i WW9 - .nril 25 ffl are T.C . steady IS torkmen lor P, la war and , hrrz be- boys tr.d other 3-ni. V1 Jour d normally u MO. of of the boys IjjKn ILMC3 rr' li d RlCm- latt the ferf lnc of ta South Af lea I. IMPRESSIVE VICTOKY LOAN APPEALS (Continued from page 1) some revealing disclosures as to what had been found out about the Japs and their equipment on the occasion of the occupation of KUka, There Is nothing thoddy or Inferior about the equipment of the Japs. They are splendidly equipped fighters we found. The people at home are quit evidently backing their fighting men to the limit. At KUka we wound their lx-lnch guru.- ack-ack guns, machine guns all of good quality, good clothe and fine and abundant food, even a caveful of candy and good candy at that. "Our men need your suDDort." concluded Col. Drlcker. The more bonds we buy, the sooner we get our boys home. Therefore, I say to you buy war bonds, win the war and get the boys back home." HAitoM) ponder ultras workers Worker, union man and vet- rran. Harold Ponder addressed his appeal more particularly to bin associate In the building of ship. They might have been called greenhorns and farmers but they had done a good Job In the building of ships. However, It was a job that was far from finished, "We must carry on as our boys are doing in r ---' i jr,y-wf.. . i i thM iSS"0' 811 -leased way, following the cere-to iuiti'fv L mt b! preparcd K naval bIessd the , SL? flghUnf dying, aid, wife of a rigger, himself ir jou realize your dpht tv I .mi.... .u. , .!,. . anrt vm ..u7..7" T -.v"l"u"' enrmenea uis i v wfcnjiiaiuuuy 10 trie Akuvc, you wm not think of Interest or benefit of inv.tm receding bow. Ber , b,Ut nJy mch!nard Allen. Dry Dock manager. Ih. I" ' Z ', " . " .w Imaace Kfnf ?. 0t h P' etulP - ment, food-all so necessary In IS? lUP,rtu of ,the nBhtln forces. We have already suffer - "u" u,uw. nie or us in the loss of our loved ones, but we must be prepared to face more of them. We mutt back up the signatories of the Teher- an Conference and the aims to which they agreed. Let nothing siana m tne way of nurchaw of bonds to the limit! Ut capl - rai ana" labor unite! Let us all uo our snare so ine world may the sooner know a new and better day. a peace that will be worthy of those who carry the torch today." j The launching itself went off 'with complete smoothness and precision. Never was there a more successful one. Hundreds of people ntltnetsed it. The shipyard, thrown open to the public, was full of spec te tors as were the hills around -W--..V. the J yard - tneers rose, wnisues blew, shore guns barked and a naval band played as the fine big cargo vessel slid squarely down the AlUAN NATIONAL THE DAILY NEWS ! I i vessel with the traditional breaking of a bottle of wine against the Directed the ceremonies and Mayr M- Daggett introduced I the speakers. The Dry Dock male choIr ne voice to ! sing the naval hymn as part of the proceedings. Uar Rnn.J IveCOrU 17 OF n j j f D 011(1 DUVlIlff IS jVprv Pnncicf ant ' w J viuj.viii. When the Victory Loan office in the Besner Block opened Its doors yesterday morning Mrs. Annette Wood was the first customer. She bought $10,000 worth of bonds, an amount similar to her Initial purchase In the Fifth Loan. "Mr Wood has always been very co-operative in buying Victory-Bond," a Victory Loan offi- ' - vuuiiitciiKu, vy uiij UiV 1 she led. the way ln the last two ; loans but she has subscribed heavily in every loan since the beginning." it II! : 25 YEARS AGO j A committee of the city coun cil headed by acting Mayor Mc- Rae arranged for a Joint re ception to be given ln honor of Captain McOregor, V. C, of this city, and Lt. Col. C. W. Peck, V. C, who recently returned from overseas. Theo Collart arrived ln the city returnirig from overseas where he served with the Belgian army. Mr. Collart went back to Belgium ln 1014, where he quickly won the rank of captain. He was wounded. When he returned from overseas he brought his wife from England. Notice has been given in Ottawa that the Canadian Pacific Railway will apply for an act of parliament authoiizlng it to es tablish an aircraft service to points within and outside of Canada. GALLANTRY RECOGNIZED GLASGOW, Q) Margaret (Rose Ure. 13, a Olasgow Girl J Guide, was recently presented by the Princess Royal with the Silver Cross, highest award of the I Girt Guides for gallantry. She I saved her mother from being i burned to death. am SO MUST Mayor Takes llr.ii n . TP run ran The start of the Sixth Victory Loan brought a busy week-end to Mayor H. M. Daggett, who fired the first heavy gun ln the campaign by speaking over sta tion CFPR Sunday night and who also took a prominent part in the launching ceremonies at the Dry Dock yesterday after noon. , In nls radio speech the mayor i urged citizens of Prince Rupert! to support to the limit of their capabilities the Sixth Victory Loan Drive. Being introduced by Bernard Allen, Dry Dock manager. Mayor Daggett ln turn introduced two speakers at the ceremony. They were Lt. Col. R. E. Brlcker, an overseas veteran and veteran of the Aleutian campaign, who spoke on behalf of the Army, and Harold A. Ponder, Dry Dock plater, who spoke for the Dry Dock workers. "I am glad to take part ln anything that will help the sale of Victory Bonds," Mayor Daggett said. BURMESE EDUCATION Sixty-one percent of the Burmese men and 17 percent of the women are literate. o CANADIAN PACIFIC Set the date MOW! Speed "Victory Day". Back up our fighters with an overw helming weight of munitions. Buy the bonds that buy the bombs. Hasten the victorious homecoming ! Set the stage NOW! Lend every dollar you can now to buy war needs so that when "V-day" comes you'll have the dollars to spend. Lend again I Lend more! PUT VICTORY FIRST THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED BY RUPERT BAKERY Mutual Benefit FOR Health and Accident See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone 741 Pioneer Rooms, No. 6 KWONG SANG UING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY . HOUSE (12 7th AVE. WEST ,.,iNext.to King Taj) . All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 12 pjn. Tuesday.lO pjn. to 12 pjn. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 12 pjn. Phone Red 217 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54.. FRASER STREET Prince Rupert The Seal of Quality British Columbia's Finest Salmon PAGE THREB Ml li il HHiV.HHHl SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Meet 31c at.. JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee is Tops) '. DONT FORGET THE . . BIG DANCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 9:30 till 1 p.m. I.O.D.E. HALL (Formerly Eagles', 5th and McBrlde) Gentlemen 75c Roy Proverbs and His Orchestra Everybody Welcome THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 5 pjn. to 2 ajn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE -Where dollars have more cents" We, have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion It Pays to Advertise in The Daily News