ACE-TEX SHINGLE VARNISH .. u m to ! aou.elMnir about tint Jtrd i-a AC1VIKX MILM.LK VAKMSI1 kXr PU U Ml only Sr0 Xour TEA' IUalr THCACETEX LINE Uuttl BPrd ilth Baard Ikrt Bord urdboardf r-ucra nrirns Brick Siding Atphait Shin tie F I b r t n Walirpreetlne 50c LP.L OXFORDS. 5 ti " 'J, :i All MZM. f " -' Uncial 54.50 10 S7.00 DRESS DItEFH BOX "' Now 55c 30c WOItK PANTS. r $2.50 J DRESS 8II1RTS. aU Pc" rtcd colors. 1.75 10 2.45 . . ! a uw,i in., pEROE SUITS. Also Pin "I hlnh ttradi mini. Wet tailored, all sizes. 30 10 37.50 lir WORK SMUTS. ni -'u Woo and Cot. Well made, ah 1 ta r"ci irom ;1.10 10 2.95 PllMNEY BWEKl'INO "OKNeus CI.EANUi AN'" Hill'AIKKi) j julpment and help Hre you n .i . r tiran JOD. Phon, ,Uck 7JJ ."ANDYMAN Roll Rooting Building Pspert Cr.otot. JAN ADA ROOF PRODUCTS LTD. acation lime... Terrace . . . Lakelse Lake Niw km transportation rates to all points in the Terrace area. Prompt and courteous service Writ- for information and reservations. Ill S : TAXI : TRANSFER SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT TERRACE, B.C. )ress and Work Clothes MOXKY SAVERS UY NOW! PANT8. - well finished. , Tweeds and A.. ui. Price 54.95 to 86.75 OTTON SHORTS for .. : t -car Size 30. Mens COVERALLS. Full cut. Big pockcU. QO 7C 8pUI. uit 7J.lJ Children's SHOES for Dress. Straps and lace styles. All leather. Sizes 10 to 2. Clearing at 1.95 to 82.95 MrnB WORK BOOTS. Heal buy. AH sizes. 84.25 to 86.25 Men's RAIN COAT8. All sizes. Fawn and Oreen Tweed Tons. c,al . 86.95 Hoys' LONG PANTS. Cotton and Blue Cheviot lor assortment. Special prices. 81.95 10 82.75 Men's fine DRESS CAPS. j;ow 81.25 Men's WORK 0 LOVES. Heavy leather - Men's BEDROOM SLIPPERS. All leather, well made. Black and Brown. All sizes. Special, J2 5 Men's Gabardine RAINCOATS. Made In England. Will stand lots of wear. All e $24 B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. rra AVfnue Established 1930 Re-opening of the L.D. Cafe CHOP SURY and CHOW MEIN Hours 0:50 a.m, to 1:00 a.m. Local i News It wuuam, ont. ! Nursinig Sister Maxine M. Llewellyn, weU known in Prince Rupert and Terrace, has arrived in Italy. Open Forum, Labor Progres ive Club (3rd and 6th St.) on Sunday. August 6, at a p.m. Servicemen's Post War Plans." Everybody welcome. (It) After vUlUng with Mrs. Jack Hrtherlnaton at Smlthers ana Mr and Mr " Wetrne of Quick. I Miss Olive Van Coo ten has re. j turned to her home here. 1 An arrival of interest Is that of Rev. and Mrs. Jack Thomas who have spent the last nine years In missionary work in Colombia. South America. They will stay a month or more here with Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnold, 905 10th ave. E. TRAIN AFRICAN NURSES KUMASI, Ashanti A new training school for African nurse is to be opened shortly at Kumasl. Pupils, who will take a four-year courw, wiM live in a hostel attached to the asboo; and will receive free board and lodging. CHURCH NOTICES First United Church 63"0 Sixth' Avohue West Rev. J. A. Donnell, M.A.. Minister Mr 3 r. wilaon. Sr. Choir Leader , Mrs. W. C Taylor, jr. unoir ur Mrs. Collin Carrell. A.T.C.M., Oraanlst I Dr. R, O. Knlpe, Superintendent of Sunday SchooL 1 11:00 Morning Senrtce. ! 