V i ? 1944 Lk'J ttcr (tmi& ,om oik. . .4 . I I lit 1 Iff '-" W LW" 1 . . i -..1. I. oar; eggt are a goditnd h a harmted houiewile re ut to many occaiions. ndiMhfnantggdihcn La unnpfrttJ pp, thit a ilStttnt ways of cooking h maC be welcome. ibf miprt thac follow are (our people. f jgi louftnflon f..m!l ': jkmg dh. Iio mi vtty llifn- lino it faftfullv . . (inrtj dttvpf x l ' li. ttMlfS)l)X .....! sprinUe over i -hjllow pta tf .1 r m modtsate l-miI whites sc . UtmiMil (lj to ltj 6 la Trip t ..uf a slked !..k while nac by l'tU Ugtm Eggs are Versatile l,yx. aukk and eoty to 1 lit J cook the eggi. Chtll and peel. Separate onion ilu.es into rings ro frr Ughtlr SKce the eggi ami place with onion rings in the fombint.l milk snd uucc in double boiler atvl heat Season and tent1. fflO Btrcy I fop, ionuw ftue Lmkyp H cup top nA ut atm SU iml prpf This Jnh it bett prrptred m individual rrrmg. Tint, ftf iMisages uH istey ate cmiinl hf not kik lxof. Nuw gjeate stuHow heat-proof dttbei with tiuugc drip-pint;!. Ikrak one egg into cadi. Arrange two halve! of a big MOMgf ut twu tnull SMWgtti ixi ec)i tide itf the eg?. lut a dab of tomato pavfr of keubup cadi serving. Add mik uc (iain into each diaii snd rook benuth the, grill 10 DMMttrt vt uiuil whiles have cu mn CANADIAN CO. LIMITED' Urn of Premium Ham am! llacun; Slhcrlenf I .aril; -4 Sh irlrnlnft; BnxikfuIJ Mutter,' Eft ami C.Ih mc MATTRESSES AND BOX SPRINGS spuing kiixki) & .Km Mattress, price $12.f0 Krt Box Spring, ize 'J- n(1 ,2-r, f p Spring Filled Mattress $35.00 H : si, t p Box Spring, size -1-G -(K' ELIO Furniture Store TIIIUO AVENUE mmm lunch IS NOW OPKN 6th Ave. I' lienlde P.O. Station B. "Select Lunches and Select Service" DISTKIHUTOHS OF HA'KLWOOI) ICK CBKAM BOtJUSKN'S (JKOCHKY Courlcry and Service I 'OHM A L OI'ENINfl OF RUPERT BUTCHERS I'NHnt NEW MAN AO E.MENT OP W. LOCK 'nt 'ion. Ifkonld In. una an Joundant '""Ply of the ALL rillCiai FOR ECONOMY IIEItf.l choicest cuts of Meat, Fresh Fruit and Vege. tables In season from our own farm arriving by each boat. Complete line of groceries. 11 1'ayH to Advertiso in The Daily News Wartime Mothers Get Welcome Red Crow Workers .Make Thlnjs Easy For Newcomers To Dominion AN EA8TERN CANADIAN PORT. July 3 Oi Peace at long iast or so It seems to baby-weary mothers that reach Canada these days. For Can- ada welcome Is shown by a day of comparative freedom for the moiners first holiday experiences since baby's arrival for tneit of them. In Britain there Just aren't 'any girls wUh time en their hands to tend children Batt were among those who left and give mothers a much needed on Saturday night 'for a holiday break. As soon as the ship Is officially doelced, trim, Uue-elad Rtd Cross workers of the nursing service go aboard, tag all the babies, take over formula directions, cfaup hands with the toddlers and older youngsters mula is ready for the night feed-Ins: and the families set' ott for Montreal where again Red Ctom volunteers take over when the J. M. S. Loubser DC. B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640. Barr & Anderson LIMITED riumblng and Healing Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th 8t. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1204 enemy territory. Birth Notice THE DAILY NEWS PAOE FIVE LOCAL NEWS NOTES A H. S. WALLACE CO. are elos cd till Friday In order to take at 8 o'clock In the Eagles' Hall Inventory. Open Friday. 