'VI PAOE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE WEST END CAFE (Chop Sucy House) IIAS 'REOPENED Completely Renovated 828 3rd Ave. West rhone 201 CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock. Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELLER DIAMOND MERCHANT RUPERT PEOPLES STORE For Hosiery... It'S KAYSER! We're Optimistic Indications are that we will continue to serve our customers for all their hosiery requirements in 1944. Womanly charm must be served but at the same time do not overbuy. Kayser's great research department continuously gives you a better product. KAYSER LINGERIE AND HOSIERY TOO Mail Orders Promptly Filled Rupert Peoples Store "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heiibroner's Phone BLUE 907 f cDibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN I'ENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 1.: . MUSSALLEM S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the City three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion CASUALAIRES... THE WORLD'S MOST COMFORTABLE SHOE LIGHT AS A FEATHER FLEXIBLE AS A WHIP WEAR THEM EVERYWHERE Priced $3.95 Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN . Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 DAILY" NEWS Classified Section... Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion TTTTTTV V V V TTV TVTVVTTVVTT WANTED WANTED Two or three fur nished rooms by service man and wife. Apply Box 812 Daily News. (183) WANTED By the Daily News, an opportunity to show you how quickly and efficiently our classified ads work. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 -room apartment, furnished Suitable reward. Phone Black 851. (187) WANTED 1 to 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Ph. American Signals 306 between 8 and 5. (188) WANTED TO RENT For young couple with 2 children, a 4 or S room house. Centrally located. Apply Box 757 Daily News. (tf) REFINED business girl seeks board or housekeeping room. with partial daily care young baby. State terms. Box 815 Daily News. (183) URGENTLY Wanted by working man and wife. Housekeeping living quarters. Quiet. No Smoke. No Drink. No children. Furnished or unfurnished. Apply Box 818 Dally News. (184) WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished house or suite immediately for Canadian couple with two children. $100 reward. Ph. American Signals 276, ring 1, ask for Gertie McCarthy. (185) Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt. FOR SALE FOR SALE Dinette suite. Phone Blue 184. (183) FOR SALE Studio lounge and washing machine. 101 5th Ave. E. (184) FOR SALE 6-room house with bath. $1500. 1958 7th Ave. East. Seal Cove. Apply H. G. Hel-gerson's Office. (193) FOR SALE Small furnished house; new; good district; vacant possession. McClymoni Agencies, 307 3rd Ave. (184) FOR SALE Bedroom suite. chesterfield, radio, gateleg table, washing machine, sewing machine, chairs. 228 8th Ave. E., after 6 pjn. (187) FIND IT with a Want Ad! Sell it with a Want Ad! Buy it with a Want Ad! Daily News classified section gets results. FOR SALE Summer cottage, I Prudhomme Lake, with furniture and floating boathousc. J. A. Lindsay. (183) FOR SALE 7-room house In good condition; fully modern, with garage and nice garden. Atlin Ave. $3500. Apply H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (187) FOR SALE Remington Stand ard No. 10 typewriter; Stuart Warner electric console radio, bed, chesterfield, and other drells. Saw Blades, large stock of pipe, fittings, belting, pulleys, conveyor chain, shafting, and other supplies. Acme Machinery Ltd., 1547 Main St., Vancouver, B.C. Quick delivery. (189) WANT A LITTLE extra money for your holidays? Then advertise In the Dally News that piece of furniture you no longer need, or that camera, or any other article. Results will please you. FOR RENT FOR RENT Room and board; gentlemen only; close in. Ph. Red 976. (183) FOR RENT Rooms for gentle men only. Call 225 9th East. (183) HELP WANTED WANTED Boys or girls for good delivery routes, cany News. (tf) WANTED Names of reliable boys and girls for delivery routes. Apply Dally News. WANTED Female cook for fam ily of six. Good wages. Apply Selective Service A.F. 142. (187) WANTED Housekeeper, preferably over 40. to assist farmer caring for wife; 95 miles from Rupert; small home, electricity; state salary expected. P.O. Box 1184 City. (184) WANTED One male or female dishwasher and one cook for city restaurant. Apply Selective service oince a.f. 140. (tr) Advertise in the Dally