7:30 Evening Service. Sunday School at 10:00 ajn. I Come and Worship. Continuing until Sunday. Aug. 13. as in July, the morning services will be taken by Mr. Frank Ball of United College. Winnipeg, and the evening services hv Dcrmlulon of the Senior Chanlain will be taken by the Rev. K. J. Joblln. B.A.. BD. First Haptist Church Fifth Ave. and Young Street Rev. W. W. Sllverthorn, Minister Phone Red 839 11 a.m-MornlnR Worship. Sermon Subject: "The Chal Jenge of the Promise." 12:15 Church School. 7:30 pjn. Gospel Service. Tonic: "Volunteer Needed." First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSween, B.A., MlnUtcr Mrs. E. J. Smith, Choir Leader 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:30 D.m. Evening Worship. The Minister will preach at both services. MEN A cordial Invitation to wor- hiti with this congregaUon Is extended to all. St. Raul's Lutheran Church 5th and McBrlde Rev. Magnus B. Anderson, Pastor 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. Vocal solo: Set. Lome R. Baer. 7:30 p.m. Special Service in rhiireo of voung people. Talks and musical numbers. Lunch and fellowship hour following program. A cordial welcome to nlL Christian Science Tills Society Is a branch of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. Sunday Service 11:00 a.m. Subjcct-'plrlt." Meetings whlrh Include testimonies of healing are being held onthe second Wednesday of each month, at 8 p.m. The teadlng room, in Uie church building, Is open Sunday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p.m., and Monday and Thursday evening from 7:30 to 0:30. ems PHONE 80 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS A Cash for old gold, Bulger'ii Miss Yvonna Franklin is leaving tonight on a holiday trip , to Vancouver. Mrs. C. Paulsen Is leaving tonight for Vancouver where she iwii spend a holiday. ' Mr and Mrs. John Strachart " SmJthers are here visiting Mr. Strachan'a father, Charles Mc-Nab. Mrs C. J. Toombs and daughter. Kay. are leaving on this eve-i wnti boat for a holiday trip to 1 Vancouver and Victoria. j Ford Wray, of the C.N.R. ! depot ticket office, left on hut 'night a train to holiday at Fort gii. ajiu jvuo. xv. o. ukia on last night' train for Prince Oeorge on a holiday trip. Dr. J. F. Magulre returned to the city this morning from holiday trip to Chicago and Ohio. The office of Dr. J. Munthe and the Norwegian Consulate will be closed unul August 9. Mrs. H. J. Edgar of Smlthers has been visiting in Prince Miss Eleanor Moziey has returned from a week's visit at Smlthers with her aunt, Mrs, K Cook, AVt Btdnrr Alianar Ffltt U. AUrn Charlr AndMwm Harold AndrrKA SunkT Aodanoa i Robert ArtMtrung rred O. Barber Duo Arney Ted Arney w. a. nrT Emu. Bum WUltam lireranrr Beniard Urldden Oeorp! J. Brown Jmr Bryut Harold Bunn John Bunn HwXk Burbuik Tony Buutnlch Kum(U Cunrron Oordon Clderwuod Robert H. CpsUck DuukU. ChrUlUoa Vtimam J. Coramona Sydney Croxford Spencer Davlea Ueorie Olbb A T Dodd Vincent Dudd Jter DtOwrty John Donl Robert rxjrvan DoruUd Eastman E3mr Eburn. klrlrtn Fburne Robert U Eby Wtmnm Earl Zy Hubert EUU WllUam P. Elrtnt Martin Erlkaen Jamet Ftasby Bernard Ftirtun. Terry Fortune Oordon Fraaer Rupert Pulton Mitchell oay Bner Oreen Jame. Oreer Lester Ortmbla Terry Orlrabl. Ian Grtroaaou John Orlnwoa Carl J. auatalaon Oeortt D. Ilacu. llaxen Haoklnaoa Uatt Karrta Cecil Hemmona rrrw BUI Raymond Ilouraa Bul Hunter Ftoater Kuaoy Peter lluaoy Jamea M. Irrtn. Tom Johnaton. Mnnihlv communion Service ' i?.""Jr following the regular service. uoyd (Sonnyi Keay 8:45 pjn.