157) Mrs. O. R. Kelsey and her two children left on Saturday night on a holiday trip to Vancouver. trip to Vancouver. Among those leaving on Saturday night for Vancouver were A. R. Holtby and granddaughter-. Miss ft. Holtby. over Born at the Prince Rupert , trabi i pulls iny nd the mothers 0eneral Hospiui. July 1 to Ueut. tocKfck ovei baffgage. . . nallrle r an, Mrs. Vn Von Auron Al,rnn mpe 'nee make phone calls or Just have a leisurely cup of tea. Card of Thanks ChrlssJe McLeodi a son. Both mother and son are doing well. " 2 Six Violas. " 3 Three Astllbe (splrea). 4 xwo Delphinium. " 5-Three Iris. " 6 Three Campanula. Sec. 1 Geranium. ' 2 Calceolaria. ' 3 Begonia. 4 Coleus. 5 Fuschia. Geoffrey Wootton left on Saturday night to return to Vancouver after a brief business visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cox and con left on Saturday night on a Uoliday trip to Vancouver and S. K. Murray of B.C. Packers, Pentlcton ancouver. left on Saturday , land tM th rrmthrr ih 9'nu,t .nv. oft.r a Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beattie : free until train Ume when their .brief visit here, during which he Saturday nlht fra "Si" charges will be delivered to them w the right berth, dean, well fed and happy. iniwu uuiiu;uuc wa Charged with drunkenness, James Anderson was fined J 25 " or Graham t r i T rn vanmiiostr onrr Kan mn. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Davis, after neariV wncneon await me j- a visit here with their daughters, mother and an afternoon spread a eTfn "J Magistrate .?- W. r D.i. :ieft Prlday evenin nine on on thir their re tp. W if -he wants, but She doesn't .van m cy PIlc wun tIl Iturn turn to Kimlnons. Kamioops. cave ij be there. She can seer03-.it a miita. take In the after- r.o:.n movie, write letters or Just dauithter' Ann left Saturday and araiiy ,e,t on Ertdajr nlght' ep. any are oennieo w int for Vancouver enroute to i-. -v after an ocean crossing fid! Qoallcum Beach, Vancovuer Iil-o: childish oarea and Uie usual o, ubere thfy 'will spend a amount of sea fuzzlness to with- (vacation, lit and. i j A pink and white nursery with Ear Dudoward of Port Slrop-,.hWe coU hAs been furnlahed n was given six months sus-for tbe babies in a section of the pended sentence by Magistrate u ;kya4. A special playroom (W. D. Vance In city police court i jj:h uyt of all kinds to keep Friday for wearing an army uni tize older on- a used Is there form illegally. (too. A tsalneal nur. ' and aueer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Smith train for a three weeks' holiday trip to LakeUe Lake. Major and Mrs. Campbell Dow of Terrace arrived in the city from the Interior by train Sat-udray morning and proceeded thai night to their home in Na- nalmo for a visit . TOO LATE TO CLASSirV Mr. and Mrs. W. R. vised volur.trer helpers cher-i .Mr; . . . . " .FOR SALE Kitchen range, bed ' hre left night for Saturday '.,R that hmniirnm ifw in th v, 'tink wr Vancouver enroute to molher, bt fun" for the girts. Winnipeg, 8trft upsUlri When uain Ume arrives some T K..X .k,. ivu. daughter. Lieut Nursing Sister i .LOST-Black n, w and A white Mt , fox ter- Ure sorted out and tucked away rrt Oraham of the Royal Can- rier dog. Black spot right fnr Oi. ntoht ah thtrHn llf. aura" Army Airajcaj iurps. i. anoujucr, umcis. pawcu w. a' icji . In Oanada rwttb a happier out- "u In freah ritghtles and diapers 