?A0 FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CUAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist In Chart Watch, Clock, Jewelry Mnlrln Hand Enrratlnr VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKH ror Fins China, Dluncrwarr, Glasses, Barrage and NoTeltlei MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MLtiCIlAXT CUT RATE SHOE STOKE Forward to V ictory in... " SHOES THAT ARE WINNERS SUMMER FEATURES Men's Shoes, $4.95 and $5.95 A large selection of blacks and browns. Choice of styles. All sizes and widths Including E's. Excellent values lor the money. rhone Green 595 Cut Rate Shoe Store 308" Third Avenue Across front Ornies Drue Store Mail Orders Promptly rilled CASUALA1RES... 1 THE WORLD'S MOST ' COMFORTABLE SHOE LIGHT AS A FEATHER FLEXIBLE AS A WHIP WEAR THEM EVERYWHERE Priced $3.95 Family Shoe Store Ltd. The Home of Good Shoes Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Obi Cottee Is Tops) PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 6:00 am. to 2:00 am. 'A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD 'Store win be , CLOSED AUGUST 5 and will REOPEN (AUGUST 21 Thone 775 A GOOD PLACE TO BUY WEST END CAFE (.Chop Suey House) REOPENS lRS REOPENED Completely Renovated 82 3rd Ave. West Phone 2l O IS WEAR. IT ON YOUR ARM 327 3rd Avenue SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54- FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Classified Ads Advertising in this section Is payable In advance at the office riease do not ask us to deviate from this rule. WANTED WANTED Room by quiet army couple. Dox 803 Daily News. (171) Y.W.C.A. Rooms RecUtry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. OarbuU WANTED Apartment or rooms for officer's wife: no children. t Box 804 Dally News. (171) WANTED TO RENT Ftr young couple with 2 children, a 4 or 5 room house. Centrally located. Apply Dox 757 Daily News. (tf) WANTED Woods foreman for Northern B.C. Spruce Operation. Horse sklddlnc and truck haul. Apply nearest Selective Service Office. Order No. 6002 (994). (172) WANTED Urgently, good home for 2 small children, boy and Klrl: will pay well. Reply Box 601 Dally News. (173) WANTED TO RENT furnished or unfurnished house, apartment or anything at all, local man. steadily employed. Ph. Black 927. (173) OFFICE worker wishes board flnH mnm ripar trmn If rwtttl ble. Ph. 209. (176) ' BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Cpmplled Besner Block Phone 337 BIRDS FOR SALE Bird Cages Wanted Phone Black 823 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 VAL SPIDEL Floor Sanding and Finishing Alterations and Repairing Phone Green 880 General Delivery SPEEDY RADIO SERVICE Oreen 397 Guaranteed 48 Hour Service on all makes of Radios By Factory Trained Experts SEPTIC TANKS And Filter Lines Cleaned and Repaired. i Apply Box 743 Dally News. SEE F. MURPHY FOR LUMBER STOCK FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES 225 1st Avenue East Phone Black 634 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEXFORiT SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Gcessas Waterprootlnj a Specialty. PHONE 853 Mall Orders Box n HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In an Its branches 206 4th Street (53 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian limited B. F. Lot in. HepmeaUUve Box 523 1115 Plrgot Ave Prlact Rspert. RC EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND "HAIR STYUNO ESTHER STANYER Late of Hudsoal Bay. Vancouver Phone Red 934 or can at 1457 Sixth Avenue East, Upstairs BERTS TRANSFER & MESSENGER SERVICE 324 2nd Avenue West xt poor, fro, R. E. Mwr.imer FOR SALE - FOR SALE LOST Ring, white gold, hrh setting;. 3 dsaraonds. Carnival BTOunds. Reward. Finder please retaorn to Dairy Neva, 171i LOST Ensign Kodak, saw 116 large) on Ssmday. 