PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS to the earden. nlants enough of material for their growth; It w.i look upon the soil as a store Noruse of raw materials for the. 'garden, then we will realize thati .when there is a shortaee. our xrpp will suffer. However, there re several ana-lea to tha Dlant food question in the garden, we will see further alonj-this article 111,.. . : V H3W ?4 . Fertilizing, and Spraying How Will I'Know When My 2a1.4s.m , i - t 1 1 i X 1 , . w. , , I . iuum uu suius nave, avasiauie i uaiucn .ecus rniuwr The vegetables you plant wir. soon tell you whether or not they arc getting the right i amount of plant food; 11 they are puny and weak, they are bc-injr starved. If they have a sickly Yellow color; it is likely because they need feeding. It your gar- as'tf-n vegetables have a. bright, in r!jan, healthy color and develop apidly. you. can know there is EVERY CUP OF FRY is a CUP OF FOOD TH E INTER N AT I O N A L plenty of plant iuod in the soil ior them When &pre-atUg ferti-I.ter. however, keep it away , :auce. but still nuke the plants from the seeds and plant roots, a: least half an inch. Put your feriilizer within reaching dis- reach for it by sending out their 1 roots. Otherwise you will "burn" ' the young sprouts. ! Does Fertlliiln; Your Garden Help Fight Weeds and Insects? i The answer we might say is ' 'yes" and "noj" When w fwtil-j ize the garden. It makes it possible for us to raise a good cror of vegetables with doubtless some weeds mingled, because there is plenty of plant food for both. However, there Is no use wasting fertiliser on "weeds. Keep them down. The suae U 1 true of insect damage. If tfeere ! is heavy growth of leaves and i stems on your plants, the in-j sects can rob you of a Mttle mat-, i erial, and you will still have a crop left; however, we don't be-, iieve in growing garden sass" , for bugs. 1 How Soon Should I Buy My j Fertilizer and Spray .Material? ! We hope you have already (Delist it. A good share of your fertilizer should have been work-i ed into the soil at planting time, (although an application of fer- tilizer alongside the row during the growing season is also a good fhing, Howeve the principal Job of fertilizing shmLd have PARALLEL VALLEYS Burma consists of parallel river valles, running from north to south, separated by ranges of mountains. The dreaded stingrays sometimes reach a length of 1 feet unri a weight of 750 pounds. been done before seeding. Spray materials, may be scarce before i the season is over and you ahouki i have on hand a package of lead i arsenate to spread on the vegetable for the benefit of worms I and other chewing marauders. When Should I Start you really want to get maxi mum results from your work! this year, you. should start to spray the minute you see tho first bug In the garden. Unless you are experienced, you will find that aphids will sneak up on you before you know it They sit on the underside of plan, leaves without moving. Being of the same green color as the vegetables, they are hard to see. and when you do see them, they look so small and harmless tha you will almost think they are hardly woith bothering about. However, they are doing plenty of damage. Be sure to spray on the undersides of garden plants, as well as on top of the leaves Most ol the insects will be out of :ght the war effort of his own. free will. That ia why Canadians have given. their whole-hearted support to each Victory Loan. That is why we will all .oupport the Sixth Victory Loan to the limit of our ability; NICKEL COMPANY OF .o ivirtM a i nr.IT rca T , TORONTO "-. Briefs From Britain WEST HARTf SPOOL, Eng.. 0 - The 21-year old conductress of a bus-in weh & soldier later developed smallpox, It t town took no chantM on anything spoiling the tMneytaoan she was vc ciliated aa hour before her LONDON h- Di. W. K. Matthews-. dM of St. Pui' Cathedra!, has appealed for fire watchers, his letter