I PAQEfiK Expert OPTICAL SERVICE JEWELER CMS. nODIMEAI) Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving .VISIT OUK BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND MERCHANT SETTING THE 1944 STYLE PACE Rupert Peoples Store In Mannish Tailoicd Suits we "take the cake" so to speak. Every Suit hand-tailored by one of Canada's leading fashion manufacturers. For the ncINdressed lady, whose taste calls for the Dressmaker Style Suit, we dare you to just look at ours. Your good taste will do the rest. Rupert Peoples Store JUST A REMINDER! We wish we could tell you Just how much the Boys in The .Service appreciate. a small gift, a card or letter from homel (We know because that's what they tell us!) We make it easy for you by having a complete selection of stationery, small gifts he needs, greeting cards, wrapping paper, tags and seals all right here. Don't neglect this important part of your nome front Job pick out what you need today THE VARIETY STORE Step Into Spring With HARTT SHOES We can think of no hotter .way to spruce up for Spring than to order a Pair of Hartt's Handsome -New Spring Shoes for Easter. SOLE AGENTS . . . FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES" ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS Classified Ads Advertising in this section is payable in advance at the office. Please do not ask us to deviate from this rule WANTED WANTED Two or three room furnished suite. Phone Green 917 days. (101) WANTED Light housekeeping room for soldier and wife. Apply Box 743 pally News. (181) WANTED Small safe. Apply Box 744 Dally News. (99) WANTED Four room house or suite preferably close to town. $20 reward. Phone American Signals 276, Ring 1. Ask for Sgt. Schmoll. (104) HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper or wo man to do housework by hour. Live In if preferred. Phone Blue 801. (102) WANTED Janitor for local hotel. Apply Selective Service AM120. (tf) WANTED Clerk for stationery store; either sex. Apply National Selective Service, AF 125. (tf) WANTED Man or woman to learn the wholesale news business. Must be' able to drive car. Apply Selective Service A. M. 122. (101) WANTED Distributor wanted to handle a well established Canadian line of fishermen's : u b b e r clothing, rubberized fabrics, hospital sheetings, electrical tapes and tire repair j iimHuaid, withe ivivilaius ' Street, Vancouver. (104) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORCE L. RORIE Public Accountant. Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST Prop.: MRS. A. R. LOCK 300 3rd Ave. Phone 777 DANIEL BJARNASON PAINTER AND DECORATOR Quick Service. ; No Substituting of Material General Delivery IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized "FLEX FORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mali Orders Box 99 MODERN TAILORS We are open again for alter-tlons on Ladles' and Men's Suits. Quick and efficient service. Reasonable prices. 318 5th St. (Behind Royal Bank) HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street Phone 655 Expert PERMANENTS ESTHER STANYER . Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver Phone Black 934 mornings or call at 1345 Plggott Place Upstairs SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' and Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin. Representative Box 526 1315 PlggOt Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR SALE FOIl SALE Baby buggy. Please phone Green 704. (100) FOR SALE Trolling boat 'Illng.' 6 h.p. Palmer, Cow Bay. (99) FOR SALE Sacrifice. Three Congoleum Rugs. Phone Blue 610. (tf) FOR SALE Battery radio. Apply next to No. 18 Cow Bay. (103). FOR SALE Five-room housed Reasonable price. Apply 519 7th Ave. East. (104) FOR SALE Three room house, $900 . cash for furniture and all. 513 Eleventh Ave. E. (102) FOR SALE 8-16 h.p. semi- Diesel, good condition. Apply boat "June Bug." Cow Bay. (101) FOR SALE Carrot Juice extractor, electric. Capacity two quarts in five minutes. Box 745 Dally News (103) FOR SALE 4 h.p. Easthope Marine engine, complete. 