! ! Xk , PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS K ' '.1 r, 1 tr ! i THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAQING EDITOR DAILY EDITION Tuesday, April 25, 1944 United States Election ... America Is olllntr up the most complicated election machinery in the world in preparation for the balloting in next November's presidential and congressional contests. The method of choosing presidential candidates, and the voting system of the United States, dating back with few changes to 1787, baffles outsiders and remains a puzzle to many who use it every two or four years. This is an attempt to describe it in capsule form. The 435 members of the House of Representatives are elected for two-year terms. The 96 senators are elected for six-year terms so arranged that one-third of the total is elected every two years. The president and vice-president are elected for i mi. il. J.UUI year lenns. ine cunsuiuuun provides mat mere must be two United States senators from each state, elected by the whole state, and one or more representatives as the population decrees, most of them for electoral districts but some at-large where circumstances dictate. The constitution also provides that elections be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of tho election venr. Thus, op November 7 next, the United States will, elect a president, a vice-president. 435 representa tives and 32 senators. That is the federal picture. But the ballots will also have on them candidates for numerous state, cojinty and municipal offices ranging from state governors down to minor local posts, according to the needs and customs of each state. The ballots are hu'ge affairs but voting machines in urban centres reduce the work of the voters. The presidential contest is the main attraction of this 48-ring circus but no names of presidential candidates appear on the ballots. Fnch party nominating a presidential candidate must al?o name "Electors'' who are mpmhers nf the "olectoral college." There is one elector for .each con-PTessional representative in each state New4 York has the most with 47. The names of the "electors" arp placed on the ballots. ' -" , Voters murk their1 ballots for the "dlectors,tHvbo arp named by the party whose presidential nominee they wish to support. , 1 Whichever party's "electors" get the majority of the votes in any state, those electors certify to the state secretary that their party's candidate is the, choice for president. This is largely an age-old formality but it leaves the possibility of a candidate winning because he wins the states with the most electoral votes although trailing another candidate in the total vote cast throughout the nation. ! But before the voting there is the long, tedious business of selecting presidential candidates. ; There are only two parties likely to be in the picture tjiis year, Republicans and Democrats, Their candidates for president will be selected at national conventions, the former opening June 19 and the latter July 26, both in Chicago. Republicans will trust this 'selection to 1,059 accredited delegates, the Democrats 1,176. Selection of the delegates is customarily by three methods; depending upon the state laws, and party regulations primary elections, state conventions and state committees. In the primaries held by a number of statea.ihe delegates are voted upon after expressing their choice of candidate and the results indicate how that state delegation will vote at the convention. State conventions and state commitees may choose delegates who are pledged to support a certain candidate, or a series of choices in a certain order, or may be left free to decide their stand at the convention. At the convention there is a free-for-all melen in; which delegations who are free to do so swing jrom one candidate to another as they see no possibility of their first choice winning, or who are lured by- eloquence to shift their support. Thl vice-presidential candidate is nominally the choice of the party but in practice the party's presidential candidate has the sav as to who will he his running mate. He is elected by the same vote that ejects tne president, On Dec. 18 after the elections the "electors" meet, supposedly, those who got the most votes, and "elect" the president, certifying the election to the secretary of ;state who transmits the result to Congress. At a joint sitting of both houses, presided over by: tho president of the Senate, on the following Jan. 6, two tellers each from the two houses examine the reports from the state secretaries and formally an nounce tho results of the presidential and vice-presir dentv.l contest. ,On Jan. 20, following, the president is formally inaugurated on Capitol Hill, sworn in by the chief justice, and takes up residence in the White House. Ine vice-president takes up his duties which consist almost exclusively of presiding over the United States Senate. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.CA. and Y.W.CA. (By DOROTHY GARBUTT) And now alter ail my coaxing and pleading to get hostesses Lee Van Luven tells me that the Friday night dance at the Highway Camp Is postponed unW next Friday, May 5. He says he forgot to tell me earlier." That Is why sometimes I go crazy on this job. However, tonight's dance is on at the Ack-Ack camp and cars will be at the MY" for the hostesses. Thanks to a comb':; m.uu of glorious weather and the primeval excitement of watching a ship belns launched I had a most entena-.mng afternoon yesterday. As guest of Mrs. Cu! lin, who Is matron of the women's section at the Dry Dock, J lud the thrill of being taken alt over the place before the launching. Seeing the women in their work clothes doing all those intricate machine Jobs made me feel very small and Inconsequential Indeed, as though I were playing at war. But on the other hand, don't let me ever catch anyone laughing at me in slacks again! Mrs. Cullln has a very nice office in the women's quartersa two-storey house built fOT their convenience. Here wo all repaired for tea after the launching Mrs Hardy, Miss Hardy. Mrs. Simpson and Leading Wren Adams. I overheard an amusing remark while we were sitting along the bandstand waiting for the notables to arrive. Someone asked why Mr. Allen and pa.ty hadn't arrived and some comic In the crowd replied: "He's gone out to launch." Well, anyhow, It mado me laush. Locks like we're actually oa jur way to opening fairly soon. The painters are getting on right smart with their work. I wasn't sure at first that I liked the dusky rose tint of the walls but I'm getUng used to It bit by bit. Perhaps once we get a toueh of turquoise and a aoupcon ot scar et in the color scheme It will bring put hidden depth!. Perhaps. . 1 Briefs From Britain LONDON W The British automobile trade is holding U first motor show of the war this year But it will be a show of miniature car medejs with no full-size cars of the future on HFJlTFortD, Eng. o Archdeacon John Bachelor, who wprked CO years among the Ainu ' people In the Japanese Island of Hokkaido, near the Arctic circle, died here, aged 90. He compiled several editions of an Ainu-Japanese. English dls tlonary, LONDON The Ministry of Information has sponsored all started. Its art show, to which , members of the various de- partments have contrjbuted nearly 150 palnUngs and draw-' Ings, was opened by Sir Cyril Radcllffe, dlrector-genefal of the ministry. NOT IMMUNE TO WIRE CANBERRA. O For most of. his 87 years August Elehorn pre pared and perfected remedies I (or snake-bite and has been bit ' ten 500 times Then he scratched i ' himself on bat bed wire and died from blood-po Honing, Mirk. In your mind's eye, yearningly, you picture it , . . that great Tomorrow when the papers headline "Victory" . . . when the church bells ring the glory of thd news across the land . . . when the beating oglad and tbankfuUiearts will be like an echo 'of marching feet, as our boys come home again. What can you do to hasten the day? Put Victory First. Buy PUT VICTORY FIRST IMPERIAL m Victory Bonds . . , and then an extra Bond. It may mean scraping bottom on your budget, but remember . . . your extra Bond may be the one that tips the balance. Yours may be the Bond that brings the sunrise ' , . ' , . . . sooner than you dared to dream ... on ' ' ' ' ' '' the day when Victory sends the boys back to Canada again . . . safe at last, and proud and smiling, as they swing down the road to home. Thy wemr saws o trC (imperial) L IM I T E D J5P GORDON' HARDWAI .Mt nimiE STRfl NEW ROY HOTEL Home Aaj rro Rilei ?Sc o? 50 Rooms. Hot sndl Water P'lnce Rupert, Bl J ;ne 28 i P.O. For that L " MONUMENT OR US Nationul .Monui 602 5th M Ho I IZS 5UUmJ Prince Hmtt. J. M. S. Loi D C a a. CHIKOPRACI niu-:al No Dr. Jens Mur'he announces the rem hu office from Uw Block to the KI!! ChristoDher tr- iw nffir; f'1 Monday April 17 PRINCE KITtRl ROOFING C lloi "ti . i.iui. on Bull lloofj Kepalrs. Hfhnt11 Free EstlmstM Barr & Andei LIMITED iMumbmr and Aulomstlc SP',nW" Coal Stok"1 Corner 2nd Ave- nd j Phone Red S89 r' '