going to the commissioners for. each, of the Dominions becaatc "St Paul's is cf stteh iatocMt. tu visitors from the Dominions and Colonies that it is sometimes catted cb Pariah (stHirch of the Empire.' " . EAST ACTON. Eng. d Pte. Robert Buckingham and his wife have a special attachment for their wedding ring. Buckingham bought it months ago when he planned getting married and sent it home tor safe-keeping. Then the Germans buried it when his house was hit by bombs. Buckingham came home and dug in the debris until he found it. Then he went out and got married. rj sl K Vuen Aucujsdf.k: Mackenzie inished the borders of Canaila to' H fwy3 the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, lie liroujUit to a climax tlic work Jb, 90VHBi9 Wm TfS Jone i' Champlain, ilc la Verendrye anilinany olhirs. wc iur uifUKim and uicir ilnldren irec.lom to live as tliey 3r&60 7 1ZCs j 0wMi W 3 10 adva"tc thcir own '"tprcsts tliniugh their own efforts.- 31881 V" IhS&mS t'Mmm That That is hlhe the berilaKe heritage t,,eJ' they ,iave have handed handril down lown to to as; as; That That is 19 what what JPSlllfe -.1 amMmPrWli we we are are defending defending in in this this gecood serond world world war. wan. sssssssssssssssssss 3. '"ffiiklivftl Victory Victory Bonds Bonds are are a a means means hy hy which which each each Canadian Canadian can can share share in in Hb mm K7.. HI! I C AN AD A, I MITE D MX I-ONDON i- Some hem England a German town, com-ulete with town hall and other municipal buildings, has beer, built in secret. There British and United states officers and men who will take over the municipal, administration of Oermaa town liberated trom the Nazis are training for their work. LONOTON, Eng.. 0 When Sarah Topping was married In the little church here 58 year ago March 15 a friend gave her a Prayer Book at the wedding seivlee. Mrs. Topping died recently, aged 8T. and left $S5 to the church "to provide prayer books yearly, for the six persona to be married after March IS each year." SYDENFHAM, O Paients of Capt. P. Gardner, V. C. winner at Tobruk have heard that after escaping from a German, prison camp he has been recaptured by the enemy. He spent some Um in refuge in the Vatican and then left to try to rejoin his regiment. PRICES STABILIZED The cost of living In Canada increased by less than one percent during 1943. In the similar pe lod in the First Oreat War trices tose by about 10 percent. CFPR i:tl Kilocycle SCHEDULE TliritSDAY rM. 4 00- -Sound Otr i IS- G I. Jive f K. y Kyser 3:00- -Caravan 3:30- Persotul Album it 43. Melody Roundup 9 00- X"BC News 6 0S- R-cordrd Interlude 6; 15-0:30-00-l 15-30- n oo 8 3 9 00- To be announced. The People Ask. Fred Waring Front Line Family Blng Crosby Mi lor Bowes Bob Hope Front Theatre 9 30- Classics for Today 10 00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10 OS- Recorded Interlude 10 13--Show Time 10 30- -Great Music 10: 43- Band Wagon 11 00- Closing aiinounrement ntuiAY AJI. i 30- Musical Clock 45. CBC News ' 50- Musical Clock 3:30- Mornine Devotions 8: 43- Novelty Tunes 3 00- Recorded Interlude 9: 13- -Music a ia Carter 9 70--C3C News 9 35- Transcribed Varieties 10:00- Henry King's Orchestra to : 30. Hill Billy Music .0 45- They Tell Me 11 00- Scandinavian Melodies 11 13- Broadcast of Messages 11 17 Recorded Interlude Jl 45- Xavler Cugat P-M. 12:00- Wayne King 12 30-Sootlli-ht Bands 12 45--CBC News 12 50- Recorded 1 00- -One Night Stand 1 30- School Broadcast 2:00- Silent w th: MTKi.Mr. rni.'KT or HI(ITIII ('(II I'M HIV IV I'll nit it I- IN TIIK MTTIH KK Tllll AIIMIV.J AMI . in Tin: m ttiii or Tin: i:htiti: in- ( imu Mil i lit. Ihrrlr knutiii (II tll.;H Mil. 1. 