PAGE EIGHT HIDDEN COSTS IN INDUSTRY Jerry Jones Case Just One of Many Similar Jerry Jones, 200-lb. mill hand, fell and broke his thigh bone. The X-ray showed a clean fracture, and the doctor xpe:ted Jerry to be back on the job in a few weeks. But one year later, the fracture had not united, and the man was itill on crutch?.. For Jerry had eyphilis. His injury had started up the latent infection, and the re sulting complications prevented his recovery. Aleairwhile the insurance carrier had paid a year's compensation, besides medical services and hospital bill, and as the case report States, "the. chances are very mu:h against his ever recovering sufficiently to work," the com pensation cost will continue indef initely. Jerry's case is only one item in the coit-shect presented to indus try by the so called "social dis- Local Clinic, Established in August, Is Proving It's Great Usefulness Perfect Privacy and Confidence - Numerous Treatments - Blood Tests an Advisable Precaution Few Prince Rupert persons are aware of the existence ' at the Prince Rupert Health Unit of a well-equipped and ! efficienly operated clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of venereal diseases. Of importance, too, is the fact that the clinic strives to j hold the personal touch with the patients and the service rendered with utmost privacy and confidence. The rooms have been so arrang- eases." Syphilis and gonorrhea f" no PatlMlt nother; "d th entrant arranged are so are among the most serious health that there is ',ttIe of in-' VoiMr hazards encountered by the dustrial worker. In addition to! u,e c,le?1 ',uul c ""kT " the misery and suffering Inflicted on their victims, they cost employers millions of dollars each year. Yet business executives, seek ing constantly to reduce Induitrial wastage, frequently overlook these two dangerous diseases as a factor in hidden costs. DISEASE AND MORALS Run Hand in Hand. Help Make Prince Rupert the Cleanest City in Canada. Third Avenue William F. Stone (Men's Wear) KNOW THE TRUTH About These Diseases Prince Rupert Be sure to attend one of the public meetings next week. Gordon & Anderson Limited Third Avenue WE ENDORSE The inauguration of this campaign and wish the Junior Chamber of Commerce success in its undertaking. McRae Brothers Limited ion entering or leaving, The clinic contains shelves of medicine and equipment. Modern surgical instruments are ued. (By ReK- than any other with the excep- ton of mumps. Due to the serious situation regarding venereal dis ease in this district, a branch clinic, under the direction of the Division of Venereal Disease Con- high percentage of Indian women alleged as sources, the Federal De partment of Mines and Resources, Department of Indian Affairs, have been asked to establish a hospital for isolation and treat ment of Native girls infected with venereal disease. The Department has expressed itself willing to fur nish and staff such an institution if a building is available. The intensive venereal disease control program instituted by the Provincial Board of Health, is negated in large measure by the prevalence of untreated venereal disease in Native women in Prince Rupert. It is hoped that this serious1 menace to publie health will be arrested by prompt action of the Department of Indian Affairs. Prince Rupert, until December, 1941, tolerated an open "red light district." There have been no recognized houses of prostitution in Prince Rupert during 1943, Plans for an intensive venereal disease education campaign were drawn up in December, in co-operation with the Junior Chamber of Commerce. The high incidence of venereal disease in Prince Rupert is attributed to the shifting population, the prevalence of venereal infection in Native women, and a general lowering of moral standards, due to the war conditions. Syphillis infect about three per cent of our people, THZ DAILY KTXA Listen to CFPR THURSDAY March 16, 6:30 p.m. "The Community and Social Hygiene" 11. THOUSTKINSSKN Inspector of Schools ITS APPROACH IS STEALTHY and a sterilizer stands ready for' tor of The Vancouver Junior ' instant operation. There is an. air Uoard of Trade) of sanitation without the usual I medicinal odor about the place. It is in this clinic that literally thousands of treatments have already been made, in the short time the place has been In operation. Started in June, when Dr. K. (i. Knipe. and his predecessor. Dr. Ma-Donald, urged on the provincial government its need, the clinic has been an instant success. In August of last year. Dr. D. E. H. Oveland, acting director of the venereal branch, Division of the