tb rr.v 55-, 1941 A ers are Moulders important Tart Subject of ,t)tfrU:i Pastor's- Sermon ,r, ability of ttoo j .tig the future uiUtude of her; ; -ed to by Rev. n !iu Mother' Presbyterian , v morning. He ; jifi to the live ,0 nad taken af- , If the youth as xood as they .-in generation, en did not con-Vrc not. It waj if the home In- ! Mirth, wisdom i Mr MacSwecn .uportancc of, in the home, uay morning In . urii there wai Thr rung rem-! ' the largest in 8 Junior Choir ""5U iiMder the leader-.r Smith and -sang j ;i:uprlat? t'l ' or :iinrr rs af the Junto-Fnnce Bu.im n i e re who a-ri-turned fonej h ..rid, when cooi-!..'):tcd to trr windows of down-. tractive form U mr hM been ovemment, the ,nntl In by A J Do mint to riff framing. Victory Loan Subscribers Howard Foote, Endako $1,000 Dr. and Mrs. S. Flndlay, Fraser Lake 500 Ml Lots Bennett 300 A. D. Taft - 10 Mat Anne M. Bird 1M MIm Mary Mannings SO Mis a race Young 100 Miss Alice Burke 50 Mrs. Lena Hutchison 100 Mtos Marguerite McLeod. 100 Ronnie Piggln 50 i Walter D. 8. Longwill ISC O. Holtby lo Mrs. Cedle Malanoskt 50 Donald M. Hughes 50 Mr. and Mrs. Leon Blain. 500 Miss Joyce Young SO Keith Young 50 Richard Letourneau ' 200 Mrs. Bb Thaln 100 M! Randt Thorwn 100 WlUard Bergey 500 Petr Aimer 200 3 forge Lad loos 200 Mrs. Irene Lykegard 100 Mrs. Mary MacDougall 100 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wa&end 1W Mr. Nellie Bever,idge IfM Mr. St Mrs. Charles Balagno ISC Sam Lee ISO Wong Fengv 500 Don Soo 50 Bettdnn Lamb 2w Mart Dr 100 -nits 3 ArriO 560 Erie Tycho , 100 F, Fletcher 4.808 A. A. Sheardown 1,000 W. 0. Sheardown 1,000 Try a Want-Ad for Qatek Result. .mm- - a a a . a m m, 1 a r - Kne, Mild Weather, Is nt Itf r vus mild too, but don't be misled. ' r may be as cold as 1912-1943, and, ; t man with the full coal bin will win. WK CAN GUARANTEE DELIVERIES NOW Hirr NOT NEXT WINTER your coal bins with Foothills Lump, r Nut, and Bulkley Valley for furnace heating. PHILPOTT EV!TT & CO. LTD. nunc 63 j PHONE 65? Music Lovers! Come in and see our large assortment of VICTOR AM) HLUEIMKI) RECORDS Prices 50c to $1.35 avsSK'AI, AND t'OI'lILAIt ALBUMS $2.75 and up Record Headtiuarters for Prince Rupert ITHiiii'" " U.-lCklTIC CI IDMITI IDF I Tn A OOOD PLCE TO BUY TI'A CriS AND SAUCERS )C White only. WNCIIKOiN SETS OF DISHES $9.93 s'x to each Cups, Saucers, Plates, Vegetable Dishes, etc. We Appreciate your Mall Orders. . i hone 7?3 327 3rd Avenue Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY ",,l'riII)AY AN I) EVERYDAY CAKDS KltaiAN'S FOUNTAIN I'KNS Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phono 234 I 1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. H. P. Thomas left afternoon on a trip to The city fire department put out a bush fire which broke out t 3 o'clock Friday afternoon on Ninth Avenue West. J. C. Gilker, now manager at Juneau for Booth Fisheries Corporation, is spending a few days visiting at his home in the city. A new recruH to enHst In the Canadian Active Army through the Prince Rupert recruMne station Is Clement Jaoob Stelnke, age 28. His name t at Watson' Saskatchewan and he has bees employed in the eity by Hyd Transfer. Tiie Rotary Club of AVwood, Kansas, Is In communication with the local club drawing attention to the fact that Corp. Edward J. Roberts, son of an At- wood member, is with the United States forces here. The voun soldi rr will be invited to a lun cheon of the local club. I Mrs. George Madlll and two children returned to the city last week after a visit In Seattle Capt. Madlll is now in England cn active service with the Carta ghter of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. this etty. Announcements All airtrtlrmiU tn this column win be ebarfxd tor a lull month at Me word. Concert by Drydock Choir, May 16 and 16. 18. Peter's Tea, Mrs. Moorehause, June 15. Male Hospital AaxiUary Tea, May Preabyteriari Tea, May 2jv Mr. W. D. Lamble's. 320 4th Ay East Help Norway Tea, Lutheran j Church. Jtme w Hill 8rty Tea'. R. J: D. Smith. June 7. Mrs. J. DANCE ODDFELI-OWS" HALL TUESDAY, MAY 10 NEW ROYAL HOTEL Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 'i Rooms, Hot and Cold Water "Mnee Rupert, B.C. "i"ic 231 P.O. Box 198 Frr that Long-wanted MONUMENT OR MARKER See National Monuments 602 5th East Hot 1425 Station II I'Hnre Kuprrt, R.C. ANNOUNCEMENT THE I.O.D.E. HALL (Formerly Eagles', 5lh and Mrllrlde) Under New Management DANCING! EVERY WEDNESDAY And SATURDAY GOOD MUSIC Gents "5c : Ladles Free Positively no undesirables or liquor nllowed on these premises SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54.. FRASER STREET Trlnce Rupert Mrs. F. Cox left Thursday night on a trip to Vancouver. Commander Charles M. Cree, raval officer in charge here, will be the speaker at this week's uyro Club. The Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce is asking the Prince George Junior Chamber to name a new northern district chairman to succeed George Stevenson who has left the in terior town. The appointment of a district chairman is usually made alternately between Prince George and Prince Rupert. Rev. and Mrs. Magnus B. Anderson and daughter are leaving on this evening's train for Min neapolis where Mr. Andersorrwill attend a convention of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. They will be away a eouple of months and win visit in Chicago, Denver, San Fran-trlsco and Seattle. United State Consul-General Hughes of Vancouver was a vll tor in the city at the end of last week, in company with W. T. THE DAILY IIETT3 PAOE FTvTa 11- , 1 Mrs. Martin LaBelle left on' Saturday night for a trip to Van couver. Miss Marie Mendalls of the Bank of Montreal staff left on Saturday night on a trip to luncheon of the Prince Rupert Vancouver. IIKITIMI COM .Mlltl IN l'KI)llTK is tiik MArrr.it of the IHTUATION ACT" "ADMIX- Mirths Logan, Shift's famed home ccono. mi,whoj -wctkly, wartime cooLingcoluma ii a regular feature of this page. Look for trine valuable hints each Monday Tender and delicious, Veal, well-cooked, makes a welcome change Though veal is one of the mildesr of meats, it can be as tasty as any, properly coked and seasoned. Veal, remember, is deficient in fit, so, when you cook it, add dripping or a bit of pork. For a veal roast, buy meat from tlie leg, rump, loin, rib, breast, shoulder, chuck. Cutlets come from the leg and chuck; chops from the loin and rib; stewing veal from the breast, shoulder, knuckle and shanks; soup ot loaf-veal from the shanks. Marina Loan's famous "Meat Complete" has a dozen recipes for veal alone. Send 10 for your copy to Swift Canadian Co. Limited, DcptNE-70 New Westminster. TILLIE TIIE TOILER I'M 50H5 OVERSEAS rS AMPi T Av THINK I KNOW r-T- 111 k (rshi mmT 7 bj MarlLx Logan Veal for Dinner FOR BREADED VEAL CHOPS Choose one veil chop, either rib or Join, for each member of the family. If rib, try removing the bone and wrapping round the thin eml of the chop to form compact eitcles of meit. Skewer with s toothpiclc. If you prefer the loin chops, don't remove the bone, but wrap the long enj of meat around thick portion and skewer. Dip first in highly seasoned bread crumbs, then in beaten egg diluted with 2 tablespoons of water, then again in crumbs. Brown on both sides slowly in bacon drippings. Then cover and let cook very slowly for -15 minutes. Just remember, veal is tastier and juicier when cooked slowly and thoroughly. Serve the chops with scalloped' potatoes, a green vegetable or crisp lettuce and tomato salad. SWIFT CANADIAN CO. LIMITED n Dominion-wide organization devoted to the conservation and cllkient distribution of Canada's food resources LABOR-PROGRESSIVE LEADER won for the peace providing Can 1 ada can be unified on this ques- j tion as it has been for war and our party is the only party that ;peaks for unity." Mr. Mickleburgh dealt con-! cretely with what he saw as the f needs of this riding, outlining such points as the increase of ir-d trade through this area, i !iip;hways, housing, education, ad-tustment of government policies as regards the fishing Industry, rura electrification, elimination if r mpany towns, farm security, assistance to co-operatives, and, in particular, the need of a steel Baseball Scores SATURDAY American League Detroit 2, Boston 4. Cleveland 1, New York 5. St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 8. Chicago 2, Washington 12. National League New York 7. Cincinnati 4. Philadelphia 6, Chicago 2. Brockiyn 4. Si. Louis 8. Briton 16, Pittsburgh 2. International League Baltimore 5-5, Toronto 6-6. Jtrsey C::v 0, Buffalo 2. Newark 0, Rochester 11. American Association Indianapolis 2 Milwaukee 8. Louisville 2, Kansas City 3. Tchdp 4. Minneapolis 4. Columbus 7, St. Paul 8. Coast Lea;ue Ea:rr -.ti 0, Oakland 2. Sa.i Diego It), Los Angeles 9. San Pranc1 -i h Seattle 3. SUNDAY AmcTk-Ai) i ajpie Chicago 0-6, Washington 4-4. S.. Louis 3-0, i. hiiadel. hia 4-2 Detrjit 6-9, Baston 1-0 Cleveland 3-4, Nc-w Yj;k 4-S. National League Philadelphia 39, St Louis 6-1 New York 0-2, Pittsburgh 1- Boston 0-6, Cincinnati 4-0. Brooklyn 4-7, Chicago 2-8. International League Baltimore 4-3, Montreal 10-4. Tjronto 4-2, Rochester 3-5. Newark 2-1, Syracuse 4-3. Jersey City 1-5, Buffalo 5-4. American Association Toledo 0-1, St. Paul 3-7. Indianapolis 5-4, Kansas City 1-2. Louisville 10-1, Milwaukee 11-4 Columbus 12-9, Minneapolis 1- 10. Coast League San Diego 1-3, Los Angeles 3-2 Hollywood 0-1, Portland 13-2. San Francisco 2-3, Seattle 3-5. Sacramento - Oakland, Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK. VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 BETRAYED BY A BOOK mill on the coast to assure post-! O T 1 war employment to Prince Ru-lllOIieer LGCtll pert s shipyard workers. (Continued from page 1) "Any program for Skeena," he- said, i'must take into account against fascism, a unity bought the vast changes brought by the with tremendous sacrifice of war- area will never go blood, toil, tears and sweat, a to the old days. We must unity which will be carried over go forward with a. program whkh E. R, Townley of Blllmor left Into the peace as our bridgehead will assure a full life both to the on Saturday night on a trip to into the future, and on the basis ld residents and the thousands of which an International struc-'of newcomers, ratner than the ture will be built which will aim abominable condition under Tom McEwen, provincial or-at enduring peace, expansion of ganlzer for the Labor Progress-! trade, rising living standards and ive party in B.C., who has been 1 social progress the world over, in the city for the past week, left I "However." he warned, "the ut-thl morninu for the Yukon Ter-1 most vigilance, strength and rltory where he will carry his; united pressure of the labor organizational efforts to white-1 movement of Canada and all ix the matter of THF. estate the 'Hungry Thirties.' They are OF JOSEPH OSWALD, lea"d. TAXE NOTICE that by order or KU Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 36th day ol April. AX). 1844. I waa appointed Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Oswald, deceased. producing many fine programs but we must weigh also the people behind those programs. "The terrible crisis of 1919 sftd aU parties baring claims against teaches us it would he wronir to the said estate are hereby required . , .j it to "j furnish same, properly verified. sa we can t go backward after muuuic, general supermienaeofc to me on or about the 27th day of this war, but we propose mat ui u.e vanaman national itau- P" - lnh nnrt orl.i1 wrnrllv run 1 I-"".." hn a-Vin u.,. n,bln. o Mn 1 are requirea 10 - - (JUT) Army. Mn. MSOUl IS Ule " " " pay me amount 01 tneir indebted duties. Mr Hughes went ,:b day TRC to Vancouver wiih Mr Moodi norman a. watt Official Administrator, Prince Kupert B.C which many of them are living at present.' LONDON O) John Piatt Mills, prominent London barrister, practises what he preaches. He ho championed the horse. Dawson. City and other 'other countries will be required inhlXr2 ... ... . . . Ar. v, - land now has volunteered to towns, lie win return to rnnce "c ui t- Rupert before going to the cen- action to thwart the desires of tral interior and Cariboo. 'the people for peace." , . I ONLY ONE PARTY FARMERS PREDOMINATE ! ADVOCATES UNITY About four-fiLhs of Bulgaria's In the evening, speaking on population make their living by the subject "A Program for farm and pasture. Skeena," Mr. McEwen stated that I millions are thinking earnestly iv tiik fsu-KF.Mi: coiirr or I of the postwar period. "We are being treated to a circus by those who would like a negotiated peace and to take us back to work In the mines. C.N.R. Trains For the East Dally except Sunday 8 p.m. Frorii tin- hast Dally except Monday . . 10:49 p.m. Boy Is Missing Wln Commander Robert Davidson Had Five Years' Service Wing Commander Rxbert Davidson, who lived in Prince Rupert as a bey witli his parent. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davidson, now of Vancouver, Is reported missing on active service after five years on operational duties In German, Italian, and Japanese theatres. Is father was a well known railway official here. FREETOWN. Sierra Leone J Large quantities cf rice are being bought irv tov the Sierra Leone government in British West Africa and stored against a posrible shorta.se In the future. Advertise in The Ually News. BUY5 OF THE MONTH In Seasonal Sportswear MEN'S SHOWER PROOF JACKETS Gabardines, Poplins, Sharkskins Reg. $4J)5 to 6i)5. Q nr Sizes 36 to 44 J.J Reg. 6.95 to $8.95. V ?A (jr Sizes 36 to 42 4.7 J Reg. $7.95 to $12.95. Cr Qt Sizes 36 to 44 JJntJ ' SPORT SHIRTS Several shades. Sizes small, medium and large. Shorrsleeves. Reg. S2.00, $2.25 and $3.00. All at one price . 1 1 IT'S AWFUL HOW CARE-J ISA I DON'T W . I LESS SOME f-rC KNOW WHERE P rGU adp it" L-S J BUT IFrUJ Jm f juwMtisivri -r7. i r -j it?t- rnrr atssi - 1 - ; ' " r ' r I I in ' - ,i in ii .a i , imt . ii arm n $1.45 SHOP AT TIIK SEVENTH AVE. MARKET "The Friendly Store We handle HIGHEST QUALITY MKATS and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh Fruit and Vegetable: Our Prices Are RiEht Have You Ordered Next Winter's Coal Yet? If Not, Do It Today! PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY WITH ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 By Westovcr -HAWAMX3U "5HOULDM"n BE PUBLICLY READING A KBOOKATVT ii - " ' - j-x 3 rrM V