riiv Hal :3. n iii w vim iTTi'TTrfn Ljcn v. m r(iir,irr 1 AC. at nival (in n T U.ifd. linn for Minv i mm in 17 i " !;!' Army ,i part In , t carnival .')ck a de : in khaki tup Court :...:rh to the t. .k band i. grounds !( 15mln val will b4 u by May Uh' carnival billon show w ! be given is unUl 11 will be a .v und vaude-loliowed by i 'lung beauty be a highlit on Satur- mfctht. Up '!. names of entered to m pulchrl- ' Lovp. Iren? iiiiMm. Stella Dixon, officials rc-' vrral mor Ten entry iki'd for by p and it is a all be filled Mr p OVERCOME ' 'ip prcat musical d Mgns of deaf- m't carry dyna-'- speak. Kill xury Liner r Cl ' FIJAMPtcrr ti,i.. m x 'in hn 1 -t ' 1 U dpi. .1 . - ... a "".vTuu ui urviv- t became known that "fmer famous luxury Indent Grant had "J recently in a storm ' &ouin Pacific. C sda BOMBINGS Anc UCAV LONDON. Ju:y 10 O -Amefl- rn bombers. eacortea of m fighters, struck Saturday in vanea wtwier av cnnny mn- lOry in Europe, unnnni t even launching sites vuuauy. Italian-operated planes were also raiding again in the upper, tend lower Danube River area. German radios warning of their approach. The I'loestl oil fletds in Kumania wre nil again. IIALIMJT SALKS American Celling price. 15c and 13Vic Oalveaton. 35,000. B.C. Packers . Canadian Celling price. 18Vc and 16 tic E.'Llpaeit. 15.000. Storage. FredUla III. 32.000. Pacific. Embla. 7.000. Royal. Dovre U.. XOOO. Atlln. 6e lUnger. 86.000. Storage. Northern Dreete. 10.000. Atlln. Tramp. 27.000. Co-op. Arctic I. 3.000. Atlln. Mother II. 5.000. Storage. Borgund. 2.000. Booth. Toodle, 1300. Storage. Kalen. 600. Storage. Upton II. 12 000. lloyal. atralen. 15.000. Royal. Takla O. 5500. Storage. Reward. 7.000. Booth. Oldflcld. 2.500. Atlln. Helen II. 27.000. Booth. Intend. 4500. Pacific. Sea Maid. 13 500. B.C. Packers Twinkle. 12 000. Storage. Rupert Area Led in Sockeye Salmon Pack Salmon canneries in the Prince Rupert Fisheries dtsinci pack ed 11 ,360 cases of salmon in the week ending July 1. accord ing to the weekly ouucvin issued by the Chief Supervisor of ruhrriM. Vancouver. The total pack for the three coasi ais-trlcts was 17,575 cases. Of the remainder. District No. 1 packed 6.159 cases, and district No. 3 50 cases. In the sockeye pack the Naas and skeena river areas of this district were well In the lead with 8.621 cases. Other areas in thlo HUtrlrC n-irkrd 2.042 CISC? of sockeye. District No. 1 packed 100 cases and tho District No. 3 pack was 50 coses. Total sock-eyo patck was 10.819 cases. The only district to pack bluebacks. District No. 1, put up 5,504 cases, nihnr vnrlptlM nacked In the Prince Rupert district . last week t Mi were: 380 eases or snnnns. uu . . I u I. n .. .1 1 , T ..... ftf . . ' vusn oi limns unu in chums. QUEBEC J j y 10- Premier Aslr xrd Oloou'. opening the ; Philippines, Kiverumf ii. rctmn campaign. sa;d hr wa. still oppawd to con scription as e was in 1939. Xarnival Queen Standings Betty Orel Ellnore Btorseth Olive Huculak qi'i:ni:c woods in hangkii OTTAWA Hie forest fire situation In Quebec It growing more liaiardoui hourly as dry weather conditions continue. Three vilUi.es in the dantcf area are under definite threat and the haaril Li ex-treiitcly great in the woKled areas where fires arc spreading. ,CAI-N AT L.VST TAKIi HrltKh and Canadian troops apturetl Caen in Normandy on Sunday morning at the conclusion of ihc most succes-ful campaign mi far in the invasion of Europe. The Americans at the Mine time took La Haye du Pulls. 90,000 JAP CASUALTIES All orjaniifd Japanese resistance has erased in L'khral, advanced enemy base Inside the northeastern India border, headquarters announced today. BaUlefront dispatches from North Burma and north-eastern India indicated the Japanese had suffered 90.000 casualties In those campaigns so far this year, CLEAN UP SAU'AN PEARL HARBOR United States forces have completed the capture of Salpan Island and are continuing with the liquidation of scattered rem nants of Japanese defenders whose dead now number 10,-000. It Is estimated at 1.500 of that total died in a characteristic last desperate counterattack on Thursday. The communique announcing the conquest was Issued Saturday, Tokyo time. Germans Fallinq Russians Booming