S i ! I - 7 r!r A4 9 I I i iff- r ' I 6 Jdrfnrc ttupert Daily f3cU)0 Wednesday, October 24. 1945 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE f c v Has the Honor to Present for Job's Daughters Their Third Annual Fall Fashion Show MASONIC TEMPLE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 8:15 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 8 PM. UC AH MAJOR (REV.) It. C. II. DURNFORD, D.S.O. l ILAlV Chaplain of Seaforths "THE CIIUKCII AND THE CHANGING WOULD" Offering for Missions 8 far 7 fill Of Course You Can Get It at . . . THE . . . Bl VARIETY STORE Looking for sonic new novelties for your home? Come in and sec the fine suggestions at the Variety Store . . . BAMBI 1.60 SHY LAMB ..... 2.25 FLAMINGO .... 2.35 POLICE DOG . . 2.75 LARGE SCOTT Y L25 DASCHUNI) BOOK-ENDS 3.50 Mussallem's Variety Store "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" WE WILL PAY A FAIR CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE EL 1 0 FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL ... , Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL G A.M. to 2:30 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks i and Chinese dishes. H Y0UU n,0T0GUAriI TAKEN Five minutes from the lime you pose until you have your picture. 2'3x2',4 inches passport or identification size. "CURLY'S" : for ,-Oc 6th St., Just north of 3rd Ave. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 099 FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O. Box 575 MICKLEBURGH ADMITS (Continued from Page 1) slque of the young people would be ensured. "Nothing that has been done along these lines in Russia cannot be done here but we must have leadership." Mr. Mickieburgh promised that at no time would he ever allow the considerations of party to be placed above the needs of the people whom he represented. The L.P.P. candidate declared his complete respect for William Brett but regretted that Harry Archibald should have made a slanderous and completely untruthful attack upon the L.P.P. "We are stronger than ever new, however, because of the rancor of a man who cannot stomach another Labor party." Mickieburgh charged Archibald with . complete falsification when he asserted the C.C.F. had been the only party to take up at Ottawa the Windsor strike. Indeed not only the lone L.P.P. members but also the Liberals and Conservatives had taken this up. "This strike is far more than a pclitical issue," declared Mickieburgh. Mickieburgh declared the policies and platforms of both coalition and C.C.F. were bankrupt as far as meeting the immediate needs of the people was concerned. The L.PP. candidate charged that 392 loggers on the Queen Charlotte Islands who would have been his supporters had been disfranchised through lack of enumeration "and it was not done accidentally either," he added. Aircraft Workers Official Heard Supporting speaker to Mickie burgh . was Tom Parkin, secre tary of the Aeronautical Work ers' Lodge of Vancouver, who cited employment and security as the maor problems of the day. He was of the opinion that full employment was possible in British Columbia provided there was proper leadership at Victoria. Parkin advocated the extension of the Pacific "Great Eastern Railway under government ownership as essential to the development of the wealth of the Interior. He' declared that, the coalition government had not prepared to With Minora Blades! Greater comfort, plus economy that's the lowdown on Minora. It's the quality blade In the low-price field. FITS YOUR DOimf-EDGE RAZOR PLAYER'S MUD Ploln.ho "Wtproof" paper vxhlch dot! not itlck to th lips. (W) meet the pressing economic problems of the day. There was too much buck-passing ot responsibility between the proVirf-clal and federal governments. He also charged the C.C.F. with obstructing unity In Labor ranks. He certainly questioned the sincerity of the C.C.F. in relation to the Windsor strike. An Immediate Issue should be made of the building of ships for Canadian service in Canadian yards. The C.P.R. had already placed orders for four ships in Old Country yards. Parkin urged Prince Rupert to elect Mickieburgh and send both a "voice" and a "brain" to Victoria. Stan Boshier was chairman of the meeting which, while, hot largely attended, yielded a collection which was announced as amounting to $24.25. fttr' JACK LONDON LIFE FILMED Thrilling- Career Depicted In Picture at Capitol Theatre Authentic and exciting film depicting the highlights' of the life of the daring fiction author who roamed the world for adventure of which he got pienty, "Jack London" comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here today only. Michael O'Shea is cast in the title role and Susan Hay ward is co-starred ) Beginning with London's early life as an oyster pirate on San Francisco Bay, the story follows th$ author-to-be through his fighting, rough-and-tumble existence on a sealing vessel; Classified Advertising - - - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion. Please do not ask for credit. BIRTH NOTICE KRONHAUS Born at the Prince Rupert General'Hospltal, Tuesday, October 23, to Mr. and Mrs. M. A.