town Store Scene of c Following Blowing GIVE GENEROUSLY CAKADIANiRED CROSS A GREAT CAUSE f Runner Inst Mailt rcracker invaded the premises of McKae gtationerv store on Third Avenue last U iliur llff trW KItfn lt Mm fn'ii f .lowing "77 "- vr... . . IdinC, anfI ,naK,"K """j "K" contents 01 w Kntrv was ... made by smashinir .. a win- mv - - .mitCUl Ot UlP . .t fur inp nonr ' . ;f, una wie . s iaKe I Toll Enemy , M. H v Big r t. ,3m attack- fuci. mt later Am- 1 1 r i; tnirk western :h; at well a roast of I i, ttui; on Oer- Limned dur- r. mosquitoes. , i al :n? on "iv for pin- ",t : ive arc 'd by the a ', M.t of more ' n.:ic.i from BLi k Boa of Miners I 1 1 1 1 mi Y U M Nearly have re- t k i Bi.'.iaIj eol- ... no Indlca- to work. TOWNS uf rn n omund (rant In lUmllrd lo rstrolllnr It: ' ' t Ilrlt-sA towns on ' ?; Dalma-wi reported . ' by large Meantime I'i i:- ground ;:'at:..llln(. t be .struck r F : :;-:e Ullrll IIIIIS UMWi 50.09 5 00 SOI 500 10.00 500 10.00 10.00 i Ma; 50.00 R C Ban; r ird 15 00 5.00 .00 C L' 50.00 20.00 100.00 15.00 ) 10.00 7 Ltd. 30.00 10.00 5.00 Bro: 10.00 50.00 re Lid 5o no P!:' F.nulitng 20.00 "'CM 1000 Ear, 10 0J Eikm , lo.oo "Hi l.Vil 25.00 :" i cam No. 50 0.00 Kfer 100.00 10.00 5.00 Senile 5.00 ir 5.00 5.00 rlca nbury 100.00 5.00 ;.-tt,n No. 37 87.00 83.30 ,00 fsen 5.00 5.00 $9,010.51 ruined completely. Plainly, there was art extremely heavy charge of the explosion was heard dur- nf nltrn.olvrriinr hn( ing the night. The safecracking was dlcov- I ercd this morning by William I Noble. Hjbf Mcltae Brothers jemploA.iitcr the store at !thftfiftf the day A seel erected him as he (i aSL v -k room where the V. ted. Scatter-, ed In q . v nashed safe were tl. a,c had contalne. Vv"w shatter ed bv the vprp numb IHhono- v t, grapn rccort. Commentln, .e damag B' C. McRae. vprletor of the torc. said "they certainly did a wiorougn joo. rue saie was au 'tniashed to piece." ,,e added that Uie loss In en not vry heavy A few articles of stationery such as pencils were taken. T1e tiileves made entry Into the store by smashing an un barred window high at the rear V' the store and using an old wtuWni machine standing near a an aid to climbing In Nearby tower '.window were nil barred La night's burglary was the smmd such occurrence at the same business place In two months Thieves who entered the store about two months ago rifled the cash register of Its contents of $10. City police are investigating last night s robbery IMPORTANCE OF FARMING Wheat l"ffnl In .More Than One Rotary Club is Told WINNIPEG. Mar 10 Wheat no longer means simply bread, It is a raw material for industrial alcohol and can be transformed ' into synthetic tubber. fuel for, automobiles and other vital prof duels, aecordlnz to Dr. Paul' KoUchov. technical counsellor, i Joseph E. Seagram At Sons. Inc . ' IMilsvllle. Kentucky. In Canada : lo exchange information with , the National Research Council i Ottawa, and to address the chemical Industry Society. Mont real. In Winnipeg yesterday. h addressed the Industrial Development Board's annual meeting 1 and left for the east by Canada , Air Lines plane. i With Europe less dependent on North Amerloa for bread than , formerly. Dr. Kolachov forecast a revolution in uanaaian agriculture. In rye. sugar beets and potatoes, as well as wheat, the standard of value should not continue to be limited to terms of food, he said. ) "Canadians can produce an inexhaustible supply of raiv material! for Industry ." said Dr ' Kolachov. ehov. "The "The need need for for smoke smoke- 1 powder, rubber. medlclnaU and other other vital vital products products is greflt." He went on to speak of experiments In the use of alco- NAPLES. March 11 Canadian hoi for automobiles Instead of doctors and nurses have estab-(tasollne and of the development llshed a station In an old fac-of synthetic rubber. If agrlcul-,tory only a few miles back of turc was to serve the fcrmenta-1 the front in Italy, tlon Industries, he said, farm; ; yields would have to be greatly , multiplied and much woik would have to be done in increasing starch content. "If we can produce farm crops In such great abundance that they will be cheap cnousli to compare with other such industrial raw materials, wc shall have come a long way Agriculture and Industry must co-operate. Each must strive to Improve Its economic position In icgard to production and manu factoring raw materials In such a way that the resultant economy of both and the nation -will be greatly benefitted." One of the great advantages of a closer alliance between agriculture and Industry, he said, was that everything was restored to the farm after distillation but the starch, There has been so much mining of the soil. Dr. Kolachov. a Don Cossack, escaped to Constantinople during the Russian revolution, was captured by the Greeks later, lived In Bulgaria and studied In Crccho-Slovakla before going to the United 8tates In 1029. He is accompanied on his Canadian trip by J. It. Stuetz. director of technical Information for VOL. XXXIII. No. 00 Eire iiiV tiiVBi9lBBB1rV'V9B"Blc3BSCsVHBiBEnBfsrsrstat ST .. - - NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER pying M'UNINO OCT JAPS DIKING KWAJAI.F.IN iNVASIO.V Muune jrp. Eimer R, Burkhaiter. of Buhl. Idaho destroy a Jap building on Navr Ivand im the Marshal) group, with a flame thrower Naiiiur u part of Kwajalnn atoll. n'w almost et : m Allied hands. (iOOl) nO.MltINO Assault On Reich UN!M,.