tf w. if!' PAGE FOUR "f2 THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert. B.C. Saturday, August 11, 1945 f E TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE r 5r iXhii ) lf-3 i. t VI Dress rjem up for v Summer .... We haven't forgotten the boys and girts. In fact we cater to their needs, and new supplies are arriving daily. For Infants and Girls WALLACE'S and RUPERT PEOPLES STORE For Boys and Young Men RUPERT MENS' and BOYS' STORE ANNOUNCING Opening of Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL Wc specialize In tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. Fortune Telling 6 a.m. to 3 a.m. DO YOU WANT YOUR ENGINE TO LAST LONGER? DO YOU WANT YOUR OIL TO LAST LONGER? DO YOU WANT YOUR $$$ TO GO FURTHER? Then Instal a new . . . WINSLOW OIL CONDITIONER WINSLOW oil conditioners remove sludge, varnish, moisture, acid, carbqn and grit, leaving only the .: lubricating qualities of your oil. We carry a complete stock of WINSLOW filters as well as .WINSLOW replacement cartridges to fit other makes of filters. AS WE ADVISE ... BE PENNY WISE S. E. PARKER LIMITED Winslow Automotive Distributor for Northern B.C. 170 E. 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs are-carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W. C. Osborne V. Imhoff A. M. Williams Expert Repairs on all makes of cars Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 In Terrace . . . THE Skeena Mercantile G. McADAMS, Prop. SELF-SERVE GROCERS DRY GOODS - LADIES' WEAR A Modern Dept.Store WE WELCOME TOURISTS TERRACE, B.C. Vitamin Enriched Bread The Choice of Many, Who Know the BestI Terrace Bakery & Confectionery Home of Quality Products BOX 206 TERRACE, B.C. TOURISTS "SKEENA BRIDGE CAMP" One mile East of Terrace Box 13 Terrace, B.C. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Today tit Sports FORTRESS WINS OVER BATTERY A nine-run burst in the fifth inning gave Fortress a 14 to 2 victory over Eleventh Battery in a softball game fast night at Gyro Park. The win gave Fortress undisputed possession of second place in the Area Senior Softball League. The winners sewed up the game In the fifth when Red Ge-fucla tripled with two on and Tom Urquhart homered with the bases loaded to put Fortress ahead, 9-0. Urquhart started the game on the mound and gave way to Hertzman in the sixth inning, while Rosentreter went the distance for the Battery nine. The score by innings: 11th Battery .... 000 000 0202 Fortress 020 093 00x 14 Batteries: 11th Battery Rosentreter and Lane Fortress Urquhart, Hertzman and The senior follow: ACROPOLIS IN FINALS The Acropolis MJVs advanced to the final round of the Area Intermediate Softball League playpffs by winning their second straignt game from Fortress iby a score of 18 to 2 Thursday niahr on Acropolis Hill. league standings W. L. T. Pts. Port Edward 17 2 1 Fortress 9 5 5 Barrett 9 7 3 11th Battery 4 11 5 Navy 5 12 3 35 23 21 13 13 Victory in the semi-finals fcives the MP.'s the right to meet the Soo Suds in a best-of-flve- games series for the league championship. The first of these nxiures win toe played Sunday afternoon at Gyro Park. ISP TO LASTING ENJOYMENT ! OWN THE MUSIC YOU LOVE from the Treasures of VICTOR MUSICAL MASTERPIECES CLASSICAL SYMPHONY IN D MAJOR (Prokofirfr, Op. 25) St. Louis Symphony Orrhrttra, con. ducted by Madimir CoUcliniann, Album DM-m $3.45 SYMPHONY NO. 4, IN F MINOR (Tuliaikowi-ky, Op. 36) NIK! Symphony Orrhrttra, Leopold Stokot-tki conducting. Album DM-880 $7.50 SYMPHONY NO. 1. IN C MINOR (Ilralinis, Op. 68) NHC Symphony Orchestra, Arluro Toscanini conducting. Album DM-87S $7.50 MY FAVORITES (Krei.ler) Friu Kreislrr, violinist, with Victor Symphony Orchestra. Album M-910 $4.80 CONCERTO IN A MINOR (Crieg, Op. 16) Artur HuliinMrin, pianint, with Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Orniandy conducting. Album D.M-900 $4.80 McRAE BROS. LIMITED FEW ACRES TOURIST AND HUNTING LODGES Accommodation for 4 or 8 people by week or month, very reasonable, good swimming, Vacant now, Gertrude Mitchell Terrace. B.C. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Chicago St. Louis . Brooklyn . New oYrk . Pittsburgh Boston Cincinnati ... 65 36 ... 62 42 ... 59 43 54 54 48 45 Philadelphia 28 Washington 56 44 New York ..... 52 44 Chicago 52 43 Boston 50 51 Cleveland 49 150 St. Louis 48 50 Philadelphia 33 65 .644 .596 .578 .519 .509 .457 .387 .267 AMERICAN LEAGUE ' W. L. Pet. Detroit 56 43 .566 .556 .542 .520 .495 .490 .485 .343 STRANGE DEATH ADELAIDE ffi A 64-year-old man died of pneumonia following eucalyptus poisoning when he tried to rinse his mouth with, the liquid to assuage a tooth ache. A spasm of paralysis struck his arm so that he could now lower the bottle from his lips. Before his arm relaxed he had swallowed nearly a cupful. FOR SALE 225 1st Ave., seven- room nouse, possession Augusi 22. $2300, half cash, balance within two years. H. G. Hel-gerson Ltd. (187) FOR SALE Seven-tube electric mantle radio, $35; C. C. M. man's bike, like new, $35; dining room table, four chairs, $12; small table, etc. Phone Blue 785. