t i J.nr, i iiri'VMiiu"- fund tailored n all fois ts 12 16 l I- MILADY lette's Ladies' Wear armers lashes in footwear reveal open cut and sandals, saucy ties all tuned from 1(J15. Moderately priced. Wc have a good stock of Hoys' and Children's Shoes see oim WINDOW DISPLAY iily Shoe Store Limited Lr 30 Years the "Home of Good Shoes" Pow?ll) Going to a Party? Let us glamorize you for the occasion. CALL BLUE 09 FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY and be assured of no last-minute disappointment. PEGGY SAUNDERS 4th St. (across from Post Office) b Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY DAY AN I) EVERYDAY C A R D S T KR MAN'S FOUNTAIN TENS Block, 3rd Street ROYAL OT EL Away From Home ates 75c up Hot an Jold Water nUPERT, B.C. P.O. Box 100 8WEEPINQ NERS CLEANED REPAIRED Plpment and help Pu of a clean lob ne Black 735 1 fNDYMAN P SERVICE ANNOUNCING Phone 231 EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L. D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 0:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 ADVERTISING, COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED ?RD AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS Local News Items PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Mr. Joe Slaggard left lart night on a trip to Vancouver. A Boy's and Girl's' Tweed Om! Sets Wee Tot's Shoppe. (88) William Baron rptnrnpH fn thp city Monday from a trip to Van couver. Mrs. A. Flaten returned Mon day on the Princess Adelaide from a two weeks visit in Van couver and Victoria. The business of Edward Lip- sett Limited, was moved into its new waterfront building at the week-end. The fine new building has been under con struction since last fall. R. G. Wood, of Shelton. Wash ington, and his daughter-in-law Mrs. W. P. Wod. of Vancouver are visiting at the home of the former's son, Douglas Wood, 733 Taylor Street. They will return to the south on Thursday. Staff Sergeant G. A. John son of the district detachment of the nrovincial oolice returned Monday afternoon from Fishery Bay on the Naas River where he went Saturday to investi gate the circumstances of the death of Samuel McKay on Frl day. An inquest into McKay s death was begun by Coroner M. M. Stephens this afternoon Hill 60 Chapter Makes Donation The re-iular monthly meetlna of Hill CO Chapter, I.O.D.E.. was held ou April 9 at the home ot Mrs. J. N. Forman, Atlin Ave A donation 'was made to the I.O.D.E. British Columbia music bursary. Arrangements were completed for a tea and apron sale to be held at thtf I.O.D.E. Hall on May 1G. Hie regent. Mrs. D. Orchard to attend the provincial conven tion in Vancouver on April 17. la and 19, and will give a full report at the next meeting on May 14. This will be In the form of a dinner party at Mrs. C. Smith's, Third Ave. Smithers Carries On Despite Fire SMITHERS, April 10 (Special to the Dally News) An Insur ance adjustor who will valuate losses suffered by Smithers business people In the fire which destroyed eight downtown buildings here last Wednesday is expected to arrive today. Since the fire, those who sunered loss or their premises have been making arrangements to open at omer locations gr to try and rebuild as soon as possible. Mrs. M. Warner has purchased the Chlsholm building at the corner of Third Ave. and Main St. where she will carry on her department store business. Robert Hann nas movea tem-norarilv to the Bovlll and Hann building on Broadway Ave. Others will rebuild as soon as materials and workmen are available. KWONO SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5' p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247 J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 040 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Ernest Unwin left Monday on a business trip to Vancouver. Vessels of the halibut fleet are being readied for the opening of the fishing season on May 1. Qear Is being brought aboard and final crew arrange ments made. V 7KV hit r: uEinnnin u II Eft U bULU MISERY FAST CHURCH NOTICE Put 3-purpos. Va-tro-nol up each nostril. It (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2)soothes irritation, (3) helps clear cold- mmmmtgrn clogged nose. Follow VlVK tSSSl VATRO NOL SPECIAL SERVICES In the Full Gospel Church 221 Gth Avenue West Continue another week at 8 p.m. with REV. P. A. GAGLARDI Tonight. Subject: "Why God Said of David: 'Thou Art a Man After My Own Heart" This Is your invitation. Pastor: J. Llnney. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make china cement? A. Stir some freshly slaked lime Into the white of an egg until It becomes the consistency of paste. Apply this to the broken edges of the china to be mended; then let dry for.tnree IaT An1 ttrlll Ka Inn vlnri HI wppIc nf four davs. This cement may ji,a-n uut nn " also be usea on giass aim maiuic. Q. How can I tighten the cane seat of: a chair? A. If the seat of a cane chair sags, turn the chair upside down and soak the seat thoroughly with soapy water. When It dries it will stiffen and stretch to its original shape. I IP CANADIAN By MARGARET WOODWARD crowd of dancing couples were on hand. Winners of. the novelty dance were Betty Payne and Bill William. Bridge will be played on Tues day evening In the writing room beginning at 8 p.m.. The regular crlbbatte Dairty will be held on Thursday this week. Tonight one of the popular series of the Fal con will be the movie, "The Fal con in Hollywood. Wednesday evening another of the Music Appreciation Hours will be presented for your listen the program. Smithers Exceeds Red Cross Quota By 225 Per Cent SMITHERS, April 10 (Special) Smithers has exceeded its quota In the Red Cross drive by 225 percent. At the end oi the week a total of $4,000 had been contributed, artd more Is ex pected to come In. Quota for the village was $1,800 A showing of colored films was held in the threatre last night. The Smithers branch of the Can adian Legion paid the expenses of the show and total receipts went to the Red cross. The pic i !..