-Mir,-4 U (4;?) - Moxow announrrd today that the ltulani have opened ja third great offenUve in the Tkralne and sent twenty-four Nail dithion Into heaillont; retreat. The Germans abandoned all rqulpmenl inrludins I ItK) tanks and bit tuns am) I'm I tuenty thousand men killed. The new offensive, headinc outh on the mld-outhrrn front, broke throuth on a 100-mile front overran three hundrrd localities, Including th pivotal tron(hold of tlnan, and resulted in the capture of 2500 Uerman. Doctors-Nurses From Canada In rri i T7 1. 1 HICK Ot rlgllt i iVork "n I r mver ioau i o I Begin Soon VICTORIA. March 10 -Premier John Hart said . - Friday- that- work-U expect- ed to start sooif on survey- tag the proposed pine Fs road from Prinee George lo Dawson Creek. The $6,- 000.000 highway will give the Peace River area an outlet to the coast. CONDEMNED TO DEATH I'orrnfr .MlnMrr of Interior In Virhy Government Makes Passionate Appeal ALGIERS. Mar. 11 Pierre Pitches, former minister of the Interior of the Vichy French government, was convicted of treason and condemned to death today by a special military tribunal. The defendant. In a final passionate declaration, cried: "Triii is Rot a court of Justice. It is political coup " In Sweden the law of freedom ot the press is part of the oonstl- ' Hi PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ' NEW RATION BOOKS SOON prince Ituprrt to Receive Them t At End ot Month j Prince Rupert will d UUlbute wUen book No. 4 on Mai larch U, 30amL31. ... . . Volunteer workers organized by the local ration board, will man the distribution centres. To get Book 4 it will be neees-ary to bring book No. 3 with the ted card RB-OT propeily filled in. People who are unable to get to the stations may have their books picked up for them by friends providing the red card is completed correctly ' HICPI ICCCH However, this year It should be,ljLUjjCl remembered that there will be i no cairylng on of distribution after the announced dates. Per - mhis nu iau vo get incir new book on those days will have to walilm-o weeks as the volunteers will not be asked to give up more f thtir tine iW No. 3 should be retained m Vt contains canning sugar tiupeos and also meat coupons which will be required when rationing is resumed. Local Tides Sunday, March 13 High 2:41 20.8 feet 14:55 20.0 feet ' Low ......... 8:55 4.9 feet -s. 21:06 45 feet Kr.INFOKCEMK.NTS FOR FIFTH ARMY FRONT I.N ITALY British infantrymen move up to the front im to boLsier the Fifth Army Xrout in Italy agaln. t heavy Nazi attacks. SATURDAY, MARCH 11, In Limelight i Eire Accused :'De Valera Refuses To i Of Espionage WASHINGTON, D.C.. Mar. 10 O. The United States 4 publicly accused Eire last night of affording a base for Allied spies endanger- ing the approaching Allied Invasion of Europe but Eire rplled it was taking effect- lve anti-espionage nicas- ures and refused the appeal to expel German and Jap- anese diplomats from Eire. . DIED ON HIS WAY TO CITY Workman from Road Construction Camp Suflered Seizure Suffering what was believed to be a hiart selzuie. Joseph Os - wald. age 44, bJ cjok and truck driver at Rayner Construction Company gravel camp at Salvus, ; died last night while on a train ! bringing him toward medical attention in Prince Rupert. Oswald was overcome while ' working In the camp kitchen last i night about 6 o'clock and was placed In the care ot the camp first aid attendant who had him put aboard the tialn at nearby passed away before the train arrived in the city. The deceased, who came to th district some months ago from Toronto, was born in Yugoslavia. It is not known if he had any relatives in this country. NEW BANK r,M Uncj Brokfn , Ta,k at , 01U 0r K-w nnanclal Institution. OTTAWA, March 11 A New Democracy amendment oppos- l11 mld Mmtzlzl ii nanclng bank for Canada was defeated by a wide margin last night. Gordon Oraydon, Conservative Progress leader, favors the nertunate, tne cl?ic author? ba"k Jn Princlple:. - AM ftes at Prince Prince Rupert Rupert had had ha had O. O. MfcOeer, Vancouver Lib eral, opposes the proposed bank and would Instead have something like the Reconstruction Finance Corporation of United States. Angus Mclnnls. C.C.F., Vancouver, sees window dressing rather than usefulness in the present proposal. To Ask Belter Taxi Service Mayor H. M. Daggett an- nounced this morning that It is his Intention to ask the city council at the next meeting to request local taxi drivers to provide more adequate service to the public than they have been doing in the past. SIXTEEN DEAD IN HOTELFIRE Fashionable Resort in Richmond, Virginia, Is Swept by Flames. RICHMOND, Virginia, March 11 Sixteen persons were killed and 25 others injured when fire dstroved the toD floor of the fashionable Jefferson Hotel here 'after midnight last night. One woman was killed in Jumping 'from the sixth floor. 