Ll'LL IN AIR WAR i'r i lie first tlmr In a whole month, there was -j.. ..I. hi ami Sunday In I lie air war over western Heather was stormy and overcast over the English tnd beyond. Saturday two thousand Allied planes ....(..I their attark on railway tarreti In Germany tun-..- - . .. rilluav iunrlion of (Hnabruk belnr the nrin- T.l Allied bombers and ten fiihters failed to i i .i. .fnur i:rrtnan nlanec were fchttt dnun. M .V. J - - - - RERUN IS EXPECTANT IV The German High Command says that the Allied ittrmpt of western Europe may be expected at any n .irii i. ullli n.u, ll...,ii C..vll VIII lluui mj ...... m ... .. ' M M the eastern front. The Nail defences arc ready EASTERN FRONT IS QUIET 0V Only mall scale fighting In the Carpathian foot- I ' . 1 1. - IF .... . - frniil Cl.j.n. .lli.L. .mini In southeast Poland are declared to have failed. ii i: veil iiiwiii ii rw ii i u i i 9 i 9 i- i r t a. s t I a m t a Im4n iamuiac uinuin ui mxui'iru i lame U Ihe liravy Altird bombing attark with the s nre rrsltned. number of cases are 1 0t 341 on -Ported h : uiiiv rss' b,,k.;.'.. ,."u wcre in "1-11 hp fnnonlJ- May to hm. iu live onto. j . cnnih.... . . . M m :,T"1C? diseases n r:i- cmn Pox, en rarer rer ti There T. hav '""mps w . cPrted ln lhe cltv t tlx Knl months. I I .III CiT man 7Wuiifuii mr. iru i Mr jwi-iui lis btrn dirrclrd to Cardinals In United States and MRKRTV SHIP LOST 4 of Scotland, rorty-eltht members of the crew, . ii al . I a SITUATION IN CHINA i mm. me position of the Chinese defenders of la llonan I'roTlnce has become desperate although they mi inc jijunrK wiin niTC imimru 10 inr omsKins j uc ui Tinivn i niiiuiini u iiunriri iiic jap - - . W .... .M.ina.j . J V . i I r w ... RELATIONS ARK STRAINKD wmany ana nalrarU. Several cabinet ministers are ALLIES ADVANCE IN BURMA rir m ... . . . . . on uiiin lmpi ni irip AfirMiinr iinpp in norm iiiirmi ps hae occupied further villates In the Kohlma orthfi( India. Allied aircraft are maintaining stronc The Japanese drive into India has failed conmletelv. , uim siiii.i l-, -M a m iiiiirii nrauaujrirn. rTPa Micnoco Ic fi MrnK om It - id kiiii a a uuivill T r fart that fas the city Is the venereal dls-1 ironK Interest shown hy nrr man the nra people In the Health it f.ity'S r blem i.n tor 1 public Is Still ft n It' Immunization lri- blggest lram. In a moderate-sired by Dr. of the health ' " ".ue to be a ) . tul8 as mere n inn m. k. - ... ...v tic cbic-:'ve Is to wipe '-3 'Jiat out of aio 3 n Drttlsh Marh, ten were in inis is annul - '.an ner rent nf th and Is Drobablv w tksn In Other nrn. f.w Utuallr Hirs s.-s- ' lower Incidence In Kiln . .. -Irri iM-in n ..II... .1 ,. " ln province, il IIP til iiiai evtrv rat ; n the rltv u ..w..i..i . . . i v i'ui irii authorities while rnires the number ""'a cases 1 n.imii. """I IHimrr..,,. il.. ""fase r,l. I . IF . . . ' Ml 11 " llr Knl..- T ?e bfli"es that th- community like Trlnce Ku- hensive effort by the Iicaun Unit to compile a register oi all tuberculosis cases in the city. No tvnhold cases have Dccn reported here this year, and only one last year. At a recent medical confer ence held at Vancouver It was stated that maternal mortality rates in that city were among the lowest ln the world. Prince Rupert, with one death out of 2B1 live births ln 1943, a rato of 3.5 per 1000, compares fav orably with Vancouver m mat respect, Dr. Knlpe stated. Legion of Honor For Paul Triquet I MONTREAL, May 15-- Major Paul Triquet. French Canadian hero of the Canadian campaign ln Italy, was further honored here yesterday with the presentation of the French Legion oT Honor conferred by the French Committee of National I al Temperature Local Tides J: mmln raws Tuesday, Mar 16 52 High . 7:56 17.7 lect 21:05 18.4 feet 42 iT.AL. 1 Low 1:44 8.4 feet i 14.13 S.l feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMliliMffiXvSPkPER no. n PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MONDAY, MA15T191VA T PRICE FIVE CENTS Arc NEWS. HOOD PROGRESS IN IT; r -The attack against the Guslav IJ sllied ( heauquarieri iirjiiiiu.i.fia report i. uui . (s, j&'O. ne Is 3. tlr.ll.. I CI.I). C .. . lj in .