im-it ruuu jall i'kK'esJ lv hffMct tiitrs., fkh. it sat. fkh. 20 opportunity Knocks t t j an sale jTvTi'n and .. e appea! t bi .ns In r for Free d like ad-jf thi op- t buy In . :d SAVE SAVE a Da anctd 29c -DE BACON 23c n FLOUR i lettes ts f Z9t r,c 11.77 SIM 1C0. 'Z ikU. Prem tin nrAtxrc VOUCH Royal City Choice Peas 20-oz. tin. (I for 81c Per doz. S1.57 Better Buy Cut Green Beans-- 2(J-w. tins II for 77c Ter dozen $1.49 Van Camp's Tomato Soup 11 tins for For Cold Plat or Sdndi-tthei. 1 Dl L Per nn iJii.iii.ii iiii t if Tto 53c 21c 30c 10ic ui Wxds Annette Dr A. T Hakstlan and MUs he ity this P hi Erlckson. R N who have business trip btta conducting a pruvmrfi T rciilo. Wlnnl- chest clinic here, will 1 r ; :h the years, almost since Prince Rupert 'I we have served the people. The prescription 1 cj have always tried to keep modern, using t 'r. . is. quality drugs, the best of equipment. rt a new vir wi nr nrnud nt our record. -i f ;r the confidence you have shown in us. May -j ti aerve you. st Pioneer Druggists "'mi l STORK f IIOKF.S 81 and 83 Open Hail from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. ""u uoiiuays rrom izz p.m. anu LP YOURSELF BY HELPING US Have Your CENTS Bus CANADA Fare 1939 Ready a a ! I 1 - unvcr must ait while you "lisii um paRsenirors nml ln nn ilolavetl oa thnfT ,8, MuIP'y that few seconds oi m Xifff !n .ui iw H y ,iaV.. onn, ARROW BUS LINES Per dozen Teriderflake Pure Lard- il lbs. NO. I POTATO ES-Exrellent Cookers. 75-lb. Sack DRIED ONION8 Limit 4 lbt t Per lb. j.-.. .. CARROfS-I lbs. ...... V NEV CABBAGE Califbrnla Ottba. Lb. , 33c S2.25 7c 15c 7c (I lbs for 99C 89c PARI-8AN1 WAXPAPER--Heavy weight. 91 f HXMt. roll No 1 WHITE HONEY- 2 cartons for 1 eoopfln. Pet carton PONTIAC MATCHES A Boxm of 300. Per pkt NABOB PUDDINGS Butterscotch or Chocolate I pkU. 29c 25c 29c HOLLAND RUSKS Crimpy Ooodness. OOp Per pkt. iLj CHRISTIES RITZ- Aristocrat of Wafer Pkt. STONED WHEAT THINS- 1 pkU 17c 29c . nun in ui.i ! iifu ui linn l. i uii.. iiniiwri r- fin ' D - - ; ONE OVERWAITEA FUBB DELIVERY Children Hold n"Sr 10 .Concert, Dance Junior lied Cro Iteitefllt Affair on Saliirday. The sum of $1350 was handed 2 i into MLss from Dorothy O Neill of the Red Cross from a group rhlldren in grade five, being p:oceels rrom a concert new Saturday at Miss Madalene Ynungman's home. Those taking part were Carol Moore. Mallene Moore. Madalene Youngman. Marle Lattgne. Gladys Bremo. Billy McChasney. Wally Carlson. Norman Shenton and Marion Shenton. All taking part had fancy dres ses. A sale of hot dogs and pop followed the concert. THB DAILY NEWS PAQE TORES LOCAL NEWS NOTES Capt W P. Armour arrived Jh j ASons of Norway Leap Year In- thfc city this morning from Van couver, being here for a brief business visit. A Due to a shipment of caps be ing delayed, we will be Using raw milk caps, instead bf pasteurized milk taps. Valentin Dairy. (39) far. and Mrs. R. 0. Large returned to the clly this morning from a two weeks trip to Incorporation of Thomas Mo Meekln & Sons. Ltd. of Prince Rupert has been announced. N ight Coughs jc to colds . . . eased without "dosing". VICKS VAPORUa Its us Lieiiverv Delivery . Faced with a newsprint ration on the one hand and increasing circulation on the other, the Daily News Is finding It necessary to comb the circulation list and eliminate those subscrlb- ers