t. PAGE FOU3 THE DAILY NEWS BLACKPOOL 9 Four times Mrs. Marie Mills brought her smal daughter to hospital for eye operations. The mother stayed with her daughter con-ttwuously in hospital. Now she is accused of killing the chBd, apparently in the belief that nothing could prevent blindness. Minora Blades Mean Comfortable shaves at a real soving that's the net of the Minora story. It's the quality blade in the low price field. FO The Experts Say Eggs are plentiful these days so treat the family to angel cake. miK w hrp or sherbet and use the yIks as a foundation for other unusual dishes, advises I Laura C. Pepper, head of the I Agriculture Department Con-i iumar Section. A weU-beaten en yoBt will thicken one evp of mflk for costards or replace one whole egg far baking purposes. When ear: yolks aw ued in muMm or in dark chocolate or spice cakes they give a richer, finer texture. D.Iuteri with water, yoHcs can replace whole eggs for egging and crumbing cutlets, patties or fish. To hard cook eg; yolks, drop unbroken Into boiling salted water, remove the saucepan from the fire, cover and let stand 15 minutes. Hard cooked yolks may be used at once or they may be j stored in a covered container in ! ;he refrigeiator. They are excellent for sar.dwichrs or. if pressed ::r. uh a sieve, make an at- i::.ib for salads. Far a :us.;h(on diih that's de iff U MOTOR COMP LARGEST PfiODUCF. RS ferent serve -hard eookee egg yolks on toast wittt a cream j saoee to winon chopped parsley has been adooa generously. Allow three yoHae for each serving. BACH0LOH6 who screnrble their own breakfast eggs will welcome this Higgeetion from Dr. L. B. Mt, of Nutrition Services. A five-mtasie breakfast U: orange, ready-o-eat whole-graia oarcai. moulfrnst toast and beverage. Dr. Pett warned that a hastily snatched piece of toast in the morning is not a meal and stresses the point that healthful eating at breakfas: time is just aa important as U is at the other two meals. ICE DBUVERIES: Keeping perishable products during the summer months has always keen a problem and consom?rs will be glad to know that daily deliveries of ice 'ejcceot on Sundays win be permrUed again from May 1 to September 30 However, thic depends on whether the dfairrs FORD PRODUCTS arc doing a job over there. The Ford car carries army staffs to vital parts of a fast changing front, and stands up under the punishment of war-torn roads. Rugged Ford trucks lug ammunition up to the guns; hurry food and supplies to forward positions; bring fuel from the beach-head to our flying fields. Ford products arc doing a job on the home front, too. Ford cars carry war workers to and from vital jobs. Ford trucks transport raw materials and war equipment quickly and dependably. OF MILITARY have the rtt jsaly equipment and inanoower to take ,-.ire of such frequent deHverles u domestic users. SONSET SALAD: As spring creeps northward and free, fruits and vegetabfra are again on the market, a salad makes a delicious raamotajr far torch or supper. The Nutrition Bureau suggests this colorful one which, includes a wMo vatiet of vita min filled foods: One avocado, two red spples, lemon juice, two oranges, one haH grawaenoV red mooes, one half honeydow melon, lettuce. French dressing. Peel avocado, halve lenr.hwlae, remove seed and cut la cr sswtse siices. Core apple and rut in wedges. Dip avocado and apple m lemon juice. Separate cranee and grapefruit into raerr.brane- frre sections. Halve graven and remove seeds. Scoop me', n into baU. Arrange lettuce in twl or on serving ptate. Arran rintj of overlapping avoead and ipple wedges at outside edge. Arrange ring of memo ball o. oranee and grapefruit -erUons t:warrl centre Oarnisr. with The power task V-8 engine. toughest on smoothly, for little The Ford than 300,000 out to the world. It's want in OF VEHICLES IN I'KINCK GKOKGE Prince Oeorge will have a new junior-senior high school, since property owners last week voted ra to 7 in favor of Its construction. The 496 votes cast constituted the heaviest pofl in X) years In the town. William Nagle. brought to Fiinee Geoage from McOride, where he bad keen injured in a sawmill accident, died in the Vancouver General Hospital an emergency trip of W miles. He was flown from Prince Oeorge to Vancouver. A i army private was charred with horse stealing