( ill. rUJ (. - ihrir wav Into Castel Forte. txmlhrrr.O ..O fill Bristol Again Raided By Nazis h, line. Eighteen villages ana imeen airaiejr. III HflNlvM ..i,irrd br the Allies. Strong air support conV I I VI IJIT W i" ' . . ... .. u r t . .. All ed eround forces huh zuu homes matv. - . ' nmese New llrlve Toward North P.urma ISreak Jap Hold on Railway CHUNGKING, May 15 The Chinese command announced today that large Chinese forces launched an offensive In western Yunan Province on May 10, crossing the SaUren Kiver over a 100-mllr fruit In an effort to join Allied troops In north Burma. Casualties on both sides were heavy. Chinese troops broke the Japanese hold on the Pelplng-Itankow- railroad as the Japanese penetrated the defences of Loyang. s Over Quota By $18,050 Prince Rupert topped Its $760.-000 Victory Loan quota by $13,050 to the final hours of the drive on Saturday. Sales for the day totalling $63,050. brought the fin al figure on Saturday night to $766,060. Officially the city topped th mark at noon with the report of $36.00 mM by that time, and sales continued until the final evening figures put the loan over by a fair margin. The Prince Rupert Dry , .u . . . j . has . ,,. taken i Dock won the highest honor herla Incidence Dip u obtalnab,e f0f a lant ,n a decided drop in tnc pasi iwo years due to increased control of Infection sources and a greater number of InnoculaUons. There have been no civilian cases reported since last October. There have been 25 cases or tuberculosis recorded so far this year. Of these, 15 were new cases, and 10 were old case previously unrecorded, seven were Indian cases. They were brought to light ln a compre Sixth Victory Loan cam- palgn as a result of over ninety percent of the em- ployces over-subscribing the quota of $190,000. The three- star V flag of the National War Finance Committee was presented today by W. D. Lamble. local unit organizer, to T. v. liouiter, cnairman 4 of the dry dock committee. ? A However, comparison with the final figures of the Fifth Loan last fall reveal that the Sixth Loan aggregate was more than $93,000 ten than the Fifth. On the last day of the Fifth Loan drive, sales were $30,850, and the grand total was $661,700. riLNsivi: wins rur-KNESs i Dry Dock Did pert It Is possible for health I Wpll 5n I nun C" 111 Udll authorities to make a closer " appeal in the Immunlratlon. Interests of riU,ICO Tensive, Kentucky Derby winner, also look the I'reakness on Saturday. I'latter was second and Stirrup third. I 4 4 Canadian Frigate I s Torpedoed And Sunk With Many Casualties; No Prince Rupert Men On Board MUST CANADIAN FRIGATE LOST Thfi fr:?ais II.M.CS. Valleyfield' haa been torpedoed aju! .sunk while on convoy duty In the North AUanue. Hon. Angus L. Macdonald, Minister ui Nat vj.:. Dcfmit fur Naval Services, anno inced today. First Canadian frigate to be sunk in ;.: wu.'. tie above shows a ship similar to H.M.C.S. "Valleyfield." Bulletins TO nO.MII TOKYO? CHUNGKING Tokyo despatches claim that the United States Fourteenth Air Force, based in China, has transferred its units from interior bases to front line bases in order to bomb the Japanese Islands THKEE TKAIXMEX KILLED HAMILTON Three crewmen of a Wabash railroad freight train were killed last night when the engine exploded near Hamilton. The foroe of the explosion hurled the boiler high into the air. All the men were" from St. Thomas, KING INSPECTS FLEET AT A It KIT IS II NAVAL KASE King: George inspected the home fleet and fleet air arm during four-day exercises, lie witnessed a simulated attack on a uboat by destroyers and inspected midget submarines. He also saw aircraft carriers in action. It ID FOR HEARINGS WASHINGTON United States is bidding a straight $30,000,000 for the entire Ish ball bearing production which Is now going to TO VISIT STALIN NEW YORK At the inrlta-tion of Premier Joseph Stalin, Eric Johnson, president of the United States Chamber of Commerce' Is going to .Moscow to discuss post-war economic collaboration. OTTAWA, Jlay 15 (Canadian Press) The Can- adias frigate Valleyfield