1307 Overlook Street after 5 pm. (104) FOR SALE 4-8 bed spring mattress, breakfast suite, standard lamp, 9x9 Axmlnster rug. dishes and pictures. 148 4th Ave. East, evenings. (It) FOR SALE 3 lots and house. 5 Tooms and bathroom. Also 5 room apartment in back. Oarage. Harbor view. Five minutes to town. 417 Agncw Place between 4th and 5th. Anyone interested call at the house. FOR SALE Trolling boat "Atlas," length 37 feet, breadth 9 feet, depth 5 feet. 20 h.p. Regal engine. Fixed up ready to go out trolling. Can be seen at Standard Oil dock. Phone Red 838. 100) FOR SALE-29 foofgirl netter or troller with 14 h.p. 2 cylinder gas engine. Carson's Float. Boat No. P.R. 005F. FOR SALE 5-room house. 1500 cash. Vacant May I. 1845 11th j Ave East. Also Dominion Dairy buildings. Contains 15.000 fect of, lumber. Phone Black 608.1 FOR SALE Treadle sewing. machine, with motor; occa-i slonaj tables; camp stove; sledge hammer; galvanized tuns; child's chair; miscellaneous articles. Phone Blue 610. FOR SALE Modern house, fully furnished, concrete foundation, with suite in basement ! In central location, vacant possession. $3250 cash or terms. Apply H. O. Helgerson FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Monday, May 1st, for Harley-Davldson Twin Motorcycle and side car equipped with electric lights and speedometer apparently In good condition from the estate of the late Rosarlo Joseph Olngras. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms cash. Official Administrator, Court House, Prince Rupert, B. C. (101) FOR KENT FOR RENT Housekeeping room adults only. Apply 701 8th Ave. West after 6 p.m. (99) PERSONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS We will purchase good quality photographic negatives, size 2V4x 34 or larger of native scenic, game fishing, lumbering, boating, or other industrial activities in the Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Island Areas, black and white or Kodachrome. Please forward negatives to us for inspection and we will advise you of immediate acceptance or return same promptly. Eteffens-Colmcr Limited, 560 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. (113) TENDERS CALLED SEALED TENDERS will be received, by the undersigned until noon of Monday May 15, 1944, for the purchase of Block 4, Subd. of D.L. 978, Plan 1047, Range 5, Coast District, containing 9.02 acres, together with Improvements located thereon and contents. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms Cash. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of John Warne, deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert, (in) THE DAILY NEWS PICTURES FOR MAY Interesting List of Features Is Announced by .Manager I). (J. Borland An interesting list of featutc i bookings for the month of May at the Capitol Theatre Is announced by Manager D. G. Borland including the new "Desert Song." "Standing Room Only" and 'Up In Arms." The complete list Is as follows: April 30 (Sunday midnight) Harold Peary in "The Great Gll-derslecve" and John Carradlnc in "Revenue of the Zombies." May 1 and 2 James Cagney in "Oklahoma Kid." May 3 Margaret Sullavan and Ann Sothern in "Cry Havoc." May 4, 5 and 6 Paulcttc God-dud and Fred MacMurray In "Standing Room Only." May 7 (Sunday midnight) Johnny Downs In "What a Man" and Richard Arlen In "Timber Queen." May 8 and 9 James Cagney in "Johnny Come Lately." May 10 Eric Portman In "Squadron Leader X." May 11. 12 and 13 Dennis Morgan and Irene Manning in "The Desert Song." May 14 (Sunday midnight) "Adventures of a Rookie" and "Jean Parker in "The Navy 15 and 10 Ipgrid Bergman and Leslie Howard in "Intermezzo." May 17 Pler:e Aumont and Gene Kelly In "The Cross o! Lorraine." May 18, 19 and 20 Dinah Shore and Danny Kaye In "Up In Arms." May 21 (Sunday midnight) Warner Baxter and Margaret Uudsay in "Crime Doctor" and "Over My Dead Body." -May 32 and 23 LuUc Rainer and William Bendlx in 'Host-iges" May 24 and 25 Olivia d. Itaviluind and Richard Cum-mlngs in "Princess O'Rourke MODERN LIBRARIAN Modern library method., tx an wiih the rule of St Bc.icdlct, parly in the sixth century 7a GofHh NIGHT'S SLEEP I on ii iirnl a run nl