15 reward. Finder please leave at Dailr News, '17I Schools and Colleges STENOS. TYPISTS. POSTAL CLERKS for Government war work. You. can train at home. Free inforaution. U.C.C. Civil Service Schools UA, Winal- peg- WESJL (X)e5T80CTHD A Meycse is cspsate of carry' inc a load 10 Umes i own weight, OBSTRUCTIVE ROOEKTS It is eittsaated that rats de tror as much food every year at Mozambique axf.jus i3Shoa.'A. THE DAILY NEWS SATfp.;, jr RED FOR SALE Bed complete with anese Red Cross camps. cross: ! The "biggest little' branch of 'the B.C. Division of the Carta, jdlan Red Cross Society is at ! Alorf tl-iv n cm-ill hamlet ml Household fuml- ;o,n Pharlntti. StralU off the FOR SALE Household goods, of coast and D. S. Cameron, 245 6th Ave. E. (171 formerly of Prince Rupert, presl- FOR SALE-Whlte enamel stov7'dent t.JJly' hahv hiiPPv nis h av. p , reports that there are l.iOOmem- FOR SALE (173) xrs of emmet the Red Cross in this It vat thlx aeattfrpd FOR SALE 15-foot launch with community that raised $7,000 for LTr .r1 'the fecnt cannign. lonely set- t.h Rood condlUon. Ph. 94. (171 , lIers ln out ot y piaces. Three sllvsr fox , making large cash donations. furs. Phone 650 between 6 and 7 pjn.. C. Hanson. (171 Logging camps, fishing villages, lighthouses ... all contribute FOR SALE - Bicycle. $30, 016!"" ! 1UU1 AVC E. (171) ,V1 . ...... j FOR SALE Stuffed chair, kit-1 Better conditions for prisoners chen table and 4 chairs andi0f war in the far East are belnt ?r,licles- 1063 6tn Ave.- 11 so"8ht by British. American and alter 4.30. (172 imnaritsn nH Cms KrttiM In FOR SALE Cord wood Saw Man- respect to personal parcels. Orel re lis, saw Blades, large stock 1 f iciaU are still waiting a reply of pipe, fittings. beltlnK, pull-! from the Japanese Red Cross to eys. conveyor chain, shaf Ung, their cable" sent last December J.-,?111" fOP1"1 77 ,Acmc 'from the Washington conference. vannvLAdo . '"ever. It Is known that Red Vancouver, B.C. Quick allj-CrolB supph na ucuicitru ut Munj ut istaujr Lr- spring and inner mattress. 2 1 B.C gardeners should be inter-cheats of drawers. 1 buffet, ested in the news that phenom- tc Mle.aild.cfclLrs-t,C?.n al vegetable crops are being be seen after 5 o'clock. Suite harvest! bv nrtaonefs in some 12. Killas Christopher Bid TrLT? A?u FOR SALE Trolling boat. fcO' Baby." 32 feet lone. 12 horse power Vivian engine. Apnly New Floats, phone 791. (174 FOR SALE 5-room house. ueach Place: vacant, 4 years old. Plumbing, basement, garden, cooking stove, heater, floor covering. Price $2600 cash. Phone Red 320. (174 FOR SALE Bedroom suite. double bed. mattress, cook stove, kitchen table. 6 chairs, cabinet radio, studio lounge, wood shed, crosscut saw; must be sold Saturday by 4 o'clock. 1435 Plaza. (171 FOR SALE Used bicycle in good condition: act at once If you require one. McKeratie Furniture Store. Ph. 775. (lt FOR SALE Bedroom suit, towels, sheets, dishes, pots. Have every thins a complete household could contain (except radio). Can be seen all day Sunday and week davs after 5 pm. Apply 972 10th Ave. E. Must be sold. Ut FOR SALE Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned ud until noon of July 31st for the purchase ot the gaarx "Addle R" belonging to U late John Lawler. moored at McLean's Ways. Seal Cove. 26'x7"x6 6h.p. Vivian. Highest or anv tender not necessarily accepted. Terms cash. Official Administrator. Comrt House. Prince Rupert. RC. (178 FOR SALE Subject to present existing rental control regulations, sealed tenders will ,be received by the undersigned trnUl noon of July 26. 