Ahead As Nazi Collapse Grows LONDON, July 10 (CP) Leaving large forces ance at Wilno, the Russians are pushing westward toward Kaunas, capital of pre-war Lithuania, as disordered Germans fell back across Lithuania and Po- land in a military collapse that is growing more ues- II 1 TT nooKing up ;: with cb.c. Definite progress i Is is being being made In the cam , have the local radio ESJ: -t YANKS TAKE connected up direct with l the Canadian Broadcasting Cirparatton network. Fur- .hcr particulars are expect- td to be made known In regard to bringing the di- re:' ;ne into Prince Rupert. i Still Opposed To Conscription perait ccry iiuuj. The Russians hare captured r Ms rallirav limctlnn SO t ' miles south of Wllno, and have announced the capture of 1.200 more towns on the central front. : AIR FIELDS Complete Control of Noemfoor Hland North of Netherlands New Guinea Gained ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NEW GUINEA, July 10 Oi -Capture of Namber air field or. Noemfoor Wand has given Unitrd Rtatcs forces control of all three airdromes on that island off the north Netherland New Oulnca. The campaign started on July 2. The air fields are all within 800 miles oi ine Letitia Now Is Hospital Ship I OTTAWA. July. 10-Thc for. mer Cunard-Whlle Star trans-Atlantic liner Letitia has been taken over bv the Canadian nmornmrnt as a hospital shl:) 37.000 and win operate opposite ine 55.000 former Canadian National West 52.000 Indies liner Lady Nelson. Sullctha 1 LEGHORN NEAR FALL The Allied Fifth Army has broken through the Gothic Line at three points below Leghorn In western Italy. The city Is in flames and the Nails are evidently preparing to evacuate. Further gains have been made by the Eighth Army on the central and eastern fronts. EXPLOSION WRECKS PAVILION VANCOUVER An explosion which occurred in a dance pa-Villon at Cullus Lake southeast of here resulted In a fire which did $7,000 damage and burned a woman so badly she needed hospital treatment. The explosion occurred while the woman was filling the tank of an engine with gasoline. STALIN'S SON FIGHTLNG .MOSCOW Vasill Stalin, son of Premier Josef Stalin Is fighting at Wilno with a Red Air Force fighter squadron. RUSSIANS IN VlLNO The Russians have entered Vllno in Lithuania and fierce fighting; Is going on in the streets of the city. The British press said today that the Russians had advanced to within sixty miles of East Prussia. ONTARIO ELEVATOR BURNS Six persons are dead and five Injured as a result of fire caused by spontaneous combustion in dust at an elevator In Midland, Ontario. JAPS STOP ROAD WORK The Hope-Princeton road In southern British Columbia will not be completed this year because Japanese are unwilling to work on it. cal Temperature 65 Z- SO NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ,t: a PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MONDAY, JULY 10, 1941 ' I Mr- rsWsHimin'sV sH r m. Would Partition India Into Sep rate Hindu and Mosel States BOMBAY, July 10 (CP Mo-handis K. Gandhi, nationalist ImJHi nrnnnvd tndar that tlnin'bV-partKlonTd tntcr sep arate llinau ana .uininn states as a means of breaking the political deadlock over Indian independence. The plan was presented to Moslem leader Mohamed Ali J I nn a h through Chakravarthi Rajogo-palachari, former All-India congress leader. Jlnnah said that the proposition would be placed before the working committee of the Moslem League If Gandhi would make the offer directly, instead of through an intermediary. Subriiies Losing Out i.OKTCrf. Julv 10 Hitler's u- boats have not been do.ng so well lately it was revealed loaay by Prime Minister Churchill In a. speech in Comrrions. He said that only one, and possibly none, of the Allied invasion ueei naa been sunk by u-boat action since D-Day. In a statement which he issued today Jointly with President Roosevelt the Prime Minister said that Oerman submarines had failed miserably on all fronts. No ships, the statement said, had been sunk in June, on the other hand several submarines had been sunk In unsuccessful attacks on shipping. DERAILMENT DELAYS TRAIN Due to a derailment near Mc-Brlde. last nights train, which was due to arrive here at 10:45, was 