Dally Edition TOE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert Tuesday "April 10. 19b5 Published rvrry afternoon rxwpt Sua-Jy."by Prince Rupert Dally Neva Limited, Third Arraue. Prince Rupert. Brttlah Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Manatfnff Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Cftrrlfr. pn w-k Per Month . Per Year BVMall, per month Per Tear Work Delmort Frozen Fruits and; Vegetables Raspberries,! Srrawberries, sliced Peaches.' Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 New Hats for Spring STETSONS A new stock just arrived. MORGAN'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 3rd Ave., next to Ormes MEMBER ABC if. I &PT-j .40 4 00 I Grim German Humor . . . v There is still some humor left in Germany. Consider, for instance, the German prisoner of 52 years who, asked by an American officer what a man of his age was doing in the army, replitAl: "I'm a member of the .Hitler Youth." He was a blood brother of the Volkssturn troopers recently reported by this newspaper as having posted a sign on their fortification Win. F. Franks Optometrist of Vancouver is now in Prince Rupert At popular request, Wm. H. Franks, who is visiting this city, will remain over until April 2G. Mr. Franks is at the Prince Ru-pert Hotel and open for appointments. Appointments can be made at the hotel. reading, Wir alten Affen sind die Wun- nChC PlfiUT C.N.R. Employees derwaffen (We old monkeys are the KClJ flulM Contribute $5000 wonder weapon). m WICUM A To Red Cross But it is not the jolly, carefree wit IN YltNNA . VANCOUVERi AprI, ,oEm. of the now almost legendary Germany M0B00K Q p3o,KS ln ine Britlsh columbia Of the days before the World Wars. Army troops fighting In the district of the Canadian National For some time it has been Sardonic, the streets of Vienna are only one i Railway made a good showing best iokes being pointed at the Nazi m"0 "m heart of the Aus- 1 In the Red Cross campaign with trian caPltal- The radio (total subscription of $5258 com-L Moscow PartV leaders not excluding Dpi- Fnh- Z vl ll ll ,f h broadcast an appeal to the I paring with ttjOfiO In tne prertous 101. iNow It has bcter the a tone Austrian people to cease resis- ; campaign, it is announced by W. humor of desperation. If it indicates itance. The Moscow broadcast T. Moodie. general superintend, disillusionmeilt, an Understanding of I declared that Russia regards ent the Austrian People as friends. The railway's western region how the German neonle let themplves ... T.i u it 1 lL Pi .Iet ineme"ei,;and stated .that the Soviet as a whole registered an Increase uc- uupc-u, it k a good sign. . i Unl)n uiuutt has nQ iiu de aesigns on AOs ,of CI o (liing In line with our general policy of carrying only the highest quality, nationally-advertised merchandise, our stock of work clothing includes, such well-known makes as "G.W.G." and "Headlight." i snn US FOR Iron-Man Pants ' Rib Overalls and Smocks Coveralls -Waist Overalls Carpenters' Overalls Painters' Overalls Work Shirts of all kinds OCT THE RIGHT MAKE AT THE RIfillT PRICE AT THE MEN 'S SHOP " An example of Nazi contrariness is the fact that.while orthodox crim inals are recorded as having "malted" gold mines, none have even been caught hiding their gold in a, salt mine. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Green 935 LQSOOM O Many of Brit ain's underground war plane A temporary plank road has been built over the slide on the airport road. The roof of the CXJl. station is in the process of being re-shingled and painted. G. L. . Brooks held well-attended dances in the Orange Hall on Friday and Saturday nights. ' The Johnstons have moved from the Landfere Farm to Mr. Sundal's old residence on the south side of Terrace. There Is to be a dance at the airport on Saturday, April 14 and all Terrace ladies have been cordially invited to attend. The Terrace people are very glad to have the local theatre in operation once again. The first show since early ln December was shown a week ago. The weather, though fine, has been rather cold ror the past few days. i irian itrriwry. The Russians also have announced tht capture of 15.000 more prisoners ln Derations against Koenigsberg. the capital of East Prussia. iN'o more important message eao be givsn to ihe general puWie efco rc turning rwuropsychiatrie casualties from, the Army than to Niy that these men are no more inrompetwit ami no more respon sible, no more incapacitated ami Captain J. M. Boyle, R.C.O.C., of Vancouver, Is paying a brief visit to Terrace. Flight Lieut. Scott, officer commanding Terrace airport, has relumed to his station. $42,545. percent witn a total of New South Wales Revives Whaling SYDNEY. Australia, April 10 0-Revival of the whaling industry off the New South Wales coast has been recommended to the federal government by the Australian agricultural council. The