-Slngsplratlon In Sun-T Percr day School Room. Wed.. 8 pjn. Prayer and Fellow ship. Frl . 8 p.m. Young People's Union. A hearty welcome awaits you. Knutaon jame. It muvw Jack R. I-aurle Richard UMthvon . Jantolt Lrlana Fred Lewis Tilly R. Lloyd Brum LOtp Harry Lundqulat Ted muu Harnr Monlet Thorn aa A. Mulhern William Murray WUllam It. Murray Daniel McDonald Jack Macfle Robert McKay Rlibert McLean K W. I Ned I McLeod John Mcleod Norman McLeod Darld McMrekln David MeNab Robert McNab John D. McRa. John O'Neill Charles Ormlaton Patrick M. Palmer Frank Douglas Parker Oordon Parkin Douglas Payn. Peter J. Peterson Albert M. Phllllnaon Clement J. Phllllpson Bud Ponder Magn. Rabben David Ritchie Jack Ritchie Robert Rltchl Harry Robb Jeffrey It Robinson Robert Roy Arthur Baundrra Hex ford M. Bchcrk Stanley Scherfc J. D. Schubert Anton Blmundson Clifford BUvertddes MHvIn Bkalmerud Fred W. Bklnner Henry Skinner John Skog Carl Smith Jack E. Smith Malcolm Smith Ralph Smith Walter Bralth The Sol lien Carl Strand John Strand Orme Btuart Charles Sunberg James Taylor Inge Valen Stanley. Vet ten SM Whit. Robert Whltlnr Carl OeorK Wilson Oacar Wlngham Oeorc. Tul. Jack Yul. Jack Btorrl. AHMT John Armstrong Br, t)tils Astnrls Cllltord V. ButUtt TIIE DAILY NEWS Mrs, Vic Oiraud arrived Friday from Trail and renewed old acquaintances here before proceeding to Terrace to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nlge. Sherwood, Mrs. M. F. Nlckerson, accompanied by her daughter, Leadins Airwoman Kay Nlckerson, will leave Monday nignt xor Vancouver, where the latter will return to duty with the air force after spending a furlough at home. Mrs. Nlckerson will enjoy a month's holiday in Vancouver. Jack Balfour Eric Barton wo. (Sonny) jMany Expected jAt Band Concert 1 The program of the U. S. Army Port Band for the Sunday con cert at 3 p.m. on the Court House green promises to attract many, especially among the younger people. Under direction of T6t. Alan L. Manning the band will play the following numbers : The World is Waiting for the Sunrise. Headlines. Triolet. 8now White Overture. The Wee MacOregor Patrol. Show Boat. Tropical. Carioca Pep Band: a. Trumpet Blues. b. Oreat Day. c. Carnival of- Venice. T: C. March. National Anthem. A fleet of 5,000 bombers and1 escort fighters raiding Oermany. uses up some 5,250,000 gallons oi ! gasoline. PRINCE RUPERT HONOR ROLL List of Local Men and Women on AcUve Service Ar. TOO rttpotuibl. tor icnttD'i msk not In thta lUt? (Be. entry form elscwlwr.) Beynon Waiter turd Norcaan Blackball Donald Blake , VTUUam W. Bowes Raynwnd Brace ell Ronald BraceweU WUllam Brass J. Vf. Bridden Earl Brocnu WUllam M. Brown Frank Bruce Wiener Bryant Arthur F. Cade John A. V. Cade Alfred Calderonc Aldo Campagnola Jack Campbell John Campbell Donald Clark Edwvd Clark Jim Colusal Mike Coluasl Frank Comadlna