iP1 :!' page rorn 5 n M. H M M H H- m it Expert OPTICAL SERVICE xl Chas. Dodimead U 1 Y" OpUmetrUt ia Chargs I fj X Watch, Ctok, Jewelry V V " Repairing. Hand Engraving VISIT OCR BASEMENT ORE for One Chin. Dlnnerware, CUism, Baccate and NrelUe MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant CUT RATE SHOE STORE'S Big Shoe Sale NOW ON! Women's Shoes tK $1.89 Children's Shoes 99c WOMEN'S VELVET FUR-TRIMMED Q0 OVERSHOES JANUARY CLEARANCE Quantities are Limited Cut Rate Shoe Store 506 Third Avenue iAAAlAAAAAJ Phone Green 595 THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIX Opening Hours: I pjn. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Phone 17J 1 Across from Ormes' Drug Store 3 PHONE 99 TAXI We wish to announce, 5 commencing Jan. 10, Ser- J rice 7:30 am. to 2:30 ajn. We will appreciate your patronage. 2 ART MURRAY and J CUFF ABERCROMBIE (Prop.) MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian LegUra To the Health Seeder Perhaps, a "Beller exists that "everything has been tried and. failed"? Has "faith" subsided to the low ebb of accepting as a fact, the belief that a disease is incurable? Meanwhile, a vague misgiving persists that: Somehow, somewhere there must be an answer to Incurability. Chiropractically, the greatest handicap to health restoration is: So many cherish a traditional faith or belief to the bitter , end. Meantime, a simple disease descends Into an indefinite and complicated realm of incur-ABILITY. Thus faith and belief hinders, and denies, the "natural self-curABILITY within themselves the rightful duty to remedy (meaning: to cure again). Such statement of disease, special or general are verified by an exhaustive survey. Over 93,000 persons turned, when disillusioned and disappointed, to Chiropractic (Nature) as a LAST resort. Some 410 qualified Chiropractors raised no question as to the merits of faith, belief or, the competency of any 4 remedy, to cure again. Nature had preordained that everything was incorporated within. Nature's OWN Remedy .substituted lncur-ABILITY for cure or marked 'Improvement in 79,000 cases; or, 85 of tiresome, Intangible disease names. A critical reader may question this astonishing record. For the needy there are two basic considerations: The belief that a condition Is obstinately Incurable as, against the Chiropractic record with thousands of varied, Incurable cases. Both cannot be right. When faith and belief falls to move mountains, Mahomet must go to the mountain. Possibly, the earnest Health Seeker discerns, by the mountainous record, that everything has not been tried; that, high odds yet remain In his favor. As Mahomet would resolve: If Chiropractic eventually, why not . . . NOW I J. L. CURRY, Chiropractor SMITH ISMK'K 1'lione Grern 993 PRINCE K (J PERT IKIHIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIlllCIBIIIIIIIlia Plaqe an Ad in The Daily News It Pays CFPR (Utl KOocycJes) Schedule 5IONU4T PM. 4:00 Sound OH 4:15-0. I. Jtc 4:30 To be announced 5:00 Peter and tne Pygmies 5:15 To be announced 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Round-up 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Are You c Genius? 6:30 Serenade in Rhythm 6:45 Ann Watt 7:00 Music Irotn America 7:30 Music from Pacific 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 CBR Singers 9:00 Down Eeat 9:30 Waltz Time 10:00 CBC New 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Yams for Yanks 1 10:30 Great Music 1 10:45 Band Wagon 11:00 Closing announcement TUESDAY ! LM.. ' 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45-CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8.30 Morning Derations 8:45-Singins Strings 9:00 Morning Visit 9:15 Nelson Eddy 9.30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Melody Time 10:30 Bud and Joe Billings 10:45 They Tell M 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies ; 11:15 Broadcast of Messages u:i7 Kecordfd interlude ll:45-Diek Ltibert P-t- 12:00 March Time i:.