In police . irt here recently. He had den the animal 100 miles from Prince Oeorge when cautht by police. KMOggfl HO TORTOISES The OeJanajos island, off the can if Ecuador, are known for Ion -lived guat tortoises. grapes and serve wrtn desetng ?h!s . erves four. plant behind this vast transportation at home and overseas is the Forjd Week after week, under the conditions war has to offer, it carries silently, economically and asks pampering. V-8 engine is the power plant in more vehicles that have already gone war zones in various parts of the the dependable kind of engine you'll your post-war car. CANADA, LIMITED THE BRITISH EMPIRE SMITH KItS Despite cloudy weather and Sght shower, the Soothers golf and country club hold Us seasonal opening rcoeatiy with fifteen teams competing In the tournament. A ahteeient n anuria i r 2J30 wrgtcal dreaslna has been ooomieted or the Sommars ftnd Crow and sent to heeoajaarters at Vancouver. Three amtthatt hoy were nceeasftrl candidates n the University of British Columbia examinations. They were Arthur Dtraock, third year Applied Science, Robert Cook. second year agriculture, ami F.ed Cook, third year agriculture. WRT1I IIATK INCRJMSS UkNDON. t Last year the btrth rate for England and Wales wnt the higitest since lf28. live bath totalling 882.854, or 28.-8lSmerehan1n lt2 Marriages teat year numbered 25,4M. near ly 3juw ieer than in Wt2 r omiies j -Jingle, Jannlr, Jlnifc" Two veteran Marmes vt:, bragging aboul their respective jouttiu. "When we peeaenu I anna.- said owe, "a you c;, i hear was alap. slap, click; 1 "With us It was nap. siap jingle." M toe other, "fknatef Wtial "Our meatoU." It's Me Arain Doctor (HusMog out .,t fltadrl. Oet my kit at onee. I BaetvHer wfej. Dad. what the matter? Dwtor Some ( ju.. phoned He oant lve fHe mu. atc wtttout me! I H i cisatghtor brvathed a gmK i 4 relief. J Uauetter Jurt a taoowot j ' think tnat call was lor me j Father: Mary, wna was Unman I sow you klaftng las-. Intghtr Mary: "Wnat Ume was it? ' Ucht tVeicht 1 Doctor What's your amagr wfcft? Patient I dunno. doctor -WeU. what's ttte moM you ever weighed? . . n l--M u i inert n einhty Dcctor- All right Now. what ihi- least you ever weighed? Pa en t -Seven pound-v. nlm ounces. Jjhn. civt-riiig a recent south ii. llood disaster, bagao his ulcKraphc covrtaye wtth Lit .nuajtic kad Today Ood siu . o!t a hliltop overlooking tin- fLiodrd town Of ..." 1m :nrdUlU'l to City editor Wlrfd J an Korget toe flood t Intr: view Oodl" Sis-, m a War Plant? "If yuur cat'- ts too he watch ou-. r asacitfiua. If its i.. 'o.l ouk out for the men' n-'tw: 'it a nnmber ui i called a hero, and ; -:ntrr of sheep is called a :i'H-k. uroat would a number i: i-amei- be eanscir" LitUi Johnny: "A carton ' Wife Heading trow an i -ma- pamphiet) -a large . f-t rentage of the aodsonu i. in the kitchen." .furtasal: -Yea. and wha, se.ee men nave to eat th. n. p:tend we enfoy them No me is entirely useie.v L.i-n tne wont of as serve i . Ktamnmt, ou ., .aver you are, U that; i er yea speak; say true -uglHforwardh act; ti.wist; In met, i u.jtioy one oat you. ?'m' men have a den In thfi ue. whOe other Jnm growl over the house. Uid you have to go to Sun .... 8.IKKM Dad?" Yea. Riehanl, never mis : u my ta ten yoai uh. gaeas it wont do me . .. xoid tither. Ua thing Uoaoty: A awl who a Hire protne all tne way lo a new aervtceman an ar : qualntance remarked, "So, you're in the Army now. Ikey?" "Oh yes I'm In the Army." was the proud reply. "Did you get a commission''' "No. only my wages." Junior "Dad, what is meant by an empty title?" Dad "Well son, the best answer I can give you'U your mother's eta torn of calling mcj the head of the house." i CORK'S MANY USES Cork is used for cartridge ! plugs, bomb parts. Insulation of planes and tanks and life pres ervers. KWONO SANO IIINO HOP KI.E CHOP SUEY HOUSE 613 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tail All your patronage welcome Open S p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday.10 pjn. to 12 P-m. Outside Orders from 2 pm. to 12 pjn. Thone Ited 217 "inner d Scholarsii r M It . 1 P.. , M V. r :: v lllllllllllt n r PACIFIC LOSMS A I-If IK I) pacific! taiuiiiiiit THE M A i A j t-r- ROOFDt Krniirv !' GEO. J. J Auaioi VALl.il ctr ro.vurr voir roJ Kstimairs Free 116 4th Art'1 litis Colurf Finest &