clu fouic of ibit pi. Levi fv( (belt L.blc hiou mrjr Mooijr bolder the weather the tttvtttvttttttvttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. itftinv in ifiil i Loa. $lft'l ftmeJ llomt Econo-hoic weekly cooVlcg column h t your family will like idScv oot roast of beef i: for t. i week imroJum : v. tJt' il tricks in the rr -r- jc Hut of the mart- ssuce." if cf t'.ie less popular curs of . tinijuwsndsnric Liv ; l j sotmng uicm in I; vctiinthepsnel cf bctf . . . i A lb. k . prepare the i .! let itinJ, I i :? lor 2 iMMtrt ot I am! save. Rub !!! llrtJWTI in lot r:.ivfure. Com i ug Ik witrr hours. Vrge-v celery, etc.) I " long enough Pot Roast, Plus before sm-;ng to ensure tci Jcrnaj f rxhtf nrw tn.l jnirrnting o( ixAinmf Jt, icitj t l I of yout toff of Mithi Login t "Mm Complete' to Sift Cjiudun Co. Limited. Dn NE52, New Westminster. MARINADE FOR BEEF' J tibtnpoon uk 1 tmroon piicJ nwtt, ground cinmmon tod devn 2 tur fonts M cup Won MM 1 np tet$ 1 oaten, ltj . 1 doit gtdic (opdoml) 1 cp rf4e or grtft tte IioiluK it reqwHJ XTift mtt ith 6mp cloth tnj rKe in buL Mis uH tad tfkt al rub cww top (.4 omm. Add UmcO onion, fttUc (if utcd), bf Icttti, tro svir, vintfM mJ fruit juke. ' SWIFT CANADIAN GO. LIMITED a Dominion-wiJe orgsmution derotrd to (he conservation ami tflicicnt distribution ol CanjJYt food rrtourcrt AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ELK) Huh .lust Received a Shipment of SIMMONS BEDS Ut ve;t Spnni Filled Mattresses, Deep Bleep, 8Iumber fc Mu'-rc c Folding Steel CoU with Mattress. vc.' i Bed Lounges. Uabv Cribs. Foldina Carrlaces. For Your Bed Requirements see Elio's Windows Third Avenue (Next to the Daily News) "A Rood Place to Iluy" CEDAR CHESTS IN BKAITTIFllL WALNUT VI-Nri KS hey are beautitul to say the least. TlUs shipment was itrnded for the Christmas srfim, but was too late i coming:. one 775 It K ri.ATITIM. - . S27 3rd Avenue Thrifty Housewives A full line of Swift's Premium Meals nt all times. A complete and Fresh slock of Fruit and Vegetables. nivi mtiti Ifsjf UlsnvwiiMnj f'rvM f .J. .1 ltt rtcv I? i nr 11 f iMIIIIIIIIIIIyjr kJIMij'lllll VVltViW A vw t?MVI SEVENTH AVE. MARKET 4. LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Cash or old sold. Bulger's. K O. W L. bridge and whist C hut, Tuesday Jan. 11 A Waitresses' Union Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 11th, 9 pjn. Sharp. Make thU your date. Important. A Canadian Legion B ES.LJ Executive Meeting tonight at 18 o'clock. I Mrs. Dorothy Oarbutt, local ,Y.W.CA. War Services hostess. is leaving tonight for Vancouver ta attend a conercnse. Mrs, Oordon Draeseke and child, who have been visiting here over the Christmas and -Hulld BC. I'roducts- MOTHKUS WKLCO.MK I'KESKNT SUITLIKS For Mutual Benefit Jealth and Affidn' See JOHN L. WRIOIIT Phone 711 Pioneer Rooms No. 6 J. L. Curry (Late ol Yukon) Chiropractor Smith Block OIL BURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Illafk 733 224 Seventh Ave. West 1 I ii 1 it n- t yvig j 1mm WW!e wrUIn requirement must be met, mothers here arc glad for the restrictions. Now all worry and fear for the 'health of their babies has passed as Pacific Milk Is available at all times. Authorities are most helpful and understanding In helping; meet the needs of those who require this good food. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vsruum Parked iv tin: t i-NMit: form ti iii(iiin rim miiu is riKMiui: i tin: MtTii'U or tin: tlMIMMKttl Aff ml IV Uli: MIT1I.K m tiii: i:rtTi: or lilUKdi: III.MIV I1KMTOI, ni( i;ii TAKE NOTICE that bf Ordrr ot Him Hour W. E rutwr. mJ on h Srit cWT of JuUMY. A. U. 1V I tM nnmtl AdrntntKU-Mor i wib Will Uliwxrdl of EMt of On.?? llmrr BrW. dacexwl. Mid II put hrUHI cllra niri Uw Mil. r ttMXt rrqutrrd to tuniMi mme. preTrly vertfwd u an or bout tt nr o ro-nuwr A. D. 1 ? dvtoKxl to ttx- UM rr trqutrnt to mt t Mnount of UMlr lnrtHtl-nrtm to m fertltt. rlft at PHnce Hujwrt. B. C . MU Srd of Jnury. A D. IM4, NORAtAN A WATT Offlriat Admlivinrur Prttw Bnprft. n. C KWONO SANCl IIINCt HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Nest to Klnr Til 612 7th AVE. WEST AH yonr patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 12 p.m. rhone Red 247 FOR SALE THE IMILT NEWS iCKS THREB Mrs. W Slater U leaving tonight on a trip to Vancouver. Brigadier Alex Ross, Air Raid Precautions head, who visited briefly in the city, left on Saturday night for Vancouver. Miss Florence A. Johnstone Is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Oustave EL Parkrvold left Fri day night for Vancouver where he will Join the Army. Miss Joyce Ames left Friday night on a trip to Vancouver. George W. Johnstone Is leaving New Year holiday season, left tonight for Victoria where he Saturday night on her return 'will spend several days vUltlnri P!lo Mrs. II. F. Wearmouth left friends. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tassle Saturday night for Vancouver and children left Friday night where she plans on spending the coming month or so. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Comer nd daughter are leaving to- I n:ht for a t:lp to Vancouver and Victoria. for Victoria where they expect to take up residence. Mr. Tassie was formerly Wartime Housing communlt) counsellor here. James Nleoll and W. H. Lewi left Saturday night for Van- (7) FOR SALE Double bed. Slumber King, spring and spring-mattress. Good condition. $)5 Phone Oreen 989 (6) FOR SALE J. Si J. Taylor safe In good condition, Phone 423. (11) FOR SALE Eight cords of wood stove length and old lumber. Apply P. O. Box 431. (10) FOR SALE One kitchen set. double bed. davenport. 409 6th Ave. East. FOR SALE Household furnishings. Apply 612 8th Avl. East or phone Blue 900. Mornings befote 12 noon, evening alter 6 pm. , 8 FOR SALE 7-lnch hot plate. Apply Staff House No. 6, Room 653. n heater. Reasonable. 5th Ave. East. Apply 345 HELP WANTED (8) I FOR SALE One complete bed and dresser. Like new. 1446 8th Ave. East. STENOGRAPHER for accountant's office. Neat and accurate copy - typing essential. Shorthand not so Important. Applicants with knowledge ot commercial book-keeping, or those willing to learn, will have preference. Written applications only. State experl-ince, if any. Apply U. I. C. AM 86. (tf) PERSONAL RESPONSIBLE Canadian girl will mind children, evening and half-day Saturday. Apply Box 657 Daily News. (12) vmni'iirrm'rcif urt ircrsTCWiK'rri Fresh Local Raw and P Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY IUONE 657 msMZMSMsamtn'mzMmaui C. C. Mills left on Saturday night on a business trip to C. 11. Bell left on Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. Two ears, one driven by J. B. McKay and the other by John Snyder, collided at the Junction of First, Second, and Third Avenue at noon Satuiday, doing minor damage to fenders of both cars. Concerning rough sport at Borden Street School, the principal, S. A. Cheeseman, points cut that commando tactics or any rough sport have never been peimltted at that school! Mrs. Annette Woods left Saturday night for Vancouver en-route to Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal and other eastern points on a five-weeks' buying Mrs. John Storrlngs left a few days ago for Victoria, being called there on account of the serious Illness of her sister. Mrs. F. B. Holland, a former pioneer resident of Prince Rupert. In a recent accident at Borden Street School. Helen Hibbard. a pupil sustained cuts which couver where they will repre- necessitated sutures being ap-sent the local Boilermakers' ! plied at the office of Dr. R. O. Union as delegates to a Cana- Large. The little girl was ab!e dlan Congress of Labor to return to school the follow ing morning. Double-Action Way DDflMPIJITIC To Help Relieve DnUllUllI I lu COUGHS SORENESS CONGESTION Get right after painful bronchitis mis-crirs ... help rdirw U couching, conj catkm, and torrnest this time-tested Vkks -ay that is so successful! Put a good spoonful of Vkks VtpoKub Into bol of boiling water. Tli breathe in the steaming vapors lor lust a lewmin- utes. With ejch breath you Uke.t he medication gonstraight to inlbmul bronchial tubes where it soothes irriutlon. quiets coughing and loosens tightness and congest ion. At bedtime nib Vicks VapoRub on throat, chnt and back. Ittroultiar-vapor action y' orVs for hours to bring s, tmi added comfort hile (.!-, wJlecp. WANTED FOR SALE Business Block In . WANTED Well heaUd light best down town location For! housekeeping rooms for sold- Dartlculars apply II. O gerson Ltd. Hel- 8 FOR SALE Drop-side couch. ler's wife and year old boy. Sigmn. Fisher. L. C, Signal Barracks. City. 17) complete. 4 foot mattress. 