i i i1 I i FACIE POUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE MIL lLA wllL Now Open lor Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening noun: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2 3 S 2nd Avenue (Across from 2 Prince Rupert Hotel) 3 Phone 173 1 Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Chart Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand En traitor VISIT OUR BASEMENT .ORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Ilajgase and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant TYYYYYYTV VTTYYYYTYYYT fllBBIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII E TUC hCV PALT 2- phone 50 'O 99 TAXI 2 We wish to announce, 5 g commencing Jan. 10, Ser- m vice 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 ajn. 3 JS We will appreciate your patronage. ART MURRAY and CLIFF ABERQROMBIE (Prop.) RUPERT PEOPLES STORE SALE WINTER COATS AS MUCH AS OFF ORIGINAL VALUES Sizes 11 through 20 SALE NOW ON! 35 Women's Winter Coats all selected from regular stock. Coats regularly priced, from $20 to $65. Choice of Tweeds and Solid Colors as well as Fur Trimmed and Un-trlmmed. Just in time for our cold winter season. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Rupert Peoples Store "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 I 1 II II II I I 1 4WV T$?JEiV& PERMANENT I c Adds to Your Beauty Let us help you stay Beautiful Tl J , ft ' ft ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 4th Street (Across from Post Office). Phone Blue 917 Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert first existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the best of equipment. As we start a new year, we are proud of our record, 4 and grateful for the confidence you have shown in us. May we continue to serve you. Ormes Ltd. $ Ztfit Pioneer Druggist THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 $ Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. New Year Greetings from the STYLE BEAUTY AND BARBERSHOP Personal attention given by expert operators. JJ C07 3rd Ave. W., Next door to Royal Bank. Phone Blue 81 A luiIlIllllIIIlEEllIlBUIHlBeilESBBlSSBESSSESSER the street and who brought over an armful, tells me he goes to King Edward School and hl3 teacher Is Miss Peat. Only one baby last week, so Mrs. Hill-Tout reports from her rounds as hospital visitor. This Is little Leona Marilyn Wick who made her appearance on January 4 and weighed eight pounds two ounces on that mo mentous occasion. Leona has two sisters, Carol and Anne, her mother Is a Prince Rupert girl. Her daddy is a petty officer in the Fisherman's Reserve. So now in the Wick family there are'Thiee little The song of the table tennis ball pinging and poy; its way across the nets will bs forever stilled unless we start getting a few more balls. It seems. 3o Breen Melvln tells me, that they arc getting harder and harder to get except for a few hoarded for Just such an emer-gsncy. Pity theie wouldn't be a shortage of Juke boxes too, but then there is no Justice. There will be no Hut Spot for about a fortnight as I am off to Vancouver to meet Mrs. C. L. Sanderson, chairman of the Personal Committee of the National Y.W.C.A. War Services, who will be In Vancouver from January 13 to 17. So adlos, see you soon. Train Travel In Rumania Banned BERNE, Jan. 10 W-Budapcst radio reports that Rumania has, ordered a virtual ban on civilian train travel on all main lines obviously in connection with withdrawal and defence plans impelled by the steady advances of the Russians toward the Rumanian border. THE DAE. 7 NEWS MONDAY, JANUARY 10 rJ NEW CHIEF OF STAFF OF CANADA'S ARMY OVERSEAS Lieut-General Kenneth Stuart, C.B.. D.S.O.. M.C . former Chief of the General Staff, who has been appointed Chief of Staff, Canadian Military Headquarters, London, and Acting Commander of the First Canadian Army, as a result of the retirement of Lieut.-Gen. A. G. L. McNaughton. C.B..D.S.O., M.C. Author, editor, student and teacher of things military, Gen. Stuart brings to his new post experience as a soldier dating back to the early part of the century. He was a keen student of the course taken by aircraft and mechanized armies and to him might be laid much of the credit for Canada's ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT I've been here almost two and a half years and today is the first time I've noticed the fact that the bas relief decorations on the Federal building carry out the totem pole motif. Made me go Rose Marie all over. Well, well, thank everyone ever so much for all the coat haneers we received. I feel like shouting "I doocl it" except that you are the ones who dood it. So thanks, Mrs. Wingham, and the gentleman who gave us, at an earlier date, the iron for the navy and who slipped in so unobtrusively Saturday a ft- headquarters. I saw him out of the corner of my eye but never managed to get across to thank him in time. Thank you, sir, very much Indeed. Freddie Wingham, who just lives across CFPR 1240 Kilocycle!) Schedule MONDAY P-M. 4:00 Sound Off 4:15 O. I. Jive t.M lilts of Yesterday 5:00 Peter and the P; 5:15 To be annou: mic 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Round-up 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Are You a Genius? - 6:30 Serenade in Rhythm 6:45 Ann Watt 7:00 Music from America 7:30 Music from Pacific 3:00 Fred Warm 3.15 Front Line Family 8:30 CBR Singers 9:00 Down Eeat 9:30 Waltz Time 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Yarns for Yanks ernoon while I was busy taking io:30 Great Music around a group from navy 10: 45 Band Wagon 11:00 Closing announcement TUESDAY , AJVL r 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8.30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Singing Strings 9:00 Morning Visit 9:15 Nelson Eddy 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Melody Time 10:30 Bud and Joe Billings 10:45 They Tell M. 