hes News Items... TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS' Mrs. Alf Rlett left Mf- and Mrs. W. W. Wrathali on a trip "J vjui- iici., iuw nigui lor a trip to Van ast nUht or a tHP VPr on oflcial busl- Trade Boaru, van- , tn.ilrrVlt I tP- ancouver. i Paul Armour left last return to Vancouver I. I.. tl,r, nil,. ni !l WffK 111 WIC l"J trMillan. superlnten- Canadlan National WCJlxn, w"1' Bazaar uinf k,. ci- ver alter u uic uiw- to the city, i r . - , nrffnni7ir 1 1 1 1 iiir- i eyj i r i i ,111. ii w i. is tilt- return to Van- ...nrmmonta j.-npnf In this column a (or a run inuiiiii Star Dance, Nov. w. 10 r. hi.dnii nlnhr is run '"-'---1 Chapter. I.O.D.E., ADron Sale, Legion oc tif A r Ymai Tff. KC. Hut. m. Hall, 3-6, Dec. 6. Oddfellows' . leave it too to Christmas Try Our New .i i i 1 1 r couver, iney expect to be away for two or three weeks. estie a Lola wave Ycu will be Pleased Mr. and "Mrs. H. D. Eastman left last night for the south to attend the funeral of Mr. Eastman's brother-in-law In Fern-dale, Wash. ACCF Public Meeting Sunday 8 p.m. Oddfellows' Hall. Speakers, Wm. Irvine, Federal Candidate for Cariboo; Vincent Setjur M.L.A. and LAC H. O. Archibald, federal candidate for Skeena. (270) Fit. Lt. and Mrs. Allan Davtes, jr., left last night for Vancou ver for a brief visit on their way to Ottawa. They have been spending part of the former's furlough with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Allan M. Davles, Fifth Avenue West. I Cnpt. J. R. Hall and Sergeant j Major E. R. MncDonald of the ; training staff of Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment re- turned to the city yesterday after having beea in the south ; for the past several weeks taking special courses. . Major Paul Whitley, Pacific , Command educational officer, and Capt. R. W. W. Robertson,1 . I n n n Dnn f f . .-V. m n llH II H 1 1 E6GY SAUNDERS Annette Powell) catlonal officer at Victoria, are making a tour of this district and are due In Prince Rupert ,,. . . .eH Vnun next Wednesday, Thursday and torla, Afr,ca( mrrendcred to Advertise In The Dally News. I n. - o t . V l III... Ali airppt farm rrnm 1'osl (Jllicrj i nunc uiuc 04 Julia Arthur dcpp ni iudc uisn lan anu uoiuen iouul-cu ouiuia wim Dress Cuban and Low Cuban Heels. Perfect fitting Elasticized lines Black Kid Tango Pumps Just arrived Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" 1 ui cm and Fulton A L F UUIN ACK na8er. OeopffA T.m o Specializing in Chow Mein Chop Suey - B.m. to 3 a.m. slt 8unrlse Grocery J. H. MAIR Furniture and Auctioneer AUCTION SALES ARRANGED AND CONDUCTED NEW AND USED FURNITURE VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES 632 3rd Ave. B'ue 69 Prince Rupert, B.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Kates 75c up mi Kooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Pnone 281 P.O. Box 198 THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 173 PRINCE RUPERT R00FINGC0. Box 725 Specialists on Bulltup Roofs Repairs, Re-shlngling Free Estimates KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. 2nd Avenue and 8th Street Miss Earl Still THE DAILY NEWS GERMAN WOMEN ARE TAKEN CAPTIVE- Marching quickly ahead with their hands held high over their heads in token of surrender, these two German women were seized after they were found with German marine at Brest, France. They were marched with other prisoners of war to the rear lines of the Allied troops who were moving Into the city. FOUR YEARS AGO IN THIS WAR By the Canadian Press Nov. 17, 1940 Far-reaching changes in R.A.F. command announced; new air command to work closely ' with Army. Port Busy Politically Miss E. M. Earl, always active in Conservative circles In Prince Rupert during her many years of residence here, is continuing that activity In Vancouver where she now resides. The Burrard Women's Progressive Conserva- rriuaj Fridav on on their wicir way wy to iu Van- van ----- - ! t ve Association