Ovaltinr, talifn warm at Ix-dlimr, iirl your liody to rrlax, rrliryra that frdingof tirrvou trnion and footer kiijikJ, renlful lw p. It pprnal foii elrmrntii, ' irix-niir(l for rar iligmtion, it rich fluriply of Vitamin. A, .III ami 1) anil the mineral Calcium, i'liohorut ami Iron, help to rrplcniuli worn out uium'Ic, nerve and lody rrll. So vliy not try a rup of warm Oraltine at linltimr? See if yon don't wake iij frctJirr ami more buoyant. (Jet Ovaltine at your drug or food store. Aiir, iMvnorr.n OVALTINE LOST LOST Brown zipper book. Money and papers. Return to Fraser House. (100) FOUND FOtND-Glrls silver identification disk. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this, FOUND Fountain pen; can be obtained by identifying same and paying for this FOUND Bunch of keys on ring on 6th Avenue. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and 'paying for this advertisement. FOUND Pair of child's gold rimmed glasses. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. 3 HAYS FIRST SHOWING AT 12 NOON DAILY 3 iUs ONE OF THE TRULY GREAT LOVE STORIES OF OUR TIME! The prize picture of the yeorl Mr, & Mrs. Miniver together ogoln in a new tcreen triumph! UAeeMAKSON CARTOON TRUCK THAT FLEW WOULD .NEWS Henry TRAVERS Albert BASSERMAN Robert WAIKER C Aubrey SMITH Dame May WHITTY Victor FRANCEM FUn RAFQAAAKJ D.:U OWFKI lr. mUkKftkl mi Miicjmu Maraaret O'BRIEN HIT! r - l )M k. k ll -1 Complete Shows at 12:00 Noon 2:(M - .1:28 - Go0 0 ic , Feature at 12:00 Noon 2:21 - .1:.J8 - 7;12 0 30 Calendar of May Coupons The following ration coupon become valid In May: May 4 Butter. 60. May 11 Tea or Coffee. T-32 and T-33; Sugar. 32 and 33; But. 1 GAfSM AriwiJI tar, 01; Preserves. 19 and 20. May 18 Butler, 62. May 2ft Buttw. 03; Canning SUCK, F-l to F-5 Uijok 3). Each one good for one pound. The following coupons expire on May 31: Butter No 58. 59, CO and 0L India has the la re rat slmle steel plant In the British Empire., VICTOM Save Food for Fighters! Here are 10 FOOD -SAVING RULES For Wartime I Ii 7 S 9 10 run rooo IUYING CAHtrUllT B-V only rtw fcxxh yw. Uvm your tonity will Kt Calculate quantititt mar ltw no Itft-ovtn riANT A VICTOir CAtOlM HD KWW Conor few) prOrJuCtKm by (jnwnng youf own vauttabln am trwtv chxktnt and any olhtr iteck you can. AVOID WASTI IN MtfAIIMO Mauif oil ngrJiinU WOtCh yg4aW ond injt plina- thm thin. Cook petoton hi COOK FOODS rlOMUY loiiow your cook book cartrully 01 to ovoid ntt ond riom manmum toad voktl JllVt SMAUH fOITIONS Stort q cioi Plan Club Wi your hornt Don't w jo locond Mpingt lot ititm OK far mora. savi urT-ovm Vvntn you do cook too much, tovt moot and yraiohn iwimantj for itti, bantt for x(M, bftod-crumbj for itufflnai. , savi suinus FATS l, tji yon notd in your own cooking, Whofi Iclt ovr lurn in i5h your Ctnor nlvoB. DO NOT H0AID ronorta hat a tufficloncy of oil the fondt you rt4 Don't hoard or buy foodi for th (ukt bf utmg up your ration couponi. INCOUHAGf OTHIIS TO SAVt Short with your tncntji any food toving tip you hor or fr. Don't iprood gottip about "hort-ogcV' or tip that moy itort turn on unrotionod foodi MDUCt YOU FOOD BILL f.hocno ronomicol foort thou with corvenlro-Jd "J""' fry to kp down ond roduct your IWI HID. i'mlrthulnl In Siifp-rl uf tmn,Wt -ttlln ond mnI f nBvrrtUn rrugrummm ht HA'm Hutar llrflning l,mmnjr llmltrtl. Adv.- , HMItlK K oroir-d 'i Uw ImiuI. , If. not U-. ; Kft dm) m u rhaiw of I j... Mlon !n r' CW 12SJ MOM Two Hi . rtcaornl nt ,. Further (,.. Horootw Vi. POrwur-r pr;. t. Mart in -i D: U i; 1 GAIN this year Ctmii ft " the combined cfforti of m l to produce moro and more fables and fruits to offset inortil of labor on the farms and M more of the commercially 9" kind to qo to the fighting icnitl This year's victory gardencri H endeavour: To Improve upon lut j' crops. To conserve iced. &tM quantities before you ")' To build up the toil, tnri$ i wIikik nceciiarv with f'rt lixcr. O To give your growing best possible conditions 1 attention. To check pests and dii' early. ( t j t . nnnA airi"1 r incxpenensvu, gci a ing book and uie it! P f,lsS AVAI LAllI.Ii IN 2-L15., 5 - la II. AND 10-I.H.