'hi. A PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS n i M if 3 2.4 hi TAKE A LOOK at your FEDERAL RIDING Do you know the name and boundaries of the political constituency in which ' you live? Get vur Jree map. Do you know how many voters there are in your riding, what percentage of them voted in the last election, bow . many votes the successful candidate got? Get our free map. Would you like to know how you, can influence your future your job, your income, your security, your freedom -of action? Start by getting our ret map. Fill in and mail this coupon. ; Bracken Clubs of Canada, ; ' ,'" 614 Credit Fonder Bid g.,. ". ." ' VANCOUVER, B.C. .,'... Kindly send me a free map of, my, federal riding, with revealing dau on th Ust election. NAME ADDRESS y4f9tKlBKaSSSSIIIECIIKSll!SI3SkKStir51B2EBIIIinilfBanEI ATTENTION... Astoria Hotel, Jasper, newly decorated and renovated, now under new management. First class Dining Room and Lunch , Counter. Heals ss".. served at all hours. 30 rooms, 15 with bath. r " . Reasonable rates. " GEORGE ANDREW Prop. j CIKVIllBIIIIIIIUtlNimifltllllHIIIMIIHHn pj'W.' C33 lvUrtBlSI!IiiSgW kggflgfl HH9 Prince Rupert Fishermen's j(? Co-operative Kaien Consumers' Co-operative 8 i.LV i SHOP AT THE SEVENTH AVE. MARKET The Friendly Store" Wo handle HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS and VAN'S BREAD Also Fresh .Fruit arid Vegetables Oar Prices Arc Mgb I ACTION IS COMING UP ' IlematRiet and falmrr Irving Ovw! as Headline! for Boilermakers' Bating Shw Judging from his appearance in work-outs on Acropolis HU1, Urban Ifernandez of Hollywood Is going to be a real haful tor Phil Baker; the Canadian welterweight king, when the pair meet up In the headline event of the bollermakera' boxing show at the staff dining hall on Saturday night of this week. Hernandez went through & ten-round -workout at thf end of the week and really looks like a champ. Palmer is well known to the fans on the hill for it was there that he knocked out Red Knox, the coastguardsman from Ketchikan, who dropped a close decision to Frltzle Ziric. Abe Liber, a fast-stepping lad from Fresno, should give Youn? Tommy Burns plenty to think About In the semlwlndup. A strong supporting card has been -arranged with fighters from the Canadian Army and Jfayy. the United -States Army and ihe Boilermakers Athletic (Sub supplying the action. There Is Joyful antlclpaUon among the horse-loving people of Newmarket their days as spring comes Into full breath and Derby Day nears because the legendary signs point to a Newmaiket-tralned winner of the great Duty this year. Those people' who go strictly by the form sheet rather than legend ary portents are riot so sanguine In these hopes. But tnose wno like a touch of the mystic In their racing have noted the ?rt.en shoots of tulrps and daffodils On the gypsy boy's grave Just four miles put of town. That is enougn ior mem. i.i Legend has it that -when this grassy moun3 at the Kennei cross joadi on the highway to Bury St. Edmonds produces blooms a horse trained at New market will win the Derby. Fur- there, there have been many oc casions- when the forecast of the rave hai lived up to local leg- public form. Two years ago, It j may be remembered, Big Game rrom Wtltshite was a hot favor ite The grave was a mass of blooms, however and Newmarket folk- same of them at least-remained nulte unperturbed by all the fancy flung at Big Game. Came racing day and their faith tht biaomed on the gypsy's grave was Justified for Lord Derby's Watling Street, a Newmar ket horse-, -won tne Derby. Lat year the:e were no blooms. An Fjsem horse, Stralsht Deal, won the rate. The story is that the grave it that of a shepherd bey who "fatehed h!s sheep In this area a entury and a half or so go. One day a sheep was (mlsslng it)AKtZ.XX$p.ip1h6 consequences when tm employer, a local farmer learned of this, he took hV own life. As was the custom of the day when a man took hU owp life, the boy's body was carried to the cross roads and buried. Ever since It has shown signs of being cared for and some years it produces blooms some years" H doesn't and some J years Newmarket horses win the Derby and seme years they don't. Nobody In Newmarket seems to