1944. for the purchase ot L.17. B.16. S.5 and cottage, and L.1B. B IS, S-5 and the two cottage erected thereon. Separate tenders must be tiled In respect of each lot All three cottages are at present rented and are situate on 7th Avenue West, near Fulton Street. Highest or any tender net necessarily accepted. Terras: Cash. Norman A. Watt. Administrator ot the Estate of Matthew Murray, deceased. Court House. Prince Rupert. HELP WANTED WANTED Bon or dris for good delivery routes. Dairy News. i til PERSONAL PERSONAL Youth able to typewrite and work with figure and interested in trio to Vancoaver might apply to Dairy News. tf) BAYZAND & SEELEY. Painune. DrcoraUDC Kabomining AH work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction- our motto. LOST officers camp, near the border of Swltserland. the garden this year U expected to be better than the previous season when 3.030 tomatoes. M.000 lettuce. 1.000 carrots and 2.080 radishes were supplied the prison kitchen. Kitchen waste Is used as compost enabling them to maintain and improve fertility in spite of very heavy cropping. Nearly 1.000.000 Red Cross food parcel acknowledgment cards have been received from Geneva by the Red Cross Enquiry Bureau in Ottawa. This means that the weekly food parcels are going through to. German camps in good order and that the prisoners are being well looked after by the Red Cross. Twenty-three carloads of Red Cross parcels for prisoners of war left Montreal ar!y in July, the shipment consisting of 100.000 parcels, the weekly quota for the Canadian Red Cross Society. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. (II j Dorothy Garbutt) Continued from yesterday our weekly vital statistics . . . Next on. our list is lit tie. Sharon Blllmger who received a notice earlier this week. Sharon weighed 8 lbs. 10 ounces when born on Jury 16th and Just to keep it even arrived at eight hours 10 minutes. On July 17th little Robert James Anderson was born to Petty Officer and Mrs, Charles Anderson. Bobby weighed 8 lbs. 8 ox. when bora at 4:50 pm. or 1S5C hours, to be entirely nauti cal. Robert means "Bright ln Counsel" and James means "Supptanter." On the same day at 11:55 pja. LtUe Miss Anne Evelyn was born to Abie Seaman and Mrs. Lloyd Gale. Anne weighed 8 lbs. 8 ox. when born. Anne means "Gracious" and Evelyn means "Pleasant" Then the next day along came James Henry James no my typewriter didn't slip, his names are the same both for" aid and aft, born to Captain and Mrs. J. O. James of Signals. Harry was born at noon and weighed 7 lb. 1016 ox. James means "Supplanter" and Henry is "Home Ruler." And being the youngest of three 111 wager young Harry will be Just that. Last name of all that ends this strange eventful history is that of Sharon Joan Mont gomery, whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. Rayner Montgomery and whose mother was Margaret Frits, a Rupert girt. Sharon was bora on July 1th at 9 am. and weighed 9 lbs. 10li ox. when born There is no meaning given for Sharon bat Joan means "The Lord's Grace Next Thursday the Highway Regiment Is holding a dance Junior Hostesses and chaperones win meet at the Y at 8 30 pa. Remember. Thursday. July 25th at 8:30 pja. There were two Old Country seamen in the Y yesterday. Paddy" Moran from Bella?; and Mr. Farrel of Liverpool. Paddy. Mke s true Irishman had already ' found hansels a Rupert girt Met her on the train, faith and be- dad. he did so! W THE M-TTTR OF THE EST ACT or ezxjasxdc ursix icmrra-i msr. ksowx as bec ursnt, DECEASED TAKE wnct that by Orrr rt m Hnacr W E rsrttrr suit o br lata br of Jatv- am ivi t n. IMllltllX it A ttmtr.lnt at u E- Utr ot BmSuaSji tjprtn inbrrm Un Ba llr ixwkI and a pttM kavaur nn Mttnt IS M ale w Iwn rtkir to ftnatfc uar wKW tm sa. or b4cn Ukr 14th lt AHC AD- ms. U4 an svruw Hi UW EMM r rSml to HS 200JOOO tarsaers can fiMe. ma DANCE MARATHONS !"attoJ Tnba: dances y. :r.e r.:.. D THE RCT8XUE COCBT OT Bam&H COLCUBU DC rnOBATE EC TBZ HATTER OF THE " ADMIN ISTRATION ACT" it o ae tm a is iii a- vtawuv at tat lltU Ui ' Juir AD -t , s NORJiOC A WATT NEW GINGER ROGERS SHOW "Tender Comrade" Starring Drama at Capitol Theatre Courage to appreciate the past and face the future is the keynote of "Tender Comrade," Ginger Rogers' dramatic picutre Monday and Tuesday at the Capitol Theatre. The plot