y TH Y ff- .. LATH BOARD wild rrJurrJ IU irealer ar-runJ rumfurl, I.Mlluf . I rtr luaulalluu tola ' '" Iruiu I lis alarl. 'lirn j-u U- Ace 1r l-,u l"' "u r" "" nrrlltcljr latuUlliic llie wli"l liu, lull alw ui.lluK prrferl tut lilaalrr villi ll lfacllrally nU , t,.,klii rlimfnalra unifflilly Ulli ahaiiuw, U1 ilcaJrn auuiiil. At:i:-ii:x irUr. the ACETEXJJiic ouitl Beard Brick Siding Hall Kaolins th Board Atphalt ShlnjUt Plattl-al . m a II . . I .a ( n.A.a . . -J. . Walarnrnallrif C r I I I U ft n A II II II ! W U II II II i: I N I I II . ! MM MM MM M 1 B-M BIB BLaT a ill""" " " - - - - NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS ti -M BB ( ' Tax's. General and Ixeal Improve- I (' II II' lla-l VilllllT til LI I IT VILV iA(UI Ull rc iitm.st 1st, 19 H, after that date 5rJ u .il he added. F. VICKERS, J f 1 1 XT t TU uonecior. vr i i ii iiri rii i jl i 11 iiiii.i .i Coal Yet? If Not, Do It Today! MB 11 aT a BL aV, aT" I I I MLDLlXl 0t nLMiTLM Liu. PHONE 11C and 117 ibb Print. ncr Comnanv - 1 m OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDINC STATIONERY i i ii ii n v ! v r v j. v . m 11 i m 9 i - K . mat, byY V. KT t? A 1 I'. If .11 A ."SI w K I M I V 1 1' Ij 11 a73 i m. bis imi ' mwi UliU Jill VJ mUWJkWMK IS NOW OPEN Cth Ave. i:., lleslde l'.O. Station II. "Select Lunches and Select Service" r stock fresh and complete, prices right POUIiJKN'S (JUOCKItY ''nurlfsy and Smlre I rf Drllvfry Ited 411 NG GEORGE CAFE viniiric IIISIICs Chop Suey Chow Mcin u ftjn, to 10 p.m. mm nut niicr-t ritiNCR imi'EitT ROOFING CO. Hoz 725 Sjamists on Hulltap Itoofs Itepslrs, Itcshlnillnc Free Estimates t I'aya to Advertise in The Daily News Locals ! 1 ' " - win - . Cash (or old gold, Bulger s, Mrs. T- McClymont left x vi nine's train for a trip ; To: ATh office of Dr. J Munths un1 the Norwegian Comiula' will be closed until Auru.st 9. Mrs. O. E. Moore u on a v. to nuledale herr lu r Uuzr,! based In the fi&htric pu ,r i service. Alfred Sankey la leaving uli'ht on a trip to Vajw .uv-win re he will undergo trca lor eye trouble. A 110Y8' UWDtUWEAn in ui' :iim.i now on tale at the Via-,,: i-r Men i and Doyi' Store o.i 8 x i K;reet arrow from Hiic? .r, Real Estate. ' 173 Trwo Fortune returned t-j -he city ihi week from a visit wah ' In.-, daughter at 1'ort Albcrni. ,VancriUTcr Island. Mrs. Fortune iw.il De Rotng jtmXtx stiertly. John Cunrte of John Currle i & Ron Is un and around asaln 1 :i!ier having been seriously lU j iir some time. He U gradually I i'r-.ui)iii(c his strength and looks vtv well. ' Mi s. Wllllau CrockaU and (wo I t h .ldren of vanoauver are tpeaa 1 hi M; Fresh Iocal Haw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 DANCE Wi:i)NI."SIAY. JULY id Modernalrrs Orchestra OliMT.LMm'S' II ALL The best buy in Monuments and Markers in B.C. Is at National MonumenU on 3rd Ave. first door West of Eaton's. NATIONAL .MONUMENT l'.O. Itox 998. I'rlnre Rupert YTYYTYYYYYTTYYY? VTTTTYYY Oldfitglisli SCRATCH COVER POLISH HkJm Null antf W rtMiwnmlvctk and any vond mum wl pm A blcninltr tnMr rV m U tabbed Ita !. mm. Sol.l at MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE A1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA KWONO SANG HINO HOP KF.E CH0P.SUEY HOUSE 1 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 pm. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Phone lied Z17 Re-opening of the L.D. Cafe CHOP SUEY and CHOW MEIN Hours 6:30. am, to 1:00 am, THE DAILY NEWS FADE THREE HK1I Y&6M . ' SMOKING OUT A SNIPER Rinea ready Bi '.sh Tammies wait for German snipers who had holed up in this farm near Tllly-Sur Seulles, France, to make a break as the building burns. This was In the village of Christot, where the Germans left many snipers to harry the pursuing Tommies driving for Tilly. W. Ovcrend and daughters the week in the ctty wlthjMJms ana j-nyiu arc icavuig Crockatfs father. Harold toniaht on a holiday Ulp to P.. oder. They ome in from j Vancouver. Fi after Lake where they are pay- n: an extended visit IN THE SUPREME OOORT OP BKITI8H OOUBMBIA IN PHOBATE IN THE MATTXK OP THE "ADU1N-itflKATtON ACT" IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOHN IXJNALT) McLKJMALX), UfiCCAHSO. INTEKTATE TARK NOTIOC hat DT Order of ,IIU Honor Judr PUiter. Uoral Judn 'of the Buprvtnr Court of BliU Col- umbla. I was on in aoui aaj ,r Jul An. 1044. uiualntrd AdmlnU- ' . , trauir of U fatal of John Donald 1 'MrlXmald. who dlad on or about Uw 'l?U day of May. IM4. AU prnaa .liidvbwd to Uw aaid (ittlr ai re- , Iqulred to pay tnc amount of Ik , InOf DUlia in or m wviw mimi w i raona btlM alataM aaanM in aatd EaUla at irUJMd to fUf tHem . wtU) me prcapmj wraiaa on or iw- t fore the Slat day or aobuk. fallinn which dlatmmuon win o Petty . . , ' .J.I. A uUll rlatnw of whkoh I abaU hai bent notified. DATED at Prtnc Rufwvt. B C. thla 30th day of July. AX. 144, NORMAN A WATT. Official Admlnlatrator Frinc RuMt. BC Card of Thanks I wish to puoilcly thank Mr. aeong Ltn Fun of the VS. Army CtrfUan Mess who returned a diamond ring, which was lost by myself. Utti A3. With the Forces News of the Men and Women on Active Service (Contributions Welcome) if Officer Terry Fortune of Prince Rupert, who has been "mentioned In dispatches" for the part he played aboard HM. CS. Wakeaiu in the sinking of a Oerman submarine In the At lantlc. has the Important role ol a head sub-detector aboard the venI and bis father. Theo Fortune, speaking yesterday afternoon, supposed that lt was for his work In this connecUon that Terry was "mentioned." Terry Is the elder of two boys ' in the Fortune lamlly. the younger. Bernard, is also in the Navy and is at present taking a wire-li-s course at St. Hyaclnthe in Quebec. Announcements AH a4Trrtlannt-nU In tbla column vlll be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Valhalla Dance, Oddfellows Hill. July 28, 9:30 pjn. to 2:30 ajn. WX).TAI. Dance, Aug. 2. Oddfellows' Hall. De Carlo's Orchestra. Refreshments; 10-2. Orange Ladies' Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Aug. 10. DeCarlo's Orchestra, 9:30 to 1:30. TIMELY RECIPES MEAT AM) CAKKOT LOAF OR PATTIES VT lbs. ground beef (shoulder neck, shank, brisket) 14 teaspoons salt 'B teaspoon pepper 1 medium onion, chopped 1 cup shredded or grated raw carrot 1 egg 3 tablespoons gravy, or other liquid lVt cups soft bread crumbs Combine-ground beef, salt and pepper: add onion and carrot Add beaten egg and gravy or other liquid. Mix well and add bread crumbs. Pack Into i greased pan and bake in a mod erate oven. 350 deg. F. for l1 hours. Mixture may be shaped Into patties and sauteed in a heavy frying pan. Six to eight servings. The Tobacco that made the pouch famous Lt J. D. Gillis j Weds in East ' A pretty wedding took place n Jie church of the Immacu-'"jt Conception. Winnipeg, on June 24 when Miss Pearl Rank-tnore daughter of Mrs. D. C. Owe:. of Brandon, Manitoba, bee .tme the bride of Lieut Joseph D. Gillis, of Camp SbUo, .i of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. amis r Prince Rupert. Rev. Father Mulihaly officiated. Ma'ron of honor was Mrs. Phyllia Raymer, of Brandon. Tlie xol man was ueui, josepn crry. of Camp 8hllo. Try a Jesuits. Want-Ad for Quick CIIIUCH NOTICES First United Church i 630 Sixth Avenue West Rev J. A. Donnell, MA, Minister Mr J 8. Wilson. Sr. Choir Leader Mrs. W. C Taylor, Jr. Choir Ldr. Mrs. Collin Carrell, A.T.C.M, Organist m Jr. R. G. Knipe, Superintendent of Sunday ScbooL 11:00 Morning Service. 