GOLFER RETURN (3 ' T NEWS 0l?rtSat owrver. in - C: .leu City. w . u Fischei :) ':? 24: h ho)e ol McLr r. related. nurd. But for ' w .uld havu r w i up. But vr l 'hat cne and thci r.ude a rood puti e i! At the ;eusatlonai -is exhibitions a: d other or-he war. :.: R A.F and serf -i, a. -Mtant .in Uq Uirarted v and the Old Time Pitcher Scoffs at Lay-off ! ' FORT WORTH, Texas, Oct. 31 W Lewis (Kasil McAllister, who won the omnrt vafinnai nn w, JL J. ' A A t trD1 plv nn mac Im rmrAM .... jn scries t0 determine the winner. Uie United . can't understand a pitche.- , :ie uui ne ' . u: o the two he U S. '.. s pleas- .'jrmance or W. .;'.r-' cup learn v; tj America. g-0 I the 193S 0 u id J. D. A. by Rey-E Wr.ite 8 and McLean lost C. , ..A A : 3 1 w -e ail square Jack re-u Seotty , and U.S. Football Army 27, Duke 7. Colgate G, Columbia 0. Dartmouth 14, Brown 13. Navy 20, Penn 0. Yale 32, Rocheter 0. Michigan 40, Perdue 14. Notre Dame 13, Illinois 7. Ohio State 34, Minnesota 14. Denver 3G, Utah fitate 6. Southern California 34, Bt. Mary's 7. Utah 19, Nevada 14. Washington 3?, California 7. last nine months of his three and-a-half years In service were spent in the hospital. He was in vallded out in April. McLean believes American!; take their golf more seriously than the British, trying harder' to Improve their game Golf be- ( ing his life, he thoroughly agrees . wit that attitude. -Jack, now 33, has been playing I golf since he was a child. T n. , 1 H Un ..AlnrnH "Hv knocking the heads off my1 ( father's garden" flower? with 1 his walking stick." J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 i million r.n.:. .-j ,nmM in wr industrr. nd lil. lU thp tut, -r i t "wuw 1 1 un i iiave one himi in amplete and iiwedr vlctorr. count u nerer before, for now b ia Its niL crucial mr VCt mult brfc , 9 - u coon, ute even more ot our male the finish iwift nd lure. srat that in this Serenth Victory Lout UT t leait one more bond than we OfC It is Our Autv n mip tMnw , lu ooi cnudrea who wiU enjoy victory. Let ui do our duty sUdlr. . ut piMct on our winnim team. INVEST IN VICTORY I B THE DAILY NEWS year-old butcher, held the title until a few day ago when the British Boxing Board of Control declared it vacant. McAvov held Probably the most remarkable the title 11 vears and hadn't performance in the history of defended it since war began, the world-famous Grand Nation- Hawkins, a railway fireman on u al steeplechase was recalled with southern England run, came in-the recent death of famed ract i to prominence during the las', horse trainer, Capt. Percy Whita- jslx months and has been hailed Ker, at the age of 74. He nearly toy some experts as the greatest ....iu Defeat ai . B.Um ... oc,Ci, uorse wtlh one lune Tn mn,,nt , ipV v... .h. nr.H.v, w.p. aL iC American days and won them all, scoffs at was The Lawyer m, which he weieht title since 1939 and de- i" nrpspni flav ntiriprs whn Have tn i. ... .... Final ' ' "Ul uai rae, oui also ownea cided several weeks ago to Jump :restsever,al days be'ore car nd trained. The fin- Lawyer Into the middle class. Date ana c, , mi. not Oct 30 jo n w work, again ua h,.a v.. , ... ,o.. .... . . . i .juiu uwu bu me uu-i snub siLc oi liip pnamn nnsnin doul :n J: - 0U1 i "e,rr r Rubl ln 1908' Th? horse drP- ha not been announced but it i v m hPr avi o u won me Ilrst nair or t,ne Texas Ded d d fihortl ft d frated on League and Tort Worth the last ! American i naif and they played a 12-game pletlng the gruelling course and examination reveaiea me animai ; Eritaln's Amateur Boxing had only one lung. It was th; Association revealed that dur ambition of Whltaker's life to i r, - . .having to rest five days before iraln and ride a Grand National Zr J 'ZC he RAP... he can pitch agaln Why those wInner. He continued to try un bomb passed almost direcUy over huh-" "t u. un,. lu ne was aw dui never succeea- the rlne amid the heavy anti- -ti rinl f tf71nh Thpv tnct. Vpnt mv arm In crntn . .wi Trh T IcVinnp" i.niM J i i j pretty coi- McAllister oroKe in "Ie fairly pd baseball with Fort Worth in 1895 and went to Cleveland. . tc , Britons i..m, js happy , - j ill again j ed in his nine attempts. The , aircraft barrase. Boxers, referee closest he came was with The anj judges carried on. The crowd Lawyer. His final attempts were i rushed from the grandstand to made on Arravale which failed get p. better view of the buzz-in 1922 when he jumped on a bomb then a novelty, dead horse at the fence before Becher's Brook. For the following two years Arravale balked at the same fence. I Grey-haired ,W. J. Hobbs cele-jbrated his 70th birthday b i swimming six times across Tor-. 