Cth Ay MARCH . 1 ... i n 111! a - - - k. & - H Wave omiiiK oooni - m r!oed lor one week while attendlnr th V . . . - -n lor U' new cuwuuihi UJLU WAVE, a ,,.,-t ;yiout nrai, pant, or marnuie. Wateh for It! SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON VIOLET MAII Avr. and Hilton St. INCOME TAX dley Coals now on hand . .... ... Phone ISlue 913 tl.l 1.. l- 'I. 1 M . j-romc ueiunis m iw men on or hoiore APKII30, KMI F0K.MS NOW AVAILAIJLR Prepared by R. E. MORTIMER trend Avenue Phone 18 acKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. LM T STIjKL BEDSTEAD ( ..hie Hwl Spring with Felt Mattress. a ...1 i e fk l 1 t v v.a VWiujMVhW f aW s.,-l Bedspring with wide Steel Uib-Tr is like pre-curtailment hut sold as Mattress extra. -1-G size only $29.75 .1 1 fat-fl S 1 l -i I at . 1141 jwmt wss. ttj Mill 1T" H l ra U J UU the day rdrr rrtriirrd. . T " ft . $89.50 f lid Walnut. Four neat-looking chairs have padded soatfi. A suite that i'p nrA cheerful. ELIO Furniture Store Third Atenue (Nnt to the Dally News) COAL! t . i 'xk.i of Foothills, Allwrta, and Hulklcy - uuMct iK-iure wewvury is iwpecii'ti will 1m appreciated. LPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. riioNE cs; I SSSHT -V' SSSSSSSSSSSSSSB laaaaaaaaV T I 1 a. a I I f V. i saaaaaaaVF I BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ssb mm f f I IT'S MUSIC TO OUlt EAKS . . . . ii. ml 0111- . 1 i'wng me variety biore. iney .. trV1CC It ITinlfOQ iia vnnlltt tirniWl in u,l tho rnnt,l e n. t... 1 confi.i COnrlonce i'v,,i" wi 1 1 nice mipcn can uuy and satisfaction here. HE VARIETY STORE DVEUTISE E IN THE DAILY NEWS - LOCALS- text books A Housewivc'a League whist and social. Eat End itaii f,i. day. March 24, 8:30 pjn. (71, Mis. Helen Lakle returned to the city thl morning from Vancouver. MIm Eileen Lang, of Victoria, arrived In the ctty thU morning w marry Constable Harold Johnston, of the B.C. Police city detachment. The ceremony look place thks afternoon In the First Piebytertan church. Major 8. II. Okell. auxiliary ervlm officer of the Pacific Command from Vancouver, wa the ipeaker at today's regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. President Frank Skinner was in the chair and there was a good atten- Dally Services Trncontlnntl H.U.i . Mowloa . MobHnI . Oni TMta NU Bay Wtanlfw . etai . LaUhcidg. . Vuww . Victoria Intr-City Matr! OHawa . Taroato Toronto . Loaaoa . Wiadaof (IWnll) HoLiai Moactoa Moodool ltbtl4a Calgary . f rm International Toraala N.w Toik WoKrtoa SrUT Nawloaadlaa4 T.CA. aialaa diraW eaaaaai k Ua aiajot VS. AUUaaa. fat Infarmattan, raiarvaHam, at tofiiull your rtartit T.CA. Traffic Otfic er ony CN.lt pouangar rapraianlatlva. DISCUSSED Hhtory Books Not Fair to Russia Labor-Projs Claim. A combined business and educational meeting of the Prince Rupert Labor-Progressive Club was held at the East End Hall last Monday night. Several Issues were dealt with during the business session. A committee was appointed to organize the semi-annual drive for subscriptions and contributions for fund to help carry on the publication of the People, the weekly Labor paper. The campaign will be conducted on a provincial wide scale for a period of six weeks. The Department of Education received some criticism in con- oance of members Tonight ntion with what was felt to there wili be a Oyro Cub Ug misleading and distorted In-paity at the home ..f Joe Scott formation contained in the his With Minora Blades for fol ttMving comfofl, you cool SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 . PH. Box 54 . FliASKIi STREET Iltnce Rupert tory books being used in schools. The chapters in question, namely those dealing with the history of Ruxwa during and after the Revolution of 1917. and the present system of government Uie Soviet Union, were phraser ir. such a manner as to create what was felt to be an un-'a.r and discrediting Impression of Russia It was decided to draft a resolution to Hon. IL O. Perrr Minister of Education, protesting the manner In which the historv of Rndn t nrp- iV'J'V' ht nted in the history books now b -me used in the schools. The p viiuuon mill also request that a rrvUlon be made of these chanter so as to give a fair and unbiased impression to the students It was pointed out that Vi malnUm friendly ln-cr;. .itional relations between he countries of the United Na ?;! a- well as other parts of the world, was of great import-.1'ico in forming a peace that ni!' endure. To maintain this relationship and understanding between nations, children must be taught the truth. The latter part of the meeting was covered with a short talk by Harley Lewis dealing with "Drama in Wartime Mr and Mrs William Spa Id -ir.; of Ketchikan passed through the city a few days ago. returning north from a trip to Seattle. THE DAILY NT773 Announcement Dry Dock Employees' Dance, Friday night, March 24. Trot- erb's Orchestra. Valhalla Dance, Hall, March 24. Presbyterian April 6. Oddfellows' W.A. Canadian Legion Dance. I.OJJ.E. Hall. March 24. Little Norway Tea, Lutheran Church, March 25. Sr. Peter'a Sale. March 30. Spring Sale, Queen Mary Easter Tea, Mrs. Parkin's. Monday St. Andrew's Cathedral Spring Sale, April 13. Navy Auxiliary Dance, fellows' Hall, April 18. Odd- Job's Daughters' Dance, Masonic Hall, April 21. Eastern Star Dance, April 8. Mark every grave while you have the opportunity. They deserve it. See National Monuments MJ 5th East Box 1415 Station B Prince Rupert. B.C Mouse Trap Cafe Mrs. Deildal and Mrs. Johns Hours 12 noon to 11:30 pm, Sundays, 4 to 12 pm. Super Coffee. Hamburgers and Onions. Home-made Pies and Cakes CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED A Nil REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job, Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN 25,872 MILES DAILY. . . More than once around the world at the equator. Carrying men, mails and materials, TransCanada Air (Lines makes four transcontinental flights each day linking city to city en route, making neighbours of East and West. In 1943 T.CA. carried 200,000,000 airmail letters, more than 140,000 passengers and 50,000 priority material shipments needed by war industries. And over the Atlantic T.CA. crews are flying big four-cngined aircraft carrying the mail to and from Canada's fighting forces in the United Kingdom. Passenger Air Mall Air Express CANADA'S NATIONAL AIR SERVICE sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssiriliisssT k- V 1 City Council Seeks Better iTaxi Service The city council Monday i night adopted a .suggestion of Mayor H. M. Daggett, that the transportation committee of the council get in touch with local : taxi operators seeking an im- ' provement in service from what Is now being given. There had , been complaints of inability to ' get service, particularly at night j The piovinclal transit controller , had been here and had given In- I formation as to what might be ! done. It was moved by Aid. j Rudderham and seconded by! Aid. Sinclair that the mayor's suggestion be adopted. City Property Has Been Sold A tax sale bylaw providing j for theale of city land reverted i for taxes was put through at Monday night's council meeting. Including the following trans actions: Lot 21 and half of lot 22, block 18, section 5, Rose M Ol-sen, $300. Lot 40, block 22. section 6, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Eastman, $245. Lots 5 and 6, block 19. section 6, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall. $450. Lot 17. block 12. 'section 1. Mina K. Kergin. $695. ' Lot 19. block 33, section 5, Mr. 'and Mrs. George Thaln, $150. Lot 6, block 22, section 1. S. D. Johnston, $2000. Lot 10, block 39, section 7, H. C. Sykes. $1410. Geoffrey Wotton arrived In the city this morning from Vancouver to organize the next Victory Loan Campaign. Ill I' vktmiint or ri Bi.ir W ORKS NOTIf E T I ONTKUTOK Ti.Kiurr. rouri: khi.iiim.h SEALED TENDERS, tndorard "Ten der lor Poltre Building t Trrr. B.C." will be received far the Minu ter ot Public Works for the erection and comDVetlon of a Constable's House snd Addition to Lockup and Oarare. Plana, specification, contract, and forma of tender may be.aeen on and after the 23th dar of March. 1941. and further Information ootainea at the Department of Public work. Parliament Building, and at the office of Oorernment Agent at Vancouver. Prince Rupert. S ml then. Prince George and Police outers at Terrace and Near Harelton. Copte of plan, specifications, etc can be obtained from the Department on payment of a deposit of I Twenty Dollars (120 001 which IU I be refunded on return of the plans. etc.. in good condition. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted bank cheque on a i chartered bank of Canada, made payable to the Honourable the Uln-! Uter of Public Works, for the sum of One Thousand Dollars (11.000). which shall be forfeited It the party tendering decline to enter into contract when called upon to do so. Tmders will not be conidered unless made out on the forms supplied, sltned with the actual signature of the tenderer, and enclosed In the envelope furnished. Tr riders must be In the hands of the Minister at or before 12 noon of Tuesday, the 11th dsy of April. IMI. and will be opened In public at 12 o'clock noon on that day In the Parliament Buildings. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. DIXON. Deputy Minister. Department of Public Works. Tail lament Buildings, Victoria. B.C. ' THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 pjn. to 2 ajn. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. Box 725 Specialists on Bulltup Roofs Repairs, Re-shlngllng Free Estimates Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) 7V an-time thrifty ovuwutp TO SAVE MONEY Even in war-time, when sating is the stern order of the day, bomu-ittg may also be in order. There may be opportuniues to make or save money by having cash obtained through a personal loan. There may be emergencies when ready money will prevent avoidable loss. If you need money for thrifty purposes, do not hesitate to talk over your needs in confidence with the manager of our branch in your own locality. Every day we are making personal loans to wage-earners, salaried men and women, business and professional people, executives and other persons having a steady income. Our rates are low, our terms are fair: i The cost is $3.65 for each $100 repayable in 12 monthly payments. BANK OF MONTREAL FOUNDED IN" 1817 A Million Depoiiton VmJoj Out Hauling Service Prince Rupert Branch: G. R. S. DLACKAnV, Manager Stewart Branch: H. E. V. WOODFORD, Manager Sewing! Ladies: You can now get made to order Buttons and Buckles of your own material and design. Place your orders with ... 7 Down through the years, almost since Prince Rupert, first existed, we have served the people. The prescription laboratory we have always tried to keep modern, using skilled pharmacists, quality drugs, the best of equipment. As we start a new year, we are proud of our record, and grateful for the confidence you have shown In us. May we continue to serve you. Grmes lid. fus Pioneer Druggists THE REX ALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Dally from 9 a.m, till 9 p.m, Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m, and 7-9 pan. "lift i ii if I. If if t i. 1 i. 214 I'