know who cares for the grave. Always it Is trim and neat. Gypsies generally are credited I with this good work but nobody in tne neignoornood, beyond claiming they do not look after the grave, can say for sure. Airport Plan Prize Open To Empire LONDON, April 25 -O The British aviation magazine "Aeroplane" has offered a prize of $2,- 225, open to all British subjecti, for the best design of an International airport for London. Dominion entrants are sought in the belief, the announcement said, that such a layout would also be applicable to the air transport facilities of every major city in the Commonwealth. The competition closes September 80, Persons interested in entering were Asked to write or cable o the magazine for Quebec Wins Allan Cup QUEBEC. April 25 - Quebec Aces defeated Port Arthur Shipbuilders 9 to 6 last night to win the Allan Cup In three straight games. The Allan Cup is emblematic of Dominion amateur hockey champion- ship. RECORD FLOUR OUTPUT Production of wheat flour in Canadian mills, for the 1942-43, crop year ended with the highest output on record, 33.-549,707 barrels. Labor-Progs. Backing Loan In a letter to the local Victory Loan committee. Bruce Mieklebargh. head of the Labor-Progresrtve Chib, has tven assurance that the club ts solidly behind the drive, and will call on working people to back the invasion of Europe by buytng bonds. , The letter states: The Prince Rupert Labor- Progressive Club stands solidly behind trie drive to put the Sixth Victory Loan away over the top in Prince Rupert. "In particular we call on all working people to back the coming invasion of Europe by tmyln bonds. This will show our fighting boys. that we arelpl 1 prt-wlth them all the way as th'rjincUicS TOgSOn piunge mio me unai Dimes wi ; strike down the Hitlerites for) all time. "The war has been long and hard but the most decisive bat- Passes Away Charlm D. Pogson, Port E- ties In the west aTe yet to;ngwn posunAsurr. passed come. We cannot afford to let,away thU morning, according complacency rob us of mueh.to word reaching the otty. that has gone before. "Each-. Victory Bond bought helps speed the day when our boys will come back and we can unitedly tackle the job of building a world freed of tyranny, suppression and want as envisaged In the historic declaration of Roosevelt. Chur chill and Stalin at Teheran." There were no details. , FOR MALTA'S ORCHARDS VALETTA. o Ungrafted lots of fruit trees have been sent to Malta from Sicily and the Naples region for grafting with suitable varieties ot apples, peais. plums and persimmons. SIMPLIFIED ADDRESSES OIL FOR ELEPHANTS Napoleon Bonaparte ortglnat The hides ot circus elephant ed the Idea of odd and even ure oiled re m!aily to keep them house numbers for different from cmcklng sides of the street. lit JF .Mjr.iirft L . A D ii The rifa", Plwe wheit h I James Albm 'naa bern Deceit a bd). masor Or in. me Roysi ttn.,. overseas pi . uevea to be a . lumei art net av. MAT r t on, aii.' populated, vr l VgWfMBP!tgggggggggKr i. i" .slw- juiit tJggggflblrrggggggggggggflibv lgggggHlflMi gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggVB " " n tgggggVVIgggUggggggggggggVIr Boy, am I broke "I've just made a grand discovery. t . how-to-be happy though broke! v "You see, I have a son right in thc'thicrcrbf'it. . He's my only boy, and '. fjfwell, never mind that. "So when they asked me to buy Victory Bonds, I always came through . somehow . . . although it meant doing without some things until the war is over. "But this time 1 figured I simply couldn't buy another bond. I just simply couldn't. "And then I realized that about all a fellow ccts out of life is what he thinks ' . of himself. So I asked myself what kind of a man I'd really like to be? - It-was different from then on. , "Now I've arranged to buy more bonds than ever before out of my savings, And I've agreed with the Victory Loan salesman to pay f6r additional bonds: "i . through the monthly savings plan. And ami BROKE I Arid. HAPPY! y - ' ' "And you'll be happy, too, when you take every single doflaryoif wntfmc? and buy Victory Bonds. You'll-be the kind of fellow you likc to know!" : hi, 110421 PUT VICTORY FIRST buy victory bonds 'MATIONAl WAR FlNANCt COM