met a lew aays Free Frencn German planes i couver. They will be in Ter- ,ded anfl Mlth aSo at her home when M. J. T race next Monday and Tuesday. J3 drowned R A F hlt Rhur ! O'Brien and C. V. F. Barker were Chief Petty Officer Ronald Davidson arrived In the city on last night's train from St. John's, Newfoundland, to spend a two week's leave from his naval duties on the Atlantic. He Is spending the time with his wife and daughter at the home of Mrs. Davidson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill, Young Street. I objectives. I the speakers. If Xbur Nose Fills U Spoils Sleep Tonight Surprisingly fast , Va-tro-nol works right where trouble is to open up your clogged nose relieve Murfy transient congestion. You'll like the way It brings relief. (NOTE: Va-tro-nol is also grand for nlieving sniflly, sneezy distress ofliead colds.) Follow directions in folder. VICK! 1 tr j. ra VA-TRO-NOL Atlas Boiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacfcsmlth, General Repair. Phune Ked 88t J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean job Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN A Beautiful,, $5 Useful I Xmas Gift f S for fi I MOM or SISTER j Vi FOOTWEAR Comfortable, Good Looking TOPS THE LIST I FASHION 1 FOOTWEAR gS 518 3rd Ave. W. RUPERT SCHOOL SERIES STARTS Four Schools on First Broad cast Over CFPR, Prince Rupert will have Its own school broadcasts starting tomorrow on CFPR. First In u series of six to be presented before Christmas, this program will spotlight students from Booth i Memorial High School, Borden Street, King Edward and Conraa Street Schools. When announcer Bob Wlllett calls the roll those answering will include Betty Pullen, Jack Macey, Anne Whiting, Diane GU-ker, Donald Prendergast, Can Danelluk, Donald Gillanders, Ilsa Schmidt, Heather Brewei Donna Petroff, Sheila Bennett, Henry Blackaby, Joan Byrd, Bar bara Herget, Arlene Pope, Jerry Gilbert, Eleanore Mattron, Eli zabeth Martin, Sly via Baker, Er- ma Bishop and Tommy Dixon Tomorrow's program will orlg inate in the CFPR studios. Start- is ii a.m. The S, Experts ay. . . By the Canadian Press BRAISED BRISKET: A delicious and substantial one-dish main course Is the dream of every housewife who is short on time and help but long on fam ily appetite. Braised short ribs or brisket makes the dream come true. It's a flavorful, satisfying dish that means a minimum of after-dinner washine uu and a I maximum of nourishment for a 1 hungry flock. 1 Use IV2 pounds boneless or '2' pounds of meat with bone Trim off excess fat and melt it In the frying pan. Dredge meat with seasoned flour and brown it with 2 slices onions in the hot fat. Add IV2 cups of liquid (water, canned toma toes or Juice, vegetable water) CovjertlghUy and simmer on top of the stove or in a moderately slow oven, 325 degrees fahren- heit, until the meat Is tender, about 2V2 to three hours. Raw vegetables, potatoes, carrots, turnips, parsnips, celery, may be added during the last hour of cooking. Use liquid In pan as base for gravy. Other dishes may be baked In the oven during the 22 to three hours cooking of the main dish. The temperature of the oven is somewhat limiting but some of the other items that may be baked in a 325 degrees fahren-helt own Include puddings or custards, baked apples or sauce and some cookies. TRICKY IRON: Food that rate In iron by chemical analysis, are not always the best sources of Iron in the diet, says' the Nutrition Division. This is because Iron in some foods is not readily asslmlll-ated by the body But liver is a rich source of iron that can be easily utilized by the body. For this reason and because it has valuable amounts of thiamin (vitamin Bl), Canada official fcod rules recommend the serving of liver at least once a week. Kidney and heart are also good sources of Uon. The food value of these "organ" meats, as with ii other meats, bears no relation a "organ"' meats can be made into