News. Says United Nations Should Control World OTTAWA Prime Minister King's proposals for continued world peace Include the placing of power in the hands of the United Nations and improving general living conditions. Canada will take her place in the post-war world, he said. SEE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 BIRDS FOR SALE Bird Cages Wanted Phone Black 823 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating ' Engineers Phone 171 P.O. Box 271 VAL SPIDEL Floor Sanding and Finishing Alterations and Repairing Phone Green 880 General Delivery SPEEDY RADIO SERVICE Green 397 Guaranteed 48 Hour Service on all makes of Radios By Factory Trained Experts F. MURPHY FOR LUMBER STOCK FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES 225 1st' Avenue East Phone Black 884 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning", Authorized "FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty. PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street ?hao 855 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin. Representative. Box 529 1315 Plggot Ave. Prince RuDert B.C. household effects. Apply 116A BERT'S TRANSFER iuiUNorrn & cc Hays Cove Circle after 8 pjn. I FOR SALE Cordwood Saw Man- llll I LVl Hi OO Hill vf Hi IV OCjlW 324 2nd Avenue West Next Door to R. E. Mortimer LOST LOST Saturday night in the locality of 7th and Turner, brown pocket book and double vision horn rimmed glasses. Finder keep money in pocket book but return papers and glasses to the Dally News Of fice. (183) SWAP WILL SWAP Electric Shaver (Rand) good condition, for small radio. Phone 274 before 6 p.m. (183) MISCELLANEOUS SEPTIC tanks cleaned, Thorough job; reasonable rates. Box 814 Daily News. (183) PERSONAL BAYZAND & SEEU3Y, Painting, Decorating, Kaisomlning. All work guaranteed. Blue 378. "Satisfaction" our motto. LONELY Oet acquainted. Hun dreds of members, all ages, cities and country Including Vancouver, Vlctorla.'Prlnce Rupert and B.C. Many with means. Widows with farms and city property. House-keepers, city and country girls. Particulars 10c. Ladles free. Estab. 1924. Western Social Club, Sub. 23, Edmonton, Alberta. (201) AGENTS WANTED OAS SAVERS, patented, proven, guaranteed, Fits all motors. If you have other full time employment, write for proof, agency proposition. Victory Mfg. Company. Cornwall, Ontario. . , Waterfront Whiffs Warnings of White Fishermen That Japanese Were Making Surveys of Coast Went Unheeded for 20 Years Post-war Fishermen's Patrol Urged Those whose livelihood is made by following the' sea were perhaps the first to warn Canadians against the Japanese who spread all up and down this coast and claimed they were humble fishermen. Legitimate fishing boats chugging into remote inlets repeatedly came upon Jap "fishermen" toying with a single line. It was not long before the white men began to suspect the cocky little men of the Land of the Rising Sun were taking thousands of soundings along our coast and completing a survey. White fishermen for years be fore the present war broke out repeatedly drew attention to the fact that Japanese youins wouiu suddenly disappear and reappear as mysteriously in a few years time. They gave no satisfactory answer to questions but the white fishermen suspected the youths had been called to the homeland for military training. Today we realize that our white fishermen were alive to the real situation as it existed. We realize and understand now how many a Japanese, des- Dite several Door seasons, was able to buy himself large and It " efficient boats, while the white i men were having a tough time, t JaDan. it is evident now. thoueht it worth her while to subsidize her people by provid ing them with boats, sne received in return full reports and records of this coast. Fnlinuin the last war. the Canadian government turned down a suggestion that a number of patrol boats be sold at a low price to service men wishing j to continue tneir iisnmg iixei after demobollzatlon. This idea was discarded. Could not this program of pro-. viding boats be advanced when peace comes again? Could notl the fishermen of the coast be re ; cognized as an active reserve fleet making periodic reports on their respective districts? For. remember, history repeats itself. When Duty Calls Don't Fall Ever Men of the sea are a determined people. They want what they want when they want it. and heaven help" those who are In their way or have, failed In their duty. The Dally News reporter in the eyes of the xrew of a large vessel