PAGE SIX cherish the thought ft iiB. F. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 Piggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. LEO. OYER Papcrhanging and Interior Decorating Scenic Painting-Moderate Price3 Telephone Red 305 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating ;'!.. t Engineers phone '174 P.O. Box 274 Av : SHOE REPAIR Work Guaranteed Quick Service ''J:,,, 103 9th Avenue West GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 NURSERY SCHOOL NOW OPEN Community Club House D20 Hays Cove Avenue llvr. 10-12 daily except Saturday and Sunday 15c per day . . . Uic nil and t lie quality. Cherish the thought that a Jiond tailored suit has everything n good suit needs, at a price that you can comfortably pay. Quality is sewn right in, to last w hile wear is t here. Bond takes pride in making to your individual measurements in tailoring of the best customized tradition. fh CLOTHES CLOTHES m m , If 27.75 29.75 33.75 SOLD IN PRINCE RUPERT ONLY AT RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Christmas Gift Suggestions Simmons and Restmore Spring Filled Mattress, all sizes Bed Spring, all sizes Bedroom Suites, in 4 pieces Chesterfield Suites, in 3 pieces 250 Pictures most beautiful. Come and see them. Just came for Christmas Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. W. Business and Professional INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited HOTEL ERASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 C. II. HICKS, Proprietor Clean, quiet rooms. 714 Fraser Street HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 LONDON SHOE REPAIR FINE REPAIR WORK DONE 733 2nd Ave. IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning' Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Phones Days, Bl.k. 884 Nights, Blk. 152 Bert Bellamy Reg. Wilson We Aim to Please "You Call :: We Haul" Lumber Baggage Freight, Express Household Effects 225 1st Ave. E. Prince Rupert, THE DAILY NEWS DAILY NEWS FOOD BIG TODAY. Fm..SAT A HOUSING NO ACTION ACTION STORY STonv ai SPORT NEWS PROBLEM OF FOR SALE FOR QUICK SALE New two-room house, well finished, shed at rear; along with two-room shack on adjoining lot. McClymount Agencies. (269) FOR SALE Large chest of drawers in ivory. Apply Annette's Ladies' Wear. (269) FOR SALE One mantel 5-tube radio, at reasonable price. 1133 7th Ave East. (270) FOR SALE 4-ft. metal bed spring, new $6; metal cot and mattress, $10; radio lamp, $3. 1104 8th Ave. .East. (269) FOR SALE 303 Savage rifle. Fred Robertson, C.N.U. Yard office. . (280) FOR SALE Bedroom, chesterfield and dinette suites, China cabinet, table and chairs, end table, lamp, play pen, etc; 1002 6th Ave. East. (269) FOR SALE Hotpoint electric range. Phone Red 934. (269) FOR SALE New 3-piece bedroom suite, bed complete. 1516' Overlook Street. (272) FOR SALE Dwelling house and work shop at Dodge Cove, Digby Island, waterfront location; also one tent 14x16, 4ft. wall with flye. Apply H. Lund, Dodge Cove. (271) FOR SALE 14 horse power Regal engine, almost new; 20-ft. pleasure boat with 4 horse power Easthope, good running order; also a number of other articles as blocks, tackles, ropes, anchors, chains, heavy mooring, stump puller, etc., etc. Apply Hope & Lund, Dodge Cove, Digby Island. (269) WANTED WANTED Room for male bookkeeper, at once. Phone 763. (274) WANTED Persian kitten. Reply box aoz uauy News. (283) WANTED Carburator for oil neater, rnone Red 339, after 6 p.m. . (tf) WANTED Quiet married couple wishes furnished room, suite or small house. Phone or sec H. H. George, Prince Rupert Hotel. (69) WANTED Two or three rooms; furnished or unfurnished. Apply Box 890 Dally News. (280) HELP WANTED WANTED Local wholesale firm wants stenographer, shorthand essential. Start immediately. Good wages. Selective Service A.F. 152. (tf) SALESMEN WANTED To carry ame inie oi uaienaars. Liberal commissions paid weekly. Ap-licants must h able for full-time employment. ' dominion uaienciar Co., Truro. N.S. (270) SALESMEN WANTED Write for our calendar side line selling proposition. Liberal commissions paid weekly. Applicants must have or be available for ftlll-Hmp nmnlmml Truro Printing & Publishing ! vu. jiu., 11UIU, N.o. (270) PERSONAL GET SURE RELIEF with Lloyd's uiji aim. venous aaive. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (270) JAMES BURTON: Open letter ouujussea your uaa. Need you Sue. (270) PAJh NOt, arnd aperhanglng. Ph. 46. H. Lund. BAYZAND & SEELEY. Painting, Decorating, Kalsomlnlng. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. Satisfaction" our motto LONELY Get acquainted. Particulars free. Western Social Club. Sub. 23, Edmonton Alberta. XMAS SUBSCRIPTIONS should be in now. We handle subscriptions for all magazines obtainable. Northern Distributors, opp. Post Office, on 4th St. LOST LOST-White Persian cat, child's pet; Just brought from Tor-t0; ReuwaKl. 1008 2nd Ave. West. Phone Black 835. (270) LOST-Six-months-old nupwlth fin5ss; brlndle color, one white foot. Answers to Dash. Phone Blue 766. (it) IN THE SUPREMZ COUr.r OP BRITISH COLUMBIA 1N PROBATE T IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT IN THE MATTER0?)? iro."J?..lS.tATB THE EST A TP OP MAHTTK . . DECEASED AKE NOTICE tht by orcW of the 'ff'i,! E; Fih- made on 1944 ? u,oday of. November, A.D. "1, PPolnted Aun.iaU.,,,1:: tor 1 (with .1 h Will annexed) of the Estate of Martin- JoBeph Ollllg A. aKt against The the t said .,Vlni estate cuiml are herihv ve?mV 'urnlsh ame?properly day of December. A.D. 1944, and all parties indebted to the Estate are ESM " p8.y the mSunT of their nATrdnCMt0nme forthwith. DATED at Prince RuDert nr 1944. Hth d'y f No"S. A,d: NORMAN A. WATT t Official Administrator 1 Prince Rupert, B.C. Basketball Navy Beats Air Force League Games PlayedNavy, W.D.'s and Yanks Lead A floor-length pass ten seconds before the game's end netted the winning basket as Navy defeated Air Force 46 to 45 In an Area B League basketball fixture last night in the Naval Drill IlalL Fifteen seconds before the final whistle, Air Force was given a free throw and, with the score 45 to 44 in their favor, it seemed that only a miracle could enable the naval quintet to win their third straight tilt. Signalmen Irvine and Sislcr stole down the floor while Bus- sey was shootlns for the Flyers. When the airman's shot was wide of its mark. Navy secured the ball and Irvine received a lightning pass near the opposl- J tlon's basket. His shot missed but Sisler tallied the rebound. Irvine was the hLsh scorer with 22 points, while Bussey and Hutton countered 16 and 15 points respectively for the losers. The line-ups were as follows: Navy Horner 4, Irvihe 22. Sis ler 5, Thorburn, Carter 5: Thompson 4, Barker 6, Harvey, Palynuk, Laws. Air Force Gerasimlff 12. Hut- ton 15, Falthfull 2, Shendack. Wilson, Malcolm, Bussey 16. Soo Suds Beat Fort Soo Suds broke into the win column by defeating Fortress 31 to 22 in another B League game at Seal Cove. Balaban headed the Suds' scorers with 10 points while McCorkell paced the losers with eight. The line-ups were as follows: Soo Suds I. Balaban 10, P. Balaban 4, Dombrofsky 2, Over-holt 8, Webb 8, Squizzatto 5. Fortress Taylor 3, McCorkel: 8. Ranee 2, Channel 2. Hallkas. Pyle' 2, McMurchle 5, Ghelph. j Standings of B League are as i follows: " i High School Girls Win W. Li Pts. ' Navy 3 0 6 Fortress 2 14' Soo Suds 112! Barrett 0 0 0 Coat P?st. 0 2 0 The Booth Memorial Hlah School girls' team made their debut for the season in the Women's League by defeating Mus-sallcm's, 13 to 9., In still another game at Seal Cove. , i The line-ups were as follows: Bo-Me-Hl Sandhals, Berir 3, Pavlikis, Balagno, Gray 6, En-gelcke, Levine, Thornton. Hamilton 4, Anderson, Laird, Bulger. Mussallcm's Blaine 4, Thaln, Miggins 2, McKay, Saunders, McLecd 2, Vuckoyitch 1. Standings of the Women's League follow: ' W. L. 'Pts. W.D.'s 3 0 6 Bo-Me-Hl 1 0 2 C.W.A.C.'s 1 1 2 Mussallem's 1 2 2 Allies 1 2 2 Port Edward Downs Co-ops Port Edward vaulted Into a tic. for first place in A League by IN THE 8UPKEMS COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE VADMIN ISTRATION ACT" A Mr IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE wr rtr.u oitrKO, DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honor Judi?e Fisher, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 2nd day of November. A.D. 1944 appointed Administrator with the will annexed or the estate of Fred Stepko. who dJ?2 01..the 17lh dl,y of September. 1944. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons hnvlnc claims against the Raid Estate are required to file them with mo properly verified on or before the 15th dav of December. 1944, falling which distribution will be made having rojarrt only to such claim of wnirn I shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert B O this 2nd day of November. AD 1044 NORMAN A. WATT Qfflrlal Administrator Prince Rupert, BO. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. '2nd Avenue (Across from-Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 downing the Co-ops 70 to 35 at Port Edward. Hoffman sparked the victors with 16 counters, while Holland topped the losers with eight. The line-ups were as follows: Port Edward Horn 13. South-worth 12, Johnson 6, Hoffman 16, Magulre 6, Frasier 4, Webb 12, Mollne-4, Harmon, Manson. Co-ops Hogan 2, Huslka 3, Holkstad 8, Menzies 4, Milton 1, Astorlan 4, Veirlck 6, Pierce, Tcng. Bogrcs 7. Standings of A League: Acropolis Hill Port Edward Officers Prince Rupert Co-ops Bo-Me-Hl W. L. 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 Pts. 6 6 4 2 0 0 Sport Chat "Tiger" Flowers, former worla middleweight boxing champion, die'd in a New York hospital 14 years ago yesterday following a minor operation for removal of a growth over his left eye. Only negro to hold the title. Flowers reached the top in February 1926 with a 15-round decision over Harry Greb. He later lost the crown to Mickey Walker. Bobby Jones, kin? of amateur golfdom, abdicated his throne 14 years ago today. Then 28 years old and winner of 13 nationa. ' titles, including four "majors" In 1930, the Georgian quit amateu. 1 ranks to make a series of motion pictures on golf. He Joined the ITS. Army after the start of the present war. QUICK PROMOTION LONDON 0) Here's quick promotion: Group Capt. Desmond James Scott, D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F.C. and bar, of Hokatlka, N.Z., commanding officer or a front-line fighter wing in the 2nd Tactical Air Force, was a sergeant-pilot only two years ago. He is 26. Buy War Savings Stamps. WITH 5THE.CANADIAN ARMY IN HOLLAND, Nov. 17 CP)- In this war the generals know the soldiers troubles. This story comes from a general and concerns the feeding of the men of a famous Western Canada in fantry regiment as they held "by their claws" to the Canadian's thin bridgehead on the Leopold Canal. From here on it's the general speaking: This outfit was doing some hot fighting and the least we couln do was to give them hot meals. Well, we decided to get the stuff across the Leopold Canal ai night in rubber boats. That worked then we heated up the tins of food in dugouts under the lee of the far bank of the Leopold. Remember, we got the stuff across at night and it was heated in daytime when a little smoke didn't mean much. The sergeants or corporals would take these cans of hot food and race along under cover of the canal and toss them over to troops in our narrow bridgehead like grenades. And I'll never forget the fellow who said (at least three words censored here) "Must I always wind up with a tin of hot Jam?" hM4 U-liVi 4 With Minora Blades! A Minora is a real money saver because it lasts far longer than ordinary blades. For extra shaves and corn fort ask for Minora Blades. fits roo OOUIU-COCE tAZOt 1 uimJhssSmi OTbe Borden Co. Ltd. DON'T BE A MOTHER HUBBARD ABOUTMILKi You need never be without milk! BecaiMc anyone, anywhere can have KLIM Powdered Whole Milk. And you just add KLIM to water and prcstol You've plenty of creamy, nourishing milk to drink, use in cooking, add to tea and coffee, enrich cereals and desserts I KLIM retains all the food values, vitamins and minerals of fresh fluid milk ... is pasteurized pure. You'll bless the day you discovered the economy and convenience of KLIM. The Borden Company Limited Dry Milk Division Toronto 4, Ontario p odd top- . . viVfr KLIM CREAMY MILK IN HANDY POWDER FORM ni UU) WlsSr DDcuLi'itt "nr.... & GRAIN GREENWOOD-HAVEi 1 npitol Lovely shoes In open heel and open toe in cuban and spike are now being presented to you by c"toon iJ w 3:03 j J Feature 1:20 - 3:23 - S:2 - 7:a JjJ Christmas Cards """""ll, From our wide selection of fine quality cards, distinctive designs and many messages you'll have no difficulty at all in choosing your way of saying MERRY CHRISTMAS to your SHOES for Fall Wear... friends. Duy Now I Dibb Printing Co BESNER BLOCK mparl THIRD 4'1 CUT RATE SHOE STORE Across From Ormes Drug fcJ NOVEMBER IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR GIFT-MAS LIST OFF YOUR CHEST EAR! See our stock of Cards and GlH THE VARIETY STORE Perfumes & Toilet ' n. I (By Molinard) 2& iim Artie Ashes of Kg Kveningw Skylark Pal Scanty rwnthV Gr?' Seaforin Tags and Seals and Gift WrapP3 Ormes W1 TIIE REXALL STORE Open Dally from 9 a.m . U ounaays ana xiunuaya