FAGE'TWO The Daily News Published. Every Afternoon Except Sundayby Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Atenue G. A& HUNTER Managing Editor DAILY Cuttinsr Off the Water It is not onlv a matter Basketball "a,t 'c "itf o wcitci aujjpry onuu uii uui it imgia ft ..g.. Sectlon Area Basket. to be serious In connection with prove a very thing. ban League same last night m the chlorination of the city's water, regarding the the Naval Drill Hail, necessity. for which we are still very much in doubt, At no PQi the fixture wa3 the supptoas cut off for several hours 'Sunday ile aIllo' supremacy chaiieng-night. EyeTVith the keeping of 200,000 gallons wV-serve in-the reservoir against the possible require- Matheson of the Regiment mehts for emergency such as fighting of fire, we team was the high scorer of th. can but speculate on what might happen if a bad fire. eYenms with 15 points. Irvine did break, out while the water was off. iIil?11 taarke,' . .'followed closely by n Horner, 12, Kr -t i l i i i i r. -- - ------j i tvxi.ll 111U icaok Llltlt 3UUU1U UC nunc IS tU CIUXcIls better and longer notice of their intentions than was. the case at thp wpek-pnd. Tf. wmilrl hp iucf as easy to give that notice previous instead ot sending over the radio on a neacetul Sundav evemnrr wh'ph IT. 1 1 j.1 tiie itjvei oi ine water in me ingly low. Today . . . for a Playtime World Children will be children! Let them be. Play is their instinct for learning. Be glad you can spare them grmcn-up worries. They will soon enough inherit the problems of an adult world . . . problems yon must now prepare them to face. i You WOULD LIKE TO BE SURE that their 'education, their Itart in life, won't lie left to chance. . You eai'beTs'ure, with a suitable . life insurance policy. Enquire today about the lowost life insurance protection offered by the Mutual Lit of Canada. Richard Sephion Prince R. E. Mortimer, Representative J. J. T. Collart, Representative C. II. Wrinch, Representative E. T. Kehhey; M.L.A., Representative L. II. Kenney, Representative 1 Thorp & Hoops, Representatives Armstrongs Store Cow Bay We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables' Tobaccos and Confectionery NOW OPEN FOE BUSINESS RUPERT BUTCHERS UNDER MANAGEMENT OF W. LOCK Your Shopping Tour, , j should Include a visit 'to this nearby Eiitcher Shop where you'll always find an abundant supply of the ALL PRICED FOR PRINCE RUPERT . , . BRITISH COLUMBIA. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week .. .13 Per Month .65 Per Year $7.00 Pu XTn n not. ynnnfVi . . fl J ..., !lU j Per Year '. $4.00 EDITION ... Friday, November 10, 1944 . . . - - of much inconvenience to --fx"j " " .in.i.n.uiiiim muiuurn, ii m the newspapers the day 2. out emergency messages i 8, "1 . reservoir oecame alarm them it's still up in a led 15 to try ball as W. at as Have a Mutual Life repreawi. tative explain the epecial Tea. tures of this Company . . . ami let him help you select an insurance policy adapted to your particular circumstances. Slake This Your Company by Becoming a Policyholder was MUTUAL IIFE IVMIOF CANADA IbM EkuL!:1i1 1869 Uei.l Office: Waterloo, OaUne I Air 75hYew Soo Rupert, Coastal and Interior District Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. .. Prince Rupert, B.C. Hazelton, B.C. Terrace, B.C. Smithers, B.C. this Telkwa, B.C. but still choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables In 'season irom pur -own farm -arriving by each boat. Complete line of Groceries. ECONOMY HERE! Navy Wins Over Reg't Other Games Played Last Night In Various circuits Displaying snappy Passes and lightning rushes in abundance, wavy .4jr gained gauicu their UICU second SCtUUU sue 5UC !cesslve of the season by de feacing Coast Regiment 65 to 33 The line-ups were as follows: Navy Horner 12. Irvine 13. Sisler 7, Thompson '2, Thorburn 11, Barker 6, Cummlngs, Harvey coast Regiment-Arnst 2, Rose Mccormick 2, Laibovitz 1, P.mntur Gomher 7 7, VfntHoc Matheson 15, Benin cosa, Grad, Harrington, Wylie. Helewka 3. Fortress Wins Over Air Force The Fortress team also hurt, their second straight triumph "B" League when they took 44 to 25 decision over Alt Force at Seal Cove. McCorkell