'pn with xlr& (irm ttiekrd In Ftor- rlnK . , . i . i Oraham. who has beem a Halifax bomber towards rear, hea ead black. Phone Red mostly H56) FOR SALE 7-tube radio. Good condition. Phone Oreen 906. (15G) FOR SALE Radio, 7-tube General Electric, mantel. Phone Black 100, 613 8th Avenue East "156) Advertise in The Dally News. We wish to express our sincere , thanks for acU of kindness. mes- ,jlt0K RUBKRT IIOKTICULTUKVL SOCIETY saes of sympathy and beautiful I noral tributes received from . t rTMTl II Tills 1 1 IMf Ml A7 AklPl many frtenos during our recent AuKlLULIUKAL UljrLAI AWU bereavement in the death of our dear huaband and father. LI flULD VUflU MRS. F. J. DISHMAN ILUTTLl JIIVll AND FAMILY I rii nnitmnn ninvilfll A C!aaaiflrl-Ad in the Dally Hews will bring Quick Resulu. Ill Build B.C Payrolls'' Write Your Recipes isf From Rcvelstoke Pacific Milk Received a very fine letter giving the mayonnak-e recipe printed recently. We are grateful for this. Will other women send favorite tips which can be passed on to help make wartime cooking better? PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed tlVll. ItiAlKri I'Alin I V AIj For Amateur Gardeners No Entry Fee Cash Prizes ritiE LIST UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED: FIRST I'lUZr, $1.00. SECOND HH1ZE 50 IN EACH SECTION Sec 1 Three Red. 2 Three Pink. " 3 Three Yellow. Sec 1 Three Calendula. 3-Slx Marigold. " 3 Three Nasturtium single). - 4 Three Stock. CLASS 1HOSES Sec. 4 Three Polyantha. " 5 Three White. " 6 One Rose (any). CLASS 2 ANNUALS Sec. 5 Three Nasturtium (double). 44 '6 Any " 7 other " 8 annual. CLASS 3 BIENNIALS AND PERENNIALS Sec. I-Slx Pansies. Sec. 7 Three Sweet William. 8 One Canterbury Bell. 9 Six Pinks. 10 Three Peonies: 11 Three Llllies. 12 Any other B., P. CLASS 4 HOUSE PLANTS Sec. 6 Cuctus or Succulent. " 7 Hanging Basket . " 8 Any other foliage plant. " 9 Any other flowering type. CiaSS 5 MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 1 Best Display of Flowers 1st Prize $2.00, 2nd. $1.00. " 2-Bouquet of Flowers for Table 1st Prize $2.00. 2nd $1.00. " 3 Most Unusual Display (Flowers, Berries, Foliage). 1st Prize $2.00, 2nd $1.00. ; " 4 Best Display of Rockery Plants 1st Prize $2.00, 2nd $1.00. " f Corsage Bouquet 1st Prize $1.00, 2nd 50c. CI.ISS C CHILI) It EN'S SECTION 15 years old or under only. Sec. 1 Best Collection of Garden Flowers Named. 1st Prize $1.00, 2nd, 50c. " 2 Best Collection of Wild Flowers Named. 1st Prize $1.00, 2nd 50c. " 3 Best Collection of Orasses. 1st Prize $1.00, 2nd 50c. CLASS 7 VEGETABLES Number and manner of dliplay optional Sec. 1 Garden Peas. Sec. 7 Rhubarb. " 2 Carrots. 8-Lettuce. " 3 Beets. 9 Any other type. " 4 Turnips. 10 Spray of Currants. " 5 Onions. ' 11 Spray of Gooseberries. " 6 Chard " 13-Cluster or Raspberries. CLIP THIS LIST FOR REFERENCE Swana Olafson Becomes Bride AMoose meeting tomorrow night ' A ,Mnr r h In. interest took place at First H. J. Whlffln left on Saturday United Church on Friday last Miss Margaret Olske left on night on a trip to Vancouver. jWhen Miss Swana Olafson. Saturday night on a trip to Van couver. Miss Dorothy and Miss Isobel Abercromble left on Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. daughter of the late H. Olafson Mrs. J. Malr was among those and MrJ nnersson, was united eaylng Saturday night on a trip; ln marrlaKC to Conm Carrell to Vancouver. 