- Kronhaus. nee Olga Lewis) a son, Michael Frederick. FUNERAL NOTICE PENNOCK Funeral services for the late Joseph Gordon Pen-nock will be held at the B.C. Undertakers Grenville Court Chapel, 2:30 pjn., ' Thursday, October 25. 1945. Interment will follow in Fairview Cemetery. . FUNERAL NOTICE VENN Funeral services for the late Mrs. Emily Venn of Met- lakatla will be held from the Metlakatla Church at 2 p.m., Thursday, October 25. Mrs. Venn was 83 years of age and is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Emily Steele, Prince Ru-. pert, and four grandchildren, Mrs. George Ryan of Metlakatla, Mrs. Gordon Robertson, Butedale, Mrs. Leonard Cret-ney and Miss Annette Steele of Prince Rupert. WORK WANTED WANTED Soldier wants -work driving. Phone Green 257. (248) HELP WANTED WANTED Clerk-stenographer. W. H. Malkin Co. Ltd. Rhone 72. Uf) i WANTED Experienced stenog- rapner, steady work. Apply stating qualifications to Box 32 Dally News. '(tf) WANTED Housekeeper for small family. Private room, board and good wages. Other help kept. Phone Red 879. (tf) WANTED Janitor for part time work, apply Catholic rectory. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper for apartment: downtown location. Would consider married couple. Phone 674 or Red 878. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. . (tf) WANTED WANTED Oil burner with or without range. Phone 66. (254) WANTED Four or five room furnished house or apartment by November 1. Phone 792 local 52. (248) WANTED Furnished or unfurnished hous"e, close in, by respectable people. Box 30 Dally News. (247) RETAIL DEALERS Manufacturers of Approved Electrical Instruments and Appliances wish to sell and establish direct dealer contact. Toasters Hotplates and Amplifiers, immediate delivery. Box 18 Daily News. FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room. 843 9th Ave. West. (251) FOR RENT Room, close in, for couple or two men willing to share. Phone Red 254. (248) FOR RENT Large comfortable room for gentleman; close in. Apply Box 33 Daily News, (tf) FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms, close to Cold Storage. Apply Box 29, Daily News. (243) FOR RENT Upstairs unfurnished suite, private entrance, close in. Phone after 6 p.m., Green 717. (247) FOR RENT Three-room cottage, partly furnished, newly decorated. Phone Green 626. (246) FOR RENT Suite, furnace. 1142 Park Avenue. (247) FOR RENT Two cottages, Salt Lakes; running water, fuel. Reasonable. Apply Box 31 Daily News. (247) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at all druggists. (249) 1946 FORD DELUXE SEDAN, is our Carnival prize; draw New Year's Eve. Proceeds for Welfare Work. Tickets: 3 for dollar, or 3 free for selline' book. Write, Women's Institute, Rocky Mountain House, Al- Deria. REWARD fnr infnrmntlnn Vr-Iorta Stephan, waitress, 5'3", blond, izu ids., agea ju. aiso worma McRitchle. Write Box 23 Daily News. (246) " MILD or MEDIUM IT'S THE TOBACCO THAT COUNTS" through his battle against the elements as a gold hunter In the Yukon and finally to his appearance of the American scene as a foremost and beloved author. A little known side of London's career, that of war-correspondent, plays a vital part in the unfolding story. His coverage of the Russo-Japanese War emerges as a dramatic expose of the double-dealing Japs. The warmly romantic story of Jack London's wooing and winning of Charmlan Kittredge runs through the entire film. Virginia Mayo, blonde newcomer, is featured in the second feminine lead. A cast of such players as Frank Craven, Ralph Morgan, Harry Davenport, Regis Toomey 'Louise Beavers and Morgan Conway supply support. Buy War Savings Stamps FOR SALE FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (251) FOR SALE--Play pen and water proof mattress; toidey seat, new; iuu-size Dea, spiro spring, bureau. 