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Dick Leibert P..M. 12:00 March Time 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CEC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume preparation against the new type of war In the Great War he was a Lieutenant Colonel by 1917 and won the Distinguished Service Order and the Military Cross, In the field. Inset LIeut.-Gen. K. Stuartt Top left Gen. Stuart and "Rowdie", his black cocker spanleL Lower left Inspecting the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa, overseas. Top right In conference with Major-Oeneral J. C. Murchie, CJJ.E.. Vice-Chief of the General Staff and Lleut.-Col. 11. L. Cameron, O.B.E., secretary to the C.O.S. Lower right At home with Mrs. Stuart, Need Of Wardens Prince Rupert is Otherwise Well Equipped for Civil Defence, General Ross Finds. l!30-Rebroadcast Music From ready under way to have such America training .given. Schools or in 2:00 ClMing announcement structlon are to be held to train TILLIE THE TOILER f I ILl-lEVl VJONT MARRy LET'S CnFT V A SOLDIER VUHOS OFF AT THBVAVIALaO NEST TOW' PM'-' 2i AND QETp 'V? instructors who will, in turn, (pass on their knowledge, to classes or local wardens. It was his desire to have am ple protection arranged for all I strategic point and potential target tor enemy auacic one oi which was definitely Prtnce Rupert, General Ross said. As a result of General Rom' visit. Chief Warden J. S. Wll- json and Fire Chief H. T. Lock Prince Rupert is well equipped are already setting about to and ve a canvass of cltlrerw In for civil defence more equip- ment Is available If it can be order to rebuiW the personnel h. u i. n!iaf h th of civil defence wardens In A.R.P. organization here should Prtnce Rupert. j General Ross said he was . be more adequately staffed and 4 Panning on taking up with 4 there should be no delay about it, declared General Alex Ross. General, G. R. Pearke. general Dominion director of Civil De- "lcer commanding Pacific fnr, in an tntjriw with th Command, the possibility of f of and with greater co-operation Dally News Saturday afternoon before leaving that evening for thc rm,r.v;, armjr ln c,v" de" Vancouver after spending two fcn,cc acUvitv- rlnvs Vtiri In thp mnr&p nf n tnnr - of Inspection of the civilian de fence organization on this coast. "The wardens are the keystone of the whole civil defence set-up," declared Oeneral Ross. "Without a sufficient number 'of trained wardens the whole organization fails." ' Asked for a definition of the responsibilities of a' civil defence warden, General Ross said he must know the people in his area, have full local knowledge and have his area organized. He must be able to deal with any incidents that might arise with coolness, Judgment and resourcefulness, havf knowledge of how to extinguish incendiary bombs and deal with all kinds of fires, possess rudi mentary first aid knowledge to" handle casualties and know how and where to report. All this, of course, means training and new arrangements are al- m w mm m rm Hollywood Mars Coming To City ln;rid Bergman and Neil Hamilton Here Thl Week-end Ingrid B?rgman. famous screen actress, will head a party of Hollywood stars who will visit the Acropotls Hill post this week-end. With Nell Hamilton, veteran actor, as master of ceremonies, other members of the party will include Nancy Barnes, accordionist, Joan Barton, radio singer, and Marvel Andre, dancer BSfP CREA W FAMin tNIMEl t Paris Maid Slippers MAC, F YOU TAKE I II MHHrt:' THIS "TRAIN VOU-LL. -mmr " 7 A HOUSE nfirSjl T fAVJ,AlrlAT;Cfr? fe ' '' BUT VM NCJT J? p AVJ.OL..I WOrTTJffk V) BE TILL 2lIr4feU;-' hours yJ, ARE UP) f r V7 NOx BUT YOU'RE MORE "THAW New Arrivals in Women's, Men's ami Children's Slippers, in Soft Soles nJ TONKJIIT AND TUESDAY Complete Shows at 1:00, 3:01. 5:02, 7.03, 9:04 Feature at 1 30, 3 31. 3 32, 7 33, 0 34 Story of a Town That Was Built on Muscle "PITTSBURGH" MAUIXNi: DIETRICH RANDOLPH SCOTT ; JOHN W J EXTRA ADDIJ) lltipatrlrk Travel: -TllltOUOII COLORADO UOtKlljj Pacing Parades TOItOOTI UN TROSURL ' Cartoon: "YANKEE DOODLE SWING SHUT CAPITOL l'LIO-I'KDIC ARCH SUPPORT SIIOKS J list Arrived. Family Shoe Store Ltd "The Home of Good Shoes" 11111 JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE! Menilcr.sliip entitles you to participate in IJO MILES FROM yoUR FOSTJUTJll UNDER ARREST! $15,000.00 TREASURE CHEST CONTEtf The Variety Store, Hv Wcstnvff A 5OF-T I 1PP TO BEIM6 CONDUCTOR THESE OAVS llPf 1 CORPORAL.ViEREUVES, YOU EVER IM ryQUl-V. W t-ovEjj vho WMT- f(jX- il XT5 BOSYT