7:30 Evening Service. Sunday School at 10:00 am. Come and Worship. During July the morning services will be taken by Mr. Frank Ball of United College, Winnipeg, and the evening services by permission of the Senior Chaplain will be taken by the! Rev. K.J. Joblln, BA., BX. 'irst Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSween, B.A., Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Choir Leader SUNDAY. JULY 23 11:00 a jn. Morning Worship. 7:30 DJn. Evening Worship. The Minister will preach at both services. A cordial lnvitauon to wor ship with this congregation is xtended to alt First Baptist Church Filth Ave. and Young Street Rer. W. W. Sllverthom, Minister Phone Red 839 10 am. Bible Class. 11 am. Morning Worship. Speaker: Pte. C. Morris, VS. Army. 12:15 Church School. 7:34 Evening Service. Speaker: Mr. Blackaby. Topic: "Wounded for Me." 8.45 pm. Singsplratlon and Refreshments. Wed., 8 pm. Prayer and Fellowship service. Fri., 8 pm. Young People's Union. . All Service Men and Women are cordially Invited Elio's FURNITURE STORE Third Avenue, Prince Rupert GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 116 4th Ave. F. RED 127 IT'S A MILD COOL SWEET SMOKE A Classlfled-Ad in the Dally Hews will bring Quick ResulU. PHONE G78 B.C. MESSENGER Experienced Carriers to Intelligently fill your: BAGGAGE EXPRESS and FREIGHT LIGHT HAULING REQUIREMENTS Stand 214 4th Street West End' of Tost Office Income Tax Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 321 2nd Ave. Phone 88 CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job. Phone Black 735 nOME SERVICE HANDYMAN J. M. S. Loubser D.CH ba. CHIROPRACTOR ' Wallace Block" Phone 640 Loose Talk can cost Lives ! BBmc 2iBlEw mbSbBIbBBHBSB mm!SL ''mmY ?AU I said was, In ten more days he'll he in Iceland1 Keep it under your STETSON Stetson Hau for men f&JO up Brock 16 Keonngion )5 Get your STETSON today at A Good Place to do Your Shopping Seventh Ave. Market aa :r,nil.i, .1, HJ.t J.L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If palp Chiropractic! If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Green 695 IT Pi 1 LONDON SHOE REPAIR SHOP 733 Second Avenue Across from Dominion Bid. NOW OPEN All work guaranteed quick service Atlas Boiler Works ... Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith, General Repair. Phone Red 881 FORMAL OPENING OF RUPERT BUTCHERS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OF W. LOCK Tour Shopping Tour should In clude a visit it.!. i Shop, where you'll always find an abundant supply of the ii a w ; : a.zmV7 . ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY HERE! choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in season from our own farm arriving by each boat Complete line of groceries. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion Fair Way FOOD MARKET HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES s X INSTANT SERVICE NO WAITING Location Next to Y.M.C.A. 3rd Ave. Open Evenings BURN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabwood, cord $10.00 Dry Jackplne, cord $12.50 HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Ass'n See JOHN L. WRIOHT Special Representative 11CA lluys Cove ClreU Opposite Staff Dining Hall