I 5H0HI it-WHt .AbA nur bus!- l.ka PTuaJ'"v eD' U enables us to take ..,. rratlne and storage w fDE TRANSFER FIION'E 580 COAL and WOOD Quality Repairs at Economy prices RINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR Id St (Near the Post Office) WE WILL PAY A FAIR WeH In Montreal, coming to Kupert j recently returned from overseas, I , ana miss Jeanneue McOayden of Charlottetown, P.E.I., were CUT KATE CUT RATE married at St. Matthew's Church, Bourgois- St., Montreal, on September 20, by Rev. E. White of Prince Edward Island. Ounner and Mrs. Taper are arriving in prince Rupert on Sunday on the Catala from Vancouver to spend furlough at the home of the groom's parents, Sgt. and Mrs. R. Taper, 420 Eighth Ave. W. ASTHMA Vh j- suffer so with Asthma? TliousiMiilD neree that tlir mist 'effective thine tliry have found In "Davis" Asthaia Iteineily 780.V Kor Internal use, ery effective, 3 weeks1 supply, S3, less than 15c a (In)', at Ornie's or Mr Cnttlieon's. ECZEMA omfortable New . . . 1TCII INKKCT BITES PMUtlAMS Ask your ilruRlst for "Davis' ITnrltiis Treani." the new mi-Rrease, no-stnln, . qulik-nrtliig cream. (ilitv $1.00. per Jar, Try It for llaby F-rzniia. PAINTING . PAPEKIIANQING SIGNS "AND SIIOWCARDS CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE ELI 0 FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MUNICIPAL VOTERS' LIST Registration for the above list Is now open at the City HalL List closes October 31st. Current License Holders and tee who have paid Poll Tax for the year 1945 are eligible to register. If they are British subjects 21 years of age or over. BE COMMUNITY-CONSCIOUS ... t REGISTER NOW Inserted by: CIVIC LABOR FEDERATION CUT RATE O MEN'S MOCCASIN VAMP SHOES Just the thing for Men coming out of the Services! CUT RATE SHOE STORE CUT RATE CUT RATE O CUT RATE BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Srieetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks sinks Eavestroueh & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHE3 LOWMEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 am. to l ajn. LO YIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA AUCTION SALES . . . By . . . J. HJMAIR EVERY SATURDAY, 2 P.M. at Huilding opposite Parker's Garage THIRD AVENUE COW HAY Auction rooms will be open each day for receiving; goods. transfer must be supplied by owner. Phone pack 984. Obtain receipt, from driver. No Reserves. No Advertised Goods Accepted. SpECIAL AUCTIONS BY APPOINTMENT J.H.MAIR MISS JOAN WATT Gunner Dan Taper, whq has,rftni DHIhr Wedding 0 Much Interest in Tirst Presbyterian Church An international weddine of wide local interest was solemnized last evenlntr at First Presbyterian "Church when Joan Mary, eldest daughter of Norman A. Watt of Prince Rupert, became the bride of Corp. Alan O. Anderson, United States Army, eiaesi son or Mr. and Mrs. P. Arnold Anderson of Walnut Creek, Oakland, California. Rev. A. P. MacSween officiated at the double -ring ceremony, assisted by Chaplain Lyall S. Robinson of the U.S. Army. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father to the strains of the weddine: march played by Sgt. Harold Normann, U.S. Army. Her costume was a street-length dress of heavenly blue crepe with scalloped poplin sleeves and v-neckline. Wear ing a Madonna hat, she carried a colonial bouquet which matcher that of her bridesmaid and only attendant, Miss Marion Mc' Lachlan, who wore a dove grey ensemoie. Groomsman was Lieut. J. L. Richards, United States Army, During the signing of the register Sgt. Harold Normann sang "The Lord's Prayer," accompanied at the organ by Sgt. Harvey Berneklng,. U.S. Army. Following the ceremony a re- ceptlon. was held at the home of the bride's father. Toast to the bride was proposed by Former Premier T. D. Pattullo and was responded to by the bridegroom. Mrs. H. M. Heilbroner and Mrs, R. L. Macintosh presided at the bridal buffet which was centred by a three-tier wedding cake flanked by tall white tapers. The buffet was tastefully arranged by Mrs. L. W. Kergin. Servi-teurs were Mrs. R. R. Mutrie, Mrs. E. D. Gladding and Miss Pierrette La Plante. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will spend their honeymoon at the summer home of the bride's father at Lakelse Lake. FOR VISITORS ONLY Residents of Monte Carlo are not allowed entrance Into the gambling casino. Hh The coat that is as formal or as casual as the clothes underneath it. Belted all-wool in three quarter length. ANNETTE'S Ladies' Wear Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Local News Items... Mr. and Mrs. F. Capretto were passengers leaving on the Car- dena for Vancouver where they will rake up residence after living here for the past several years,, being connected with the U. S. Army here. Local Boys Meet On German Soil Pte. George Christopher, writing from Germany to his father, Nick Christopher, local restaur-anteur, at present living in Vancouver and now on a visit to Prince Rupert, tells of meeting two other well known boys in the persons of Nick Pavlikis and Steve Mlntenko. They are with the Canadian Army of Occupation and have no. definite word as yet as Co when they may be coming home. PALESTINE i AREA There is no ancient term which covered all of the area now known as Palestine. mm First United Church 636 Sixth Avenue' West Minister: Rev. R. A. Wilson, M.A. Mrs. Colin Carrell, A.T.C.M.. Organist Sunday, September 30, 1945 11:00 a Jn. Standard! Time. , Rally Day Service. The service will be conducted by the bf fleers and pupils of the church school. Parents and .friends are urged to attend. 7:30. pjn Evening Worship. Sermon Subject: "Christian Weather." Followine the evening service there will be a young people s rally and organization meeting in the church hall. Interested young poeple will be welcome. First Baptist Church Young St. and Fifth Ave. East Phone Red 839 Sunday, September 30, 1945 11 a.m. Morning Service. Speaker: Bert Edmundson. 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 n.m. Evening Service. Speaker: Mr. Collins, YMCA SuDervlsor. Seal Cove. Hour of Fellowship follow lne the evening service. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Young People's. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Public Meet- lne. under auspices soldiers' and Airmen's Christian Association, Bob Munroe, Guest Speaker. All welcome. First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSween, B.A., Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Choir Leader Sunday, September 30, 1945 11:00 ajn. Morning Worship. Rally Day In the Church School. A family service children and parents are Invited to attend and worship together. Anthem: Junior Choir. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Anthem: Senior Choir. The minister will preach at both services. 35th Anniversary Services will be held on October 14. A. cordial Invitation to worship with this congregation is extended to all. St. Paul's Lutheran Church Cor. 5tn Ave. and McBrlde St. 11:00 ajn. H. P. Collins. 12;15 Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. C. J, Carter. Prince Rupert Full Gospel Tabernacle 221 6th Ave. West. Rev. J. Linney, Pastor. 11 a.m. Devotional. Subject: "Satan's Attack on the Genealogy of Jesus Christ." 12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 pjn. Evangelistic. Subject: "Christ the Lamb." Tues., 8:00 p.m. Bible Study. Frl., 8:00 p.m. Armed Services and Young People. You are invited. Regular Baptist Services I.O.D.E. Hall (5th Ave. and McBrlde St.) We preach Christ . . . CRUCIFIED ROWNED OM3NO 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. "RALLY DAY" Special program. (Parents invited), 7:30 p.m. Gospel Service. Speaker: G. R. S. Blackaby. Topic: "THE GOSPEL OF GOD WHAT IS IT?" IF YOU ENJOY HEARTY GOSPEL SINGING COME! Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Thurs. (I.O.D.E. Hall). 8:00 pjnSPECIAL Bob Munro, Evangelist THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. A Cash for old gold. Bulger's. ! i C. W. Dawson, Hazelton merchant, was a visitor In the city this week. Mrs. M. A. Wood, wife of Com mander Wood, who has been naval officer In charge here, left this week for Vancouver. Bruce Stevens returned last night on the Carcena from a holiday trip in the course of which he visited Prince George, Edmonton and Vancouver. Friends of Mrs. D. O. Borland, formerly of this city, will be glad to know that she Is now making gradual recovery following a recent serious illness in Vancouver where she now resides. Norman Cunningham, C.C.F. candidate for Atlin, is staying at the Central Hotel where he would be pleased to meet' former residents of Stewart and Pre mier before leaving Sunday night. (It) tlan blinds. 