i dellciously appetizing dishes. mi IN THE BAG: It makes the J dally tasks easier if you pin a paper bag to tne oeit 01 your housedress and use it to collect the part of the Jig-saw puzzle you'll find In the hall or the ties that must go to the kitchen for pressing ... all the small Items that have to be moved from one place to another every day. (A paper bag Is useful too when you go through the house dumping ash tarys and picking up apple cores) .. And how about designing a special drawer as a Lost and Found Dept. It helps teach children to be more careful about picking up their toys If there U a small ceremony about getting lost articles out of the drawer. MEMORY JOG: Butter coupons 88 and 89, normally valid on Dec. 7 may not be used before Dec. 14 . . . until these two coupons have been used, consumers should retain ration book four, even though all sugar apd preserves coupons have previously been CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles FRIDAY 7M. 4:00 Sound Off 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 Waltz Time-5:00 They Call Me Joe 5:30 Sports Review 5:45 Raymond Scott 6:00 Eddie Condon 6:30 Recorded 6:45 Rehabilitation 7:00 OBu News 7:15 People Next Door 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Soliloquy 8:30 V.D. Control Series 9:00 Burns and Allen 9:30 Morgan and Brice 10:00 CBO News 10:10 Elmore Philpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 H.M.CJ3. Chatham Dance Band 11:00 Silent SATUEDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Recorded 8:45 Songs of Today 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed 9:45 Hawaiian Echoes 10 :oo Children's Program in.flfl Dmindlln Tlmo ing next week the school broad- j JSSme " casts will be presented before an n:00 School Talent audi nee at the USO ballroom, 11: :33 Message Period facilities having been donated 11:35-Weather Forecast for this purpose. Broadcast time tiAt Ease P.M. 12:00 Down Beat 12:30 CBC News 12:35 Recorded 12:45 Johnny Mercer 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 Yank Swing Session G. F. Hooey, former manager of the Kaien Consumers' Co SMITHERS C.C.F. CLUB IS FORMED SMITHERS, Nov. 17 Charter has been granted to a Co-opera tive Commonwealth Federation Club here. A. Gregory is chairman and Mrs. E. Briggs, sec retary. . Local Officer At Toronto Meeting Capt. W. A. Reade, assistant educational officer for Pacific Command stationed at Prince Ru'pcrt, returned to the city at 1 the end of last week from Tor- onto where he attended conference with civilian representatives from all provinces of Canada. Matters taken up were principally In connection with measures for the education of men and women in the Aim-against the time when they will be domobllized and seeking pgst-war rehabilitation. Those at the conference included ministers of education and other educational officials. EARLY ARTIFICIAL PEARLS Fine artificial pearls were firsi made in western Europe in 1680 by Jacquin, a rosary-maker in Paris. I Fi iery, Toes Itching i r ana reet Here Is a clean, stairless antiseptic oil that will do more to help you get rid of your trouble than anything you've ever used. Its action Is so powerfully pene- t..Mn. that tfip Ifthlna Is fiuicklv operative here, is in the City on stopped; and in a short time you business from Bella Coola where ; JT uSTof he has been located for Some ber's Itch. Salt Rheum. Eczema " "B un8l6htly sk,n time in connection with the ! setting up of a new co-opera You tive Store which took over the Ltd.. or any modern drug store. It business of Andrew Christian- ( u safe TSSSJ'1 sen. I Indeed h PAGE FIVE ops ) in oocoat aiue 7 fey Yes, there's Qualify cut into every one of these Fall Topcoats made by Fashion - Craft and Society. All-wool fabrics including West-of-Enjj- lands, Fleeces, Velours and colorful Tweeds. I I, Priced at to 50 . $42.50 Classified Ads in The Dally News get results. V 'if . "Mi 1. V "ft it '"V