jANl'ARY 24, 10" IU1 ll.C I'ayiolU" TEST DrlMal and .Mrs. John f nr. OWNING the House Trap Cafe Monday, Jan. 21 I0LD SEAL Sli ! tV4wir J Pacific ,-cnu'r t z:ot can pre- j-iublir health Act for your k people who , hlng food. beard l not to ; having milk t see It goe i greatest. ' 1CIFIC MILK ird nd Vacuum Packed - ? 11 so p.m. " - Hamburgers !-? Fir and Cttkei Fancy Red Sockeye foe! JaiiiiuH - anil llcrriut In Tomato Sauce both nn sctK' tvrvice III be back on your trr'i ihrlf toon as con- ni jxrmlL rr.iNci: iuti.ut ROOFING CO. Ho 725 llx-flalWts on llulltup Roofs l-cpairs, Itr.shlntllnc Ff F..'lmatM LOCAL NEWS NOTES Valentine cards, splendid assortment, Dlbb Printing Co, Ltd. 23) NOTICE We wish to announce that our innual Inventory will bp taken next week and that' the hturr will be rioted from .Monday the illli and Mill reopen on Monday theSKt. . II. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Murray left Saturday fJr a trip to Alex MacKenzle left Saturday night for a biurineM trip to S. C. Thomson left Saturday for a trip to ' Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Miss Olga Unqulst left on Sat urday night for Vancouver where she is lobe married. R, E. Mortimer left on Satur day night on a buslneas trip to Vancouver. R, D. Spooner left on Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. The fire department answered a call at 7 o'clock Sunday morning to the home of L. Branch. MlThlrd Ave. West, where a fire broke out In a bedroom. The occupants of the house were away at the time the fire broke out and the alarm was t ned in by a passerby who saw flames In the bedroom. There was con stdcrable damaute to the fur nlshlngs and to the room Itself Cause of the fire is unknown Card of Thanks l wish to thank my mar.' friends and neighbors for the; kindness and sympathy durtn-j the sickness and death of my be loved wife JAMES 0. STEEN. Announcement Alt trirrrtumrvrnU In IhW column will be ehargwl tor tult montn al Me a wnrd. L.O.L.M. 2 Orange Dance. Mon.. Jan. 24, 9:30 snarp. oaa- fellows' Hall. Jean de Carlo's Orchestra. Hums' Tea at the home of Mm. aeon? Mitchell. January 2Cth. Valhalla Invitation Dance. Oddfellows' Hall. January 28th. C.C.F. Dance. February 11, Oddfellows' Hall, De-Carlo's Oood Cheer Club Valentine Tea. Home cookm. Saturday. February 12. Club Houtt 1.30 to 4 JO, Orange Ladles' Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, February 14. 'c way to his heart is with one of our Gorgeous Pprmanantc ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 1 Slrrft (Across from Tost Office). Thone lllue 917 ic. Thrifty Houtetbives IN FEATURE . , . A full line of iSwift's.PrTiniunv Meals at alljtinics, , . : - A rnmpiclc and jJFrwb, fjtock'of' Frliit an(l-VeKt;tal)le(i. 1011 tl.ia immunity Shopping Centre-Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET E. T. Kenney. MLJi. for Sket-na. who will be In '.he city on hU wuy to Victoria to attend the session of the Legislature, will be the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club this George Leslie Lennox, aged 21, who has been employed as a sur- 'licai oraeny at tne Aero Tinuer Products logging camp at Jus-katla Inlet near Massett. left at the end of last week for Vancou ver to Join the Canadian active army.- His home is at McLean. Saskatchewan. A. O. Franks, who has been at f'nmr Lake since last fall, returned to the city on Saturday nVght'a train and expects to be here for several weeks. He re- ivusi iWai mimtf ttiaa fnllirt rr frstn vivnj u titer iii vci tui iu c -iu v - throufh, although there was not a great deal on the ground as yet. It has been a very mild winter in the Interior and the Ice or Frtuer Lake is of only eight Inches thickness where usually at this time of the year it Is twenty- four Inches. This, of course, has made it Impossible to start cut ting and storing ice as yet MRS. GOULD JOHNSTON lW li VWFfVf fOtl 1 CM Slips! MM, M) HlrtfJ, ftttj.hrtitiij uti nnt nfiiu.Tnit--in iKUf au4 Iwf ltd uii hFr III NriiM a inrti Imf nt p An ImI tlurk it f US Trwl-t-lmt, Wi'l Lwrttt SrQaw lit IM. itck iii.coro NEW MARK FOR DECISIVE WIN IMrolt Ked Wines Score Fifteen Ooals to Itlank Luckless New-York Hangers. DETROIT. Jan 24 The most decisive victory for a single fame In the NaUonal Hockey League was scored here last nltht whn the Detroit Red Wings piled up fifteen joals to shut-out the New York Rangers. The Rangers had come over