6th Ave., near Cold Storage. $2200. See Mrs. Mc- Clymont, 307 3rd Ave. (228) for SALE After Nov. 1, one 82 H.P. Vertical Boner, now In use Valentin Dairy. (227) FOR SALE 14-foot boat, ln-board'motor. $125. Box 8 Dally News. , (227) FOR SALE One bed, complete with spring and mattress, $25; one chest of drawers, $6.50; ntie standard lamo. $3.50. Suite 15, Klllas and Christopher Apts., 3rd Ave. West. (226) FOR QUICK SALE Six-room modern house: furnace, ce ment basement. Owner leav-lne town. $2700. terms. See Mrs. McClymont, 307 3rd Ave FOR SALE Victor cabinet radio, like new; 8 tubes, 3 wave length. $100. Phone 750. (227J FOR SALE We buy and sell new and used furniture at the lowest possible prices. Electric ' gramaphone in the best condition, new one sells at $250, price now $49.50. New floor covering, assorted sizes, rugs from $6.60. Used bed and springs, $3 for the two. New pillows, regular $1.50, now 75c Used baby carriages from $6. New fancy mirrors, all sizes, from $1.50. New hardwood chairs and dressers. Slightly used chesterfield bed with two new chairs, $95. B. C. Furniture Co., Phone 324. (tf) FOR SALE Partly furnished modern house, concrete Dase-ment with two rooms and shower, bath and toilet; hot air furnace. Immediate . occupation. $3,000, terms. Col-lart & McCaffery Ltd., 3rd Avenue, opposite 3rd Street. FOR SALE Buescher cornet, gold lacquered, factory rebuilt, like new; excellent buy, Phone American Signals 334 (226) FOR SALE--Motor boat, 16-ft., motor in good condition. $150, Write Box 6 Daily News. (227) FOR SALE Good modern house. 416 4th Ave. East Phone Red 218. (226) FOR SALE OR TRADE Two coal and wood ranges, two electric stoves, to trade lor l to i'2 h.p motor, electric gramaphone, washing machine, oil heater, used lumber, or what? Phon Black 823. (228) FOR SALE Ford light delivery. 1937 model, at Fair Way Food Market. Phone 434. (228) FOR SALE Canary birds. Phone Blue 715. (226) FOR SALE Kindling. A big load for $1.00. Fair Way Food Market, Phone 434. (228) FOR, SALE House, cement foundation, basement suite; fine condition. 220 7th Ave. East. (229) FOR SALE Five-tube mantel radio. Call American Signals 454. (226) FOR SALE Tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned until noon of Thursday, oc tober 11th. 1945. for the pur chase of the two-storey frame building situate on Lot 30. Block 35, Section 1, City of Prince Runert. This does not include lot or contents. Terms cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accented. Nor man A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Charles o, Svedmark. (235) Travelling bags zipper type--' large size For sale at 'Ruptrt Men's and'Boys Store. (227) Nick Christopher, who has been spending the past few days in the city on (business, will sail Monday-night by the Princess Adelaide on his return to Van couver. T. D. Pattullo sailed last night on the Oassiar for a week's cam paign' tour' to the. -Queen Char lotte Islands In connection with his Independent eandltature in the forthcoming provincial elec tlon. A Hear Harold Winch, M.L.A., Leader of the Opposition, and Wm. H. Brett, C.C.F. Provincial candidate, Sunday, Sept. 30, 8:30 pjn.. Oddfellows' Hall. Chlrman A Wallln, President, Trades and Labor Council. 226) Announcements Catholic Bazaar, Oqtober and 4. K. of C. Hut. Thanksgiving -Supper, Unfted Church Hall, October 18, 6:30 p.m. Eastern Star Birthday Dance, October 19. Classified Advertising - - - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion. Please do not ask for credit FOR SALE FOR SALE Wood and coal range. Phone Black 482. (228) FOR SALE One large-size crib and mattress, good condition. $10. Mrs. Reld, 1433 8th Ave. East. dt) FOR SALE -r Five-tube battery General Electric radio. 