council envisages the production of 4.000 tons of dehydrated whale meat, 1,000 tons of mrat mta,and 100 ton' 0T "anR factories are closing and will be no more in,paMe 4han those of j used as great storehouses for any cross section of our popuU r a e3r food and other commodities. ' Iron Timely Topics from Terrace Ronald Paulson and Lawrence Pearl and June Sekora return-Pratt left on Saturday evening's ed on Saturday night from a train to spend a few days in holiday triD to Prince r.mrop TV I 1 JCC MANY SMITHERS BOYS ON LEAVE CHURCH CLEARS latter part of 1940. Solicitation for funds was begun In the first months of 1941 and actual construction got under way In June of the same year. The building was completed In March, 1943, and Dedication took place on March 28. 1943. The first service was held at Christmas. 1942. The new church came Into use at a Ume when Prince Rupert experienced a great influx of people, both civilians and service personnel. Because of its ready location many strangers availed themselves of worshipping In the church of their choice. St. Paul's church earned Many Smlthers boys who are the name of "The Service' Men's members of the Canadian armed Church" as it maintained an The Army Victory Loan drive forces are enJylne furloughs a: all around average attendance is being organized by Malor Campbell Dow who Is back in Terrace for a short stay. Mr. R. Miles, Y.M.OA. supervisor, is In Smlthers for a few days. Official business has brought Colonel Hughes, who was In charge of the Terrace military hospital, back for a short while. IIUII1C, Uf ililVC UCCIl ill IlUlUf IK- " v ....... .u ailllll JT- cently. jsonnel a Sunday for over two Bill Bryant, son of Mr. and I years. On Festival days this Mrs. H. A. Bryant, government fUture would go over 100. agent, is at home, as are Charles I As soon as the downstairs was Marshall and Alex McDonald. ! made available It was converted Jimmy Goodacre left recently for toncton, N.B., to return to duty with the R.C.A.F. into a Service Centre which is still In oneratlnn rl.illv Actual Sergeant Dick Trumner rc thers before leaving to rejoin 1 are open to all Faiths. E-M.E.. who was verv nMive in his unit. i The church structure wai I $2000. the entire amount . been raised locally by memb... and friends of the congregatlc It is algnif leant to note tin Just two years, almost to the dn The pastor of St. Paul's I f.tler. f1Ichureh M dedicated' Lutheran Church announced to the budlng was entirely tree his congregation Sunday that. ' , through the special Easter of-1 "ev- 3 J Mvnng. former ferlng an amount sufficient toifas?r' V50 an actlve Par: completely liquidate the indebt-! ln .th ,n,t aI PM ot bull" erness of the Chuch building ; and uflnanflg the new church had been received. He also an-lhfsw" ,n.v,ted Pre,-, nounced to all present Uiat a'1' the. "or,ae burnm r mortgage burning service u'lf Ap" ,22' Re & being planned for the 22nd o'jOU?n KeUhlkan Is also ex-ApriI peeled to attend. Plans for a new House of! Although the congregation WorshiD for St. Paul's ronere- anu P"lor are we P'd with Ration had been In the mindf!thf Pf0? i"ade ,n of many of its members for " " noni incurred , several years, while definite bundlB program, they feel steps were not taken before the'that much mtore should be A considerable amount toward a new organ has been set asidi a well as two lots for a par sonage. The congregation Is also planning on . new chancei fixtures -to Include altar, altar rail, pulpit and baptismal font. Lighf fixtures throught the church auditurium as well as a decor ating Job are included In the plans for the future. The time (or for the ronrtruetkm retell Wlpt of tenders of a Steel Hun for th'- IrootrnH Lake Ferry h.t been tkleiMM to 11 o'cibtk noon u( Wi-tiQMKtay. Kecond Ond) day .,i Ui.y 1946 A. U CAtmOTIIERS. Chief Engineer IN THE PUl'RHktE COURT OF BHITI81 COLirMBIA IK PHO 1VATT. IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION AW i.nd IN THE MATTEK OF THI: ESTATE Of ANNIE M-Oli :iC: UliADLEY I IJM.'KASHJ. IWTTJTA1. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. W. il llaher. made on the 28 Ul day of Mareh. A D. 194S. I w..s appointed Administrator of the Estate of Annie Florence HradN-y. de eeaaed. and all portlea harm claim against thr an Id eaiale are hereby r i.. j required to f urn Ion aame. pruprrlv fcw. ui wHt,anuu is muur uos- ! rerll ed. to me on or before the 3uih Fit. Lieut. Cliff Emmerson. son j through the National j iSSLx the iaid '"riute of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Emmer-; Lutheran Council with head- are required to pay the amount i son, spent a holiday at home. ! quarters in New York. The local pATEuiTi4im1. H. nT. u, ' naving recenty arrived from nire is one or 85 otner ui day of,Mreh. ad. ims. overseas. He left again Friday Centres throughout Canada, mornins enroute to the