1 i i j i a mr. ' quay xiaruor a ui&uuice 01 isu . . . T t, , , Vlnce Hawkins, Britain's lat- , water temperaturt est boxing sensation who never j that could be compared to that has tasted defeat ln his 01 pro- nf Lake Ontario on a chilly Sep- fesslonal bouts, will meet veter- tember day. In his younger days an Ernie Roderick of Liverpool Hobbs won more than 100 swims, for the British middleweight including the Australian three championship. Jock McAvoy 3C- mile race in 1603, and trained Hockey Scores A11EIUCAN LEAGUE Saturday Providence 3, Cleveland 1. Pittsburgh 4, Indianapolis 1. Hershey 3, Buffalo 0. Sunday Providence 3, Hershey 3. Cleveland 3, Buffalo 1. Indianapolis 1, Pittsburgh NATIONAL LEAGUE Saturday Montreal 3, Boston 2. , Toronto 2, New York 1. Sunday .Boston 1, Detroit 7. Toronto 11, Chicago 5. . TESTING NECESSARY Tuberculosis authorities that the disease might be, (Con quered by I960 If every man, .wo man and child could be tested, tatives of eight municipalities and the railway jsystem managers of Kimberley and The Australian phalanger Is the only known animal with green fiir. the Australian 1924-25. -All-Blacks" ln Income Tax Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 ikL li vBWJ r-"m,. r . i , , IU i f J s w. mm Mm W. E. STONE Men's Furnishings 1 Vx rrmting -ompany OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING , BOOKBINDING STATIONERY r t, .. . A I J M II tl T 1? I V II A v i:aii un LEHMAN'S FOUNTAIN l'ENS er Nock, 3rd Street Phont 234 j IWii In If if j TTG a WTTSTTSlTTsin MATSin Remise it nuts the tools V A VN 4 oi victory into the hands oi the boys who are going 10 win this war. IT'S A WINNING HAND Because the dollars I will make this a better land for the boys don't don't spend spend today today when they return. IT'S A WINNING HAND Because it buys me a guaranteed share in post-war Canada. IT'S A WINNING HAND Because it gives me an opportunity to do my part. VICTORY BONDS II. G. HELGERSON LTD. NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. NELSON BROS. FISHERIES LTD. J. II. MAIR, Furniture and Auctioneer GEORGE L. RORIE. GRAND CAFE. SCOTT'S MEAT MARKET BARR & ANDERSON Black Kid Tango Pumps Just arrived Family Shoe Store Ltd; "The Home of Good Shoes" PAGE FIVE ' ?QA I J when you need i i C 1 comfort LS we" ai 1 if . mix I Lv.-i-",: buy ! I rifl STANUD ! n!s.mited I . , , , FINNY SPEED J j The tuna fish has been timed by scientists at a speed of 44 I miles an hour. I 1: : Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Atlas Boiler Works Electric, Oxygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacksmith, General Repair. Phone Red 884 Julia Arthur DRESS PUMPS In British Tan and Golden Tobacco Colors with Dress Cuban' and Low Cuban Heels. Perfect fitting Elasticized lines OUR Responsibility... Your dollars must uy the tools ; 6f war. Morp and more are needea to put an end to the horror ,and the bloodshed. Let'sanot lose sight ot our .responsibility4 to the 'lads who are giving so much for us. Our dollars will make it easier for them to reach the goal our leaders have set "un- conditional surrender" of our vicious enemies. They're not letting us downl How can we fall them? Le's buy all the Victory Bonds we can AND THEN ONE MORE! , INVEST IN VICTOKV BUY VICTORY BONDS Ormes Ltd. Jjus Pione er Drus&isU THE REX ALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 9 a.m till 9 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. We can say this in three words- BUY COAL NOW! ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. 116 PHONES - 117 RUPERT BRAND SMOKED Black Cod Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PEINCB RUPERT Co. Ltd BRITISH COLUMBIA EARLY ADVERTISINQ COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED 3 5 U P e r G n