars. IMUCE PREPAID TO YOU. S5.93 -w wnux or uanK Money uraer mm oracr xo ACME MACHINERY 1547 Main Street, Vancouver, B.C. Kaiifm'c rrnunMV anDF a. a. I I J kvvllVl I I JIVIU "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available rocerics, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tnlm DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (TUMrtnva TV.....J. I a. t.,,,4 n.,. --j jf ijiuiouujra wiu navuiuujn Opposite Canadian Legion CIFIC CAEE Special: Chop Suey Chow Mein m. to a:oo a.m. PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 72S SjtMtlalUt on Bullttrf Roof Repairs, Re-ihlngllng Free Estimates Elio's FURNITURE STORE Third Avenue, Pr.nce Rupert THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Barr & Anderson LIMITED numbing and netting Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Bt Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1281 caused by the careless use of a cigarette for which their neglect of very simple laws of safety were responsible. True, the Individual gets away with these things perhaps time after time. But someday the law of averages catches up with him, often painfully so. And year after year Are statistics prove Just that. On Monday evening, 8:30pjn., the organized fire departments of this area will stage a torch light parade along the full length of Third ave. through the American camp and returning to the City Fire Hall. We ask the people of our clt as they watch the red glare of Its progress through our streets to accept this parade as our visible protest Jo the fires which have been and will inevltabl) follow the actions of careless, indifferent and gambling citi zens. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB H. T. LOCK, Chief of Fire Department. Birth Notice Born to Dr. and Mrs. Kvale of Ocean Falls, at the Prince Ru-nert Qeneral HosDital. October 5, a son. r Announcements All advertisement in this column m will be charged tor a full month at 25c a word. Dry Dock Employees Welfare Association Dance, Staff Dining Hall, Friday. Oct. 20. Music by Swing Quintette. Little Norway Tea, October 7, Lutheran Church. St. Andrew's Cathedral W.A. tea, home of Mrs. C. C. Mills, October 11. Presbyterian tea, Church Hall, October 13. L.0 B.A. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Monday, Oct. 23, 9:30-1:30. Rebekah Fall Bazaar, Oddfellows' Hall, Oct. 26, 2 pjn. L.O.B.A. tea, October 27. Hallowe'en Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, October 31. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 9. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, 3 p.m.,.Nov. 16. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November 23 , Cambral Chapter, Fall Tea Nov. 23. I.OD.E., United Church fall sale, December 7. Engagement The engagement Is announced of Minnie Joan Wiggins, elder' daughter of Mrs. Robert Wiggins. to Mr. Lloyd Stevens, son of Mrs. Stevens of this city. The wed ding will take place on Octobet 14: Card of Thanks We wish to thank all our friends for their kindnesses and expressions of sympathy extend-, ed to us during our recent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving husband and father. MRS. E. LESIEUR AND FAMILY. In Memoriam In loving memory of Mrs. lily Preece who passed away October 7, 1942. Gone from our home, Oh, how we miss her, Loving her deeply, Her memory will keep, Nor till life ends Shall we forget her, Sacred to us is the place Where she sleeps. Always loved and missed by her loving sister Edith, and husband. CHOICE TIMBERLANDS FOR SALE T HE Secretary ol State of Canada, acting In his capacity as Cus todian under or. by virtue or the Revised Regulations Restating Trading with the Enemy (1943), has appointed the undersigned controller to carry out his order requiring the winding-up of the business ol N. S. McNEIL TRADING company limited which has been operated continuously under the control of Messrs. P. S. Ross A Sons on behalf of the Custodian since December, 1341, and It Is the desire of the Custodian that the undermentioned assets be sold on a going concern basis. The company is the registered owner of 33 sections of old Crown Grant land, containing approximately 22,000 acres and situated In Rupert District, Vancouver Island, and adjacent to Port McNeill on the East Coast. According to a cruise made In 1943 by Eustace Smith, Timber Estimator and Forest Engineer, the Company's holdings are said to contain