concerns Jo and Chris, a couple of typical American youngsters who carry their school-day friendship Into marriage tfnd dream happily of their future. Their plans are destroyed: Chris Is called Into service Thereupon Jo gets herself a Job ln a defense plant. Besides the stress of separation, there are housing and transportation problems for Jo and many of the other war wives with whom she works. Four of them finally are forced to band together and rent a place ot their own. How Jo and the other girls work out their personal problems forms an engrossing narrative, the romance of Jo being highlighted ln the action. The arrival ot Jo's baby, and her de termination to carry on for Chris Jr 's sake, when she loses her husband, lends an emotional Dally News Advertising Brings Results. FOUR YEARS AGO IN THIS WAR July 22. 1940 Foreign Secretary Viscount Halifax aniwererf Hitler's peace offer with declaration that Britain -will not stop fighting until fieedom fjr ourselves and others Is -secure" MaJ-Oen. H. D. Crerar appointed chief of aCnadian Oeneral Staff CEPR 1ZII Kilocycles SCHEDULE SATURDAY PAL 4:00 Sound Off 4:15 O. I. Jive 4:30 Lower Basin Street 5:00 Yank 5:30-l'eraonal Al 5:45 Melody Roundup 6 00 CUC News 6 05 Your Radio Theatre 7:00 National Barn Dance 7 30 Jubilee 8:00 Ouy Lombaruo 8 30-Fred Allen 9 00 Hit Parade 9 30-Kate Smith 10:00 CBC News 10 os Reaordsd Iutertade 10 15-Harry James 10 36-Dob Crosby 11:00 Silent SUNDAY AM. 10:00-Music for Sunday 10:30 Sammy Kaye 11:00 CDC News 11 05 Cleveland Symphony PM. 12:00 Piano Rambhnes 12:15 Hymns from Home 12:30 Music We Lore 1 00 Andre Kostelanetc 1:30 Xavter Cagst 2 ePhuadelphla Symphiny 3:00 To be announced 3 0OCharne McCarthy 4:00 Deity's Tavern 4:30 VtBace Store 5:00 Cavaliers 5:16 Jest Mary 5:"u Family Hour 00 CBC. News 6 05 Recorded Interlude 6 15 Hymns from Home 6:30 US.O Proeram 7:00 Hour ot Charm 7:30 Jack Denny 8:00 Mall Call 8 30 Oreat OUdenueeve 9:00 Comrades in Arms 9:30 Command Peiiormanee 10 00-CBC Mews I0:0S-VesDer Hour 10:30-SUent MONDAY A.M. 7:30-Masleal Clock 7:45 CBC News 7 50-XUuleal Clock 8 30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Vernon Oeyer 9 00 Mirror for Women 9 :15 The OaUes 9:30 CBC News 9 IS Transcribed Varieties 10 00 Vocal Varieties 10:15 Benny Goodman 10 30 Wilt Carter IP : 45 Victor Mixed Chorus 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Mnuur Period 1117 Recorded Interlude 11 tS Ray Kinney PM. 12 00 Vaurhn Monroe 12 30 notlWrht Bands p 4&CBC News 12 50 Recorded Interlude 1 no One Nuiht Stand 1 art- To he announced 2 00-8tient PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Cattinrs Eletlrle and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and SIEVING MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled STARTS MONDAY FOR 2 I)Ys Complete Shows nt 1 00. 3 04. a o;i Feature at 1:23. 3:27, 5 31. BUT SHE WONT DATE! Wotlj at s war plant Fellows can't get lo fint bate . . . doo't know the story. It's today's biggett love stoty . . gills know I Mr story, EXTRA!' Novelty: "Three Hears In a Boat" I'lus rete Smith "Groovie Movie" SL'NDAY MIDMGIir at 12 M -THE HEATS ON" With .Mae West. Vktor .Moore Plus -SILVER 1 fT 4 smml 1 1 sod io of ,yvN u i GINGER liOGtliS -CHIM.0-Cllta 1 ROBERT RYAN-RUTH HUSSEY . t ' 1 Li; 111 fit; rwrri IIAU' K0VI Cipit ran: m sum mnl SHOW AT PJt Armed r .. (xl Hint: rKittl llobeit W'a!l?r Dtaii lliw W : 1 Vu TERRACE levtm:.: Mrs. N. Sherwood left f lrmee Rupert on Tuesday to do , special nursing at the hospital ' UOJ,(1 ' ' there. plamiMi A shower was hen Wtdaesday i at Terr..: . Colored (:r.a 1 1 llfl y l 1 y . 7 . -i 1 . I.. ' i I Is t 1 IT'S THE VARIETY STORE FOR PICNIC SUPPLILV You'll find we have just a- ' f - cess. Coiae in and look around find many Items to add to comfort. 5 .3 The Variety S((H Every Tliursilaj 7 !.!" at the Auction R"oinS J. MAIR, Auclio"cl TIIIHD Vi:MF' J (Next door to Cuinnimlore