-30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One Night Stand 1 30 Music for Junior School 2:00 Closing announcement Aiyansh YWCA Elects Officers AIYANSH. Jan. 24 The Young Women's Christian Association here as elected officials for the year as foOows: President. Mrs. Reuben Msm-ro. V:ce-P: evident. Mrs. Cedrtc Bkadeen. Treasurer. Mrs. Jacob Darts. Marjaer, Miss Hazel Brown. Secretary, Mrs. Gus Ouno. Treasurer of Work. Mrs. Leonard Mercer. Junior Y W C. A. Director -Mrs. H. A. Mercer. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away from Home Rates 7Sc up SO Rooms. Hot snd Cold Water Prinr Ropfrt. BC Pbonr !l P.O. Box IN IV THE VrUtMt COl KT Ol IIRiriMI OLtM!SU IN PKOKITI: IN THE MATTtH OF THE ".UMIMTKATION C.T" AM) IV THE M.tTTEK OK THE .MTATI. OK JACK P. HENVETT. OTIIEKM l: KNOWN A iVK HENNETT. HtC EAfEII TAKE NOTICE that by orck-ot H Honour JuOyt nter. Ux Juctgc of the Supra Court o Brl'lnh CohimbU I oo tf I0U-. day a! Juwary. A. O. 1944. appointed AOmlnMLntat at the EitaXe of J.ck P. BeonoU. otberwlsc bwio M Jck BenncSt. torwttlj of Prlnre Ru-pTt. BrttXl Columbia, &vorti. von difd on or atxiut the 2nd. day of Davmtw, A, D. 1M3. All peraona Uxlebtrd to th aUd Eatate are required to pay the amount of their tncWMdnejn to me fortha Ith and all permna having clalma agalmt the aaid Erftate are requlml to file them wltn me properly terlfled on or before the IStti. day of February. A. D. 1P44, faUlng which dlMtrtbutkm will be made having regard only to such Clalma of which I ahall hare been notified. O-ated at Prince Rupert, B. C. tnla 10th. day of January. 1944. NORMAN A. WATT Official AdmlnlaVator Prince Rupert. B. C. IN THE ftirrtEMl .COIRT .Ol' IIKITIH (OLI MItlA .I.N PKOfltTE IN THE MTTEK OK THE -AHMIMSTItATION ACT" AM) I.N THE MITTER OK THE ESTATE OK fiKOKUK UII.I.HM It A 14 ijeceaheh T'KE NOTICE that by order of hi liciior W E. Fliaherjnade m the '.i day of January.' A D. 1944. I apponted Admlnlatrator (wttli will annexed) nr the Estate of Oetrge Wllllrcn Davla. deca-ed. and .11 pmtlea having clalmi ainat the aid estate are twr-Jtrj required to fbrnlah aame, ptojjerly verbified, to me on or about the 11th day of February. A. D. 1944. and all pirtle Indebted to the EstAta are imulrnl to pay the amount of thotr lndAt-ednesa to me forthwith. I Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C. thla , 10th day of January. A. D. 1944. NORMAN A. WATT Official AdmlulrtraAor Prince Rupert, B. C. THE DAILY NTWS MONDAY JAKCARy ssak Jim? I mm ' r-f .- e. MIDLANDS W H. "BUI'' M-Guire was elected first presiden: o! the new Kiwanis club which retired it charter at a gala banquet attended by 200 including many out of town dignitaries. Two Ooboarg soldiers have beetv leported wounded while flghtta 1 in Italy. 