Desmond J. T Cook Martin van Coo ten Orant Coverdal. Walter Cross Bert Cross Charles Dennis Thomas Dennis Paul Dvornek R. C. U Dumford Oeorj Drbharn Malcolm fader Wnttfleld EMer Frank Elliott Helfie Emen Charles T. Krltt Oeorg. Flewln Thomas Flea In William Oarllck James Oarllck John Oates Ralph OUUes Alfred E. 8. OllUs Joseph D. Otitis Milton P. OU1U Andrew Oloter William Clotoes Darrow Oomes Earl Oordon Fdward Oosnell Thomas W. Oraham Burton Oreen Spiro Ourrlch Bplro Ourserlch Jame. Hadden Oerry Hamelln L. J. H. Haynes R. H. A. Hajmes K. C, W; Haynes E. D. Head David Henderson Howard lilbbard L. H. Itlnton Frank K. Hodgklnson Harold Hodgson David Houston Robert Houston Percy Hudson William Hutaon Harold Ivarson Robert Johnson Walter Johnson S. D. Johnston T. D. Johnston Nick J. Klllaa Robert WUllam Krays Nick Kurulok Everett It Leek Oliver R. Lelshton Pierre LeHoas O. M. Lstnes Charles Eggert Love Clarence Lovln O. P. Lyons Danny Magnet Oeorge Marehtldon Cecil M. Marr Murlll Mathews Steve Mentenko Michael P. McCaffrey Kenneth McCrlmmon John C MeCubbln Norman McOl&shan Arthur A. MacDonald lan Macdonald Jack Mcsvoy Ale McFarlane 3erald Mr la tyre Victor MUler Donald M. Montgomery Robert Montgomery Roderick Montgomery C. Dan Taper L. V. Tatterssi James Taylor Robert Tsylor John Albert Teng Arnold Tweed Jack Cnwln Rodney Valpy Allan (Bill) Vance Clarence Vaughan Stanley Vlckerman Robert Vuckovtch John Walker Clifford Wansmaker Clarenos D. Watson Raymond 11. Watson Jack WVarmouth WUllam White ! T. J. Williams James Wood Harry R. Wrathall Kenneth E. Wrathall Thurlow L Wright AIR lORCF. Ronald Allen Harry Astoria Alex BaUlle Howard Beal. Marcel Blaln J. F. Bouzek J. J. Bouzek J. V. Bouzek Peter Brass Win. M. Brown Alan Bur bank Alfred E. Bumlp Denis WUllam Burnt. Peter Cartwrlght Elmer Clausen Jack Corbould Eddie Crosby Ray Crosby James Currle Arthur Davey John W. Davej Pat Drane Victor DeU Jack Eastwood Donald Eby Thomas J. Evans Jack C. Ewart Victor Field Clarence Flnley Albert Flaten Charles E. Flewln Hugh L. Forrest Thomas Forrest Louis Orl In Olsy Wm. Hadden (missings Harry Hamilton Elmore Hanklnson Lawrence Hansen Arvld Hansen Harold Helgerson Robert Henderson Helge Holkestad Mike Hudema John P. Johnson David L. Jones Sam Jurmaln Oliver James Keayt Robert Kelscy FrancU W. Lrask Kim T. Lee Alan Lelghton Harold Leverett Donald Llewellyn John Lindsay Albert Mah Cedrle Mah Oeorge R. Mayer Henry Mayer Hector W. Macdonald Don McCavour I. H. (Hlckey) McLeod Oavln D. Mead John J. Miller Richard MUls Herbert Morgan Ralph Morln Edward M. Ormheun Robert L. Peachey Paul Poatolu Ken Schubert Arne J. Selvlg William Shrubsall Robert SUvrrsldes Eddie Smith James D. Stuart Robert Taper James J. Thompson David C. Tumllson Robert Turgeon John A. Walker Rudolph Warne Michael D. Montesano William II. Wilson Ford Martin Jsck Maran James Moran John K. Murray Joseph Nsylor William II. Nesbltt Leonard Ness Donald Norton David W. Oland Robert Parks Frank Parlette Robert D. Patrick Oeorge F. Penney Walter Perkins Emll Perlstrom Peter Peterwm Arthur PhUlips wuuam A. Aifold Jr. L. C. It. Raabe Ernest Ratchrord James E, Red Robert O. Robinson Robert Rtulderham Olav RyssUd