was torpedoed and sunk in the! North'Atlantic, Minister of the Navy Angus Macdonald announced today. The Valleyfield was torpedoed while on escort duty and sank almost im mediately after being hit Five members of the Valley- t . i v r i fields personnel are known dead, r Qr lianQ lanai 121 are missing and there are TSl fUrvlvors ".Quota Exceeded None of the Valleyfield's caju-1 . ajus or survivors were .from .ctlng.oor4Ijrm,Je Prince Rupert. ADVANCING IN BURMA Good Progress Is Being .Made by Allied Forces Against Japanese There KANDY, May 15 O Chinese forces captured Tarongyang in North Burma and Burmese, fighting for the Allies, raided Tangpu, their closest strike yet to Myitkyina, main Japanese north Burma base, Allied headquarters announced today. Tar ongyang Is only eleven mues north of Kamalng, Immediate objective of the Allied pre-mons- son North Burma offensive Chinese and American force yesterday smashed to within even miles of the Japanese North Burma base of Kamalng while the Allies on the Indian frontier virtually captured Potsangban village outpost of Bishenpur on the road to Tlddlm. NAZIS MAY INVADE LONDON Field Marshall lrd Ironside warns that the Germans may try to land in Rritaln co-incident with the opening of the second front. AUSSIF, NEWSMEN VISIT HERE Three Auii tullan newspapermen, representing some of Australia's largest dallies and news syndicat -s who are due ln Prince Rupert from Van couver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. The , are touring Canada as guests of the Canadian Government and will tour northern Bnush Columbia nir bases. The three newsmen are shown here "from left to right' A, W Dawes. Melbourne Herald: R, C Smith, chairman of the- Australian United Press nnd n L Wlv'tuiRton, the Dally Telegraph, Canberra. Thompson of Stewart, the can vasser for the Portland Canal district ln the Sixth Victory Loan campaign, the quota for Premier and Stewart was exceeded by 162 percent Cracking Down On Photographers Local military security authorities announce that it Is their intention to crack down on the taking of photographs in local prohibited areas by civilians. A Three Hundred Enemy Planes Make Assault High Explosives and Incendiaries Dropped Fifteen Raiders Destroyed Damage and Casualties LONDON, May 15 (Canadian Press) The Berlin radio claimed today that German raiders made fierce attacks on Bristol Sunday night and that large quantities of high explosives and incendiaries were dropped. r- A British announcement that IN ITALY at least fifteen raiders were des-1 troyed indicated that the Nazis may have used three hundred planes. The Air Ministry said that the raids caused some damage and a small number of Boat Damaged By Gas Fire A gasoline fire which broke out at 2 o'clock yesterday after noon in the engine room of the halibut boat Rose Spit, moored at Seal Cove, burned stubbornly for more than an hour before city firemen were able to put I. out. The fire was caused by the explosion of a small container of gasoline on a table in the engine room where three crew members were passing the time. Following the explosion the gasoline ran down under the en-gtne, where it burned furiously. Igniting the superstructure dlxTeTnhrrew members1' escaped and, with the assistance of several other people, held the fire in the upper part of the boat under control until the arrival of Hie fire department. Firemen aonnea gas masks anH urifH thp rre1cfrf es ef chemical, managed to put the blaze out after considerable ef fort. The awkward position of th source of the fire, under the engine, was responsible for much of the trouble. Damage to the boat was not extensive. The Rose Spit was recently purchased by Russell Hickey number of prosecutions are be- from Hugh Miller, who operated ing contemplated. ner for a number of years, Labor-Progressive Leader T Approves Mackenzie King's Policy; Needs of Skeena Punch Out New Gains in London is over, we will find that, due to the impact terday. Town of Castel Forte Was Most Important Capture of Weekend by Allies SEVEN MILE ADVANCE NAPLES, May 15 (CP) The Eighth