between 375 and 400 million feet of timber. Of this approximately -50.Js lasted as Cdar And, the balance principally Hemlock, and' Balsam with a small quantity of Spruce, of good quality and on accessible logging ground. The Company's title Is such that there is a Royalty payable to the Province of British Columbia of fifty cents per thousand feet, British Columbia Log Scale, on all logs when cut and removed from the timber tract and such logs are exportable subject only to war restrictions. The Company also owns a log dump, freight wharf, two foreshore leases from the Crown and a Diesel-engined boat used for booming purposes. Assignment fit the foreshore leases Is subject to the consent of the Crown. V .? f The Company has existing contracts including contracts relating to logging, rights of way, water supply and freight wharf. The Company has entered into contracts with the C & A. Logging Company Limited covering logging operations for the years 1944 and 1945. In addition to the above, the Title to the land Includes the right to any coal there may be under the surface of a substantial part thereof. THE CONTROLLER HAS PREPARED A BROCHURE CON-TAINING INFORMATION RELATIVE TO THE ASSETS OFFERED FOR SALE AND THE VARIOUS AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS PERTAINING THERETO AND THIS WILL BE FURNISHED TO INTERESTED PERSONS MAKING APPLICATION AND SUPPLYING BANK REFERENCES. The Controller offers the said assets for sale and tenders will be received by the Controller at his office up to noon (Pacific Daylight Saving Time) the 11th day of December, 1944, upon the following terms and conditions: f- I (a) Tenders shall be wad for rash and for the assets as a whole and must be made subject, EXrnKKSLV, to the terms and conditions herein set out. (b) A certified cheque to the order of the Controller for the sum of S3S.000.00 must accompany each tender; the balance of the tender price to be paid to the Controller on his acceptance of the tender; subject to the condition that should the tenderer not fulfill the terms of his offer and the conditions herein set out the contract may be cancelled by the Controller and the amount deposited by the tenderer forfeited to the Controller as liquidated damages. Cheques in respect of unaccepted bids will be returned In due course, (c) The assets are offered for sale without any' representation or warranty whatsoever on the part of the Controller as to surveys, boundaries or area of the lands, or as to quantity, quality, condition or state of repair of such assets, and while the general idea thereof may be obtained from this advertisement, the brochure and the Inventories In the office of the Controller, the sale shall be made subject to shortages and overages, the shortages to be at the charge of and the overages for the benefit ot the. successful tenderer (d) The assets are offered for sale subject to all existing leases and contracts to which the Company is a party and to all rights ot way, easements and enrumbrances. The I'urrhaser snail enter Into a covenant with the Controller and the N. S. McNeil Trading Company Limited duly to observe and perform all the covenants and agreements on the part of the Controller or the said Company contained In the said leases and contracts and to Indemnify the Controller and the said Company In respect ot any breach thereof. (e) Neither the highest nor any tender will necessarily be accepted. (f) The Purchaser shall pay all transfer dues and transfer taxes. If any V payable to the Crown. (g) The Controller will account to the Purchaser for all logs removed from the property after the 31st October, 1944, at the rate of J3.00 per thousand feet British Columbia Log Scale and all other adjustments shall b determined as at the date of transfer and delivery of the assets when possession will be given and responsibility ot ownership will pass, (n.) The envelopes enclosing offers must be marked Tender UcNeU Xradlal 1.0, 4.1U. na uurseu us xouows; Frederick Field. CA Controller ot X. S. McNeil Trading Co, Ltd 673 West Hastings Street. Vancouver, B.G, Canada. No commission will be paid by, the Controller. I A-, THE CONTROLLER BELIEVES THE STATEMENTS MADE DM Tins ADVERTISEMENT TO BE CORRECT, BUT ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY THEREFOR, AND . INTENDING PURCHASERS SHOULD MAKE SUCH INVESTIGATIONS AS THEY DEEM NECESSARY. Inspection of the properties may be arranged on application to thai office of the Controller, co P. a Ross & Sons, 675 West Hastings Street VancouverTBG Arrangements may also be made to Inspect detailed cruise reports and copies of the various agreements and contract In force affecting the property. J; iN)' Frederick Field, CA i J) 'Vssj Controller of v K -wKr N- S. McNeil Trading Comlpany UVf,V Sept. 8ttr; 1014. At local ( lUH CllOS . . . St. Paul's Lutheran Church Cor. 5th Ave. and McBride St. Rev. Magnus B. Anderson, Pastor 11:00 a.m. "The Testing Fire." Music by the Male Quartette. 