703 8th Ave. West. dt) for RALE Four-room modern house, two lots, fully fur nished, electric stove. Vene WANTED WANTED 3 good waitresses, experience not necessary. Good wages. Box 9 Dally News. (227) WANTED Two furnished rooms. Phone Red 441 between 9 and 6 and ask for Mrs. Yurlck.; 4226); WANTED A good used shotgun. 12-guage, single or double bar-' rel. Box 141, Terrace, B.C. (H) HftiHiw " f , arid piling, all lengths. Nieder-j . meyer-Martin uo., 'cpaiaing Bldgv 'Portland, zone1 4, ore-eon 34) . . . ........ .-I f 1 I nA Aftv. ' WAW ICAJ- Hue in guuu cuu-t dition. CBrowne, 751 9thAve West. i"8) w A NTED Room and board for gentleman, office worker, dose; in II possioie, Dy uciooer i. Apply Box 7 Daily News. (226) HELP WANTED WANTFnFirst class butcher to talfp full rharee and do rus own buying. Apply National Selective service a.m. ioo, (tf) help WANTED Reliable wo man for housework by the hour. Phone 470. (226) SALESGIRL WANTED-r-Perman- ert heltf who want a future, will also helD in window trim ming. Previous experience not necessary. Apply office, Rupert Peoples Store. (227) FOR RENT FOR RENT Comfortable light housekeeping room. 440 8th Ave. West. . (228) FOR RENT Furnished cabin. Phone Blue' 825. (227) FOR RENT Sleeping room or housekeeping room, bui Borden Street. (tf) TO RENT Two-room suite, semi-private bath and stove. Black 298. (230) FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone Black 198 for particulars, (ti) FOR RENT Two furnisnea housekeeping rooms, pnone Green 751 between 5 and 7. (226) FOR RENT Large housekeeping room. 344 SherbrooKe Ave. (227) FOR RENT Two-room suite, unfurnished- Kitchen privi- lages Phone Red 877. (226) FOR 'RENT Two furnished rooms. Prefer middle-aged, quiet couple. 224 5th Ave. W. (226) LOST LOST Man's brown leather jacket and feather pillow on C.N.R. ramp, Thursday night. Please return to Daily News. (226) LOST 1-750-16 Goodyear trucK tire and wheel on Port Edward road. Wells Ltd., Blue 980. Reward.' (226) PERSONAL BEAUTIFUL 1946 Ford Deluxe Sedan, every accessory, is our Carnival prize. Proceeds for Welfare Work. Tickets, 3 for a dollar, or get 3 free for selling a book. Write, Wo men's Institute, Rocky Moun tain House, Alta. BANISH GREY HAIR LOOK vears. vouneer use enecuve Ancelloue Grey Hair Restorer, $1 at Ormes Ltd. (226) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (ID SCHOOLS ANO COLLEGES STENOS. TYPISTS. POSTAL CLERKS for Government war work. You can train at home. Free information, M.C.C. Crvll Service Schools Ltd., Prfnte 'Uupcrt Daflp JSctos Saturday, -September 29. 1945 Here They Are! 2 NEW CARS Worth $2,750 and $2,150 Given Away Proceeds for the Charitable Work of the Municipal Chapter, I.O.D.E. Tickets 50c Each or 3 for $1.00 .USE THIS COUPON TO MUNICIPAL CHAPTER, I.O.D.E., P.O. Box 91, Edmonton, Alberta. Please send me new cars for which I enclose NAME ADDRESS ..- OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . Tickets on the two AGENTS WANTED $6.00 Books of tickets are available to agents at $5.00 each. Send remittance with order or ask to have them sent C.O.D. Price of unsold tickets . will ,be refunded. SELLERS OF WINNING TICKETS GET $100 AflECE A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FALL IS HERE WINTER IS AROUND THE CORNER! WITH IT COLD WEATHER ... Our Fall Bedding Has Arrived SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES All sizes and grades BEAUTYREST MATTRESSES Also in stock. Standard price $42.50 Mail Orders Shipped At Once Phone 775 327 Third Avenue BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 GEORGE DAWES! AUCTIONEEER : and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE ' FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone, Red 127 Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6 a.m. to 3 a.m. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and 'Chinese dishes. BADI0LINK... AN EXTENSION SPEAKER The Equivalent of a Second Radio in the Home Radlollnk is quickly and easily connected to any radio receiver will bring perfect reception to the kitchen, bedroom or any other room in the house. More than 30,000 enthusiastic users are boosting the demand for the NEW, IMPROVED RADIOLINK and the price is only P.95