Army and infantry moved into the German Gus-tav Line slowly against most fierce opposition " during the week-en -''"dating the bridgeL the Rapido River south of Casslno. French troops captured Castelforte , and Asuonia and cut the Cassino-Formia road and have advanced as much as seven miles from the take-off point. Italy-based bombers virtually sealed Brenner Pass, main '-supply ulin. for x thi.. .Tarlt.in.8. Italy. The Allies have taken more than two thousand prisoners in the latest drive. NAPLES, May 15 The Allied Eighth Army is continuing to punch out gains ln the new of- trations of two cr three miles were made on the first day, deep1 into the Oustav Line. The; Eighth Army also appears to be progressing favorably. Most Important gain over the week-end was the capture by French troops, with support of Fifth Army tanks and artil lery, of the town of Castel Forte, thirteen miles south of Casslno. Eighteen towns and fifteen important hills have been taken by the Allies since the start of the new offensive in Italy. Widespread blows, particularly at communication lines in central and northern Italy, have been carried out by strong Allied air forces supporting the new land offensive. Railway (IT, T . , , ,. lines in the Po Valley and else- Wnen the Imperial. Conference now proceeding where in Italy were struck yes- ot the war, xa new stage in the history of the Empire will have begun," stated Tom McEwen, provincial or-im klTKCV ganizer of the Labor-Trogressive Party, at a public AIK A 1 1 ALI meeting on the subject "A Foreign Policy for Can- ir nCCIIMLTi jada" yesterday afternoon. YM P A D IJ' ' "Regardless of what else theyi .1Y1.L.A. DUlItlingthink about Mackenzie King the) V-Ulllb I'Oinor Un Soon UUUll that he the ! up his grandfather grandfather Hopes That Swimming Pool May Get I'nder Way It Is expected that 'construction work onthe Young Men's Christian Association Var Services building on First Avenue at McBride Street, which is to be Prince Rupert's civic centre after the war! will be getting under way in the near future. Its construction having been decided upon by the Department of National Defence 'months ago. there have been several delays ln getting a start made. Co-incldentally with the cpn-structlon of the YAI.CJV. war services building, the local civic centre committee is hoping to establish .the swimming pool with the hope that it may come into being possibly by next February There Is now $50,000 on hand for this project same stand as that Canada's future can best be assured ln a free world. Even Mr. Coldwell agrees on this and has congratu-1 lated Mr. King, so that I am in I no danger of being accused of having gone over to the Liberals i ln making these remarks, unless I Mr. Coldwell has gone over also. The moment we have In the j world power blocs, based on vested interests, we are headed j straight for World War III. "Canada Is the only nation which does not control its own constitution. We must take that control out of the hands of the Privy Council and mould our constitution to present-day Canadian needs." Bruce MIckleburgh, Labor-Progressive federal candidate for Skeena, stated that the greatest lesson of this generation Is that peace and war are an Indivisible world question from which no nation could stand aside. "We now have ln place on the disastrous policies of Munich, the unity of all peace-loving nations (Continued on Page 5) LONDON, May 15 American bombers blasted at Northern France today, opening the thirty-first consecutive day of the pre - invasion offensive Overnight Royal Air Force bombers hammered at Cologne. Canadian bombers laid mines in enemy waters. From all operations one Canadian fighter is missing. CANADA IS WELL OVER LOAN TOP OTTAWA, May 15 O) Final total of Sixth Victory Loan sub scriptions may be close to $1,- 400.000.COO If delayed returns are as large as ln the Fifth cam palgn. Subscriptions reached $1,- 292,105,000, well ln excess ot the objective, Saturday but there are still many millions of dollars to be recorded. Ontario and Quebec are not yet recorded over the top i'V ..1.11 1.