16 hours late and did not get to Prince Rupert until 2:45 th nrternonn. Tne tram jump ed the rails seven miles west of McBrlde on Saturday nignt, doing only minor damage, and injuring no one. A freight train was also delayed. A careless word puts another name on the casualty list. Re: member Security. CANADIAN TRIBAL DESTROYER HAIDA N.S, took part (n invasion landings. Commanded by Cmdr II, Q. De Wolf. Halifax, CO-OP EXPANDS New Fish Plant Is Operating Even whiie caroenters pound with hammers to complete con struction of the new Prince Rup ert Flahennens Co - operative fish plant on the waterfront just fresh-shipping all commercial varieties of northern fish. Dimensions of the new building, the cost of which is said to be about $75,000. are about 100 b-' 350 feet. The lower floor is used for handling freshly unloaded fish, and the second floor is divided for office and processing space. The third floor has facilities for storage and further nmrexsine: sDace. Present work at the plant is hampered byt lack of electric power., since 'connections have not yet Den maae, nor wiring u i the building completed. This! jnmnlied bv sasoline enclnes. The plant win ciimo to iuu tvoe IVPv UUtl oDeration a HUH gradually Kiauuaui as w method os selling is more encc-, tive and modern, officials feel. , They also believe that their new plant will be a factor, along with other projected improvements to fishing facilities here. , In re-establishing Prince Rupert nc Vi lonrflncr fleVi nnrt nn the I Canadian coast. OLDTLME CRAFT Wire making U one of the most ancient of the metal working crafts Labor Progressive Organizer Warns it Not to Become Drunk With Power PENTICTON. Julv 10 Sam Carr. Dominion organizer of the Labor-Progressive Party, speaic-inz here Saturday nieht at a convention which nominated Angus Campbell of Copper Mountain as candidate for Yale in the next federal election, warned the Co-operative Com monwealth Federation not to De-come drunk with power. Social ism was not an issue in uanaoa todav. said Carr who urged working people to look at tne political situation realistically. Carr has been advocating i T.itwrnl-T-ahnr malitlnn. (Robot Bombing"4 Is Undiminished tnvnov Julv 10 The bomb cuiiic .uuiiBatusT iw uauii..i.-i.wt Iwiln iunner damage ami iia- n.k4if ntlinoc 1 nrl hnHlftn flTP i i . . mt KAM.MiV.lnw nf V. rt MornrwM nf f ( cVl fnr n 1 ' ... ., t r... -1 nuh. (mic n.v uut v . lev-up auring oanuuaj iusu. shipment or cold storage. Amid,hut the attack was resumed in the clamor of saws ripping nealn vesterdav. Famous through wood and hammers striking on nails, fourteen re frigerator cars of fish have been landmarks such as Guards' CharjeL Bankruptcy Court and iRoval Palace Hotel have been shipped east by the new plant in ihlt New 10o foot deep shelters the past two weeks. i ,re beine used. Theatres are But although the spacious I j- f. down, th'ce - storey metal surfaced building is already a busy plar?. i will be far busier when it develops to capacity operation, perhaps this season. Co-op officials have designated it to be a complete Ilsh processing pians ( anrf ar eaeer for It to begin Its 'close forests iagainst fires diversified functions of freezing. ; VANCOUVER. July 10 filleting, smoking, as well as Forests of the Vancouver district comprising Vancouver Island and the lower mainland coast area and Islands have been closed to the public In an effort to avert forest fires In one of the driest seasons In 25 vears. No Closlnc order has yet been Issued to saw mills and loggers, most oi wnicn have already stopped work as a safety measure. All large camps have closed. Quebec Fire Menace Less fcmvrvM. is rxneeted to be re- ... mcdied shortly. In the meantime VAL D'OR. Quebec July 10- nower for unloadln boats is, an iun-mui i w. thunderstorms during the week inrt ipssnnrd the forest fire men ace - in northern Quebec but not 'V.i rim. (until the conflaeratlon . had en CUUlUIIlt lib 1 V4trj vuaswu i .... , cesses U installed. It is under-1 tered the town of Cadillac, burn-stood that salmon will take a big 1 lng down eight houses and a part In the operation scheme al- number of buildings and stores. K . . r.. . . . . .i,i...ilr..ll.. tV. ..illorro