'son of Mrs. Blanche Carrell of Miss Jean Smith left on Satur- Mission, day nlsht for a holiday trip to bridc uved ta Prtnce New Westminster and Victoria. Hupert since girlhood and is I well known and popular, partlc- Ml Dorothy Smith is leaving ' uJarly in musical and church on tonight's train for Smlthers ; circles. Mrs. J. Batt and Miss Phyllis ; to spend the summer vacation. Best wishes will be extended to the couple. , ' Lieut CoL IL C. Barstow, district paymaster of Pacific Command, Vancouver, after spending a couple of days here on inspection duties following a trip through the Interior, left Saturday nrght on his return south. SERVICE EXPANDS In the 2G months since It; first training class of August, 1942, the WJl.CJTfl. has reached a total ennnment of 4,77? by May, 1M4. Announcements All dvcrtlwtnrnta In (His column wUI be charged for a full month t 25c a ward. W.O.TJ.L Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Wednesday, July S. Dancing 10 to 2. DeCarlo's Orchestra. Re freshments. Orange ladles' Dance, July 7. Oddfellows' Hall; DeCarlo's Orchestra. Refreshments. Dancing 9:30-1:30 a.m. Atlas Boiler Works Electric, Orygen, Acetylene Welding, Blacxsmlth, General Repair. Phone Red S .. The best buy In Monument.' and Markers in B.C. is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave., first door West of Eaton's. NATIONAL MONUMENT P.O. Box 998. Prinee Rupert DANCE TUESDAY, JULY i Swin;men Orchestra ODDFELLOWS' HALL GEO.JMES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SIIIITED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 146 4th Ave. E. RED 137 British Columbia's Finest Salmon J. L. CURRY (Late of Yukon) CHIROPRACTOR Smith Block Green 995 KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chew Mein Hours 10 a.m, to 10 p.m. 2nd Avenue and 8th Strret Reliability For twenty -five years FASHION-CRAFT Clothing has been the choice of thousands of men hi Prince Rupert and DhffrieL Why?. . . Because they have learned through the years that the FASHION -CRAFT Label identlr. flea a garment that Is expertly,, tailored and honestly made-censuring proper fit and long wear. Todi lay ... FASHION-CRAFT Clothing ts still available still as reliable as ever. If you need a Suit or Topcoat we'd suggest that you see the Fashion Craft range at i tfm mi lb VOLUNTEER WORKERS WANTED CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL Men and women to assist in Booths! Conces-sions, etc ; PLEASE REPORT to BiU Stone at Wm. Stone,-Clothier, Corner 3rd Avenue and 5th StreeL 1 v - - hit J GALAXY OF TUNES FOR . 1 9 "7 ii: HIVi VICTOR RECORD HITS m f which 27S.-.'-""": PCL"1- wic. """.7,11 Meucta IUjn- I, mil .. . vnll HEAR rn- dOHOTMIN !"--. iii -rrz r.u w n "r.. t I Evtrj limt you buy a fu rear J, try t I bring an oU rttrJ im u-iib ytu. PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Bulltup Hoofs Repairs, Reshlntllnr Free Estimates Re-opening of the L. D. Cafe CHOP SUEY and CHOW MEIN Hours 0:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. SUPPORT THE PIONEERS' HOME PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert first existed, we have served the people. The , prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality, drugs, the best of equipment. Ormes Ltd. "Jiitt Pioneer Dmt&iats THE REX ALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 0 a.m; 1111 9 p.mi Sundays and Holidays Jrom 1 2rJ2-WXL ajjd 7-9 P-W I?