Ihid Bkattebol William Scherk Thomas Scully Bob Shrubsall Thomas 6lbiey Bruce Blmundson Olenn Bmlth Hugh J. Smith James Bmtth W. D. Smith Douglas Stalker Albert Stllea A. U St. John Alexander BtorrW Jack Btorrle JatuM Buden Roy Sweet Hlchard Bylveitsr Henry Worsfold I'.. AHMT Cheater B. Clapp Oeorge A. Olay Richard Moore Thomas W. Pierce Ernest Banturbane U, NATT Howard Frlrrell Clifford J. Robertson WOMEN NAVY LavlnU (Winnie) Exley Frances M. Thomson ABMV Beatrice Berner I.011IM Bird Phylls Hambltn Matilda Lttrnen Kulth Mutrle Irene SuUy Jane Taper AtTt FORCE Betty Barber Jean R. Cameron Iris Corbould . Lilian Croxford ' lanhel Molly Maekeniit. Kay Nlckerson V.K ARMY Mary McCaffery U.H. NAVY Viola Mdy Dybhavn Md Buprtms Bacrtilc. Announcements All dTMtUenienlt In ttila column will be charged Xor a full montb M 23c a word. L.OL. Dance. UO.OF. Hall, Aug. 5. Pioneer Home Benefit Dance,! Sept. 1. Oddfellows Hall, 10 to 2J De Carlo's Orchestra. Orange Ladles' Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Aug. 10, DeCarlo'i Orchestra, 9:30 to 1:30. AUTOMATIC aiivnuHTin nil BOOKLET Dr.J.F. Maguire will resume his practice on MONDAY, AUG. 7 at 9:00 a.m. Income Tax Returns Prepared See It. E. MORTIMER 321 2nd Ave. Phone 88 BURN WOOD For Summer Dry Slabwood, cord $10.00 Dry Jackpine, cord ilZSO HYDE TRANSFER Phone 5S0 The best buy In Monuments and Markers In B.C. Is at National Monuments on 3rd Ave, first door Wet of Eaton's. NATIONAL .MONUMENT P.O. Box 998. Printe Rupert DANCE WEDNESDAY, AUG. 9 Bobby Keid's Orchestra ODDFELLOWS' HALL Meet Me at . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACKBAR (Ou Coffee b Tops) 1 TTTf TTTTTTTTTVTTVTTTTVTT OWJnfitisIt SCRATCH COVER POLISH tICdes MkIts .nrf Sfetjeciej iw Fvnie. Vm it oa Nmdrft and My immI Mtlac I hnle alr mm A Urmuhn. Caa nuly 3 CC a tabbed t a inlua. afaw Sold at MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GEO. JJJAWES AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment 146 4th Ave. E. RED 127 Elio's FURNITURE STORE Third Avenue, Prince Rupert PACIFICCAFE Special: Chinese Dishes Chop Suey Chow Mein Hours 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. MID-SEASON PAGE Tlllt HE CLEARANCE MEN'S SPORT JACKETS . Smartly Cut Tweeds in Two and Three-Button Models, Shades of Grey, Blue and Fawn. Sizes 35 to 42. Regular to $1450 JUST ARRIVED $9.95 MacOregor ,IIAPPYFOOr Double Sole Ankle Socles. 'All WooL Shades Beige, Teal, Brown and White. Sizes 10i4 to ll2. Pair 75c MacOregor Regular Type Ankle Socks. All Wool. Pair 75c to $1.25 NBsHBSSW HOW LONG SINCE YOUWE WRITTEN THAT SOLDIER? He NEEDS those cheerful letters from home ! And we make it easy for you to send them by having a complete selection of all the cards, paper, envelopes and other writing aids you need. Send That Letter Today! The Variety Store POULSEN'S LUNCH IS NOW OPEN 6th Ave. E, Beside P.O. Station B. "Select Lunches and Select Service" Our stock fresh and complete, prices right POULSEN'S GROCERY Courtesy and Service Free Delivery Red 441 For Satisfaction and Performance Try a Watermans Fountain Pen Moderately Priced From $3.57 up Choose the Pen to your liking at It Pays to Advertise in The Daily News