from Toronto where they registered a sut prise five to one victory over the Maple Leafs Saturday night. Nine Detroit play ers participated in last night's scoring barrage. The previous lecord of this kind "had been made two yean ago when the Red Wings blanked the Canad-lens ten to nothing. The vlct- iory put the Red Wings in third place ahead or tne Boston u ruins who were losing two games The Montreal Canadlens continued their pace-setting ways, winning over Boston both Satur day and Sunday nignts. safety Next game will be tomorrow nlpht when Detroit Wings take .n the Bruins at Boston. Week-end scores:. -SATURDAY New York 5, Toronto 1. Montreal 0, Boston 2. SUNDAY Montreal 4, Boston -1. Detroit 15, New York 0. Chicago 5, Toronto 3. The Standings to date: W D L F A Pis Canadlen? 22 5 3 138 65 49 Toronto Boston Detroit Chicago Rangers 16 2 15 147 126 13 4 14 146 157 13 6 11 116 107 12 1 16 105 112 6 1 23 103 181 Geo. Armstrong Passes Away Here The death occurred In the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Sunday of Ocoige E. Arm strong, age 59, after nn Illness of about ten days. The late Mr. Armstrong was born In Ottawa, Ontario, and be fore coming to Prince Rupert a vear and a hair ago lo work ai the dry dock, lived In Vancouver He was married, his wife now re-idlnir a 1288 comox Street, Van couver A daughter Is said to be rom Vancouver THE DAILY NEW8 PAOE THREE .'it SURVEY OF COMMUNITY Inspector of Schools Asks Aid or Organizations in Gathering Information on Various Presidents of various organizations in Pnnce Hupert are being circularized by B. Thorrtelnsson, Inspector of schools, with a view to naming representatives at a meeting to be held soon lor the putpose ot organizing a community survey designed to gather worthwhile iniormatlon of benefit to the community at large. With a survey of the recreational situation in connection with which it is felt there is a decided lack of facilities at the present time suggested as an immediate objective, other areas of Interest which a suzvey might in clude are vocation, health, youth ,7. .r:u"T;."Jr;: v?" " 'industry, culture, housing and It is hoped that sufficient ac tlve as well as moral support may be forthcoming from organised bodies to warrant the setting up of sub-committees to undertake specific surveys in assigned areas of Interest, the combined efforts of these groups to constitute a comprehensive body of informa tion which mVht later be in teerated into a co-ordinated community survey Try a Results. Want-Ad for Quick FOR SALE Two burner electric hot plate. Phone Red 517. 19 FOR SALE Two chesterfield chairs, rugs- 1H "th Ave. East. (201 FOR SALE Bed. coil spring and mattress in good shape. 1333 Eighth Ave.. East. FOR SALE. 4 h p. Elto outboard motor 'Apply 702 Eighth Ave. East. 24 FOR SALE. Bedroom suite and kitchen set. smokers' stand, coffee table, radio table, chesterfield suit, trlllght lamp, ax-minster carpet with felt pad. leather hassock and dresser. 882 Sixth Ave. East. FOR SALE Faim. 40 acres, half mile from Terrace, 6 room houso. Oood buildings and Implements. Apply Frank Morris, Terrace. B. C. 27 FOR SALE Cream Double bed and Mattress. 2 single mattresses. 2 cream dressers, book case 2 kitchen tables and chairs. Electric tiieplace. Phone Red 192. 20 LOST LOST Man's wrist watch. Friday evening on 6th Street. Inscribed on back. Finder please return to Dally News. Reward (23) FOUND FOUND. Black male Scottie wearing harness. 940 Sixth Ave East. 2H FOUND Some good leatner gloves, odd hands, have been left at the Daily News office. Owners may have same by paying for this advertisement. (tf) FOUND Upper set of false teeth.-Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News office and paying for this advertisement, (tf) rTVTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTVTT Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR Service Ping . Pong Is Played Ban-ett and Fairvlew com- blned Friday night to oust Frederick and Dundas in a ping FOR R BYT Room for single man 742 7th Ave. West. H9 I FOR RENT. Two unfurnished rooms. Apply 649 Hays Cove Circle after 430 pan. (20i FOR RENT Large office In Washington Bldg. on 2nd. Ave. Vacant February 1. Apply V. Peterson. No. 4 Washington Bldg. 20l WANTED WANTED TO RENT Room, shack, house, apartment, suite, cabin, bungalow, anything. -Urgent." Phone U5.ED.. 25 Ring 3. W FOR SALE. 1931 Model A Ford WANTED Furnished apart-Spc Coupe. Motor Just over-! ment for 2 young ladles. Ap-hauled. V.