who have fallen in ar- rears. Already some have been cut off the deliver! and mailing lists. The situation is simply that we cannot carry on with those who do not Dav at the risk of not being able to supply those who do. send In your remit- tance now to ensure unln terrupted delivery 4 vitatiofi dance. Friday. February 18, Oddfellows' Hall, refreshments. Mil C. A. Brlnd, local manager of the Imperial Oil Co., returned to the city this morning from a business trip to Ocean Falls. Mrs. Dido Ourvlch returned to the city this morning from a Irlp to Vancouver. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:45, was reported this afternoon to be on time. AMonthly meeting of P.T.A.. Booth Memorial High School, Wednesday, February 16, 8 pjn T W. Falconer returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. E. O. Daniels returned to the U.IJ 111U HIVIIULIS I1UUI 4t UilCL Durness trip to Kiemtu ana 1 Ocean Falls. J O Prarcey superintendent Mr and mm. w7 O. Shear-of the SUbak-Premier mine, a'r- down returned to the city this rived in the city yesterday from morning from a trip to VanCoil- me norm ana win De nere.ior Ter the next few days In connection with the hiring of men to work it the mine. He win also visit the interior. A Anglican Social Tea. Mrs. Wm. Watt, tomorrow. Thursday. 3:30 to 5:30 pm Correspondence from the Department of National Revenue In rtntctkm with the position of arsons who a;e subject to taxation both in Canada and the United States was read at Main-day night's meeting of the Prlnc Rupert Chamber bf Commerce. ITCH C.N.R. STOPPED iitaJiffur Dally txttpl Sunday rrom ih rati Dally txrrpt Monday fr Trrra or Montr Birt mm4 Aim tommbU, mm UM-mrtimt. ninli.g. aAtt. !. Ummd IX U. II. fnmrln UravhM, mIhi Snbn irrft.ti tai qir llf tUf iMtw r" Jntim 1.t Um D li J. PK f.VjtlP7KN Mr and Mrs. P. S. Bonney! returned to Ocean Falls last night from a trip to Vancouver L M. Felscnlhal. manager of the Rupert People's Store organization, returned td the tlty oh It was pointed out that March 4 jlan night's train from a business was the deadline fbr the ftllng of trip to Montreal, Toronto and Halms to eliminate certain dap- elsewhere in the east. lcatton Th correspondence waJ filed for the reference of any , persons who Ighi b interested. t Pay For Paper I Now-Ensure 8untay. Monday. Wtdnnday and I I'rlday 4 pm. Pratm Trrrar XlondiT Tuesday Thursday and Saturday II a.m. -r-.-rrr-jjij-j--, "DON'T NEGLECT A MlNdR REPAIR. FRAYED CORDS? LOOSE WIRES? THEY NEED CONSTANT CARE! ATTEND TO THEM PROMPTLY AS YOU WOULD A SICK FRIEND,' AND YOU'LL GET GOOD SERVICE -T'WILL PAY IN THE END!" A cord is fraycil at the plug. Neglect if and first thing yoii know a fuse is 6iit of comniissioh. The repair is simple if done Irnmcdi- X atcly. Pull Out plug; loosen strews, remove wires; ait off wires at frayed part and remove insulation far enough haclclo make hew connection iti plug. Keconncct in plug Carefully and you har6 saved yoiitscif hours of inconvenience and repair tosti! Announcements All adveftisemeBtl In this eottfran will be charsjed lor a lull month at 25c a word. Moose Ladies" Meeting, Wednesday 7 ppi. prbmpt. Initiation, important all members attend. Joint social 0 pjn. C.Wi. Bridge, Whist and Crib-bale. K.O.C. Hut, Feb. 17, 8 pin. Everyone wIc6me. C.CJ. Dance, March 10, Oddfellows' Hall, DeCarlo's