Department of Public Health made I a trip to the city and approved the undertaking. Since then, two clinics a week have been held. Persons believing themselves infected, or wishing to make sure, for their own and other' sake, are advised to ve their family physician or the Public Health Unit for a blood test and take advantage of the service that tan be rendered VKXKUEAL l'lCOIILEM KUPEItrS DISEASE OF PKINCE PUBLIC HEALTH (continued from page hea and 29 per cent syphillis. This is five times the provincial average for 1912. There were more eases of venereal disease reported "How can venereal disease poi-sibly touch our family?" is the irdignant question asked by so many in Vancouver. There are 22 million cases of the disease on this continent, and those people aren't asking thii question. They know. tnd now they are demanding a cure. True, the average family In this city never comes into contact with vice or prostitution, its original source, but it does come into contact wth the sufferers ol syphillis, even unknowingly. Syphilis is a treacherously catching disease in its early phases. Even at a "high class" party your son or daughter may innocently kiss a carrier, and so become Infected Drinking glasses, even party jrames, can all spread the infection to people quite innocent ot vice, and while these contractions are rarer than those of the original source, they can still spread and cause untold harm and misery in your home- Even doctors and nurse tending diseased patients can contact and spread venereal disease. Do you remember not very long ago, when T-B." was an "un living, but as a menace to our pub- trol, Provincial Board of Health, K: health, contractable by almost was established m August. Dr, D. E. II. Cleveland, of Vancouver, acting director of the division, visited Prince Rupert and plans were laid at that time for the establishment of the clinic. The clinic provides for free diagnostic and treatment facilities, distribution of free medication to physicians treatng cases of venereal disease, examination of persons taken into police custody for evidence of venereal disease, and epidemiological service provided physicians in investigation of alleged sources and contacts. At the venereal disease clinic, conducted by the Health Unit 138 cases of syphilis and 57 cases of gonorrhea were treated during the year, that is 52 per cent of the total reported cases for the city. Native Women Approximately 80 per cent of alleged sources were Native women. Due to this alarmingly j anyone, and something' to be stamped out. Xmas has also be- come a time of T.R. Seals, helping to finance its destruction. St cos . - r - must now be taken to treat ven ereal disease the same way. Through Porketbook Your yearly tax bill is another way venereal disease hits your fami)y through your pockelbook Someone has to pay for all ex penses incurred by those patients who cannot pay for their own' treatments; patients, many ol whom become a direct charge on the community; patients with the advanced stages of syphilid showing itself In the form of insanity, paralysis, blindness, apoplexy and etc .Perhaps the son of your dearest friend is in the army and may through Ignorance or carelessness, contact it. Perhaps your own son. It may never touch you airectly, but indirectly you are touched in many ways. The Junior Board of Trade U sponsoring this Health Drive in your interest, without your help, it will fail. This is not the time to turn your back at the mention of venereal disease, for it's much your responsibility to fight i now, as it is to report an accident or a robbery. 'Doesn't Concern Mt Wnereal Disease is a major public health problem which striken jitisiduously fit the very heart of every community. Because it is a community health problem, no longer may any responsiblp person say "This does not oncero ire." It concerns him as a parent in-, tcrwtcd in the well-being of his family. It concerns him as a tax payer interested In the reduction of institutional and other costs for victims of untreated syphilis. It concern him as a citizen interested in achieving the highest possible standard of community-health. Finally, during critical times such as these, it must concern him as a threat to the efficiency of the nation's war effort. "It doe not concern me?" Only the completely Irrespon sible tan adopt that attitude! (Gonorrhoea often cauae pcrma nent damage to the body organs It attack . . How it Can be Controlled 1'ublle Knowledge What is Syphilis? How should we stamp it out? How can we stamp it out? I In the following paragraphs, ! you will find the answers. Read ( them carefully. Let every mem-! If r of your family read them. ; Tell your friends to read them, i ll u 1 1 a 4 Via njtnwr .fltrv. ment, which only a good doctor ran give. A sore (chancre) may be the first sign of the' disease. This sore may be small and may i be anywhere on the body, but us- I ually appears on the sex organs. ' the lips, tongue, face, or fingers. A doctor's advice should be asked if any sore does not clear up within a week or two. The sooner the treatment Is started the better At least 80 per cent of those suffering from syphilis can le cured If treatment is started during the first year. Delay in starting treatment reduces the chance of cure, although treatment of late syphilis benefits the patient and uiay arrest the condition. Treatment-must ) continued regularly for a year, ometimes longer, i Everyone should know the facts kibout this disease. Parents should mentionable," and families would" lh,t th'ir yunK Pple carefully hid? not only the fact, but even the member of the family who had the disease, much to the misery of the bearer, and the detriment of public health in general. Today we don't regard T. B. as a disease of "unwholesome' about it. Young men and women A doctor can find out whether or not a person Is infected with More Births Out OypilllIJr-n Of Wedlock Dread Scourge! w ithout Benefit of Clerry Common ' '" oU1 h Brown i. .1,- f... it.!. ' .1miiiI ni i nro b iitnnP ni (Julie ; : , , . , kT i Wrths to all live birth wan tion will be free from it terrible ...... . 7 . results. ! Syphilis is caused by a germ : shaped like a corkscrew. This germ ! is usually spread from the sick 1 to the well by sexual contact .-.uiuchiuic-B Some times the nc uisr.ra disease Is la ij , uj wine .uiira .uiu .s a towel, spoon, or glass) that a' syphillitic person has just used. Many babies are lorn dead or diseased because the. mother had sy- ! phills. Mental Ulnea Syphilis may cause heart dis TOKONTO. Mtr. 11 Keeping company with rising statistic n venereal disease and delinquency.' borths out of wedlock reached a new record in Canada during 10 12. 1 according to figure released by the l.partment of Tension and Nbtiona) Health. Ulegitimate birth totalled 10. ' 332, in 1012. a compared with 10,. : 101 in 1911 ami 6.121 in 102(1. The ence of the American Public Health Association, where session of the section on health education were devote! to discussion of means to prevent delinquency through the media of educational tui community resources. ease, blindness, mental illness, or i untimely death If the Infected per- 'g t Venereal fvn umo ut tuc ft vjvi mv Disease Clinics steadily ince 1926. The ratio of illegitl- I slilchtly lower last year than in ' the preceding six years. In 192(1, i the ratio was 2 63 per tent of all live births. Last yer it was 33-I lr cent. t Tt. ; vt- i , i ; una- .... . S. Davis. Official Edi-, P V"' "' "f" U.t fall at the Wartime Confer- There are six clinics of the Provincial Hoard of Health Division ot V. D. Control) In UrltUh Columbia. They arc located at: Prince RupertHealth Unit. Vancouver 2700 Laurel StreH. Victoria Royal Jubilee Hospital. New Westminster Royal Columbia Hospital. Nanalmo Nanalmo Hospital. Trall-17 Cedar Street. syphillis by making an examina tion fncludng a blood test Only a doctor knows how to use the special drugs that will core syphilis. Self-treatment, or incompetent treatment, never cure anyone of this disease. Many communities now have laws requiring a medical eiamin- want to avoid syphilis for their ation and blood test for expectant own sake and for the protection mothers, or for those about to of their future families. marry. By obeying these law, the number of babies born with syphilis can be cut down. Observe- OBSERVE SOCIAL HYGIENE WEEK Attend a Public Meeting and listen to C.F.P.R. Thursday evening at 6:30 Gordon's Hardware McHride Street WE BELIEVE that this Campaign of the Prince Rupert Health Unit and the Junior Chumbcr of Commerce is worthy of full support. Pioneer-Canadian Laundries Ltd. A HEARTY ENDORSEMENT to this campaign. unu uiay 11 iu muKe a better aruj happier world. British Columbia Packers Ltl Prince Itujrt, B.t Back the ... HEALTH CAMPAIGN and help to make our city a cleaner, better place. Albert & McCaffery Limited I SOCIAL HYGIENE A campaign worthy of support by everyone. lei'iii cvwbani H. S. Wallace Ltd. Third Avenue and Fulton Street THIS CAMPAIGN: A Civic venture, sponsored by the local Health Unit and the the Junior Chamber of Commerce can do much to control a dangerous situation in Prince Rupert. it mAt iia(vk ouk fullest co-operATIII The Evening Empire