1 It. In-u4. liilrMatr. TAKE NOTICK tht by Ordfr of HUi Honuiv Judge 'lhrr. Uk Juclw or the Suprirre court of British CulumbU, I w on the Sth tr of April At). J4. ppiilntr( AdmlnUtrmUir of the EnUte of Charley Otto Miller, othenrtir known Chrle Miller, rxeaned". -tho dli-cl m or about the 37th day of reb-ruary A D. IDH. All peraonn IndebteU Vt ht uld Etate are mulrrd to Pr the amount of their indebted-nesw to me rorthwlth and all per-ini harlug clalma agalnat te aald rotate are required to file them with me properly YerUled on or before the 16th day of Stay AO. 1644, (all-'S which dlatrlbutlon will be made anna- regard only to aitch clalma r which I ahall have tx-en notified. ,.?A?"ED PTtn(tl tupert, BC. thta th day of April A D. 1944. NOHMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator Prince. Huprrt. BC MiTiri; or ti n ii ATiov i nit 1 1 Kin irtii: or imi kiivkxiksth alley I rx llonal Mineral CUlm Situate In the Portland CanM ! Mining Dlvlilon of Caantar DKUlet. at head of Ea.t Fork of Cuacade Creek. Upper Salmon Valley ! TAKE NOTICE that Prederlck C Winkler Pree Miner'! Certificate No. 0111 E.. Intends, alxty day from the data hereof, to apply to the Mining Iteoorder for a Certificate of Improvement (or the purpon of obtaining a Crown Ornnt of the above culm. And further take notice that action under Section 85 of the Mineral Act must be commenced before the liwuance of such Certificate of Improvement. Dated this 30th day ot March, 1944. MlTICB Ol1 CAM 1.1.1. TIOX Ol" HI M uw; NOTICK la hereby glren that the reservation of lilocka 6 and 7 of lot 302, Hunge 8. Coast District. Plan B07, Terrace Townalte, for the use. of the Department of National Defence. Canada, established under authority ot Orcler-ln-Councll No. 1497, approved November 10th, 1943, notice of which was published In the BrltlMi Columbia curette of November 18th, 1943. Is cancelled. Hi CATHCAnr, Deputy Minister Cf Lands, Lands Department, Victoria, no, April 0th, 1944. Naval Parade Is Impressive Another feature of the Vk-toty Loan campaign In Prince Rupert was an Impressive naval parade through the downtown ; business section yesterday after-I noon. Led by H.M.CS. Chatham band which played enlivening musk, there was a good rep-, resentaUon of local naval per-! sonnel. Following up and led by its. band was the local Sea Oadrt j Corps under Lieut. Commander i Alex Mitchell. There was a ; "March Vast" at the Post Of-j flee where tha salute wa taken by Commander Charles M. Gtee. I naral officer in charge. NOW KNOCKED ABOUT Nuremberg was long known a the -Jewel Cae of tho Reich." INDIA'S MANY TONGUES About 24 dlKewnt language are spoken in India. C1IIMNET SWErrtNd OIL HLItNEnk CLEAM I) AND ntr.MKEI) New equipment and help assure you of a clean Joh I'bon Black ?2S FIO.ME.SKUVICK HANDYMAN Mutual Benefit FOR. Health and Accident See JOHN L WRIOHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms, No, 6 i I 1 1 I II " '-:r K. , !hr- Blc Of! c c A;.- " J.l. v i . . - .11 rrlni Cf ' CHIROPR et. ... Raw I 4 . J. M. S. DC Wa: if EIrrx -emoval G, 1 r t; MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY "Where dollar-! have r- -? r " vrifi:ri.-r4, rri.?ii rruus ana ToIkiccih and ConfT(ionfrj MIEK DELIVERY throughout Ls.e C -r Tuesdays. Thursdtyi a 1 C Opposite Cs:,ad:ar Lr i m & m m w r rk 1 r w w k. ii-i-i A rVt n ft f rJ IP r-IIKIMIIII m W r 1 m m mm m m M A GOOD PLACE TC C"'Y 15 Kitchen Tables White Wood. Drop Leaf. Baeh I'liane 5 BUY VICTORY HONI'S tn: Dibl Printing Comp OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTINC BOOKBINDING STATIONERY III II I II II A 1 A i II r. r, iv " WATERMAN'S I' Of NT A IN ' Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street PRESCRIPTION BBk t MW fl I II II f Ammt IV Down through the years, aimo ? ,j first existed, we have served the p; T labtiratory we have always tried k nkillPd pharmacists, quality, dru'r;- t":f b: Aa .tre n hnn vear U-J flfC i - and grateful for the confidence you we continue to icrve you. IT . Jim Pioneer Dmq9i3ts Tlin IlEXALL STORE rAl1. tmrr O n.111 Ulljru iiuiii v . ' . . n n tn t"0 Sundays and Holidays from u v Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 PH0NE3 81 ill 9 P n 1-9