1034 i WANTED Fly-rod of good 7th Ave. East. make; price no object. Reels or other accessories. Apply Box 653 Dally News. (7) WANTED Clean furnished apartment or small house for responsible marine officer and wife. Prince Rupert Hotel, room 53. (13) FOR RENT FOR RENT Vacancy, close in. Oentleman only, sharing. Phone Blak 965. (tf ROOM FOR RENT Gentlemen only. 343 7th Ave. West 8 LOST ! LOST Girl's sterling identifi cation bracelet with Navy crest. Finder please leave at Dally News Office. (tf) mn KAT.Fnnnd oil burnlne LOST One brown leather glove between Post ouice ana Liauy News. Finder would oblige by phoning 86 or Black 291 LOST Lady's Ronson cigarette llEhter. Initialled. H. M. R with Altforce Crest. Reward Finder please return to Dall-News office. 8 LOST Small black dog at Met-lakatla on Dec. 30. Answers to name "Dinks". Tag No. 30. Notify W. J. Robinson, Met-lakatla. Reward. dl LOST Ladies rust purse corner of 6th and Ambrose or in front of Military P.O. Containing money, registration card, Bank book, Finder please leave at Dally News Reward. t8 LOST Dark, grey haired Cairn terrier. Answers to name "Burma." Reward 323 5th Ave. East. Anyone harboring will be prosecuted. 18' LOST Ladles Phone 841 brown FOUND V TTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I Something New 5 raincoat (12) FOUND- Knitting on 6th Ave, East, the day after Christmas, Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertise ment. (tf) In Town! The Prince -Rupert : Fun Club EAGLKS' HALL, Fifth and McBrlde) Introducing a New Indoor Team Oame DART i BASEBALL Three Couples to a team Opens 7 30 pjn., Monday, January 10, and Every Evening after that F Come along and bring your old bowling team or i just come yourselves and try this new game. AAAASAAAAAAISASAAAS AAA Funeral Notice Funeral services for Peter Carl, infant son ol Mr. and Mrs. Nels Antomen. will be held to-moirow. Tuesday, at 3:C0 pjn. in Grenville Court Funeral Chapel, with Rer. M, B. Anderson officiating. Interment at Fairy lew Cemetery. Announcements Ail advertisements In this column will, be tharged for a fall inontb at 25c a word. A Drydock Employees Dance, January 14. Music by Ruperts new Orchestra "Rythmn Kings C.C.F. Dance, Oddfellows Hall January 14th.. DeCarlos orchestra, tin Burns Tea at the home of Mrs. George Mitchell, January ,26th. CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office So telephone orders Rate 2c per word per Insertion. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORD3 rublie Accountant, Auditor, etc.; Income Tax Returns Compiled i Wallace Block Phone 387 1 IDEAL CLEANERS -House of Better Cleaning-Authorized "FLEXrOHM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterprooflne a Specials We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 858 Mall Orders Bos 99 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles St Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 3d2 Third Ave. W. Black 787 National Monuments Vou can now mark the grave of your loved ones by buying a monument from National Monuments at the most reasonable prices. Box 1425 Postal Station R Workshop CO! 5th Ave. East, Prince Rupert "Made in Prince Rupert" nELEN'S BEAUTY SnOP Permanent Waving aeauty Culture In all Its branches !06 4th St. Pbone 659 SMITII & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. f hone 174 P.O. Box 274 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 Figtot Ate. Prince Rupert, B.C. l Not Only a Word, But a Code . . .-Quality is no static thing; it has no unit of measure. Rather is it a decree of excellence. . . , Judgment of the degree of excellence in any particular product must rest with the integrity of the judges. . . . Such judgment was easier when things were made of "pure" substances such as pure wool, pure silk, pure linen or when an article was made from start to finish by hand. . . . Proper judgment of products demands more knowledge and experience than ever before. Only a store that holds public confidence as its most precious trust can be counted upon to keep its standards of judgment unassailable. . . . Quality is and will continue to be our code. We will endeavor to maintain in our goods a degree of excellence the word "Quality" connotes. Watts & Nickerson MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE Prince Rupert is justiy proud of her SEA CADETS Every Citizen should be a Member of THE NAVY LEAGUE 1944 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP $1,00 A chance to win a 15,000 Treasure Chest Prize goes with it. $1.00 Membership Tickets For Sale at Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS 'WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Sfcsner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 HELP THE SEAMEN HELP THE SEA CADETS JOIN THE Navy League Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RLTF.RT Co. Ltd UK'HSM COLUMBIA