the winners in scoring with points to his credit, while Mc- Murchie. Tavlor and Pvle each contributed eight counters to the Fortress effort. In a women's league game at Number Four GrouD. the Air Force W. D.'s battled their way a 31 to 30 win over the C.W. A.Cs' Withdrawal of the Wren's en from the Women's Basket League leaves 'five contenders. The circuit's standings are follows: w LPts D.'s 2 0 4 Mussallem's 1 1 2 Allies 0 1 1 High School 0 0 0j C.WJV.C.'s 0 1 Port Edward Beats Hi School Port Edward chalked up theli second straight win by downing Bo-Me-Hi, 42 to 21, In a game Port Edward. Standings of "A" League are follows: ,W L Pts. Acropolis 2 0 4 Port Edward. 2 0 4 City 11 2 Officers l 1.2 High School , 0 2 0 Co-rp 0 2 0 The Sop Suds vs. Barrett game postponed to leave the standings of "B" League as follows: W L Pts. Navy 2 0 4 Fortress ;. 2 0 4 Barrett n 0 Force 0 0 Suds 0 0 Com; Regt. 0 0 PIPE INDUSTRY 400 YEARS OLD BROSELEY, Eng., Nov. 9 W Olay pipes have been made In Shropshire town since be fore Sir Walter Raleigh brought tobacco from America in 156b, manufacturing today centres around one man only, publicau Harry Southorn. Members of. Harry's family have been running their "messy little factory" since 1823 and the proprietor of The King's Head turns out 50 gross a week, selling many to customers coming for their nightly pint. i r mm FOR STRENGTH FROM VOUR NEAREST GROCER g.:uik1l.-:yiVg(tlLI.-k1J1i!,r!rV THE DAILY NEWS THIS AND THAT ?SMi til ni. lii m HT rmii m , ij 1 1 ti "I'd like to rent them for a few weeks. My mother-in-law Is visiting us!" ROTARY IDEALS EMPHASIZED The Rntnrv Plnh Mooi nt .um. ui aci- vice before self was emphasized Kt. by Unn. Very Rev. T J. T B. . Gibson, dean . of St. Andrew's Cathedral, at the weekly Rotary luncheon meeting Thursday afternoon when he officiated at the initiation of 10 new members. Dean Gibson told the Initiates that ithe inspiring motive of Rotary membership was fellowship which went beyond mere friendliness to cHhers of attractive personality. ; "It is easy and natural to be friendly with those who appeal to us but the Rotary Idea Is to be friendly with olhers in spite of their shortcomings." the Dean said. He added that the vitality of the fclUb detvnHpri nn ivWrfVm. tions of energy and talent by Its members. Azcepted Into membershlD of the dub at the brief ceremony ,were: E. V. Whitiner. David Hen' derson, Bruce Stevens. Crawford Moore, John McLeod, Georae Dybhavn, C. A. Berner, Frank Howarth and J. K. McLecd. Another feature of the rrteet-lng were autobfographical Hlks byE.. V, Whiting and Crawtord Moore. Mr. Whiting humorously outlined his experiences as a newspaperman In Australia, a rancher In southern British Col umbia and later positions with the B. C. and federal eovern- roents. '"f Mr. Moore told of the events and business exDeriences which preceded his coming to Prjnce Rupert 'as a timber broker. The establishment of a new mapazine committee 1o assls with Rotary publications was an nounced by president R. C. s. Clair. Committee members ari B. R. Dodds. chairman. Bniw Stevens and J. K. McLeod. Visitors frcm the armed forces were Staff Sgt. Brett, of Vic toria, and Pte. G. Wilson, of Toronto. WHAT A WALLOP! MOO.NE'S KMI'UAMI Oil. I'.M'KS AOAINST .MI Mf'I I.AH .ciif:s-r.iNs-soKK.r.sH If you want beneficial strensth In a llnlment-rub; If you're fed-up with weak products whose relief Is halfway or Imaginary, then try MOONE'S EMERALD OIL! It represents our MAXIMUM In counter-Irritant relief for muscular aches, pains, chest colds and a warming rub to relieve tightness as well as muscular aches of back, limbs, shoulders and neck, due to over-eXerclse, overwork, or exposure to cold and dampness. ' i Once you try Moone's Emerald Oil we are confident you will say, ".Now you're talking!" and that you will never be without It in vour home. On sale at all good drug stores. ORMES LIMITED Tin Cftt M.uU Kluu Strrlrt, . REMEMBRANCE DAY To you the Warrior's sleeb 1- 1 . 