952 Ambrose Avenue. Phone Black 480. (251) FOR SALE Kindergarten set as good as new. Phone Black 393. (248) FOR SALE Bed chesterfield, matching buffet, kitchen table and chairs. Good condition. Call evenings 736, Taylor St. (It) FOR SALE Anyone planning to buy a house the end of February may be interested in this one. Five rooms with bath; furnished or unfurnished, four blocks from Post Office, Good buy for cash. Phone Red 240. (248) FOR SALE Club rung roller canaries, gooa singers. Box 315. Phone Blue 519. (249) FOR SALE English pram, play pen. 433 5th West. (246) FOR SALE Four room house, 2 Dearooms, fully modern, concrete basement and sidewalks, hot air furnace, electric stove, hot water jacket, electric light fixtures, Venetian blinds, linoleum, all newly fenced. A REAL BARGAIN at $3,000.00. See Collart & McCaffery Ltd., 353 Third Avenue W. (tf) FOR SALE 32 ft. trolling boat, new engine and equipment. Apply Central Hotel, Room 1. (248) FOR SALE Living room, bedroom and kitchen furniture. Phone Green 257, (248) FOR SALE Wurlitzer. Box 24 Dally News. (252) FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon on Wednesday, October 31st, for the purchase of Lot 42. Block 7, Section 6, City of Prince Rupert, together with two-storey, 6-room frame building located thereon. Separate sealed tenders will also be received for the furniture contents, Inclusive of electric range, washing machin and fireplace heater. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strictly cash. Premises may be viewed by arrangement. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Ernest Noel Valentine, deceased. (251) FOR SALE High grade office and store fixtures, bought from U.S. Army Officers' Club, Port Edward: big size rugs, desks, electric fan, big tables, high grade solid walnut chairs, big size mirrors, electric fixtures, high grade pool table, solid walnut smoking stands, cash register. Selling at the lowest possible prices. B.C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse Onan electric light plants In 12, 32 and 115 volts sizes in stock. Vancouver prices. Write for Illustrated folder or see W. R. Love Electric Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. . (249) FOR SALE New and used furniture at the lowest possible prices. Slightly used, all mahogany coffee tables, chest of drawers, writing desks, like new, door mats at 75c, real good tables at $3.75, electric table lamps, book cases, like new at $7.00, card tables $2.25, drapes and cushions, electric range, almost new, three-piece chesterfield suite, two new chairs going at $85.00, new mirrors at $2.50, new big size pillows at 75c, all kinds of other useful furniture at the B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. FOR SALE MrOlnrv ranrro (tf) room suite, etc. After 3 p.m. 1 cm 1 1 toii om Ave. east. (250) FOR SALE Wool Boucle coat, size 16-18. almost new. Phone Green 145. 24R FOR SALE-Studio couch, camp stove, mattress for double bed, camp cot and mattress. Phone Black 614 after 5:30. (247) Recreation HALL 5th Avenue East NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC Bowling and Billiards Recreation and Rest Rooms Hall available for banquets, meetings, etc. Under management of Fred Ernewein PHONE 816. Hours l p.m, to 12 p.m. daily HALLOWE'EN. GHOST SHnJ U WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st, H;30 - TWO GOOD FEATURES' Regular Prices . f RES ! Only Adu!' Tfck--. TODAY ONLY "JACK LONDON" STARTS TOMORROW" Shows at 1:00 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:00 GINGER ROGERS! challenging her unforgetuble " Kitty fofy M JOSEPH COTTENI from bis triumph in "Since You Wc Al OUini ru Ti-iim J Weeing Yo j AL"SO 1 COLORED I I MUSICAL NEWS CUT RAT E. CaoilJ CUT RATE O CUT ItATll Comfortable Stylish- ReasonablJ New... .MEN S MOCCASIN VAMP SHOES Just the thing for McJ coming out of the Services! CUT RATE SHOE STORE CUT RATE CUT RATE CUT ItATll BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Condltionlni I Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Wort Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor7th St. & 2nd Ave. W.' P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 9 I INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 81 1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms,. Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 231 ,P.O. Box 190 TERRACE Transfer&Ta Storage WE MEET ALL TRAM SERVICE TO ANY POI-l IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERMI ANNOUNCING CORNER SNACK BA k n RACE (Mrs. Flossie Lamblyl ) Good News for Traoners... - - r 1 nrnviriinrr rhnv hrifirr tliPiV furs to GoldbloOHj 10' t -higher 'than last' year. Also have larjl stock of Fur Coats, 20 lower in price m anywhere else. W. bOLDBLOOM "THE OLD RELIABLE" TERRACE MACHINE SHOP t AND GARAGE Mr r. .u tu- A. M. Expert ReDalrs on all makes of cars RccondltlonJJJ Motors Tractors Road Equipment J Wnrlr- nlosol Anvern and EleCtHC 1 TERRACE. H BOX 202