-8 wheels. Body A-l ! ply Box 667 Dally News. (21 shape. Apply 882 Sixth Ave. E. i By cash only. Evenings after WANTED 12 back Issues of 450. ,l9) "Short Wave Craft" Magazine. In good shape. Full Phone Red 218, Mac. HELP WANTED Fred Kergin Now Colonel Major Frederics O. Kergin,! son of Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Ker-j gin, formerly of this city, has pong match at the Young Men's ( been promoted to Christian Association War Ser-llleutenant-coionei. vices Empress Hall. This was the second game of the league. C.N.R. Trains For the East ' Dally except Sunday .... 8 pjn. From the Cast- Dally except Mon..-. 10:45 pm From Terrace and Pacific Monday. Tuesday. Thursday, for Terrace and Pacific, Sunday. Monday. Wednesday, Friday 4 pm price. (19) HELP WANTED Bookkeeper for Retail store Apply Selective Service office A.F. 104. (21 WORK WANTED WORK WANTED. Part time evening work by two me. Labor or books. Box 670 Dally News. 20 SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 PHASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT KWONfl SANO IHNO HOP KF.E CH0PSUEY HOUSE Next to Klnr Tal 61! 7th AYR. WEST All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to IS p.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from I p-m. be acting -( He is on service overseas with the Royal Canadian Medical Corps. Since going overseas, CoL Kergin was married to a Belgian girl who is now living in England. z ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Small white terrier, brown ears, brown spot near tall. Vicinity Postal Station "B" Saturday. Phone Navy 460 Local 5, Oalbralth. 423) Ease Coughing, Loosen Up Phlegm This Home-Tested Way Relief front Distress of Colds Starts at Once! No Gagging, No Stomach Upsets! Now relieve maddening coughing ipasrrM and other tormenting symptoms of colds with the best known mot widely ud medication of its kind in all the world . . . VKS wows. Mothers know it best! Just melt a good spoonful of Vicks VjpoRub in a bowl of boiling water. Then ... breathe In the steaming, medicated vapors. Feel the grand relief as VapoRub's soothing medication is carried with every breath right to tormented upper breathing passages. It loosens choking phlegm, quiets coughing, soothes irritation, and helps dear the head. rot ADDCO ItUTJ, rub throat, chest, and back with Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. VapoRub works for hours 2 waya at once to bring comfort. Remember . . . it's Vicks VapoRub! CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable In advance at the Office No telephone orders Rate 2c per word per insertion. FOR SALE FOR RENT BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE t'ubllc Accountant, Auditor, rtte. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 858 Stall Orders Box 99 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 National Monuments You can now mark the grave of prices. invert ones by buying a monument from National Monu ments at the most reasonable Box 1125 Postal Station B Workshop 60! 5th Ave. East, Prince Rupert "Made In Prince Rupert" HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 06 4th St Phone 855 SMITH M ELK INS LTD. Plumbing tuu Hea'.ing Engineers. ehone 174 P.O. Bos 271 OYER & BJARNASON Phone Ked 393 Decorating and Painting High Class Decoratlnr. Painting and Paperhanglng International Correspondence Schools Canadian Llmlte4 n. F. Lovln, Representative BoxJ28 1315 Plggot Are. Help The Men In The Merchant Marine AND THE LOCAL CORPS OF SEA CADETS . . Buy a Membership in the Navy League Today $1.00 Membership entitles participation in a $20,000 Prize Draw Watts & Nickerson ME.VS and BOYS' CLOTHIERS 532 Third Ave. ' one 35 HELP THE SEAMEN HELP THE SEA CADETS JOIN THE Navy League Canadian Fish & Cold Storage TRINCE RUTEKT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA St. Valentines Day (Monday, Feb. 14th) Select your VALENTINE CARDS now! COUTTS CANADIAN CARDS of course are the nicest cards anywhere. Special Valentine sentiments for the girl friend or the boy friend for sweethearts, husbands and wives. From oc to 25c each Dennison Valentine Serviettes Package of 10 loc 'eMaMvs.Ml JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE! Membership entitles you to participate in $15,000.00 TREASURE CHEST CONTEST The Variety Store 4 ; ( 6.