Baha- i United States, GnU Britain, mas. China, Alaska and Hawaii. In BHaby McEwen. son of Mr. and as much as it Is supported by Mrs. J. L. McEwen of Prince Ru-! Lutherans throughout Canada NOHMAN A. WAIT Offletal AdmlnlklraUir, Prince Rupert. U.c IN THE SUPREME COURT HIM TISII COLUMBIA IN THIS MATfER OF THE ADMIN lal RATION Ain 't pert, spent a few days ac Sml- and United States these Centres 1 ,N uatterop the estate OF ALEXANDER MmAULAY. DE the nreftni7inr nf ir s..l Phllio Kennev and Harrv Ken. bum at a ca-rt of more than ; Jude riaher. Local judK. has been posted elsewhere He ey. arrived home Sunday to(WW- Except for a 3lft of iSmbu. ih. mn , f.y o't and his wife left on Thursday Pend furlough. Philip has spent j AJ? the 'titi? oienu"r nighfs train. 'the past 15 months In Iceland; LONDON. O When W. j. ; uacAuiay. who died on th asm .r and northern Ireland with the Thorne. Labor member for Plai- indebted to thVw eauti ire re - Miss Eleanor Moxley. Prince R.OA.F.. while Harrv wai eradu-! stow a. kerf "the Peine r n,n. Rupert school teacher, passed lated as a Sergeant Pilot with'one ;ness" if he would consider doing through Terrace saiurday on her I of the last classes under the I away with the blackout. Home way back from Smlthers where (Empire training scheme on'Secretary Morrtoon replied: she spent the holidays. t March 31. !"Not vet." i " 1 11 SlS ?' JOBS FOR OUR m . HB 2400 , NV Mt'f jr- FIGHTING MEN -m A Zafe 'IZjk.S-- fWWm 'K. "" A WHEN THEY COME s"r -MJr.immM-'WmXX Ere marchi -g home "Strap Strategy" We are just a little proud of this newest arrival. A real addition to your Easter wardrobe, in town brown, softie calfskin, $7.45 CUT RATE SHOE STO.RE Whether or not the time for PAYMENT of your Income tax Is extended, your RETURNS will still have to be filed on or before April 30th. Tax Service by Experts GEORGE RORIE & CO. Besner Block Prince Rupert, B.C. gINCE tho war began, over 2400 employees of this Company have Joined the services. They have been-and most of them still are engaged on the fighting fronts, on land, in the air. and at sea. wherever Canadians have seen action. In proud and grateful recognition of their services this Company is resolved to do everything in its power to make their coming years of peace secure and happy. We plan to offer these gallant employees not merely employment but placement in a position equivalent to that which they would have held had they remained at -homo. H special study has been made of the needs of returning men who are disabled or below normal health. Men in these categories are being and will be trained for special asks, enabling them to work alongside their more fortunate fellows with a sense of security and accomplishment. Tho Company welcomes this opportunity to do its part In the rehabilitation of valiant fighting men in civil life. iaM M I I 'I II III .. Br our THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, TRAIL, B.C. CKASKD TAKE NOTICE that by Order ot quired to pay the amount of thi-lr lndebtedneaa to me forthwith and all peraona having claim aguin-t the aald Estate are required to file with roe properly verified on cw b -tore the 30th day of April. W-falllnc which dtatrlbutlou will be made having; regard only to aucri claims of which I thai! bave been notified. DATED at Prlnct Rupert. B C . thU i 19th day ot March. A.D.194S NORMAN A. WATT. ! rtrilclal Admlnlurator. j Prince Rupert. DC. I IN THE SUPREME COURT OF 1 BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and 1 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ! OF WALTER RASUUBSEN. DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of in i Honor W E Fluher made on th. 6th day of April. A D. 1945. I ;. Inppolnted Admlnlatrator of the Estate o( Walter luamuaaen. deceaacd. i and nil pnrtlea having claims against i the snlcf rhtate are hereby required t- furntah anme. properly verified, to me on or before the 12tb day of May. AD. IS4S. and all parti" l tnilehtel to the aald EaUte are re i quired to pay the amount of their i Indciitcdnesa to me forthwith. tUTPn ttt p.in.. n..n. n r tht- Cth day of April, A D 1945. OEOROE 11. HALLETT Official Administrator ATLIN. DC. Commercial. Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC i, ijiit i: i) Office In Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 387 32C 2nd Ave ,2 Occ, tow! tj Velnesdaj . r .. MdoTTlcrJ afBajaaaaa,, We now h Of Sbotf J FIR, I Lumber i ruxol We i fcj vif 1x3 M. r a, , J I I Phone 631 1 for tm soil! Aumostl -cd- VAU'Al SALES COSDK-I YuCSCOKEI HOL'SBIOUI PACKED AH FvrtlmatcJ ' Free l GREEN TAXI 65 N0II J.H.M ha? been tiP reprentJ- NATIOX-U; for this P T,e buslnc-i W Vincd froffl - W.T! BUI.KI.FY VAI COLLIERIES a rtejj to advise that having compel art P War Priority Contracts, DOMESI iinii.fi tn aiinnlv the i ir v MA It KETwith high q lasting BULKLEY. VALLEY and fvt Phono your dealer