1 . . ins Dai.iies aone Oh, Valiant Ones who rest Eternally; Ours but to feel before the Immortal Stone How Great, how grand, how glorious death can be. This Silence, thrilling with thb vanished years, Speaks to the heart the moments. nass nwav. A bugle sweetly calls. Mid falling tears We lay our tribute on Remembrance Day. WINIFRED O. BRASS. VICTORY LOAN HERE Bond sales of $25,150 Thnrs day brought the Prince Rupert beventh Victory Loan campaign total to $827,950 115 per cent above the $725,000 quota. Figures for the Sixth 'Loan last spring show that with two days still to go the campaign was $110,000 short bf its $750,-000 objective. The corresponding day's sales were $53530, and 'ths campaign total was $042,350. Relieve Neuritis... Neuralgia Pain T77 mmmummB ''' , Aspirin Eases Pain Afmost Immediately Why Aspirin works so fait Instantly! Yes, the moment you drop an Aspirin Tablet In a glass of water it hra integrate. And that same quick action takes place In your stomach. Thus, you get relief almost instantly. Aspirin has proved itself through generations to be quick, effective, above all, dependable. That's why Canadians have come to rely on this famous analgesic for relief from pain due to headache, neuralgia or neuritis. So protect yourself from needless misery. Just get a box of genuine Aspirin at your druggist's today and follow simple directions. NtW REDUCED Cf S Pocktl Bo of 12.. .now lit fconomy Bottl. of 34 ,, Family ilia of 100 i.... now 79c BAYER As pi RIN The Baytr rot on ah tabUt It your auaranUe that It's Aspirin BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Dox 1294 i ' WINNERS OF ARMY VICTORY BOND DRAW Six civilians and four servlc. pecple were winners of ten -$100 Victory Bonds raffled by a Prince Rupert defence antiaircraft unit at a drawing held in headquarters Offices Thurs day afternoon. Col. C. C. Ferrie. officer com manding, Prince Rupert defences, read the names and numbers on the winning tickets after they had been drawn from a decorated drum by Gunner A, Purdy, R.CJV. Gunner Purdy, who had been passing on th street, was asked to draw the tickets to assure an impartial drawing. Wmners can claim their bonds by presenting their tickets along with proper Identification to Lieut. Rushton at Defence Headquarters office in the basement of the Federal building. The winners: Ticket 3C2, Pte. Dursan, R.C. AS.C. Ticket 1015, Ila McNeil, 1370 Six4h Ave. E. Ticket 2111, W. Barton, Royal Bank. Ticket 1418, A. Morgan, Box 812. Ticket 1840, Marie' OJlmartln, W.R.C.N.S. Ticket 1608, Verna Tait. Commodore Cafe. Ticket 961, J. Furncss, Box 1. Ticket 1856, Mrs.' C. Currie, 1432 Atlin Ave. Ticket 142, Gunner Prodonick, R.CJV. Ticket 2160, Pte. R. L. Tldman, C.W.A.C. j Minora Blades SPEED UP SHAVING Minora gives you quicker shaves than ordinary double-edge razor blades. It's the quality blade In the low price field. Fitt your double-edge razor. sit at home 1 We sit at home hrreit's nice ami safe vhile our young men face death hourly. They fight wilh their LKhmI, their lives, for every inch they gain In occupied countries. Not very fair, is It? So how about squaring up the score a bit? How about doing Without rid making do with what we Iiave to back them with every last dollar. Let's turn our savings into Victory Ilonds today; tiien buy an etra bond and pay Tor it by instalments every pay day. It's little enough to do as we sit at home I Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Fuel and Rudders' fiuppiles 1 Invest :. . 4 r . I NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 mm WMtfflm Christmas Cards From our wide selection of fine , quality cards, distinctive designs and many messages you'll have no difficulty at all In choosing your way of saying MERRY CHRISTMAS to your friends. Buy Now I 1L WDrmlk ..... . w,0 me,, "nMdH P'l occudoiu.. Ht mm 4 Dibb Printing Company BESNER BLOCK A 1 A m At mm k. mm 'mm m m t. . . . . . i mm m w m m. m www t r r" i AV IV arKrrl f K-l I fcr I VI I I I IDL 1 "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY' Do your Christmas Shoppini at Our Store We have New Goods arriving every boat WatthK windows and phone us for requirement Phone 775 K'tf jmr w a r 'a jf lllltlllllllllltA III i m m ma hihhhhh mm mm mmm urn HARDWARE fill. ash s it OCCASIONAL CHAIRS I ODD HOPE GUESTS KFffl TOYS men spccV 'TWIT S - -4 MA1r . -si lU RORnON & ANDEPIv111 FEDERAL BLOCK TIMID