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 p.m, "The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against It." Frl., 8:00 pjn. Young People's Discussion Group. Topic: "Christian Liberty." A cordial welcome to all First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSween, B.A., Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Choir Leader THANKSGIVING SUNDAY 11:00 a jn. Morning Worship. Anthems: Junior Choir. "Fair Waved the golden corn.'' "Creation's Praise." 12:15 p.HL Church School. 7:30 Evening Worship. Anthem: Senior Choir. "O Lord, how manifold are Thy works." (J. Barnby). The Minister will preach at both services. A cordial invitation" to worship -with this congregation Is extended to all. First Baptist Church Young St. and Fifth Ave. East Rev. W. W. Silverthorn. Minister Phone Red 839 t 10:00 am. Bible Class. 11:00 a.m. Rally Day Service. The program will be presented by girls and boys of the Sunday School. Parents and friends are asked to give the children their support by 12:15 p.m. There will be no Sunday School. 7:30 pjn. Evening Service. Topic: "Evolutionary Nonsense or In the Likeness and Image of Ood?" 8:45 p.m. ' Fireside Tues., 8:00 p.m. Young People's Gathering. Wed.. 8:00 p.m. Prayer and Fellowship. Frl., 7:00 pjn. Trail Rangers uoys 8-15 years). Jude 3 "Earnestly contend for the Faith which was once de llvered unto the saints." FJrst United Church 636 Sixth Avenue West Rev. J. A. Donnell, mA., Minister Mr. J. S. Wilson. Sr. Choir Leader Mrs. W. C. Taylor, Jr. Choir Ldr. Mrs. Collin Carrell, A.T.C.M., Organist Public Worship at 11 ajn. and 7:30 pjn Sunday School, at 12:15. "The Friendly Hour" In the Manse at the close of the evening service. Christian Science This Society is a branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston. Mass. Sunday Service 11:00 ajn. Sublect: "Are sin, disease, and death real?" Monday, Oct. 9, 11:00 ajn. Thanksgiving Service. Meetings which include tes-tomonles of healing are being held on the second Wednesday of each month, at 8 pjn. The reading room, In the :hurch building Is open Sunday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 ,o 4 pjn., and Monday and Thursday evening from 7:30 to ):30: St. Andrew's Cathedral Dean, Very Rev. J. B. Gibson Organist and Choirmaster, P. Lien ' S.S. Supt., F. J. Skinner THANKSGIVING ,8;00 ajn. Holy Communion. 11:00 ajn. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Preacher: Rt Rev. G. A. Rlx, DD., Lord Bishop of Caledonia. Anthem: "O Lord How Manifold are Thy Works'' (East-ham). Organ Offertorium: Improvisations on "Duke Street" (Whiting). 12:30 p.m. Children's Service. 7:30 pjn. Evening Prayer and Sermon. Preacher: The Dean. Anthem: "The Glory of God In Nature" (Beethoven). Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 THREE SISTERS CAFE SUNDAY, 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER 90c Soup; Cream Qf .Tomatq, .with Rice Fruit Cocktail Combination Salad Roast Local Young Turkey with Jelly Roast Milk-Fed Chicken au Natural Special Club Steak or Veal Steak Grilled Lamb Chops or Pork Chops Vegetables: Steamed, Mashed or French Fried Potatoes, and Vegetables Dessert: Pudding or Ice Cream J. H. MAIR Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES C32 3rd Ave. Blue 69 Prince Rupert, B.C. THERE MAY BE A COAL SHORTAGE THIS WINTER! Put a cord of wood in your basement now as reserve. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 KWONG SANG KING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tai) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 pjn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 pjn. PHONE RED 247 Julia Arthur DRESS PUMPS i In British Tan and Golden Tobacco Colors with Dress Cuban and Low Cuban Heels. Perfect fitting Elasticized lines Black Kid Tango Pumps"-" Just arrived Family Shoe Store Ltd; i "The Home ol Good Shoes" i