-!. ..1,..! k. n r- n In1,dn fit lures uiLiuutru uiuac lam. . the ooenlne of the Skeena River Highway at Terrace and pictures of Terrace and Lakette valley, Bulkley valley, the Cariboo dls trict and Okanagan. C. C. F. BRIDGE At .the regular C. C. F. bridge drive Saturday night at the Met roDole hall, winners were: Mrs West and Mrs. Georg,e Scott ladies first and second respec tivelv and Geortje Rudderham and J. Krlkevsky who took .the men's first and second prizes I THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 ANGLICAN W. A. EASTER SALE The annual Easter tea and sale of home cooking of the St. Andrew's Anglican Women's Auxiliary! was an enjoyable and suc cessful affair. Mrs. L. HoitDy, vice-president of the auxiliary, With the hall softly lighted by general convenor, assisted by our new spot equipment and Bob Mrs. J. B. Gibson, received the Wytrow and his band supplying many guesw. the music the Monday night In charge of the attractively decorated tea room was Mrs. W, dance was a real success. A large Watts, Mrs. Grosvenor and the Misses Ruth Walton and Joyce Watts. Pourers were Mrs. A. T. Parkin, Mrs. Jarvls McLeod and Mrs. Nora Arnold. Servlteurs were Mesdames T. B. Black, D. G. Esselmont, R. E. Mortimer, R. G. Birch. Bell, Hanson, O. Kiroy anrf the Misses Nancye Dawes nnd Eileen Gibson. Mrs. R. C. Bamford and Mrs. J. T. Langrldge were in cnarge ot ihe home cooking bootn. Sewing Stall Mrs. W. J. Nei- nn M R f 1 ItODKinS. Mta. -- Trkie. Firming Branch Mrs. R. w . I,,...., ... l. Rtrouts. Mrs. K. uoo tiemmg wm aau iuu.-ii.-ai, iu . . , Miss Norma Smith. Lindseth and Girls' Auxiliary The Misses Mnnlea Holtby. Dianne "Kennedy, Joan Ketchlson, Peggy r u 1 1 e n nnrl Jovce Carr. Plant Stall Mrs. J. f. oaae u.. Alv MltVipll Mrs. 11. mia. i"1-" - Pullen and Mrs. B. snearman. Cashier was Mrs. K. Greer. Announcement All advertisement in this column wUl be charged for a lull month at toe a worn. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 12. vnihyn-i Hall. Whist and Crlbbage, April 12. c W. L. Bridge, Whist and Crlbbage, K. of C. Hut. April 18. Eastern Star Ball, April 20. W.A. Canadian Legion Spring Sale, April 21. St. Peter's Sale. April 26. Lutheran Tea, April 28. Danc everv Saturday night, Oddfellows Hall. 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra. Missionary Tea, Presbyterian Hall, May 2. United Spring Sale, May 3. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Sat urday. Buy War Savings Stamps I lap I I 'ISt .'.'AMV.'.tWWIM'.'MV.SMK POULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 441 FREE DELIVERY Gth Ave. E., beside Postal Station "B" "As Good as the Best Better Than the Rest" SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Si??' 1 INSTEAD of a sip-and-a-bit&- U plann6urishing breakfasts around NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT and see the difference it makesl This grand-tasting cereal helps provide energy-building carbohydrates and proteins as well as vUseful amounts of iron and phos-phorus. In these tender biscuits . . toasted to a rich golden brown . . you get the nourishment of 100 Canadian whole wheat with all the bran and wheat germ. NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT is ready cooked, ready to eat . . . yet as nourishing as a hot cereal. A NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT Tasty, Ready to la! 1 Yel as Nourishing as a Hot Cereal JJ 5A SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every ten days. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5G8 Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Tuesday, April 19, 1945 HAVE ANOTHER SLICE ! I'D LOVE IT-this is grand bread Give your family more bread these days at meals, Uotwm meals. Bread is an essential quick energy food-a good source o f Vitamin B-a good stretcher for other foods. And low in cost! If you bake at home rememher-Fleischmann'srwA Yeast always gives fine, smooth, just-right bread. This dependable yeast has been Canada's favorite for over 70 years. Ask your grocer for Tleischmann's fresh Ytast with the familiar yellow label. SUPPIIMENT YOUH OUT by toting 1 tak ol MADE riEISCHMANN'S riH tr daY" Thl ,r,,n 'N Ytoit li on tucellen! noturol lourco of tho Important 'A i Cmpl Vltomln, Flash!! Have You Heard the Latest? Your RADIO is your link with the world! Keep it in perfect condition have it checked and repaired by an expert call "Speedy' Radio and Electric Shop 48-HOUR SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 733 Second Avenue Phone Green 217 Prescriptions.. From Rupert's Tent Days we have striven to establish a ; record for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. . We believe that we have deserved the , A confidence, that, has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or months but extends over a period of twenty years. Ormes Jit Pioneer Drtu&ists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 ' Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH. ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 THIRD AVE. W. INDUSTRIAL & MARINE REPAIR WE REPAIR ANYTHING General Repairs to all Automotive and Marine Equipment Body Work and Painting Agents for Cummins Diesel Engines Forest King, Power Saw Wlllard Batteries Raybestos Products Home Oil Produces ACETYLENE AND ARC WELDING MACHINING Phone 459 Box 1398 994 First Ave. West See our stock of household furniture and novelties. J. H. MAIR FURNITURE AND AUCTIONEER G32 Third Ave. Prince Rupert r Blue 69