Orchestra Dry Dock Employees' Dance. March 18, Proverb's Orchestra. WA. Canadian Legion Dance. I.oi.E. Hall, March 24. ixiNTJON 10 IJo Egerton, S3 years a coal miner, was brought tb LOhdorl by the ministry" bf fiie! to open a coal economy exhibition. He told the audience hi found li easier to do a day' work in the mine thatl make a speech. BOVRIL Makes Your Meat Ration Co Further! Gef BOVRIL f od ay.' i rains a t m I 10:45 pm. I W-RtUiVE SORE THROAT FROM A COLD ALMOST INSTANTLY j H via iqlt. fgtt-ectlng I B.C. EMPTY BEER BOTTLES PURCHASED Quantities over 10 Dozen will be picked up. Phone 950 or Red 970 Quantities under 10 Dozen to be delivered to our warehouse No 811 Fraser Street CITY TRANSFER For llljhclass DECORATING and PAINTING Call LEO OYEJl Red. .395. 867 Borden St. Mark every grave while you have the opportunity. They deserve it. See National 3Iuniiriifchts 602 5th Kast Box 1125 Station B Prince Rupert. B.C.. -XOTICK L.tD RttilSTRT ACT H: Certinratf or Tltl X t:ss7-I,, to ninrk 1. AdbdliMon or the MnthrrU ii r. more or Irss, or Lot 19C9. lUnff S. CuJt Irlrt; Map K91. WHEREAS satisfactory broot o lows of tHe above Certtficat Ot Title Issued In the name ot Jack Br-nnett has bea nied In this office, j notice la ben by glen that I shall, i at the expiration of one month rrom j the date ot the first publication' bef eof, lame a prorurtonal tertlfl-. cate of Title in Ueu of said lost certificate, unleu In the meantime raUd objection b made to me In writing- DATED at tte tnd Registry Ofnte. Prince Rupert. B.C., this 2flth dy of January. 1944 A D. Aounzvt TVbMPSbN. Deputy Registrar of Titles. IV THE M'PRF.ME COfKT or BKItl!! t-flLtMMA , , t PRORATE n the Matter of tlie "AdmtnUtratloit In tlie Matter of the Estate f IranC laae Ketriied Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of. His Honor,. W E. Fisher, made on. tne iota day or riuruary. ,ajj. I94. i I was appointed Administrator ot ' the estate ct Prank Isaac deceased, and all parties baring claims against the Aid estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 11th day of March. AD. 1944. and aU parties indebted to the Estate are required Ui pay the amount of their Indebted newto me forthwltB. DATED at Prince Rupert. BC, this lltll day of February, AD. 19ti. JfQKAIAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B C habihe 1 1 Th6 Pick of Tobacco Mrs. Deiidil and Mrs. John HAVE RE-dPEXED THE Mouse Trap Cafe Hours 2 pjn. to 11:30 psn. Super Coffee. Hamburgefi and Onions, Home-made Pies and Cakes J.MS.Loubser D.C BJL Chiropractor vTsliate Block Phone M Fresh Loral Haw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAlkY rilONE 657 I CHIMNEY. SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of axlean Job. Phone Black US HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bol 544 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT HELP THE SEAMEN HELP THE SEA CADETS i JOIN THE Navy League Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA All Hands Show the Way to the Variety Store f Xrl . UM JtV sssssssssssssssssssssssssssVLJ For we specialize in winter comfort. We have a large stock of notions ... all of the best gad-gets to make house cleaning simpler . . , toiletries for milady . . sewing accessories and anything else you may desire to keep you healthy and happy this season. THE VARIETY STORE I