that makes scheduled calls at our Sunset Port failed In his duty, and they told him about it IN THE SUPREME COURT OK BRITISH COLUMBIA tm nonniTF IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMIN ISTRATION A17T-- and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF JOHN DONALD MCDUNALAJ, DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HI. Honor Judte FUher. Lnctl Judge r.t th BiiDrraw Court of British Col- uniDia. I was on me ui uaj ui July. AD. 1944. appoint! Adminis trator of the Estate or Jonn uonaia McDonald, who died on or about the nth dar of May. Wl. Ail peraoni Indebted to the ald estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons harlng claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly tertlied on or be fore the aist asy 01 aurusi. iku, falling which distribution will be made hating regard only to such claim of which I shall hare been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 20th day of July. AD. 1044. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. DC In fact they practically told the entire newspaper staff about it. The scribe had failed a hein ous crime. He had failed to meet the steamer with a copy of the latest paper for them to read. The purser was upset, the deck, hands glowered, but the chief engineer took direct action and phoned the Dally News to in quire with sharp Scottish satire if the establishment were short of newsprint too short to print a copy for old and tried frlencU. If necessary, the engineer suggested in patronizing tones, he would see to it that the ship brought along a shipment of newsprint next trip for, he explained, the crew of that particular vessel never let THEIR friends down. was all too much for the He disappeared from the news room, later phoning to say he waj Terre-bound till the offended boat crew sailed. Advertise in the Dally News. The Seal of Quality British Columbia's VMsj Finest Salmon PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and nrasi Castlnn Electric and Acetylene Weldinr SrECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY All Types of Gas Enflnes Repaired and Overhauled Under instructions of the Secretary of State of Canada acting In his capacity as Custodian under the Revised Regulations Respecting Trading with the Enemy 1943, J. H. MAIR AUCTIONEER Offers for Sale Miscellaneous Household Goods, Tools, Boat Clamps, Canning Machine, Knitting Machine, Mimeographing Machines, Scales, etc. SALE AT "2 P.M. THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 1911 Japanese Association Hall, Fulton Street, Between 6th and 7th Avenues KING GEORGE CAFE Special Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 10 a.m. to. 10 p.m. 2nd Avenue and 8th Street NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 Mb SATURDAY. AUntToT STAKTS MONDAY t 2 Days A itrango tp, hangs over thl, lovo storv i. man who woui master evn woman's soul, CHARLES BOY IHGRID BERGM JOSEPH C01! with DAME MAY WHITTY ANGELA LANS BURY BARBARA EVEREST THE SAME PROGRAM Colored Cartoon: "Goodnight Ruitv" Complete Shows at 1:00. 3:00. 5:00. 7 00. 9:00 Feature at 1:10. 3 10. 5 10, 7 10, 0:10 SUNDAY - 2 I'M. "SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS rrr r Srrtlrr Onlr IzgS SNOW AM) 1 mv.tul SUNDAY Minvm THERE'S SOMETHING ! A SOI.DIIR Plus "One Thri":-? IIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIG WINTER IS COMING,, L1KO a. lov&ble Iyoave cod.1 m your . Stock tin now with sufficicr ( :i to last you all winter A FOOTHILLS COAL IN LUMP, EGG, OR NUT BULKLEY VALLEY LUMP PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. rilOM.S C51 and C52 J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain -Chiropractic! If nervesdoubly so! Smith Hlock Green 095 Atlas Itoilcr M FJcctr; Or M iuMiHf, It' , t : CI Repair. Phone Kt& SUPPORT TIIK PIO.NKKKS' HOME PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTER Down through the yean, almo.it m i ' P "' firt existed, we have served the people T 'j laboratory wc havo always tried to keep n:od,nL skilled pharmacists, quality, drugs, the bc ;t of equips- Ormes ltd. 77ii honecr Dru.qsfiits THE KEXALL STOItB HION'P Open Dally from 0 am till 9 P-" Sundavs and Hnllriav from 12.2 n.m. and 1 ST w J A.MacKENZIE FURNITURE A GOOD PLACE TO UUY 10 ONLY ISCDKOOM SUITES Wilis nliAa Iff. I... vui talliva, VYUlIlUlr I Cnf. I MKDS-40 and 40 sizes. Genuine Slumber KM oil steel, sold with 46 Deds. 3 ONLY IIKDIIOOM SUITUS 5 Pieces, Twin Beds. Size 33 l'hone 775 Cable Spring available In thb -- STOnfc CLOSED FHOM AUO. 5 327 J'J