4 M !-.. n it. THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OP THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Monday, July 19. 1944 ( Spectacular Russian Offensive . . . It is great headway that the Russians are making these days for our side in the war. "Half way from Moscow to Berlin" was the way they spoke of the situation on Saturday the same day that Joseph Stalin was purported to have said that Red Army would be in Germany proper (East Prussia) in five days. All of which makes us reflect that the Soviets may' be in the German capital sooner than we had expected an idea that maybe might seem a little fantastic after all these hard years of war. There can be no means of fair comparison of the progress that the Allied forces are making on the western front with that of the Russians on the east We on this side are hammering against great and solid defencee works which have been years in the making over a comparatively small area. On the other hand the Russians are able to sweep forward over vast expanses of country where the Germans have had no time or opportunity to establish fixed defences. However we must acknowledge and pay tribute to the great fight that our Russian Allies are putting up and admit that their spectacular conquests day after day are contributing in no small way to the ultimate victory. Desperation of Germany . . . Signs are not lacking that the Germans may be cracking and, no doubt, these huge successes of the Red Army are having their damaging effect upon the morale of Hitler's people. The Germans are starving for some successes after many months of reverses and the. only way they have been able to1 score anything in the way of successes of late has been the rocket bombing of Britain which there is no denying has been hurting the Old Land badly and which Prime Minister Churchill frankly admits has not yet been effectively combatted. For the" time being, as far as the general situation is concerned, 'the rocket bombing appears to be, our one serious worry in -the-European theatre. Both actions and words indicate that Germanv is becoming desperate over the war situation. This we expect our men m uniform to put on extra pressure in the battlefields during the final drive to subdue the enemy. The least we can do in nur wp.iV attempt to match their sacrifice is to increase the . flow of war money into the channels most useful to our military iorces. MUSSALLEM S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We bare a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confftctionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion I BASEBALL SCORES SATURDAY American Learue Detroit 6, New York 2. Cleveland 7, Boston 11. Chtcago 1, Philadelphia 3. St. Louis 5, Washington . National Leafie Boston 0, St. Louis 4. ClnclnnaU 2. Philadelphia 3. Brooklyn 5, Pittsburg 8. New York 6, Chicago 3. International League Baltimore 3, Newark 4. Rochester 3, Buffalo 6. Syracuse 2, Jersey City 7. Montreal 4, Toronto 5. American League Minneapolis 2, Kansas City 10. Louisville 12, Columbus 11. St. Paul 3, Milwaukee 6. Indianapolis 12, Toledo 9. Coast l-eajue Los Angeles 6, Hollywood 0. Oakland 1, San Francisco 2. Seattle 0, Portland 1. San Diego 2, Sacramento 3. SUNDAY National League Brooklyn 1-7, Pittsburg 10-9. New York 2-0, Chicago 6-1. Boston 0-0, St. Louis 1-9. Philadelphia 5-5, Cincinnati 9-7. American League Cleveland 8-2, Boston 2-4. Chicago 4-2, Philadelphia 3-8. Detroit 3-2. New York 4-8. St. Louis 10-0, Washington 0-4. International League Toronto 4-1, Montreal 0-3. Buffalo 1-2, Rochester 2-3. Baltimore 3-1 Jersey City 2-9. Syracuse 1-9, Newark 10-3. American Association St. Paul 2-6, Milwaukee 5-2. Louisville 8-3, Columbus 6-4. Indianapolis 3-8, Toledo 9-5. Minneapolis 1-14, Kansas Cltv 6-5. Coast League Seattle 6-5, Portland 1-0. Los Angeles 3-7, Hollywood 2-5. Oakland 6-2, San Francisco 10-1. San Diego 10-5, Sacramento 7-3. Sport Chat With only three more Women's' Area Softball League games tq be run off before play-off time, the Wrens meet the Allies toJ night on Acropolis Hill with sec-i ond place at stake. If the former win, they will be tied for the sec- ond rung with five victories and, three defeats. The VfJi.C2iS. have come a was amply reflected in the gloomy speech of Adolf lon wy since the sun of tho Hitler. While use of pilotless bombing planes is taken by some as a definite sign of desperation another school of .thought might consider it is in line with good military tactics under the Nazi fighting code which does not take into account any feelings against indiscriminate warfare of terrorism. There are other desperate things which Germany can and probably will do before the war is over. There are things vhich the people who come directly under Nazi attack must still steel selves to expect. The war still goes definitely in our -favor but there probably has vet to be a lot of hard fighting and more ordeals to be endured. Let's Save it Ourselves . . . Mr.