1 I Expert OPTICAL SERVICE . rV'-N 1 C,IAS- DODIMEAD 1 4 1 40f4- 1 Pt0't in Charce I I )') V Watch. Clock, Jewelry- V ' Repalrinr Hand Ensravint VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For line China, Dinnerware, Glasses, BaeCas and Novelties JEWELER r mm li I- 1 MAX HEILBRONER f 77' wi-nm in DIAMOND MERCHANT KUPERT PEOPLES STOKE Announce . . . Newest 1944 Display of aslisoiis For Your Approval! m RUPERT PEOPLES M STORE ALL THE WORLD GIVES MOTHER A RIG HAND! Come to The Variety Store lor thoughtful Oim FOR MOTIIKRS-thase uuie thing the wants, that will add to her convenience and comfort. We also have exactly the Mother's Day Card youH want MOTHER'S DAY XAYU, The Variety Store Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms, No. 6 I J URN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabwood, cord $10X0 Dry Jackpine $12.50 HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS "-MS S3 Wrss atorakry w hto lwa tried to keep jrtJSSrSSS killed phamacbu. quality; arU!s, lhc ot SpJSt Omies Ltd. Jhoneer Drtu&ists THE REXALL STORE PnoNES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. I I Classified Ads Advertising, In this section is payable in advance at the office, riease do not ask ns to deviate from this rule HELP WANTED WANTED Four girls to work In local dry cleaning plant. Good wages. Apply National Selective Service AF 130. (114) WANTED Chambermaid for; ' local hoteL Apply National Selective Service A.F. 129. tf WANTED Assistant manageress for local varietv stare. Must i be able to accept respensibil - j lty. Merchandising experience and typing essential. Do not apply unless able to accept permanent position. Apply National Selective Service A.F. 1. (tf HELP WANTED Gas operator who is an experienced loader, one second loader, one swamper, one chokerman, for mainland logging camp In Prince Rupert area. Apply National Selective Service office and refer to advertisement number AM. 127. (U WORK WANTED WANTED Part time work. Apply Box 1109 Postal Station B (118) WANTED ) WANTED Place to board doc. I Box 756 Dailv News. (list WANTED Accommodation for quiet couple. Box 7S6 Daily News. WANTED Man desires to learn trade in return for services. Box 753 Dairy News. (101) WANTED Furnished light housekeeping room or small shack for quiet service couole. H. E. Deinstadt, General De-liTcry- (116) WANTED TO RENT For yoong couple with 2 children, a four or five room bouse. Centrally located. Apply Box 757 Daily News. tf) WANTED TO RENT Three or four room house with bath. Would consider purchasing. Box 1005 Station "B." 119 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled i Besner Block Phone 337 EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING ESTHER STANYER Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver Phone Red 934 or call at 1467 Sixth Avenue East, Upstairs SEPTIC TANKS And Filter Lines Cleaned and Repaired, Apply Box 749 Dally News. PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST Prop.: MRS. A. R. LOCK 300 3rd Ave. Phone 777 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning-Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 ' HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th Street , phone 655 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating 1 Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin. Representative Box 526 1315 Piggot Ave. Prince Rupert. B.C. FOR SALE I CVD f I ! T mm . rvsn cviox. nourer vacuum. Ill 8th Avenu? Bast. 1H FOR SALE Kitchen table and dreuser. Phone Black 33. laree steel crib hivk tv.ir ,j i rocker, im 7th Ave. Bast. (116) FOR SALE Bedroom smite, davenport, carpets, baby's crib, kitchen table and chairs. 1446 8th Ave. Bast (lU) .tor sale Single bad. with donkey cabje springs and coil aorta' Oreen 153. FOR SALS Dual ery and cafe. TILE DAILY NEWS (US) FOR SALE Dining room table and six chairs, Toronto coach bustoeas, bak-new even and eqaipment. excellent SCHOOLS ON WHEEISNOW Northern Ontario Younrsters and Adults Benefit From Service Staited 17 Years A to. By ANITA FREBDMAN Canadian Prtaa Staff Wrtur TORONTO. May IS Ot School FOR SALE English pram baby J eon on wheels to 394 children carriage, like new. $S0JM. cs;:TP1 over more than 1,000 Phone Blue 412. (lit) :ail-,'s in Ontario's northland .. .from North Bay to the Manlto- FOR p SALE c Household furniture !ba boundary. For 17 years seven railunv ears known as the Ontario 'School Cars have been bringing the three Rfe to children and bushmen. section workers, trappers and Drocoectors In n. igioiis inaccessible except by rail. J'ari oi ine Ontario school sj-Mem, the cars which are nm. J milea 'IT: llSOfl M1 ll.t Tfl ' ruiwanga, B.C. . aat HHHWMf, FOR RENT LOST- IV I'lfflltiTl- (114) FOR RBSTT Room for sin&ie man. 742 7th Ave. West (tf) FOR RENT Nice bright room for gentleman. 