nf PnC(oH though.so iar it is largely nauoui. : ,n..bv v. that has passed across Its new I had been completely wiped ' - Amonc the rjlans of the Co- Don't De a sucKer ror an enemj onpratlvf in the future Is one for agent: Remember, a fish with selling processed fish In small his mouth shut Is never lots prepared for the consumer trouble. instead or in duik as is tne gen-1 crnl custom now. Fish put up In nttmrtlve cartons are more ac-' ceptable to housewives and that , t Local Tides Tuesday, July 11 High 4:51 19.3 feet 17:50 19.2 feet Low 11:19 3.5 feet 23:50 6.4 feet PRICE FIVE CENTS nd Le Haye Are Taken By Allies " - ' 1 I lam CAEN TAKEN' i jirv. r..- -T.,t Back. Desperately important : :' Objective France to ? Achieved Move Home WASinNGTON. D.C July 1 10 ti Oeneral Charles De- i Gaulle, reporting that con- ! versa tions with President ( franklin D. Roosevelt had 1 created a better under- ', standing, announced today i that he would move his . canital from Alelers to lib- rated French homeland territory as soon as possi- ble. i WARNING 1$ TO C.C.F. AUSSIES LAND ON NEW-WON BEACH - Australians of the Royai Australian Air Force disembark from a landing ship, tank, during the twit-slul assault on Korake village In the Altape area of New Guinea. A dead Jap, killed trying to stem the Allied assault, lies on the beach ignored by the Aussies who hasten ashore to prepare newly won airfields for Allied use. ; GANDHI HAS NEW PLAN British and Canadians Capture Major Port Americans Take La Haye SUPREME HEADQUARTERS OF ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, July 10 General Bernard Montgomery's British and Canadian forces early Sunday captured Caen, second objective of major importance since the invasion of France commenced, first having been Cherbourg. Caen is France's seventh port In importance. It fell after a typical concerted Montgomery drive of air bombing, artillery, tanks and infantry which got under way on Saturday. The town and its shipping facilities was found to be badly damaged and much repair wotk will have to be done before the port can be used. Late vesterdar German snip ers were still active within the town. While Caen was falling to the British and Canadians, La Haye du Puits was being taken by the Americans wno were advancing along a 33-mile front. The British Second Army struck a hard blow eastward on a three-mile front at the Germans' left flank three miles south of newly-occupied Caen today, capturing Eter-ville and advancing to within less than a mile of the River Orne. This new attatk ram- lint IS tionra after the Canadians ;and- ths-BrtthttM- liases iium m. aiif vtrwut way to a favorable flat battleground. . At the western end of the bridge, according to an official communique today, the Americans advanced in all sec tors following the capture of La Haye du Puits, bitterly defended German stronghold. The German radio said 'today that the Americans had captured Sainteny on the Carentan-Periers road in Cherbourg Feninsula. HALIBUT LANDINGS Some Thirty-Five Million rounds Caught up to End of June The records of the International Fisheries Commission show that for the period from April 16 to June 30, 1944. the following total amounts of hail-but have been landed in Pacific Coast ports from Areas 2 and 3: V. S. Fleet .. 9,005,000 5,531.000 Can. Fleet .. 8281.000 143,000 Area 2 Area 3 Total 17,286.000 5,674.000 In 1943 the landl'itrs from Ap ril 16 to June 30 amounted to: Area 2 Area 3 VS. Fleet ..13,224.000 10.698.000 Can. Fleet 10.634.000. 128.000 Total 23358,000 10.824.000 In 1944 landings commenced mnn than a month alter, due to delay In departure of all fleets and are not airecuy comparaois with the 1943 landings to th9 same date. For the month of June 1944. the following amounts of halibut were landed: Area 2 Area 3 VS. Fleet .. 8,008.000 f- 5,455.000 Can. Fleet .7.483,000 13.000 Total .... 15,491,000 5,608,000 UNPOPULAR INNOVATION rtrhpadlnff was Introduced Into In England by William the Conquer or- Carnival Opening PARADE TONIGHT 7 p.m. from the Courthouse C.W.A.C.'s and BAND Formal Opening of Carnival 7:15 C.W.A.C. Fashion Show at the Fair Grounds 7:30 Stage Show, Vaudeville 11 o'clock Dancing 11:30 4