7 hey tir pte. Jack Ratter and Pte. Leslie O Acorn. Lieut and Mrs Maootan R n 1 Mallory. British ColasaMa. spestfcme, iaeir no:i'yma)n &.ta dim parents Mr and Mrs. Robin M0srjr. James Street. Council At Greenville GITLAKDAMIKS. Jan. Special to Daily Newsi W J. McMillan has been elected president of the Tillage com-eU for the coming year with John Moron as rice -president. Other councillors are Abel Der nek, Stephen Clayton. Adam Nfeyok. Henry McMUan and Chtis Johnson. The secretary is TILLIK THE TOII.EK Waterfront Whiffs Storm- Weather Holds Up Flshinjr Experimental Herrine Run at Vow Plant Tant. If. Gammon Here .ng in commercial qoanti-- The B.C. Packers Is feeding . arming plant at Alert Bay -. there while Kwaksha Is supplying fish for the Namu 1 Port Edward reduction xT.. A few hare found their .. . o the MOlerd canning t".t on the Prince Rupert r front. Nt .on Bros. Ltd. new cannery Port Edward ran herring for V-.-z nrst time Friday when a few fish from Kwaksha were ; .: through for the purpose of :ry:ng out the machinery. Re xt'j are that eTerythlng func--. r.ed satisfactorily. Kitkatla Couple Is Married Here A well known young couple of Kitkatla was united in marriage Friday evening at St. Andrew's Cathedral in the nuptials of Mrs. Martha Nelson, daughter f the late Abel Harris, and Wil liam Gladstone, eldest son of Moses Gladstone. Very Rev. James B. Oibaon. the dean, officiated. The bride was given in marriage by Arthur W leers Mrs. Orace Alezeee was matron of .honor and Reaben Mason was groimanMn. After a brief honeymoon visit un the city, the covpie wiO leave for Kitkatla to take up Be Buried At tiPort Simpson The body of Mrs. Flora D. Sampere. who passed away on Herbert Pollard. . Friday evenin. at the hne of I Kenneth Orandison has been! her daughter. Mrs J II. Comer. nam& chief constable with Hu- was taken last niaht to Port oen atcsauan as assistant, smspson lor tmrial. Friends Give House Warming a' Due in part at least to continuing stormy weather. ;?hing operations in Prince Rupert district are still racticaily at a standstill. As soon as conditions ame- rate. some vessels will be heading out for cod and , "gf ish. Meantime Kwaksha Pass off Cape Calvert, st north of Queen Charlotte Sound, is still the near- ' point at which herring are 1 A SKEENA OIOSBINO. Jan 24 -Friends oC this community and of Kitwancool village gathered ; "certlv to give Mr and Mrs O. M. Milton a hetue warming party in the new house they have bvllt here. Talks were givan by J. Johnson, tfoo also said grace at the banquet, and by M W Jones, who acted as toast master Other speake:s were David Williams. Sam Wesy and John Derrick, of Kitwancoo. Anti-Christ Is At Large Now Evangelist Ba liner last evening In the Oddfellows- Hail saw: ted that the power representad br the "little horn' in the arophecv of Daniel, who would "think to change times and laws" and revealed In Paul's second letter to the Th wtns Ion ton as "that man of sin. . . . who opooatth and exanetl! himself above all that is ealM Ood Is the Anfl-Chrtst of the Bmie. The AnU-Chrtst, said Mr. Bal-mer. ia not afainst religion. As a .-natter of fact, he Is a very religious being Several scripture? were iead to support the fac he is in the wnrid today: that he would deny that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. Such belief and teaching robbed Ohrtst of His humanity The speaker quoted from the writing of prominent theologians which stated that the ana-Christ was responaflbie for much doctrinal teactiing that was CWAC WINS LAURELS FOR SMARTEST UNIFORMS- To the Ca; ad 31 Vfumen Amy Corps go the ia-ji : Mav .