- Ilsley's budget has put more money into hundreds of thousands of pay envelopes throughout Canada. Effective as from July compulsory savings, which have been deducted by the employer, are no longer made. Those who are paid by the week had more on the checks for the past week as a result. Extra weekly sums from One dollar and a half up are now going into the hands of wage earners, totalling in all about $110,000,000 a vear. While this change may be favorably received by jjuge gruups ui trie vanauian puonc as me urst stage season with such heavy hitters as Rena Down, Doris Griffiths; and Mona McDiarmld pacing the team's batting attack. Probable batteries for this lilt are McDonald and Oirffiths for the Wrens and Lowe and Hawkins for the Allies. A large crowd of naval men are expected to be on hand to cheer for the Wrens while the Allies will undoubtedly receive strong moral support from the soldiers of Acropolis Hill. On Tuesday the Area Soccer League Is again scheduled to resume operations with Navy meeting Reserves. These teams were supposed to have played last Friday but the game was postponed. With more than 60 percent ol their scheduled games played, the Navy Softball team have, compiled a batting average of .203. Bill Barker is top hitter with a mark of .462. GUNNERS WIN OVER YANKS Defeated Yanks by Score of 6 to 2 in Baseball Yesterday e-n regimeniauon, wen-meaning! A rally in the Ilftn p, Canadian r Will think r twice before they Step OUt to i Inning enabled the Royal Cana- SDend this extra mnnov fnr nlpnsnrp nr fnr ovwlaidlan Artillery to defeat the which they can do without till victory is actually won. The man or woman who sets up a separate savings account into which he or she can deposit this former weekly deduction in readiness to buy an extra bond during the Seventh Victory Loan campaign will be doing a favor to himself personally and a patriotic duty to our country. Yanks 6 to 2 in a friendly base ball game on Acropolis Hill yesterday. The engagement was .witnessed by a number of civi lians as well as servicemen. Both of the teams used two pitchers. The winners' mounds-men yielded eight hits while the offerings of the losing hurlers were combed for 11. Score by Innings: Yanks 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ? R.C.A. 10 0 0 5 0 0 0 x 6 Batteries: Olsen, Walberg and Moore; Wnltney, Skarbon and Kennedy. The energy of l2 ounces of coal will pull one ton of freight one mile. CHIMNEY BWEEPINQ OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 733 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN FIRST PICTURE OF CANADIANS ON THE INVASION COAST OF FRANCE- These are among the first Nazi prisoners captured by the Canadian Invasion troops on the soli of France. A knockedrout German pillbox can be seen in rear. Home From Overseas Stan Johansen of Prince Ru pert Is home from service over seas with the Canadian Army being a casualty with severe bone injuries to his right leg. an enemy air raid on an army camp In the south of England. I Just didn't get out of the road in time," said Stan this morning when interviewed by the Dailv News. Like most of re ture of his injuries will probably reault In tills. He was in military hospital in England for a short time and then was brought back to Canada on the hospital ship turned men, he seemea loam 10 uoy neison. ueiore returning talk about the circumstances here he -was in Shaughnesay Mll-of the casualty. jltary Hospital at Vancouver Canadian Artillery In 1940 and Now the well known local went overseas 20 months ago. man, who Is receiving a warm wet overseas n20 moths ago. welcome home from many old transferring to the Royal Can- friends, la living with his wife adian Army Service Corps. He at the home of the latter's par- having been struck by shrapnel has not yet been discharged enu. Mr. ana mxs. jonn ivar- the first week in March during from the army aitnougn me na- son, ueacn nn.e. IT IS A CUSTOM OF THE COUNTRY In India a Hindu gentleman drapes his oun turban uith 50 urds of finest muslin 33'5 H, 0 0 remember. . .tauored.to.measure EXCLUSIVELY BY . . . Rupert Men's and Boy's Store if -r PAQE TWO THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY JULY n ! M. Math, who arrived in uic city recently from Sherbrooke. Quebec, lias assumed ownership of the Cut Rate Shoe Store. Alex McMullln. who is managing the tore. will remain as manager with Mr Math whose wife and family will be arriving later Mrs. M. A. Qrelg and Miss . . I J . l UUiiJALL SCHEfit The schedule of (J nI tilt. Velma ureig nave iuucu ui , j signal v.i Iff . -n.. UinAAiiVAf trf n visit. Don't embarrass our boys by a:;k.r. afcouw ;e vice matters. (OUhuly Cup the remaindf season is aj r: 11-Yanks v if wavy v. K.CA.P v Yonkj v i. Jul; R.CAP Rr urf Bl; Adverse n T.u r am bid 4 JungCoal, jJ merro n oldsouft wJhdlmd poletopoli C4 Now is the time for all good men to conr I'hilnott, Kvltt & Co. and order their winter supply of Coal Don't wait too long and be sorry for ft rest of the winter. Order your Coal noi t OOTIIIl-I.H I-l Mr. f.r.O and MT HI l.KI.KV VAI.I.KV LUMP PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. 110, PHONE UI rutin i in liana Ja your choice is an English Drapr by BOND mere is not anoiiu-r laMiiou quite so smoothly smart as the Kngluh Drape ly ' Hond. It's secret, of course, is in the oil , The jacket must he roomy enough to fit easily, but not so roomy as to be extreme. It must have an air of quiet nonchalance, hut must never he out of place in any informal company. It mutt have style without being stylish, if you know what we mean-ami we think you do. Bond has developed the English Drape to the very maximum of good taste and is stressing it for immediate wear. Husky tweeds, smooth worsteds, dressy serges patterned or etriped in weights and colors for men and women, are ready at Dond, just waiting your selection, ready to he tailored to your measure in an English Drape or any other style you may fancy. 275 90 75 liOM) I Ml ik &k I B MP f I i , i mt mm m mm . I lilHibAla I I . I WW I A irlir w Mir i h n tt.tt 7wz-: I I I 1 I X'AWV&tWWlX I 1 H I ft I I