923 Border: Street. Phone Oreen 187. '115) PERSONAL PSISONAL Would Mr. Richard (Red) Cotton or anyone knowing of his whereabouts please phone Black 268. '114): MAY HAVE the use of two lots ; for gardening purposes, fori dating and care of same. I Apply 201 8th Ave. East, or' Phone lied 339 after c p.m. LOST-Olrls' gold identification disk, with name on it. Please leave at Daily News office. LOST Far stole, brown. Finder please return to Daily News. U5i IV THE MATTI.lt llf THE -AIIMIV. ISTKATKIN A'T" IN THE MATTIIt 111" Tin- iut.,.. or imsAitio joski'ii uixoitW' Drtrawil, Intitule. TAKE KOTinr'ih.t v.- . jud. of th. :i::rAL. nrltfsh OolumbI.-i" Vk""..J tfar of April. AD. 1944. aDDolH AdmlnUtrator of the Eitata r,t Romrlo Joaeph Olngrna. who dli-d AO. 1944. All peraona Indebted to inn aaia nun are required to pay the amount of their P?" mattress; like new. P4u irVd hv nnrthm u.n.. M,ctJ paiues, are eqotpped bv the de purtment of education. Man. Liied walls, regular school seats. DuicKooaras and carefully i wo sjicnen Tares. ,tl , ..j we- plant UWe. 1001 (h Ave. Hut. ld Ubrarie n these - owr . routes from North Bay -vxs o a v n a FOR SALE 100 acres, two milts, to Rib Lake. Capreol to Foleyet. um suiuon. paruy unproved : mer to CbapJeau . Chaplea.u pood auto road. For partfcu- t White River, Port Arthur to lars write Box 429. Kttwnca. '8 :ux Lookout. Port Arthur to B.C. IllSTk Pi, t Franm ,nrf Bio... r .b. - ' - MWfm UUULUUL to the Manitoba border. Of the ivveti teachers only one Is a woman Mrs. Angus McKay jwiiu took her husband's nfci tun new a i ,K. . . room house. Splendid omw- )-iuo iJise cir- tunHy for rt part7ti CL'1 hn rmi health rtsc1or.einngaM I h 5"; J a ' cash. Box 126 TerracHx; If UtU ""n fo- the teacher and his famiiv. FOR SALE At Camabv JA make.i about five mUh. tr acres land, 3 acres oleand,circuit- a visit lasting about a close to highway and station. During that time the ear Oood four room bouse, chicken ! spotted on' a spur, then, by noose, woodshed and tool- Urrangement wtth the railways, honse. Price J 1.000. Apply R. Picked up by the next train' and Q-, Box 126, prince Rupert, j shun ted. Sometimes a elan Is FOR SALE 80 acre. Lw ... ,.roKnDf 01 . iwraii, VV School, making seven or .eight 1M round trips a year, k 10:45 Band Wazon both a Weat and a challenge. Thrown I4)n their resources the children 'rem to develop pertinacity tierunaciiy ana and FOR rbnt ffnZTZ nn-rTi? !lMl- 0 class, lacking the cut specimen reouired for ie ology class. Just went out into Ute bosh and assembled the skeleton of a bear. Salvage drives and sale of CFPR 1210 Kilocyclei SCHEDULE MOMMY P-M. 4:00 Sound Off 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 Caliiornla Melodies 5:00 Ptter and the Pygmies 5: IS Canadian Yarns 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Round-up 6.00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6: If Are You a Genius? 6:30 Serenade In Rhythm 6:45 Ann Watt 7:00 Fred Waring and lib Pennsylvanians 7:15 Front Line Family 7:30 Music from the Pacific 8:00 Musk from America 8:30 CBR Singers 9:00 Hit Parade 9:30 9:30 Waltz Waltz Time Time LOST Brown leather nwM book Mth registration card 1 10:05-Recordcd Interlude and Union book. Oddfellows' 10:15 Yarns for Yanks Hall, Friday night, phono i 10:30 Great Music iieu 19. 1116) LOST Ladles' gold wrist watch between Ideal Cleaners and Three Sister's Cafe, phono 88- at 1 FOUND FOUND George medal In Haw smaim s unary. Name en- i graved on side. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. FOUND Near Gyro Ball Park UJS. Nsvy man's disk. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. IN THE MTIIK.ME fOlliT (lltlTISII f (II (Mini or 11:00 C'loslnv announcement TUESDAY AJVL 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 enc News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:20 Morning Devotions 8:45 Singing Strings 9:00 Mahlon Merrick 9:15 Nelson Eddy 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Tranxprihofl Vnrinlloa 10:00 Mclodv Time 10:30 Dick Todd 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude Il:45-Dlck Leibert P-M. 12:00 March Time 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded 1:00 One Night Stand 1 :30 To be announced. 2:00 Silent IN THE MTKEMI: f'Ol'KT ititr r isii (oii Miui or IN I'KOIIATE IN THE MATTEK OI' THE "AIIMIV. IK1 KATION ACT" and IN THE MATTKIt or THE EHTATE OI- ICOMA J. fCHVANI:KAMP, TAKt NOTICE that by order of n." iKSor,W' F ".her. made on the 26th day of April, AD. IS44. 1 iVh-kV-1" T ! Pr'lt4 AdmlnUtrator of the me forthwith and 1 Iperion. h.. ?Ui5 of J' tktmp, d. Ing claim. aln,t theaW k.uI thl .S'"'rtS,h,V,ne vCllm, are required to rile them with m SJ,?L l?' ?ttte re hweby properly verified on or Mon th 22 2? i1" JurnUn Properly Slit day of May. 1944, falUng SSV'irf 'J?."! ,f,.,'bout th 27ln dUtrlbutlon will ho ' JLi. ? J:?.'Sh whkh of May. A n D. 1944, and all Dar. regard only to Mjch dsTrn of whkh , th."ld are I ahall have been notified !Wr?d.. Jpjr the "mount of DATED at Prliipo tn'';l"S,Dtf'dn, to me forthwith. thb 27th dny of Ann. au toji ., VWrir Jl ?r'nc".. ""Pert n.c, NORMAN A win1 rrin.-. tfijiw n.c OF-onaE II. HALLKTT. I OffUiml Administrator, AUm n.c Active Trade Union Needed Will Determine Whether Labor does Ahead or Behind After War "The biggest question facing us now as to whether we1 are going to go torward or back-ward after the war. can bast oe answered by a living active Trade Union movement," declared Tom AtcEwefl, LabOr-Progresslve organizer, at a meeting here at the week-end, under the auspices of the Trad Union Commission of the Labor-Progressive Club. . "The coming world .win nave -before It primarily the ot of dUcusslng Post-WHr problems. When th (representative of 50j000j000 J union members gather together and tackle siki problems as the role Utev will ninv in Shi, " 1 J "V I , ... IrebiitlHlmr nr h .. j w Hit " rlTTTnfHl ,ld areas of the world they art' .awns 10 assure for labor a tre- mendous voke In the post-war ixwixiutuvn 01 we world. Ihe role of the trade unions .in the entng period so far' as (snaptng national policy is eon centea win be even greater than the rota tiiey have played in we war. war savings stomas are earrlarl on as in other fteheok but .sorwjJ I "wiga, laminar concepts tfl most children, are mean(hgi4 aosuacuons to these north-,born youngsters. A feather wrote the OAC. director. R. D. Keefe. for lantern and slides to show pictures of such things as a paved road, apple tree, printing press, rose garden aad tost office. Adult classes often develop in impromptu fashion. Sixteen trackmen once took refuge during a rainstorm In a school car when rf Indian woman eame (in to dk the teacher to mik out a' $10 money order to iserM her soldier son In Italy. Soon the teacher had books and" msr out and was discussing the war as his class of five children. 16 pipe-smoking men. steam rising from their damp clothes, and an Indian woman squashed into junior school seats listened intently. Many .school car graduates go on to lngh schools m larger I centres A number nuw arc scr-1 S ica j Lwattfri'1' SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands ( Pull Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. phone 568 Meet Mc at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee li Tops) Complete Shows , at 1:00 - 3:00 J K - fin i aa t ' id n "i 7 49 .M, of the screen's Grm fOne love Stories . . . uijffi some of the finest music ever written or o Motion Picture . . . and starring the one ami only supltd mm m i lOVfLY tar cf CASABLANCA ond FOR WHOM THE ?lml TOILS INTWO Mooucio tr oav;o o. jmc .a LESLIE HOWARD JOHN HALLIDAY andEDNABEST ATIDU) March of Time Prewnt "post ti'm mc Walt DUney's -HOW TO PLAY (lOLF WITH COOiT lataing I arade and L'nutual Occapatieni B.C. Clothiers THIItl) AVI-M'E riio.vE slick a Special Prices for the Working Man in Mca'i and Hoys Clothinp Men's Raincoats $6.95 Men's Work Shoes 2" $3.95 Work Boots $4.95 Boys' Pants $1.95 Men's Pants K 32.75 Step Into Spring With HARTT SHOES We can think of no better way to spnj up ior bpnng than to order a rair " Handsome New Spring Shoes .' ' BOLE AGENTS . . . FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES"