If! , Hi 1 y4 PAOB TWO THE DAILY NEY73 THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR DAILY EDITION Monday, January 10, 1941 Civil Defence in Prince Rupert . . . Warned by the federal government on the advice of the military authorities that there is stijl a very definite possibility of a sporadic enemy attack on this coast, most likely, if it ever comes, in the way of an air raid, the local A.R.P. organization is endeavouring following the visit of the Dominion director, General Alex Ross, to bring the ranks of wardens and fire fighters up. to strength again. If the citizens who are not alreadv encaeed in some sort of defen sive activitv in addition to their usual pursuits real ize their -'responsibility to their families and homes there should be little, if any, difficulty in recruiting, the men or women who are required. It is unnecessary to repeat what General Ross ' said while in Prince Rupert as to the advisability of an effective civilian protection organization being in existence ready to meet any emergency that may arise. It might be well, however, to repeat the suggestion he made that, if civilian protection is to be effective, it must be organized well in advance so I that those who woulonelp will Know wnere to go, i what to do and how to do it. It is of little use to ex cuse one's self for not joining the A.R.P. with the statement that one will be ready to heln if and when nthe need comes. A person who does not know where Bp) go, what to do and how to do it would only be in Jflhe road of those who are in a position by prepara-Ftion, training and assignment to do something. Too many places in this 'war have already been cauglit by surprise attack after striking the attitude that "it cannot happen here." It is just a case of the old adage of "it is better to besafe than sorry." There are plenty of men and women in Prince Rupert who can snare the time that it requires to be organized and function under the A.R.P. and they should not hesitate in assuming their duty to themselves and the community by joining up. Newcomers to the city should not wait to be invited to join up but should make their willingness to help known. Maybe Berlin Is Right . . . The belief expressed in Berlin that the Allied talk of a second front may be a blind covering some other undertaking, possibly a great Allied reinforcement of the Russian drive which already has the enemy on the run in wild and disorganized retreat, might be quite logical. It is good fighting weather on the east- fern front and will be for some time yet. The many who served on the western front in the last war know only too well how most unauspicious weather and ground conditions at this time of year for campaigning are there, particularly with mechanized equipment. So maybe it is more reasonable to expect that, if a second front is to be opened in the west, it will not be until the good weather of spring. Possibly it is not to be evenly reasonably expected that organization could be perfected much before that time, particularly since the commands are onlv now assembling' in Britain which would, of course, be the springboard. A large reinforcement of the Russians now might well carry the Allies right into German territory at the weakest noint and be the most serious blow hat could be dealt the Hun at this time. The big problem would be the maintaining of a great Allied offensive force in Russia due to the long line of supply. Meanwhile, it is not to be expected that the Allies will be shouting Irom the housetops when am where the attack will be made. TYYYYYYYYYYYYTYTYYYYTYt SHRIMP Fresh Every Day Boat W.S.L." First Float . West of Imperial Oil Co. Daily after 4 p.m, A AaAAa Aa kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk J.M.S.Loubser D.C, B.A, Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 641 YTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYTYYYYYYYYYYTTTTTTTt-wwwctw Wood Fue Please let us have your order for wood fuel at once. We have plenty of wood on hand. Phone your order for wood to your regular fuel dealer. ALBERT & McCAF FERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 3 he exclusive possession of run-1 ner-up position in the National Hockey League Saturday night ahead of the Boston Bruins whom they overwhelmed by a 12 to 3 score at the Maple Leaf Gardens. The Montieal Canad- iens, who had two week-end victories, stretched their big margin of leadership to five-and-a-half games or eleven points. Detroit Red Wings won ovet Chicago Black Hawks last night and took over fourth place from the Hawks. Week-end scores were as fol lows: Saturday Montreal 8, New York 2. Toronto 12, Boston 3. Sunday Detroit 4, Chicago 2. Montreal 6, New York 5. Hockey Standings Canadlens Toronto Boston Detroit Chicago Rangers MOUNT FIRST GUARD IN SICILY Canadian Army photographer captured a new angle when he took this picture of Canadians recentlv arrived in the Mediterranean mounting their first guard. In an Italian town. Inspecting the guard here Is Lieut L. H. Hudson, of Brantford, Ont.. and Orderly 8gt W. Kliner. of Fort Francis, Ont. LETTERBOX APPRECIATIVE Editor. Daily News: Of late I have met some of the boys from Prince Rupert and they asked me if we who have been over here for a while had been receiving parcels and cigarettes from the 102nd Women's Auxiliary and the Coast Regiment Women's Auxiliary since we have been ove. As for myself I have been receiving parcels and cigarettes regularly , for the past three years. I appreciate them greatly and am very thankful to the women of the Auxiliary and those who have helped them. Gunner J. C. O. Rees (K10120) Somewhere In Britain. I.EAFS RUNNERS-HP BIG SCORES IN HOCKEY GAMES TORONTO, Jan. 10 O -Tor- W D F F A Pts 20 3 2 125 54 43 14 2 11 120 104 30 12 4 10 123 127 23 9 4 11 85 07 22 10 0 15 94 112 20 4 1 20 83 147 9 Anniversary Is Observed By Churchman PORT SIMPSON, Jan. 10 Grace United Church social held here was the scene of a large banquet Saturday night with all tne people oi uie viuage mviiea when Samuel Hughes celebrated the completion of twenty years' service tus chief steward of the church. A fine spread had been arranged for as well as a full program Including speeches by the resident missionary and Dr G, E. Fiddes, the medical su- i nerlntendent of the Port 81mp-. 1 1 T , U 1 llAt Af jjAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA kAkkkkkkkkk AA 1 own UCJierui Jiuayivai, Frank Bushfield Killed In Action Friends in thr north will learn with deey regret of the fact that Warrant Officer Frank Campbell Bushfield. eon of Rev. and Mrs. Frank Bush field, how of Oibson's Land ing. Howe Sound, and formerly located variously at Stewart, Port Essington and Burns Lake. has been killed on active ser vice overseas with the Royal Canadian Alr-Foice. The lat est Royal Canadian Air Force casualty list to reach the Daily News, office announces the fact. The young man spent a jreat deal of his life In the north with his parents to whom the sympathy ol many friends not only In Prince Rupert but throughout this district will be extended. His father Is a well known pastor of the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eastwood have received word that their 'son, Jack, who Is with the Royal Canadian Air Force, has arrived onto Maple Leafs moved Into , overseas safely. SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarclli,) Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 5 It PHASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT For Income Tay RETURNS SEE R. E, MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. f TTTTTTTTT T T TTTTTTTTTT Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) Quietly Married Saturday Night .Miss Edna Jewell of Chicago Become Bride of Herbert Vjre of Victoria. The marriage took place quietly Saturday evening at the j parsonage of First United Church. Rev. James A. Donnell j officiating, of MUs Edna Jewell, who is a librarian for the United States Engineering Department here, to Herbert Alexander Vye, motor mechanic of H. M. C. S, Chatham. The bride is the dai.hter ' I Mr-Mary Carlisle of Chicago and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs. Herbert Vye of Victoria. Witnesses of the ceremony i kkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkk NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Roi 199 were MUs Barbara Ann Merchant and Leslie Howard Blow There was a quiet celeb, ation of the occasion in the Commodore Cafe following the cere mony SERVICES TO Vancouver, Waypolnts, Victoria and Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Into, matlon, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 GOLD SEAL I "o,i Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on actl.'t service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon at conditions permit. Red Cross News HAS PRISON CAMP .MAPS Next-of-kin of prisoners and internees In the Far East may obtain on request from the provincial Red Cross headquarters, Marine Building. Vancouver, a map showing the approximate location of camns m wmcn For MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1S4 j be other camps on this road est love In hope that every Including one at the Columbia a well wltn you, po not t, Coutry Club and the Oreat anxious we are all well, Patht University. In southern China Mother, Sister and Brothen there are camps at Canton and was the menage received k in the Victoria City and Hoiffe Vancouver next-oMdn frtt Kong areas. Individual camps In relatives In Denmark thro the latter areas are: Stanley the Red Cross. In one week u, Camp, Argyle Street, Sham.- month 54 similar messages t shuipo in en Road Military 'received by relatives in ijj Hospital and 8t. Theresa French from enemy occupied country Hospital These were relayed to per. There are nine camps la the In Comox, Cowlchan, Dt , Philippine Islands, these being ;Qold Bridge, Kamloops, Kt British and American prisoners Bagulo, Cebu, Davao, Hollo, Los na, Kelsey Bay Klmbcfl Will pay 3(T mort; than anyone clw Don't Ik? foolinh and sell your furs at the waterfront. Bring them up to the Old Reliable W. Goldbloom JESS- For Ca,s Contort6 an or Promptness, Courtesy, Safety and Long Experience For General Contracting of all Kinds - - Call 32 Seal Cove Truck & Transportation Exchange Block JOHN GURVICH Sixth Street I of war and civilian internees Banos, Manila (Santo Toroaii,Langiey, Maisqui, Micnti kI are known to be detained. iNegros. ODonne II, Puerto Prln-.Westminster, North Vanccuvrl 1 As far as Information can be essa, and two in Chosen Kreai. secured there are groups of these being Keio (Seoul and camps In 13 areas In Japan, each Jlnsen isouthwest of Keljoi. group taking the name of the Single camps are located at place from which It Is governed. Mukden, Manchoukuo; Slnga- n . T.nAnaM nAmn, an tvil-A IPhfttlef Pnmnt KffllAVfl' Prince Oeorgc, Prince Hup?! Red Paw. South Hurnaby Tr-J Vancouver, victoria and nr, Vancouver. liirated In the following dls-tflaniikok. Thailand 8lam; and mi ;trlcts: Fukuoka, Hakodate. HI- Malang, Java. mejl. Hlaoka, Kawsakl, Kobe, Moji, Osaka. Tokyo, Yawata, THANKS FOR Hokohama, Zentsujt. As far as WHEEL CHAIR Is known there are 26 camps In 'Thank you for the wheel Japan. chair. It Is the best Christmas There are three camp areas present I ever got." writes 11-ln China north, central and year-old Jimmy" to Junior Rod south. British and Allied sub- tros headquarters. "I an able Jects In North China are mainly to go about the home now. Be-Interned In two civilian camps fore I had to He In bed all day l at Weihslen and Chefoo on the long. The doctor said I would Shanjrung promotory. Several be able to walk with a cane camps and assembly centres are after June, but I hope 111 be In or near Shanahal. These are able to walk before that." mainly, Chapel, Yu Yurm Road, Ash camp, Klangwan, Lunghwa, A MESSAGE pootung on the British Oreat FROM DENMARK t Western Road. There appear to "Deartut Children: Our dear- G0LDBL00M is back Buying Furil (tiiua