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf; PERSONAL PAIN KILLER FOR CORNS Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives prompt, sure relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (187) YOU CAN RUN A HOME KIN dergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Wlnnl peg, Man. SCHOOLS ANIJ COLLEGES STENOS. TYPISTS, POSTAL CLERKS for Government war work. You can train at home. Free Information, M.C.C. Civil Service Schools Ltd., Advertise in The Dally 'News. LOOKING OVER BALL LEAGUES The major leagues featured a heavy program yesterday Including a pair of twin bills. In the National League, the St. Louis Cardinals out-hit the New York Giants for a 5-2 victory while the Brooklyn Dodgers licked the Cincinnati Reds 9-4. The Boston Braves edged the Chicago Cubs 2-1 while the Philadelphia Phillies and the Pittsburgh Pirates split a doubleheades. The first game went to the Pirates 10-2 while the Phils captured the second contest 6-1. The American League show saw a surprising 9-0 victory by the Boston Red Sox over the powerful Detroit Tigers while the New York' Yankees toppled the Cleveland Indians 10-4. The Chicago White Sox lashed the Washington Senators 6-3 as the hapless Philadelphia Athletics took a double whipping from the St. Louis Browns by slim margins. The scores were 2-1 and 14-13. The International League sin- ! gle tangle (between the Syracuse Chiefs and the league-leading Montreal Royals was postponed - - Classified Advertising - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. FOR SALE BOAT FOR SALE '29-foot gill net boat with poles and row boat. 5 h.p. Vivian engine, $350. Outboard motor, $100. Phone 122. (187) FOR SALE New and used fur niture at the lowest prices. New 3-plece chesterfield, $100; high grade all-enamel ranges from $95; hardwood chairs; mattresses; used beds and springs, $7.00; enamelware, plates, cups, pudding dishes from 7'-c; used enamel range (McClary) $47.50; axes from 65c. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Two barber chairs; two big mirrors; National cash register, like new; rings to $1.95; other goods. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Victory Cafe Building; excellent condition. Vacant apartment immediately upon sale of same. Rents $100 month. See Geo. Ladicos for particulars, (tf) FOR SALE Twenty rugs, hook ed and braiaea; one sewing machine. 1122 7th Ave. East. (189) SPECIAL for the month of Aug ust only 3 loads dry wood, $25, regular $10 a load. 3 loads kindling $18, regular $6.50 a load. We do not guarantee any orders In winter months so stock well now. Phone 130 or write Watson Island Lumber Salvage, Port Edward, B.C. . (201) FOR SALE Attractive nine- room house, located In best residential district; garden and fine harbor view. Immediate occupancy. For full particulars apply G. P. Tinker Co. (187) FOR SALE Two chairs and chesterfield. 513 8th Ave. East. (190) FOR SALE Piano. 713 5th Ave. West. Phone 785. FOR SALE 3-room house, large shed at rear. Reasonable terms. Apply 137 9th Ave. West. (189) FOR SALE Elgin pocket watch, $15. Phone 32 Taxi. (189) WANTED Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. WANTED Either room with board or housekeeping room, by working girl. Willing to share. Box 78 Daily News. (187) WANTED TO RENT By August 1 or 15, four-room nouse or apartment, not necessarily close in. Reliable, permanent tenant. Write Box 33 Dally News. WANTED Apartment or housekeeping room for R.C.A.F. officer and wife. Apply Box 83 Daily News. (188) WANTED Apartment or small house for couple and two children. Box 81 Dally News. (191) WANTED Furnished room with kitchen privileges, for couple with baby. Box 82 Daily News. (191) WANTED TO RENT Urgently needed, two, three or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for couple with lYt- year-old child. Write Box 79 Daily News. (189) WANTED Passenger car In reasonably good condition, late coach model preferred. P.O. Box 46, Terrace, B.C. (189) ARMY WARRANT OFFICER and wife, no children, quiet couple, desire one or two furnished rooms. Box 80 Daily News. (189) HELP WANTED WANTED Teacher for Topley Public School, capable or teaching Grades 9 and 10 If necessary- Salary $1200 with additional $100 for each grade taught over 8th. Mrs. Ivy Strlmbold, secretary-treasurer, Topley. (192) URGENTLY WANTED Two ladies to work in the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association Fish Dock office on fish ledgers; typing or bookkeeping experience not necessary; permanent work if suitable. Good wages. (187) WANTED First class butcher toi take full charge and do his own buying. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 186. (tf) 1 WANTED Clerk for Stationery Store. No experience necessary. Apply at McRae Bros. Of), SALESGIRL WANTED Apply at office, Rupert, Peoples Store. (192) WANTED Four girls for general laundry work. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundries. (189) SALESMAN Accustomed $500, weekly commissions, sell new patented auto device to fleet owners, garages, Jobbers, dealers In protected territory. Spare time. Harmless, guaranteed, proven, laboratory tested necessity. Victory Mfg. Co., Cornwall, Ont. (it) AGENTS B.C. BILLIARD & BOWLING Supply Co. (Reg'd), 218 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. LOST LOST Earring, Ninth, Avenue district, Valhalla Hall. Valued as keepsake. Finder phone Black 59. FOUND 7 FOUND In the Post Office, pair of ladles' black kid gloves. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this ad. FOUND Outside Fair Way Food Market, man's stainless steel wrist watch. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying fur this ad. GYRO NINE BEATS K.C.'S Play-off Is Necessary In Junior Softball League Thursday night at Oyro Park the Gyro nine beat the Knights of Columbus in a thrilling Junior Softball League game in which some very excellent fielding and hitting by .both teams brought applause from the spectators. Don Scherk, pitching for the Gyros, allowed only three hits and was given very good support by his team which collected nine hits to win for Gyro. Jim McDougall, for K.C.'s, pitched good ball tout the Gyros sot their hits when most needed. The line-ups: Gyro Sunberg, D. Scherk, A. Mostad, E. Pierce, G. Oleson, S. Scherk, J. Sharp. K. Laurie and D. Ormlston. K. C.'s A. Ethier, G. Meyers, G. Guysler, K. Bourgeault, B, De Jong, P. McDonald, J. McDonald, G, Sharon and M. The second game scheduled between Wartime Housing and Kinsmen was not played because the Kinsmen did not field a team and Wartime Housing won by default. Umpires for the game were C. R. Collen, balls and strikes, and R. Overguard, bases. It will Ibe necessary to have a play-off between Gyro and Wartime Housing to determine the winner of the league. Arrangements for this will be completed shortly. Also If is expected to have a play-off for the city Junior championship in the near future. Dates of the play-off will be announced shortly. because of rain. In the other games, the Toronto winning streak was snapped as was tix Jersey City losing streak as the Little Giants pounded out an 8-5 triumph over the Leafs In Toronto. Newark and Buffalo spilt their doubleheader with the first victory going to the Bears 6-5 while the Bisons captured the second 8-3. Baltimore Orioles trimmed the Rochester Red Wings tooth ways in Rochester by scores of 4-2 and 14-3. Here Is today's schedule: American League Washington at Chicago, New York at Cleveland, Boston at Detroit, Philadelphia at St. Louis .played previous date. National League Chicago at Boston, Cincinnati at Brooklyn, St. Louis at iXew York, Pittsburgh at Philadelphia played former date. International League Syracuse at Montreal (doubleheader), Newark at Buffalo, Jersey City at Toronto (doubleheader). Baltimore at Rochester played former date. Buy War Savings Stamps COAL and WOOD HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 STARTS MONDAY W m till I IIM II '-WJiW Destined to love each other from their I meeting yet kept opcrt by a dangerous and desperate plot I Their story is one of the greatest dramas of modern times exciting, mysterious, and gloriously thrilling. Ronald Colman in ST7T MS ONER MADELEINE CARROLL 23 lilDV IPTfln . ftftitin mtipii i 3 Completf shows at 1:00 3:01 5:02 7:03 9:04 RAYMOND MASSEY C AUBREY SMITH Nflf ReIeasdt DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. A PICK! SUNDAY AT MIDNITE FAYE EMERSON JULIE BISHOP in "LADY GANGSTER" THOS. MITCIIEU MARY ANDERSON jn "WITHIN THESE WALLS ANNOUNCING RIIPFDT DAnin 9. Fl rnTJ uui tin iinuiu W LLLUIIl (Across from Canadian Legion) Open for Business August 1 EXPERT RADIO SERVICE BATTERIES SILEX LAMPS - etc OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO 6:00 PAI. 313 THIRD AVE. WEST PH0N1 I I I I i Floor Sanding and Finishing J. M. S. LOUBSiB Repairs and Alterations qj H D Ct Val Spidel CHIROPRACTOtB Green 186 Box 1430 St. "B" Wallace Block WW "CHECK YOUR CHEST"... TIMETABLE AT J. TiKSTIlTCNTS fiVlM? 19 Vi7Al.C rsi.i inn txt mTi iriniVlTY Post Office Lane and Third St. ARE INVITED TO HAVE A FREE CHEST X-RAY EXAMINA' August 8-15 HOURS: 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. COME EARLY I AHIFC ARE ASKED T WEAR ""VO-r'ECE GARMENTS TO HELP LMLILJ SPEED THE SERVICE IN THE LADIES' CHANGE ROOMS THE X-RAY SURVEY IS ANOTHER SERVICE OF The PRINCE RUPERT HEALTH UNIT TTTTR AnVPBTTDnwriii . UII iuumnn 1 OrUnSOKEIl UY vyinvioiiwvo orwiu lyumiuiri'KK KINSMEN CLUB, Prince J"'