1944 fnea k- Offices Request to do so Made by United States Which Complained of Spying London Press Critical. LONDON, March 11 (CP) Eire occupies the limelight in international affairs today. The Irish in Dublin arc reported to be enthusiastically approv-ing' Premier iJamonn de Valera's rejection of the United States request" for the closing of Japanese diplomatic offices in Eire but the British nress strongly deplores de Valera'i action. The London Mirror says there is every reason to believe that America does not Intend to regard the matter as closed and hints of further steps. The Dally Mail declares that enemy agents In Dublin "have far too long been able to spy on us almost on our doorsteD." V. D. rKQBLKM Conditions Poor Here IrTTiogff SnTpe Sp?a tsTon'si cial Disras Must Save and rrotrct Youth With 133 cases reported in th city last year, venereal disease I is a major problem in Prince Rupert, it was asserted by Dr. R. Q. Knlpe. medical healUi of fi-1 cer, in an addieas before the : Junior Section of the Prince j Rupert Chamber of Commerce at dinner Thursday night. It I was a civic disgrace that the i averaze ass nf natif nts shnnM I be twenty years, said Dr. Knipe who stressed the Importance of making every effort to save and strengthen the youth. Free clinics such as that operated at the local health unit were a valuable measure. Suppression of prostitution had proven a most efficacious Pleasure In the camaalan aeainst lji)e sp.ea'd of venereal disease,. the courage to close the "hump" which had been a disgrace and black eye to the city for so many years. There had been fifty percent less venereal disease in Vancouver after the restricted district there had been closed. i.Ylnety-five percent of prostitutes were affected with venereal disease, dclared Dr. Knipe. It was a farce to talk of the inspection of prostitutes. If there was enforcement by proclamation ot the clause in the Marriage Act which called for every one who contemplated marriage in British Columbia to take a blood test for syphilis before manlage, hereditary syphi lis might be to large extent eliminated. There should also be pre - natal examination of mothers. Dr. Knlpe warned that only one person could with measure of success treat venereal disease and that was a competent, quali fied physician. The speaker, who stressed the importance of public health edu cation, said that venereal disease and Juvenile delinquency went hand In hand. Homes In which no Interest was taken, failure of making a home- a centre of interest to children, sub-standard entertainment, lack of whole- some recreational facilities, lack (Contlnufd on page 4) Local Temnerature I Maximum 39 Minimum 30 PRICE FIVE CENTS in So. Ireland : EXEMPTING OF SEAMEN Tax Moratorium of Province Ex- tendfd to Another Branch of War Service VICTORIA, Mar. 11 ff-ITe- mier John Hart Introduced Id the Legislature on Friday a bill extending to merchant seamen tax exemption rights previously given to soldiers, sailors and airmen. The measure grants exemption to seamen who serve in war zones. The exemption is on mineral claims and land, ( -rrTeTtlnre cession duties to close relative) in the event of death while la the war zone. SOUTH PACIMC NEW DRIVE BY YANKS ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN 'SOUTHWEST PACIFIC. Mar. 11 T The Americans captured Talasea airdrome Wednesday and then wheeled north on Thursday to cut in two Wllkiu-mez Peninsula on north New Britain which they invaded Monday, headquarters announced today. The victories placed the Americans within 770 miles ot Rabaul. key Japanese base. Rabaul has been given another heavy air raid by Allied plane which dropped 138 tons of bombs. Two Islands on the way to Truk have also been bombed. AH Ready For Social Hygiene Week in Rupert Organization has been effectively perfected for the observance of National Social Hygiene Week In Prince Rupert with a general committee of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce In charge of arrangements consisting of C. F. McCarthy. L. C. Griffiths and Hugo Kraupncr. The advertising committee, which has done an Important Job. consists of R. O. Birch, L. C. Griffith, Hugo Kraupner, Lloyd Morris, C. F. McCarthy and L. M. FelsenthaL An ushering committee In connection with the meetings to be held next week consists of Hawthorne Graham. Smerlgo Domlnato and Charles Linton. LONDON. U Cmdr. Edward Qlbbs of the Royal Navy, cantaln of the destroyer Pathfinder, re ceived a second and third bar In the DJS.O. at a recent investiture thus becoming the first officer in this war to win the award four times.