-4 :.;e smartest and be ;t looki:T unlfnrrn of ail the Women - Services in this wat Tri'.s 6'vlmi. w.. reached at a part;, given n Britain by the VS. Women's Army Corps for personnel .t the CWAC. the WRNS, the RCAP 'WD) the WAAP and the ATS. Report was made in the "Stars and Stripes" official organ of the VS. Armed Forres in the European theatre of war. Popular opinion conceded to the CWAC uniform the qualities of trlmness and smartness. The WAC uniform was tagged as the best tailored and the WRNS carried the color honors Cpl. Wllma Williamson of Dundas, Ont., Is pictured abore modelling- various ensembles of the uniform. From left the winter the CWAf; to Hght, greatcoat, rose-beige summer worsted and the khaki barathea. (Canadian Army Photos t AN AI0I,0fiY ON THE RUN 00 3 01. 5 M f - j.-;e f w ; r-i" iS. I f 2 23 5 25. 7 n 11 f IT. It m I WW 1M 't W W. J . m MM m .IJLa .V AV Lv J : Xruc AnvfNTtllLS Or Bk fl a awav ..iaai aa&tfA. 2zr Merry SleWie -hit PAianr. of GOOD PICTURE LIST COMING Some Outttandinc Hlmi Due for Early Shovint at Capitol Theatre Here. Outstanding pic tares coming to the Capitol Theatre here during the ensuing month include such films as 'Lasate Come Home." technicolor pro-dcUon starring the boy Roddy McDowell, which show the last four days of this week; "Phantom of the Opera." with Nelson Bddy and Susanna Foster, coming for three days next . week. "Sahara." featuring Humphrey Bogart. Knmrd lately aflr."Cor-vette K-ta6" and "Destination Trtia " both of which are due well on In February . Manager D. O. Borland has announced the month Hat as follows: January 34 and 3a Robert Donat and Valerie IMmb m "Adventures of Tartst." Jan 34. 37. 3. and -Roddy 'McDowell In "Laasse Come lfum- January 34 Sunday Mldnlbt) Oay Ktbbee In 'CtodereJU 81ns If and Lynn Bart in "We Go Fast" Januray 31 and February 1 ind 1 Nelaon Eddy and flwiaana Foster in "Phantom of the " r I I aeJtftfJifOM PnnSI (JAY MNCT1I-S" COMING WEUNESHAY IOK I DAYS ii'ir kvu-.iit'v -i issii ri mi until - i, i-j .. Februar 1 4, rey IVigart February ' -Lupe Vel . fire's Bfeuuuv f ard Arlen -. ' Xtinenveper Ptikraary u ' ford and rr r "Abof StUpir Fehfry fl thur and J.: V, Lady Takea ' PvWwry l! Plynn and ) -NorttMtn Pi! Pvsmwdy t nlfhti -:hr Richard Arir: nr" and K't uthboys m If Ptrknsary :l 9oth4m In Sa IVbmarj :n dotph Scott : rhrti)ry i Oral it aad 3 "Destination T i. 1W : try V night) .Rirh- Bltriop m r ,Warrai Wlliu-In "One Dan,-IWtsatry 2: ettr OoBert ; ' my la "Nr. t fVrury ? Astor and H' v "YOttlrg Idea- Miss Preda E unsay nhrh u 3 ver r Down through the years, almost since I' lirnt existed, we have served the people Ws laboratory we have always tried to keen w " skilled pharmaclsU. quality drugs, the be of r As we start a new year, wc are pr-md f -and grateful far the confidence you have sh w:i 1 ' . .... r- 1 aa r 1 h ntz rcvjiirsiirMC-i na vi r 11 . -icr r -v, , . r- . . jm 1 - - r 1., JOIN The Canadian Red Cross Corps All work is voluntary. Baiic ti ists of drill, first aid, home toursing Volunteer your apare hour". -urgently needed. for further particulars enquM-c Health Unit Huildintf, 2nd Ave., Tur 23. and Feb. 1, 1011, at 8 o'clock. we continue to serve you, Ormes Ltd. yfif Pioneer Druooats 1 1 4S sV 4k A 4sV W THE RKXAI.L STORE PHONES l "d P Open Dally from 9 R.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays Ironi -Z p.m. and 7 9 P- Uy Wcsiovcr I II. '-OR TA6filMCj ALONo 1 1 Mc jj tz jx Ajr-iAki il-vi r-M m MaaaH ins -v-vm i " c 1 vj c 1 1 c rm 1 hnvi ... . . ,nr uivyuc tta rs. n it 1 iri 1 1 rr v t s 1 s w iw ti m mBrf-vA .ajis. v v.h. i tiiiiH i - i , a4 ic-w j: . j boe km. w rssss s, t tv iir w i smsmsmsmsmsW- i kmsmw kmc -u v. T r S Alia. IV. SLSB I s W II JW I SSSSSSSSSSSSSHSK I . rx I SSSSSSSSfSTT. a - I s 1 ni-j I, 1 ; Li 11 1 .-it. 1 r 1 1 mm 1 1 mmwji m m mmw m if i t w vi was aiira i - mwc v -mr tw v 1 1 j r v I'mmmv .t i ssssssssv i i r mob - f.su. i i m i i y.r - "" " 11 1 Mwmmm 1 u " - - J 1 ' ' '